Abbildungen der Seite

O'DONNELL, Mr. F. H.-cont.


Municipal Corporations, Comm. 1199, 1774
Parliament-Business of the House (Putting
the Question), Res. 110, 350; Amendt. 1843,

Parliamentary Elections (Corrupt and Illegal
Practices), 2R. 1363, 1436

Provincial Art Galleries and Museums, Res.

Supply, Report, 183, 187

Royal Parks and Pleasure Gardens, 1173,
1174, 1175

Official Appointments See title Civil
Service Appointments

Official Salaries-Mr. Algernon West
Question, Mr. W. J. Corbet; Answer, Lord
Frederick Cavendish April 20, 984

One-Pound Bank Notes

O'SHEA, Mr. W. II.-cont.

Land Law (Ireland) Act (1881) Amendment,
2R. 1507

Poor Law Guardians (Ireland), 2R. 938
Protection of Person and Property (Ireland)
Act, 1881- Mr. W. Abraham, 1673
Spain-Commercial Treaty-Negotiations, 29
Supply, Report, 160

O'SULLIVAN, Mr. W. H., Limerick Co.
Ireland-Miscellaneous Questions

Criminal Law-Riot at Kilross-Sentences
upon the Prisoners, 540

Prisons-Limerick Gaol-Putting untried
Prisoners to Work, 1557, 1930
Protection of Person and Property Act,
1881-Release of Persons detained under
the Act, 1399, 1400

Poor Law Guardians (Ireland), 2R. 941
Post Office-The Parcel Post, 542

Amendt. on Committee of Supply April 28, To Oxford and Cambridge Universities Com-

leave out from " That," and add "in the
opinion of this House, the prohibition of the
issue of bank notes of £1 each in England
and Wales is unreasonable and ought to be
removed, and that all needful steps should be
forthwith taken to authorise the issue of
such notes (Mr. William Fowler) v.,
1682; Question proposed, "That the words,
&c. ;" after debate, Question put, and
agreed to

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The Statutes-Religious Teaching and Wor-
ship, Observations, The Earl of Carnarvon ;
debate thereon May 1, 1788

The Oxford Statutes, Question, Mr. Thorold
Rogers; Answer, Mr. Gladstone May 1,

Lincoln College (Oxford) Statutes, Observa-
tions, Question, The Earl of Camperdown;
Answer, The Lord Chancellor May 2, 1918

Oxford University (Jesus College Statutes)
Moved, "That an humble Address be presented
to Her Majesty, praying Her Majesty that
She will be graciously pleased to withhold
her consent from the Statutes proposed by
the University of Oxford Commissioners for
Jesus College, which Statutes were laid upon
the Table of this House on the 7th of
February last" (Mr. Hussey Vivian) May 2,
1997; after short debate, Motion withdrawn

PAGET, Mr. R. H., Somersetshire, Mid
Lunacy Laws, Res. 1467

Turnpike Roads (South Wales), 3R. 1908

PALMER, Mr. J. H., Lincoln

Parliamentary Elections (Corrupt and Illegal
Practices), 2R. 1334

Papal See (Diplomatic Communications)
Moved, "That, while recognising the value of
a good understanding between this Country
and the Papal See, this House is of opinion
that all communications between any of Her
Majesty's Ministers and the authorities of
the Vatican should be placed on official
record in accordance with the constitutional
practice in diplomatic affairs, and should be
conducted with the cognizance of Parlia
ment" (Sir Henry Wolff) April 18, 887;
after debate, Question put, and negatived

Parish Registers Bill (Mr. Borlase, Mr.

Bryce, Mr. Mellor, Mr. Cochrane-Patrick)
c. Ordered; read 1o* April 19 [Bill 132]


Speaker of the House April 24, 1204
Claims of Peerage, &c., The Earl of Milltown,
the Lord Kintore, and the Lord Oxenfoord
added to the Select Committee in the place
of the Marquess of Abercorn, the Earl of
Mansfield, and the Lord O'Hagan

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Moved, "That the Clerk of the Crown and
Hanaper do make a Return of the dates of
the issue of the writs for the election of all
Representative Peers of Ireland who have
been elected since the year 1850; and also
of the dates of the receipt of the latest re-
turn in each case which has been sent in to
the Hanaper Office in obedience to such
writs (The Earl of Belmore) Mar 27, 4 ;
Motion amended, and agreed to

The Lord Chancellor acquainted the House

that the Clerk of the Parliaments had re-
ceived (by post) from the Clerk of the Crown
and Hanaper in Ireland (pursuant to order
of Monday last) Return respecting the elec-
tion of Representative Peers of Ireland:
Ordered, That the said Return be printed
(No. 54) Mar 30

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Business of the House

Arrangement of Public Business, Questions,
Sir Stafford Northcote, Lord George Hamil-
ton, Sir George Campbell; Answers, Mr.
Gladstone, Lord Frederick Cavendish Mar 31,
492; Questions, Sir Stafford Northcote, Mr.
Gorst, Mr. Hussey Vivian; Answers, The
Marquess of Hartington April 21, 1108;
Questions, Mr. R. N. Fowler, Mr. Healy ;
Answers, Mr. Childers, Mr. Speaker, Lord
Frederick Cavendish April 27, 1631; Ques-
tion, Sir Stafford Northcote; Answers, Mr.
Gladstone, Lord Frederick Cavendish May 1,
1840; Question, Sir Stafford Northcote ;
Answer, Mr. Gladstone May 2, 1945;-
Opposition to Motions, Question, Mr. Ry-
lands; Answer, Mr. R. Power; Question,
Mr. R. Power; Answer, Mr. W. E.
Forster Mar 30, 304 ;-The "Count Out" on
Friday, March 31, Question, Sir John Hay;
Answer, Mr. Gladstone April 3, 553;-
Tuesdays-Morning Sittings, Questions, Mr.
Justin M'Carthy, Mr. Gorst, Sir Stafford
Northcote ; Answers, The Marquess of
Hartington April 20, 1036;- The Jesus
College Statutes, Observations, Mr. Hussey
Vivian April 21, 1110;-Corrupt Practices
(Disfranchisement) Bill, Questions, Mr.
Lewis; Answers, The Attorney General
April 3, 554; April 18, 876;-The Settled
Land Bill, Observations, Sir R. Assheton
Cross April 21, 1110;-Rivers Conservancy
and Floods Prevention Bill, Question, Sir
Baldwyn Leighton; Answer, Mr. Hibbert
April 27, 1571;-Tuesday Sittings, Ques-
tions, Mr. Macfarlane, Mr. R. N. Fow-
ler, Sir Stafford Northcote, Mr. Chaplin,
Mr. Joseph Cowen; Answers, Mr. Glad-
stone April 28, 1680

East Cornwall Election-Speech of Mr. Court-
ney, Observations, Mr. Gladstone; Ques-
tion, Mr. Callan; Answer, Mr. Gladstone
Mar 30, 310

Interference of Peers in Parliamentary Elec-
tions, Postponement of Notice, Mr. Joseph
Cowen April 21, 1151

Palace of Westminster-The Clock Tower,
Questions, Mr. Spencer, Mr. Healy; An-
swers, Mr. Shaw Lefevre Mar 27, 28
Parliamentary Oath (Mr. Bradlaugh)—“ Gur-
ney v. Bradlaugh," Question, Mr. P. A.
Taylor; Answer, The Attorney General
April 20, 1033; · Northampton Borough,
Question, Mr. Firth; Answer, Mr. Glad-
stone April 28, 1678
Parliamentary Representation-Return No. 88
(Revenue, Taxation and Population), Ques-
tion, Sir John Hay; Answer, Lord Frederick
Cavendish April 20, 979


The Easter Recess-Adjournment of the House,
Moved, "That this House, at its rising, do
adjourn until Monday 17th April" (Mr.
Gladstone) April 4; after long debate, Mo-
tion agreed to

3 Y 2


Parliament Business of the House (Put- | Parliament-Gloucester Writ-cont.

ting the Question)

Order read, for resuming Adjourned Debate on
Amendt. proposed to Question [20th Feb-
ruary], "That when it shall appear to Mr.
Speaker, or to the Chairman of a Committee
of the whole House, during any Debate, to
be the evident sense of the House, or of the
Committee, that the Question be now put,
he may so inform the House, or the Com-
mittee; and, if a Motion be made 'That the
Question be now put,' Mr. Speaker, or the
Chairman, shall forthwith put such Question;
and, if the same be decided in the affirmative,
the Question under discussion shall be put
forthwith Provided that the Question shall
not be decided in the affirmative, if a Division
be taken, unless it shall appear to have been
supported by more than two hundred Mem-
bers, or unless it shall appear to have been
opposed by less than forty Members and
supported by more than one hundred Mem-
bers" (Mr. Gladstone)

And which Amendt. was, to leave out from the
first word "That," and add "no Rules of
Procedure will be satisfactory to this House
which confer the power of closing a Debate
upon a majority of Members" (Mr. Marriott)
v.; Question again proposed, "That the
words when it shall appear to Mr. Speaker,'
stand part of the Question;" Debate resumed
Mar 27, 35: after long debate, Moved,
"That the Debate be now adjourned" (Mr.
John Bright); after further short debate,
Motion agreed to; Debate further adjourned
Amendments, Question, Lord George Hamil-
ton; Answer, Mr. Speaker Mar 30, 313
Debate resumed [Fifth Night] Mar 30, 314;
after long debate, Question put, "That the
words when it shall appear to Mr. Speaker,'
stand part of the Question; A. 318,
N. 279; M. 39

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Div. List, A. and N. 422
Main Question again proposed; Debate further

Observations, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Gladstone Mar 31,
491;-The Division on Thursday Night,
Question, Mr. Ashmead-Bartlett; Answer,
Mr. Gladstone Mar 31, 494; Question, Mr.
Pemberton; Answer, Mr. Gladstone April 24,


Debate resumed [Sixth Night] May 1, 1842
Amendt. in line 1, after the words
Speaker," to insert the words 'after an
appeal to his judgment by a Minister of the
Crown (Mr. O'Donnell); Question pro-
posed, "That those words be there inserted"
Amendt. to said proposed Amendt. To add, at
the end thereof, the words "or by the Mem-
ber in charge of the subject under discus-
sion" (Lord George Hamilton); Question
proposed, That those words be there
added;" after long debate, Amendt. to pro-
posed Amendt. withdrawn; Question put,
"That those words be there inserted; "
A. 164, N. 220; M. 56 (D. L. 74); Debate

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Parliament-Gloucester Writ

Moved, "That Mr. Speaker do issue his
Warrant to the Clerk of the Crown to make

out a new Writ for the election of a Member
to serve in this present Parliament for the
City of Gloucester, in the room of Thomas
Robinson, esquire, whose election has been
declared to be void " (Mr. Lewis) April 27,
1574; after debate, Question put, and

Parliament-Mr. Clifford Lloyd-Circular
by the Inspector of Police, County

Question, Mr. Sexton; Answer, Mr. W. E.
Forster April 20, 988; Moved, "That this
House do now adjourn" (Mr. Sexton)
Mr. Redmond, Member for New Ross, having
been named by Mr. SPEAKER as disregarding
the authority of the Chair, after debate, Moved,
"That Mr. Redmond be suspended from the
service of the House during the remainder
of this day's sitting" (The Marquess of
Hartington), 1016; Question put; A. 207,
N. 12; M. 195 (D. L. 66)

Mr. SPEAKER then directed Mr. Redmond to
withdraw, and he withdrew accordingly

Parliament-Wigan New Writ

Moved, "That Mr. Speaker do issue his
Warrant to the Clerk of the Crown in Chan-
cery to make out a new Writ for the election of
a Member to serve in this present Parliament
for the Borough of Wigan, in the room of
Francis Sharp Powell, esquire, whose election
has been declared to be void" (Mr. Lewis)
May 2, 1946

Amendt. to leave out from "That, "and add
"no Writ be issued to fill up any vacancy
occasioned by corrupt practices until this
House has disposed of the Corrupt Practices
(Disfranchisement) Bill" (Baron de Ferrières)
v.; Question proposed, "That the words,
&c.; after debate, Question put; A. 142
N. 220; M. 78 (D. L. 75)
Question proposed, "That those words be there
added; Amendt. withdrawn

New Peer

April 24-The Right Honourable Sir George
William Wilshere Bramwell, knight,
late a Lord Justice of Appeal,
created Baron Bramwell of Hever
in the county of Kent

Sat First

April 20-The Lord Boston, after the death of
his father

April 27-The Lord Hopetoun (The Earl of
Hopetoun), after the death of his

New Writs Issued

April 4-For the County of Meath, v. Michael
Davitt, who, having been adjudged
guilty of felony and sentenced to

penal servitude for fifteen years,






New Writs Issued- Payment of Wages in Public-houses Pro-

and being now imprisoned under
such sentence, is incapable of being.

elected or returned as a Member of
this House

April 19-For Somerset County (Western
Division), v. Vaughan Hanning
Vaughan Lee, esquire, Chiltern

New Members Sworn

Mar 30-Thomas Love Duncombe Jones-Parry,
esquire, Borough of Carnarvon

April 3-Charles Thomas Dyke Acland,

hibition Bill [H.L.]

Read 2a, after short debate May 2, 1925 (No. 41)
(The Earl Stanhope)

PEASE, Mr. A.,


Supply-Royal Parks and Pleasure Gardens,


PEASE, Mr. J. W., Durham, S.

Ecclesiastical Commission, Motion for a Select
Committee, 516

esquire, County of Cornwall (East- PEDDIE, Mr. J. DICK-, Kilmarnock, &c.

ern Division)

April 18-Edward Sheil, esquire, Meath County
April 27-Edward James Stanley, esquire,
Somerset County (Western Divi-


Parliamentary Elections (Corrupt and
Illegal Practices) Bill

(Mr. Attorney General, Secretary Sir William
Harcourt, Mr. Chamberlain, Sir Charles
Dilke, Mr. Solicitor General)

c. Moved, "That the Bill be now read 20"
April 24, 1327

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Amendt. to leave out from " That," and add
'considering no corruption has been proved
to exist in the larger town constituencies, or
in any county constituency, it is inexpedient
to adopt such uniform restrictions and
punishments as will render the fair conduct
of an election in a great constituency perilous
and penal (Mr. Robert Fowler) v.; Ques-
tion proposed, "That the words, &c.;" after
debate, Moved, "That the Debate be now
adjourned" (Mr. A. J. Balfour); after fur-
ther debate, Question put, and agreed to;
Debate adjourned

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Debate resumed April 25, 1421; after debate,
Debate adjourned

Debate resumed April 27, 1581; after long
debate, Question put, and agreed to
Main Question put, and agreed to; Bill read 2o

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Parliamentary Elections Expenses Bill
(Mr. Ashton Dilke, Mr. Barran, Mr. Burt)
c. Moved,
66 That the Bill be now read 20"
April 19, 944; after debate, Question put; c. Ordered; read 1°* April 27 [Bill 142]
A. 87, N. 85; M. 2 (D. L. 65)

Pier and Harbour Provisional Orders Bill
(Mr. Ashley, Mr. Chamberlain)

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PLAYFAIR, Right Hon. Mr. Lyon | PORTER, Mr. A. M.-cont.
(Chairman of Committees of Ways
and Means and Deputy Speaker),
Edinburgh and St. Andrew's Uni-

Army (Annual), Comm. 734; cl. 4, ib. 735
Central Metropolitan Railway, 2R. 1653, 1655
Herring Brand Committee, Res. 528
Lynn and Fakenham Railway, 2R. 475
Municipal Corporations, Comm. 114, 115, 116
Supply Public Education (England and
Wales), 655

Royal Parks and Pleasure Gardens, 1166,
1171, 1173

Walton Vicarage, 2R. 1095, 1096

PLUNKET, Right Hon. D. R., Dublin

Cooper's Hill College, Res. 1127
Parliament Business of the House (Putting
the Question), Res. 1875

Poor Law Guardians (Ireland), 2R. 934
Public Affairs, State of Irish Policy of the
Government, Ministerial Statement, 1985,

Pluralities Acts Amendment Bill [H.L.]
(The Lord Bishop of Exeter)
7. Presented; read 1a* May 1

(No. 74)

Poor Law (England)- Oldham Board of

Question, Mr. W. Lowther; Answer, Mr.
Dodson May 1, 1811

Poor Law Guardians (Ireland) Bill

(Mr. Leahy, Mr. Gray, Mr. O'Sullivan)
c. Moved, "That the Bill be now read 20"
April 19, 924

Amendt. to leave out "now," and add "upon
this day six months" (Mr. Tottenham);
Question proposed, "That now,' &c.;"
after debate, Question put; A. 95, N. 31;
M. 64 (D. L. 64)

Main Question put, and agreed to; Bill read 2o

PORTER, Mr. A. M. (Solicitor General
for Ireland), Londonderry Co.
Ireland-Miscellaneous Questions

Civil Service-Appointment of Mr. Croker,

Crime-Murder of Mrs. H. M. Smythe,

Criminal Law-Riot at Kilross-Sentences
upon the Prisoners, 541

Evictions-Mrs. Irwin, Case of, at Brootally,
Co. Armagh, 663

Land Law Act, 1881-Assistant Sub-Com-
missioners (Kerry and West Cork), 1156;
-Sec. 10, 1816

Landlord and Tenant-The Mercers' Com-
pany and their Tenants, 669

Peace Preservation Act, 1881-Returns as

to Number and Cost of Arms Surren-
dered, 647

Poor Law-Ballycary Dispensary District
and Larne Workhouse, 664



- Clonmel Prison - Outbreak of
Fever, 559, 679

Ireland-Protection of Person and Property
Act, 1881-Miscellaneous Questions
Arrest of Miss O'Connor, 558
Healy, Mr. J., 660
Holden, Mr. J., 660
Hoolihan, John, 668

Messrs. Cullen and Lynott, 665
Messrs. Gannon and Rynolds, 661
O'Brien, Mr. J., 664


Ireland, State of Miscellaneous Questions
Emergency" Men-Assault at Manulla
Station-Decision of Major Bond, 662;
Case of J. Carson, 661

Juries in the King's Co., 668
Wexford County-Alleged Outrage, 664



Bank Holidays, Question, Mr. Schreiber; An-
swer, Mr. Fawcett April 3, 545
Contracts-The Mails between London and
Dublin, Question, Mr. Findlater; Answer,
Mr. Fawcett April 4, 665

Convention of Paris-Seizure of the "Irish
World" Newspaper, Question, Mr. Healy;
Answer, The Attorney General for Ireland
Mar 28, 148

Post Office Annuities—Legislation, Question,
Mr. H. G. Allen; Answer, Mr. Fawcett
April 28, 1665

Parcels Post, Question, Mr. Monk; Answer,
Mr. Fawcett Mar 27, 6; Questions, Sir
Matthew White Ridley, Colonel Makins;
Answers, Mr. Fawcett Mar 30, 298; Ques-
tion, Mr. O'Sullivan; Answer, Mr. Fawcett
April 3, 542 ;-Obligations of British Ship-
owners, Question, Mr. Dillwyn; Answer,
Mr. Fawcett April 18, 875

The American Mails, Question, Mr. Thorold
Rogers; Answer, Mr. Fawcett April 4,
659; Question, Mr. Healy; Answer, Mr.
Fawcett May 2, 1946

The Australian Mails, Question, Mr. Stewart
Macliver; Answer, Mr. Fawcett April 18,

Transmission of Land League Portraits, Ques-
tion, Mr. Redmond; Answer, Mr. Fawcett
April 21, 1098

Detention of Land League Letters, Question,
Mr. Redmond; Answer, Sir William Har-
court April 21, 1099

Telegraph Department

Disclosure of Telegrams, Question, Mr. Mon-
tagu Scott; Answer, Mr. Fawcett April 3,


Telegraph Extension, Question, Mr. Round;
Answer, Mr. Fawcett April 3, 542

The Telegraph Service in Ireland, Question,
Mr. Callan; Answer, Mr. Fawcett April 4,

POWER, Mr. J. O'Connor, Mayo
Ireland-Miscellaneous Questions
Evictions-Carnacum, Co. Mayo, 533
General Prisons Act-Conveyance of Pri-
soners, 1678

Mr. Clifford Lloyd-Circular by the In-
spector of Police, Co. Clare, 1018

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