Abbildungen der Seite



AARON, a Moor, beloved by
Tamora, Titus Andronicus:
Act I, sc. i; Act II, sc. i,
iii; Act III, sc. 1; Act IV, sc.
ii; Act V, sc. i, iii
VIII: Act I, sc. i
ABHORSON, an executioner, Meas-
ure for Measure: Act IV, sc.
ii, iii

Abraham, servant to Montague,
Romeo and Juliet: Act I, sc. i
ACHILLES, a Grecian commander,
Troilus and Cressida: Act II,
sc. i, iii; Act III, sc. iii; Act
IV, sc. v; Act V, sc. i, v, vi,
vii, viii

ADAM, servant to Oliver, As You
Like It: Act I, sc. i; Act II,
sc. iii, vi, vii

ADONIS, Passionate
Venus and Adonis


ADRIAN, a lord, The Tempest:
Act II, sc. i; Act III, sc. iii;
Act V, sc. i

ADRIANA, wife to Antipholus of
Ephesus; The Comedy of Er-
rors: Act II, sc. i, ii; Act IV,
sc. ii, iv; Act V, sc. i
Egeon, a merchant of Syracuse,
The Comedy of Errors: Act I,
sc. i; Act V, sc. i

EMILIA, wife to Ægeon, an Ab-
bess of Ephesus, The Comedy
of Errors: Act V, sc. i
ÆMILIUS, a noble Roman, Titus
Andronicus: Act IV, sc. iv;
Act V, sc. i, iii

ENEAS, a Trojan commander,

Troilus and Cressida: Act I,
sc. i, ii, iii; Act IV, sc. i, ii,
iii, iv, v; Act V, sc. ii, x
AGAMEMNON, the Grecian gen-
eral, Troilus and Cressida:
Act I, sc. iii; Act II, sc. iii;
Act III, sc. iii; Act IV, sc. v;
Act V, sc. i, v, ix

AGRIPPA, friend to Cæsar, Antony
and Cleopatra: Act II, sc. ii,
iv, vii; Act III, sc. ii, vi; Act
IV, sc. i, vi, vii; Act V, sc. i
AGRIPPA, MENENIus, friend to
Coriolanus, Coriolanus: Act
I, sc. i; Act II, sc. i, ii, iii;
Act III, sc. i, ii, iii; Act IV,
sc. i, ii, vi; Act V, sc. i, ii, iv
Night: Act I, sc. iii; Act II,
sc. iii, v; Act III, sc. i, ii, iv;
Act IV, sc. i; Act V, sc. i
Grecian commander,
Troilus and Cressida: Act II,
sc. i, iii; Act III, sc. iii; Act
IV, sc. v; Act V, sc. i, v, vi,


ALARBUS, son to Tamara, Titus
Andronicus: Act I, sc. i
Act I, sc. i, iv; Act IV, sc.
ii; Act V, sc. i, iii

Alcibiades, an Athenian captain,
Timon of Athens: Act I, sc.
i, ii; Act II, sc. ii; Act III,
sc. v; Act IV, sc. iii; Act V,
sc. iv

ALENCON, Duke of, King Henry
VI: Part 1, Act I, sc. ii, vi;
Act II, sc. i; Act III, sc. ii,
iii; Act IV, sc. vii; Act V,
sc. ii, iv

ALEXANDER, servant to Cressida,
Troilus and Cressida: Act I,
sc. ii

Alexas, attendant on Cleopatra,
Antony and Cleopatra: Act I,
sc. ii, iii, v; Act II, sc. v; Act
III, sc. iii; Act IV, sc. ii, vii
ALICE, a lady attending on
Katharine, King Henry V:
Act III, sc. iv; Act V, sc. ii
ALONSO, King of Naples, The
Tempest: Act I, sc. i; Act II,
sc. i; Act III, sc. iii; Act V,
sc. i

AMIENS, lord attending on the
banished Duke, As You Like
It: Act II, sc. i, v, vii; Act
V, sc. iv

ANDROMACHE, wife to Hector,
Troilus and Cressida: Act V,
sc. iii

the people, brother to Titus,
Titus Andronicus: Act I, sc.
i; Act II, sc. ii, iv; Act III,
sc. i, ii; Act IV, sc. i, iii; Act
V, sc. ii, iii

ANDRONICUS, Titus, a noble Ro-
man, Titus Andronicus: Act
I, sc. i; Act II, sc. ii, iii; Act
III, sc. i, ii; Act IV, sc. i, iii
ANGELO, a goldsmith, The Com-

edy of Errors: Act III, sc. i,
ii; Act IV, sc. i; Act V, sc. i
ANGELO, Deputy, Measure for
Measure: Act I, sc. i; Act
II, sc. i, ii, iv; Act IV, sc. iv;
Act V, sc. i

ANGUS, nobleman of Scotland,
Macbeth: Act I, sc. iii, iv. vi;
Act V, sc. ii, iv

Anne, Lady, widow of Edward,
Prince of Wales, son to King
Henry VI; afterwards married
to Richard, King Richard III:
Act I, sc. ii; Act IV, sc. i

ANTENOR, a Trojan commander,
Troilus and Cressida: Act I,
sc. ii; Act IV, sc. i, iv; Act
V, sc. x

ANTIGONus, a Lord of Sicilia,
The Winter's Tale: Act II, se
i, iii; Act III, sc. iii
ANTIOCHUS, King of Antioch,
Pericles, Prince of Tyre: Act
I, sc. i

brother to ANTIPHOLUS OF
SYRACUSE, son of Ægeon and
Emilia, The Comedy of Er-
rors: Act III, sc. i; Act IV,
sc. i, iv; Act V, sc. i

brother to ANTIPHOLUS OF
EPHESUS, son of Ægeon and
Æmilia, The Comedy of Er-
rors: Act I, sc. ii; Act II, sc.
ii; Act III, sc. ii; Act IV, sc.
iii, iv; Act V, sc. i

ANTONIO, brother to Leonato,
Much Ado About Nothing:
Act I, sc. ii; Act II, sc. i;
Act V, sc. i, iv

ANTONIO, a merchant of Venice,
The Merchant of Venice:
Act I, sc. i, iii; Act II, sc. vi;
Act III, sc. iii; Act IV, sc. i;
Act V, sc. i

ANTONIO, usurping Duke of
Milan, brother to Prospero,
The Tempest: Act I, sc. i;
Act II, sc. i; Act III, sc. iii;
Act V, sc. i

ANTONIO, Father to Proteus, The
Two Gentleman of Verona:
Act I, sc. iii

ANTONIO, a sea captain, friend
to Sebastian, Twelfth Night:
Act II, sc. i; Act III, sc. iii,
iv; Act V, sc. i

TONY), triumvir, Antony and

Cleopatra: Act I, se. i, iii;
Act II, sc. ii, iii, vi, vii; Act
III, sc. ii, iv, vii, ix, xi, xiii;
Act IV, sc. ii, iv, v, viii, x, xii,
xiv, xv; Julius Cæsar: Act I,
sc. ii; Act II, sc. ii; Act III,
sc. i, ii; Act IV, sc. i; Act V,
sc. i, iv, v

APEMANTUS, a churlish philoso-
pher, Timon of Athens: Act
I, sc. i, ii; Act II, sc. ii; Act
IV, sc. iii


ARCHIBALD, Earl of Douglas,
King Henry IV: Part 1, Act
IV, sc. i, iii; Act V, sc. ii, iii,

ARCHIDAMUS, a Lord of Bohe-
mia, The Winter's Tale: Act
I, sc. i

ARIEL, an airy spirit, The Tem-
pest: Act I, sc. ii; Act II,
sc. i; Act III, sc. ii, iii; Act
IV, sc. i; Act V, sc. i

fantastical Spaniard, Love's
Labor's Lost: Act I, sc. ii;
Act III, sc. i; Act V, sc. i, ii
chant of Venice: Act II, sc.

ARTEMIDORUS of Cnidos, teacher
of Rhetoric, Julius Cæsar:
Act II, sc. iii; Act III, sc. i
ARTHUR, Duke of Bretagne,
nephew to the King, King
John: Act II, sc. i; Act III,
sc. i, ii, iii; Act IV, sc. i, iii
ARVIRAGUS, son to Cymbeline,
disguised under the name of
Cadwal, supposed son to Mor-
gan, Cymbeline: Act III, sc.
iii, vi; Act IV, sc. ii, iv; Act
V, sc. v

AUDREY, a country wench, As
You Like It: Act III, sc. iii;
Act V, sc. i, iii, iv

AUFIDIUS, Tullus, general of the
Volscians, Coriolanus: Act I,
sc. ii, viii, x; Act IV, sc. v,
vii; Act V, sc. ii, iii, vi

AUMERLE, DUKE OF, son to the
Duke of York, King Richard
II: Act I, sc. iii, iv; Act II,
sc. i; Act III, sc. ii, iii; Act
IV, sc. i; Act V, sc. ii, iii
AUTOLYCUS, a rogue, The Win-
ter's Tale: Act IV, sc. iii, iv;
Act V, sc. ii

Henry VI: Part 1, Act II,
sc. iii


BAGOT; servant to King Richard
II, King Richard II: Act I,
sc. iii, iv; Act II, sc. i, ii; Act
IV, sc. i

BALTHASAR, servant to Portia,
The Merchant of Venice: Act
III, sc. iv

BALTHASAR, attendant on Don
Pedro, Much Ado About Noth-
ing: Act I, sc. i; Act II, sc.
i, iii
BALTHASAR, servant to Romeo,
Romeo and Juliet: Act I, sc.
i; Act V, sc. i, iii
BALTHAZAR, a Merchant, The
Comedy of Errors: Act III,
sc. i

BANQUO, general of the king's
army, Macbeth: Act I, sc. iii,
iv, vi; Act II, sc. i, iii; Act
III, sc. i, iii

BAPTISTA, a rich gentleman of

Padua, The Taming of the
Shrew: Act I, sc. i; Act II,
sc. i; Act III, sc. ii; Act IV,
sc. iv; Act V, sc. i, ii
BARDOLPH, King Henry IV:
Part 1, Act II, sc. ii, iv; Act
III, sc. iii; Act IV, sc. ii;
Part 2, Act I, sc. i, iii; Act
II, sc. i, ii, iv; Act III, sc. ii;
Act IV, sc. iii; Act V, sc. i, iii,
v; King Henry V: Act II,
sc. i, iii; Act III, sc. ii; Merry
Wives of Windsor: Act I, sc.
i, iii; Act II, sc. ii; Act III,
sc. v; Act IV, sc. iii, v

BARNARDINE, a dissolute prisoner,
Measure for Measure: Act
IV, sc. iii; Act V, sc. i

BASSANIO, friend to Antonio and
suitor to Portia, The Merchant
of Venice: Act I, sc. i, iii;
Act II, sc. ii; Act III, sc. ii;
Act IV, sc. i; Act V, sc. i

BASSET, of the Red-Rose or Lan-
caster faction, King Henry
VI: Part 1, Act III, sc. iv;
Act IV, sc. i

BASSIANUS, brother to Saturninus,
Titus Andronicus: Act I, sc.
i; Act II, sc. ii, iii

BATES, soldier in King Henry's
army, King Henry V: Act
IV, sc. i

BEATRICE, niece to Leonato, Much
Ado About Nothing: Act I,
sc. i; Act II, sc. i, iii; Act III,
sc. iv; Act IV, sc. i; Act V, sc.
ii, iv

BEAUFORT, Henry, great-uncle to
the King, Bishop of Winches-
ter, afterwards Cardinal, King
Henry VI: Part 1, Act I, sc.
i, iii; Act III, sc. i, iv; Act

IV, sc. i; Act V, sc. i, iv;
Part 2, Act I, sc. i, iii; Act
II, sc. i; Act III, sc. i, ii, iii
BEAUFORT, JOHN, see Earl of
Somerset, King Henry VI
EXETER, great-uncle to the
king, King Henry V: Act I,
sc. ii; Act II, sc. ii, iv; Act
III, sc. i; Act IV, sc. iii, vi,
vii, viii; Act V, sc. ii; King
Henry VI: Part 1, Act I, sc.
i; Act III, sc. i, iv; Act IV,
sc. i; Act V, sc. i, v; Part
3, Act I, sc. i; Act II, sc. v;
Act IV, sc. viii

BEDFORD, DUKE OF, brother to
King Henry V, King Henry
V: Act I, sc. ii; Act II, sc.
ii; Act III, sc. i; Act IV, sc.
i, iii; Act V, sc. ii; King
Henry VI: Part 1, Act I, sc.
i; Act II, sc. i, ii; Act III,
sc. ii

BELARIUS, a banished lord, dis-
guised under the name of
Morgan, Cymbeline: Act III,
sc. iii, vi; Act IV, sc. ii, iv;
Act V, sc. v

BELCH, SIR TOBY, uncle to Olivia,
Twelfth Night: Act I, sc. iii,
v; Act II, sc. iii, v; Act III,
sc. i, ii, iv; Act IV, sc. i, ii;
Act V, sc. i

BENEDICK, a young lord of Pa-
dua, Much Ado About Noth-
ing: Act I, sc. i; Act II, sc.
i, iii; Act III, sc. ii; Act IV,
sc. i; Act V, sc. i, ii, iv

BENVOLIO, nephew to Montague,
and friend to Romeo, Romeo
and Juliet: Act I, sc. i, ii,
iv; Act II, sc. i, iv; Act III,
sc. i

BERNARDO, an officer, Hamlet,
Prince of Denmark: Act I,
sc. i, ii

BERTRAM, count of Rousillon,
All's Well That Ends Well:
Act I, sc. i, ii; Act II, sc. i, iii,
v; Act III, sc. iii, v, vi; Act
IV, sc. ii, iii; Act V, sc. iii
BEVIS, George, follower of Jack
Cade, King Henry VI: Part
2, Act IV, sc. ii, vii

BIANCA, mistress to Cassio, Othel-
lo: Act III, sc. iv; Act IV,
sc. i; Act V, sc. i

BIANCA, daughter to Baptista,
The Taming of the Shrew:
Act I, sc. i; Act II, sc. i; Act
III, sc. i, ii; Act IV, sc. ii;
Act V, sc. i, ii

BIGOT, LORD, King John: Act
IV, sc. iii; Act V, sc. ii, iv, vii
BIONDELLO, servant to Lucentio,
The Taming of the Shrew:
Act I, sc. i, ii; Act II, sc. i;
Act III, sc. ii; Act IV, sc. ii,
iv; Act V, sc. i, ii

BIRON, lord attending on the
King, Love's Labor's Lost:
Act I, sc. i; Act II, sc. i; Act
III, sc. i; Act IV, sc. iii; Act
V, sc. ii

BLANCH, of Spain, niece to King
John, King John: Act II, sc.
i; Act III, sc. i

BLOUNT, SIR James, King Rich-
ard III: Act V, sc. ii
IV: Part 1, Act I, sc. i, iii;
Act III, sc. ii; Act IV, sc. iii;
Act V, sc. i, iii; Part, 2, Act
IV, sc. iii

Hereford, son to John of
Gaunt, afterwards King Henry
IV, King Richard II: Act I,
sc. ii, iii; Act II, sc. iii; Act

III, sc. i, iii; Act IV, sc. i;
Act V, sc. iii, vi

BOLINGBROKE, a conjurer, King
Henry VI: Part 2, Act I, sc.
iv; Act II, sc. iii

Bona, sister to the French
Queen, King Henry VI: Part
3, Act III, sc. iii
BORACHIO, follower of Don John,
Much Ado About Nothing:
Act I, sc. iii; Act II, sc. i, ii;
Act III, sc. iii; Act IV, sc. ii;
Act V, sc. i

Воттом, а weaver, A Midsummer-
Night's Dream: Act I, sc. ii;
Act III, sc. i; Act IV, sc. i,

BOULT, Pericles, Prince of Tyre:
Act IV, sc. ii, vi
BOURBON, Duke of, King Henry
V: Act III, sc. v; Act IV, sc.


BOURCHIER, Cardinal: see Arch-
bishop of Canterbury, King
Richard III

Boy, Troilus', Troilus and Cres-
sida: Act I, sc. ii; Act III,
sc. ii

BOYET, lord attending on the
Princess of France, Love's
Labor's Lost: Act II, sc. i;
Act IV, sc. i; Act V, sc. ii
BRABANTIO, a senator, Othello:
Act I, sc. i, ii, iii
tenant of the Tower, King
Richard III: Act I, sc. i, iv;
Act IV, sc. i

Richard III: Act V, sc. iii
Act I, sc. i
BRUTUS, DECIUS, conspirator,
Julius Cæsar: Act I, sc. ii;
Act II, sc. i, ii; Act III, sc. i

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