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would be an evidence to posterity of the doctrines which had been
taught in this Church, while he was Pastor of it, throughout a
period of more than forty-four years-and that when he should
be dead, he might still preach unto them.

These, with other considerations laid before him, prevailed,
and with reluctance and diffidence, he has given them up to pub.
lic view.

Whether these are the best selection he could make from his
manuscripts, he does not pretend to say-but he endeavoured to
choose the best he could think of, at the time of making it.

When these Sermons were composed for his usual preaching,
not dreaming of their ever being desired for publication, and not
having made notes of reference to authors from whom he obtain-
ed assistance, and it is now impracticable for him to do it; all he
can say is, he knows that he is obliged to many; therefore, this
general acknowledgment must suffice. Were it in his power to
be particular, he would with pleasure do it.

In these Discourses, he has avoided the intricacies of contro-
versy; because it never was his custom to carry such things into
the pulpit, neither did he ever observe much good arising from it.
His mode of preaching has been to inculcate upon his people the
great doctrines and duties of the gospel; and if the plain truths
of religion will not be beneficial to souls, it is not probable dis-
putation will be of much service in promoting the sweet, tënder
and blessed spirit of christianity.

Seeing these discourses are now published, the author's carnest
and fervent prayer is, that God of his special grace would be
pleased to bless them, render them useful in the instruction,
awakening and conversion of some poor sinners, and for the edifi-
cation, direction and consolation of some of the dear friends of
the precious Immanuel; to whom be glory in the churches for-

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