Abbildungen der Seite

Stour, brave; IV. ii. 19. STRATAGEMS, dreadful deeds; (Ff. 1, 2, “stragems"); II. v. 89. STRIKE; "to s.," to lower sail; V. i. 52.

STRIKE SAIL, lower, let down sail; III. iii. 5.

Success, result, issue; II. ii. 46. SUDDENLY, quickly; IV. ii. 4. SUFFER'D, allowed to have way; IV. viii. 8.

SUSPECT, suspicion; IV. i. 142. TACKLINGS, cordage, rigging (trisyllabic); V. iv. 18. TAINTED, touched, moved; III. i. 40.

TAKE ON, be furious; II. v. 104. TEMPER WITH THE STARS, act and think in conformity with fate; IV. vi. 29.

TIME; "take the t.," improve the opportunity; V. i. 48. TIREON, seize and feed on ravenously; I. i. 269.

TITLE, claim, right; (Grey conj. "tale"); III. i. 48. TOWARD, bold; II. ii. 66. TROW'ST, thinkest; (Ff., "trowest"); V. i. 85.

TROY; "the hope of T.," i. e. Несtor; II. i. 51.

TRULL, harlot; I. iv. 114. TRUMPET, trumpeter; V. i. 16. TYPE, sign, badge (i. e. the crown); (Lloyd conj. "style"); I. iv. 121.

ULYSSES, the famous king of Ithaca; III. ii. 189.

UNBID, unbidden, unwelcome; V. i. 18.

UNCONSTANT, inconstant; V. i. 102.

UNDOUBTED, fearless; (Capell conj. "redoubted"); V. vii. 6. UNREASONABLE, not endowed with reason; II. ii. 26.

UNTUTOR'D, uninstructed, raw; V. ν. 32.

UNWARES, unawares; (F. 4, "unawares"; Hanmer, un'wares"; Vaughan conj. "unware"); II. ν. 62.

USEST, art accustomed; V. v. 75. Valued, rated, estimated; V. iii. 14.

VANTAGES, advantages; III. ii. 25. VENOM, venomous, poisonous (Capell, (from Q. 3), "venom'ď"); II. ii. 138.

VIA, away! an interjection of encouragement; II. i. 182. VISARD-LIKE, like a mask; I. iv. 116.

Vowed, sworn; III. iii. 50.

WAFT over, carry over the sea; III. iii. 253.

WANED, declined; (Ff., wained); IV. vii. 4. WATER-FLOWING, flowing like water, copious; IV. viii. 43. WEAN ME, alienate myself; (Ff. 1, 2, "waine"; Ff. 3, 4, "wain"); IV. iv. 17.

WEEPING-RIPE, ready to weep; (Ff., "weeping ripe"); I. iv. 172.

WHEN? an exclamation of impatience; V. i. 49.

WILLOW GARLAND, the emblem of
unhappy love; III. iii. 228.
WIND, scent; III. ii. 14.
WISP OF STRAW, a mark of dis-
grace placed on the heads of
scolds; II. ii. 144.

WIT, wisdom; IV. vii. 61.
WITCH, bewitch; (Ff., ""witch");
III. ii. 150.

WITHAL, with; III. ii. 91.

WITTY, full of wit, intelligent; I. ii. 43.

YOUNKER, stripling; II. i. 24.




1. What are the Chronicle accounts of the traits and person of Henry?

2. Is there any scene in which Margaret is allowed by the poet to exhibit a noble, natural emotion?

3. Describe the dramatic effect of the union of Henry and Margaret.

4. What characters serve especially as types of the feudal baronage at the height of its power?

5. What episodes and incidents has the poet utilized throughout, to give dramatic variety to the handling of the material he had for this play?

6. What is the historic center of action of the Third Part of King Henry VI? Does it coincide with the dramatic crisis?

7. What are the characteristics of Richard, as dramatically set forth throughout the play? In what way are his speeches, as well as his covert comment upon doings about him and upon the characters and estate of others, significant of future events?


8. What was the historic interval between the battle of St. Albans and the parliament at Westminster, the proceedings of which are represented in this act?

9. Compare lines 9 and 55 of scene i, and explain probable cause of variance.

10. What was the earldom by which Richard claimed the crown?

11. What have the Chronicles to say of the proceedings at the Parliament House when Warwick placed York upon the throne?

12. Give the Chronicle account of the reconciliation of York and Lancaster with regard to the claim to the crown. 13. Describe the dramatic impression of the scene of the colloquy in the Parliament.

14. What picturesque and lawless character was appointed by Warwick vice-admiral of the sea? What passage had he in charge and why?

15. To what three lords does Henry refer in line 270, scene i?

16. How do the Chronicles describe the preliminaries to the Battle of Wakefield? The battle itself? The death of young Rutland?

17. What is the impression of the dramatic scene of young Rutland's death?

18. Describe the dramatic character of the scene of York's death. Characterize the behavior of Clifford as compared with that of York.

19. What is the Chronicle account of the scene?

20. Compare Shakespeare's presentment of Margaret in this scene with his presentment of his most relentless warriors in other similar scenes; what conclusion may be drawn as to the poet's idea of what the passions of battle or selfish ambition would develop in a woman as compared with their effect upon a man?

21. Compare Northumberland's expressions of feeling with Margaret's passages;-with Clifford's.


22. What do the chroniclers relate as the cause for Edward's taking the sun for his cognizance?

23. What effect did the second Battle of St. Albans have upon the general situation?

24. How does Edward mean to characterize Margaret by his allusion in line 144, scene ii?

25. What passages in scene ii set forth the feeling of York's sons toward Henry personally?

26. What is the historical account of Edward's march to London after the second battle of St. Albans?

27. What is the moral substance of scene v? How does it depict Henry's real nature?

28. Give the historic account of the Battle of Towton. 29. What is the chronicler's comment on the title of Gloscester? What line in Richard's mouth recalls this?


30. What occurred in the historic interval between the events of Act II and Act III?

31. What line of Henry's in scene i shows his realization of his nature as related to the place of ruler he held?

32. Give an account, other than that of the Chronicles, of the capture of King Henry.

33. What side lights are thrown on the character of Edward by the asides of Gloscester and Clarence in scene ii? Does the historic report of Edward give color to this innuendo?

34. What account do the Chronicles give of the meeting of Edward and Lady Grey? In what respects does the dramatic scene of it express the poet's best portrayal of women?

35. What was the historic truth of lines 81 and 82, scene iii?

36. To what facts does Oxford refer in lines 102-106 of scene iii?

37. According to Shakespeare, what was the cause of the break between Warwick and Edward? Did the Poet have historical warrant for assigning this cause?

38. What title does Margaret give Warwick which is indicative of his political power?

39. What is the discrepancy in Warwick's statement in lines 186-187?


40. What unjust disposition of lands was given into the

king's power, up to the time of the Restoration?

41. What is Holinshed's account of the king's advancement of his wife's family?

42. What was Lady Grey's lineage?

43. Give the Chronicle account of the capture of Edward. Of his release. What has Dr. Lingard to say of the two incidents?

44. What have the chroniclers to say of Henry, Earl of Richmond, and the incident of which Shakespeare makes use in scene v?

45. Give the historic account of Edward's flight to Burgundy and his return.

46. Give the historic account of the betrayal of Henry.


47. How does Hall explain the withdrawal from Coventry to Barnet for the battle which took place there?

48. Describe Warwick's death, both in the drama, and according to the Chronicles.

49. What is the character of Margaret's invocation to her followers in scene iv?

50. What is the historic account of the Battle of Tewksbury?

51. To what suspicion concerning Richard does Clarence refer in lines 83-84, scene v?

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