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Let It Stand Between YOUR Motor and Deterioration

Excessive carbon, scored cylinders, "knocking," power wasted in friction-all of which over-load your motor-are destructive, costly, unnecessary troubles.

Hundreds of thousands of motorists in the middle west alone--all won to POLARINE in the last seven yearsknow the protection, the efficiency and the pleasure resulting from the scientifically perfect lubricating oil.

Do YOU know this oil?

-an oil sufficiently fluid to lubricate and completely cover the remotest friction surface.

-an oil of maximum durability and correct lubricating body at any motor speed or temperature.

-an oil that pays back its cost, not only by saving repairs but by maintaining a high re-sale value for your car.

Why experiment?-when the greatest of all specialists in matters of lubrication have experimented for you. Polarine.



Use RED CROWN Gasoline. It means More
Power, More Speed, More Miles Per Gallon,

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A Magazine of the Times devoted to
Literature, Economics and Social Service.

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The Gateway does not depend on advertisers for its sole
support; consequently the editor prints facts, as he sees
them, without fear or favor.


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Truth Prevails.


(Special to The Free Press)

Calumet, Mich., Feb. 29, 1915.

Representatives of nearly every Finnish family in the copper country gathered in Calumet today and after a parade of the principal streets, in which American flags occupied conspicuous places and banners warning agitators to leave the district, were carried, held a monster mass meeting in Calumet


They protested against the activity of the so-called red socialists" and labor agitators, who they charged with doing the Finnish people great harm among employers of labor by rousing class and labor discontent. Addresses were made in Finnish by a dozen miners, rehearsing unkept promises made during the strike of 1913 by labor agitators. ¶ Gust

Hamina, miner chairman, quoted Governor Ferris when he tried to bring the strike to an end, when he said, "Red socialism is the root of all the trouble in the copper country." He declared that work of agitators can be found in dozens of Finnish homes where women and children were found starving because husbands and fathers followed doctrines of red socialism. Recitation of wrongs. it is alleged Finnish people suffered during strike at hands of agitators roused the unemotional Finns to a frenzy of excitement, and speakers voiced the determination to drive out agitators at all costs.


(From The Gateway, January, 1914).

Crowns got by Blood must be by Blood sustained!"

These few words of the immortal Shakespeare, uttered by the hunchback tyrant, Richard III, ring true down through the ages.

We apply them, today, to the dastardly attempt, made by the Western Federation of Miners, to bring on the Black Hand Lawlessness of Socialism in the hitherto peaceful copper country of Michigan.

This is the first attempt of this brand of Socialism to rear its slimy head in the peaceful state of Michigan.

Hot-headed speeches by agitators who had been working secretly for years, promulgating the Socialist and the I. W. W. doctrines among the foreign miners, at last did the work and anarchy stepped in.

CA great industry representing millions was prostrated for months.

The state troops were called in, and the war between Socialism and society began.



The Downfall!

Signs pointing all one way, and from that way, once entered upon, there is no returning; the crime of turning this government into a great socialistic machine to provide a socialistic existence for the masses; ease for every class, the cry of the yellow journalist and the bunk American politician is also shared by many who call themselves intelligent. The great peril is that socialistic madness will one day destroy the state.

by JOHN F. HOGAN, Editor The Gateway Magazine
and Founder of The Gateway Movement.

HE Gateway Magazine, in this
solemn hour, issues one clear
call to Americans of Red

Men of America, arouse yourselves to
this curse of Socialism; no longer mis-
lead yourselves by soft talk of various
socialistic forms that "seem" to do
away with manly, free competition.
Look this frightful matter squarely in
the face; from the records of the past
learn something before it is too late.

¶ Already we hear somebody getting up to say, "The Government runs the post office; that is Socialism." "We have free libraries; well, that is Socialism." "We have common water service; well, would you change all that?" A success in these respects, give us more of it; let free competition be abolished; let the hard lines of man against man be no more, but let us all act together, like one great common family."

And some men tell us of the glorious victory of the people, over capital, in bringing on 3-cent fares, instead of 5-cent fares; pointing to this as a magnificent promise for Socialism!

Socialism is to regulate everything; the state is the thing; not the individual; hurrah for the new dispensation in which the state is to adjust all prices, father all labor, provide for us one and all; in a genuine Socialistic condition, "each" shall work for "all," and "all" for "each," for ever more.

Now then, when you see a pendulum at rest, that is one thing. And when you give it a little push (as for example in this 3-cent fare mania), that is another thing.

But to show how far the pendulum will swing in its full sweep, we must trace this thing called Socialism to its logical conclusion; we must see how closely it is connected with race-murder-and we mean exactly that frightful thing, so do not make your eyes bolt in surprise. Read on, and learn why this magazine is fighting Socialism, in all its naked realism, as a principle and not as some mere piece of political or yellow journalist bunk, such as the cry to give mother's pensions, now so popular with the Hearst outfit, a piece of demagoguery applauded as a great and statesmanlike idea.

The frenzy of nations is the statesmanship of fate.-Bulwer

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