Abbildungen der Seite

From Rev. A. Rankin, W. Stewartstown, N. H., Feb. 1851. The general circulation of the Scripture Manual should be among the first objects before the American church. Every pastor and missionary should endeavor to put it in every family in their respective fields. The plan of the work was wisely conceived, and has been admirably executed. The more it is known, the more it will be desired. All need it, and great multitudes will have it, as soon as they discover its plan and value. Christians should see that the whole world has it. I think it will ultimately find a place in the library of almost every believer in the divin ity of the Bible.

From Rev. D, McEwen, of New London, Ct.

In order and symmetry, I think the Scripture Manual is not sur passed by any other work. The importance of the book, and the ingenuity of the author in treating articles of theology, and prevalent questions in ethics, will be more and more apparent to the reader, as he progresses in reading the volume.

From Rev. Mr. Spring, E. Hartjo, Ct.

The Scripture Manual is one of the few books which I can heartily commend. It is an able and judicious arrangement of those passages which teach the doctrines and inculcate the duties of the word of God. To the diligent, and especially to the systematic reader of the Bible, and to the Sabbath school teacher, the aid it will render is above price.

From Professor Goodrich, of New Haven.

I have examined your Scripture Manual, and am pleased with the plan. There is a great deal of judgment and discrimination in the selection of topics, and the development of truth. You have succeeded excellently in avoiding the trammels of human systems, and bringing out the mind of God on almost every important topic.

From Rev. Dr. Edwards, of New London, Ct.

The Scripture Manual is remarkable for its order, its adaptedness to the times, and the practical aspect in which it presents the great truths of God's word. On all important subjects it is an ample concordance of the Scriptures, and a clear and authoritative commentary of the Bible upon itself; and in the selection and arrangement of its topics, it goes further than any similar work towards presenting the teachings of Revelation as a well-digested science. I know of no work of the kind as thoroughly and judiciously prepared, or as well fitted to interest and profit in the study, the closet, the family, or the Sabbath School.

From Zion's Herald, (Methodist,) Oct., 1850.

SCRIPTURE MANUAL.-The undersigned begs leave to call atten tion to this work; and by doing so he feels that he is conferring a special favor upon all lovers of the Bible, but especially upon ministers and Sabbath School instructors. Many similar works have been published but I doubt if there is one so valuable as this. Certainly, I know of none. Great labor has been bestowed on this effort of Mr. Simmons. His study and research have been patient and accurate, and bating a little doctrinal peculiarity in the arrangement of topics, no discount can be found on the result of his labors. It is all Scripture, systematically arranged. In an important and good sense, it is a labor-saving and a time-saving book. I certainly would not be without it on any account. The edition I would recommend is that of 1850. This notice is entirely unsolicited, and induced by a desire to have others share in the pleasure and profit which I am enjoying in the consultation of the book. J. D. BRIDGE.


From the New Engiander.

The design of the work is, to furnish scripture proofs of the doctrines of Revela Lion, the duties of morality and religion, and of all the institutions of Christianity; and, on the other hand, to refute religius errors by the same authority.*** The sound judgment and accurate discrimination with which this plan has been carried out, are worthy of praise. Diligent care appears to have been taken to avoid Irrelevant quotations, and to select as proof those passages only which directly assert, or at least plainly imply, the truth of the points to be established. The work is the best of the kind within our knowledge.

From the New York Observer.

This is a work which must have cost the compiler a vast amount of labor, and will therefore, as its title shows, be a labor saving machine. ... Such ar arrangement, executed with immense toil and much skill, must be of great assist ance, both to ministers and private Christians, and we are not surprised that dis tinguished biblical students bestow upon the work their highest praise.

From the New York Evangelist.

The design of this volume is something like that of Gaston's Collection, though a far more complete and able work. It arranges passages of Scripture under appropriate heads, in a systematic form, covering the whole field of didactic theol ogy. It is most full on the most important points, and evinces in its arrangement a very nice skill, and great familiarity with theological systems. The author has shown great industry and accuracy in the compilation, and has a right to congrat ulate himself upon the successful performance of a much-needed and long-desired work.

From the Newark Daily Advertiser.

This is one of the most valuable volumes ever offered to the Christian reader; certainly, and beyond comparison, the most useful compilation of Scripture teach ings of which we nave any knowledge. It presents, in fact, a methodical and entire system of Christian duty and doctrine, drawn exclusively from the sacred volume, without mutilation or a word of comment, and so arranged, with an alphabetical index, that the reader may see at a glance the whole teaching of the Scriptures upon the leading topics of theological and moral inquiry the doctrines and duties which are generally held to be of primary importance to us all. With this Manual in his hands, no man need hesitate for a moment as to the teaching or requirements of the Bible on any of the leading subjects affecting our religious duties and interests.

The compiler has been engaged upon the work for many years, and his labor have been carefully revised by some of the first divines of our country, who give the work now before us their nost unqualified approbation.

From a Notice in the Christian Watchman, Boston.

In selecting and arranging texts of Scripture, the author has had particular reterence to the prevailing errors of the times, and has adjusted his texts to meet them, so that it is, to a great degree, a book for the times.

From the Boston Recorder.

This book has met with a measure of public favor and patronage which indicates its value. Its preparation evinces sound judgment, as well as protracted and patient labor. It is an epitome of the Bible, and the passages illustrative of any particular subject are so arranged as greatly to facilitate the study of the Scriptures. To ministers, Sabbath school teachers, and families, the Manual will be of essential service, as the experience of many has already proved. In the notices of the work which accompany this edition, we believe all will concur who use the Scripture Manual sufficiently to know its worth.

From the Christian Intelligencer, (N. Y.)

Mr. Simmons, in executing this work, has expended a treasure of toil, and exerted much skill. The tribute he has thus paid to the doctrines of Inspiration, fully entitles him to the gratitude of all who reverence and study the Bible. It is a complete system of Divinity, exhibited in the very language of the Holy Spirit, and the collation is so extensive as to form a synopsis of sacred text. The book will be of great value to ministers of the gospel, students of theology, Sabbath school teachers and scholars, and is calculated to afford much facility to Christian families in the study of the Bible.

From the Christian Observer, Philadelphia, This is a rich, copious, well-selected and well-arranged text book, exhibiting the results of great labor, in bringing together numerous proof texts, strictly allied in their meaning, on a very large number of subjects - so formed as to present in their beautiful symmetry the features of evangelical truth. It is justly regarded as the most valuable work of the kind ever published in our language, and we commend it to the attention of ministers, Sunday school teachers, and all persona who desire the aid of a manual in acquiring the most important knowledge


THE Bible furnishes very ample materials for all needful moral instruction, reproof, and encouragement. In its own inimitable language, it "is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword-is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart"-" is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. But the compilation of a convenient Manual of proof texts from its pages has been unaccountably neglected. The loose manner in which Gaston, and others, have thrown together texts of Scripture for this purpose, has long been a tax upon our patience. The SCRIPTURE MANUAL owes its origin to a conviction of the need of a Text-Book, that should assume a more convenient order, bear more effectually against the modern forms of error and vice, and more fully and fearlessly declare "all the counsel of God." The Editor is greatly obliged to the friends of this enterprise, who have aided in the preparation or circulation of the several editions and revisions of the work. The present revision has been stereotyped sooner than was otherwise necessary, in order to embrace the improvements and additions made during the last five years. It has over one hundred additional topics, a much more full and perfect index, a triple or quadruple number of references to kindred subjects, together with no little improvement in the relevancy of its proof texts, and order of the work.

This Bible Manual of select proof texts was cut from the pages of Bibles in the most common use, and the Manual may be depended upon as accurate Scripture. The italic words are also preserved. The number of the verses is given, that the reader may discover any omission made, of passages not

in point, in any particular extract. Explanatory words are in brackets.

In selecting topics, care has been taken to embrace those which have a prominence in the Bible, and which in all ages have been considered of primary importance in theological and moral inquiry. Such manifestly are those which relate to the perfections, prerogatives, designs, providence, and law of God— the character, rights, and destiny of manthe economy of grace, or way and terms of salvation through Christ-our essential duties towards God and each other, and civil and religious institutions.

Christian nations are far more indebted to the Bible for their elevation above heathenism, than is commonly believed. The revealed facts respecting God and his designs and governmentthe precepts of his law, clothed with infinite authority — the . promises of his grace, and the threatenings of his justice, are the best safeguards against disgraceful and ruinous vices.

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It is believed that a convenient and faithful compilation of proofs from the Bible, upon its weighty and practical subjects, may prove one of the most effective auxiliaries to the cause of Christian enterprise. The impressions made upon the public mind in favor of pure and undefiled religion, by a copious and systematic array of proof texts, in a convenient and popular form, must prove a most powerful incentive to virtue, and restraint upon destructive errors, sins and vices.

I now commit the success of this work to the overruling providence of that Being who has mercifully sustained and helped me during its preparation. If it shall tend to confirm the public mind in revealed truth, and become a guard against those errors and vices which lead to death, as is confidently hoped the labor of preparing it will not have been in vain CHARLES SIMMONS


N. B. The figures in this Index, and those in brackets at the end of many of the
Bections in this work, both refer to the number of the sections, or topics, which, to
avoid confusion, is placed on the top of the pages, and correspond with those that occur
upon the pages. The usual paging is placed at the bottom, and will not be used. A
dash between figures, signifies inclusive: for example, 496-8, includes the numbers
496, 497, and 498. An occasional figure in a parenthesis, refers to some specification
under the foregoing numbers, which rarely occurs: for example, 17,(2,) refers to
the second specification under the seventeenth topic, or section. The reader will be
more sure to find the subject desired, by looking for the principal word first- by look-
ing for the noun before the verb, and both noun and verb before the adjective: for
example, for Divine Teaching, look for Teaching, Divine; and for Perfections of God,
look for God's Perfections.

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"character and employment of, 15." of Christ, 56-60.

"how employed, 12.

expressive names of, 14.

[blocks in formation]

"disinterested 413.

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