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W. Penn,

to his per


friends in


in and through these fufferings: there is food in
affliction, and though the instruments of it cannot
fee it, all fhall work together for good to them that
fear the Lord: keep your ground in the truth, that
was, and is the faints victory. They that shrink,
go out of it; it is a fhield to the righteous: feel it,
and fee, I charge you by the presence of the Lord,
that you turn not afide the Lord's end towards you,
in this fuffering, by confulting with flesh and blood,
in eafing your adverfaries; for that will load you.
Keep out of bafe bargainings, or conniving at
fleshly evafions of the cross. Our Captain would
not leave us fuch an example: let them fhrink that
know not why they fhould ftand; we know, in
whom we have believed: he is mightier in the
faithful, to fuffer and endure to the end, than the
world, to perfecute: call to mind thofe bleffed an-
cients, "That by faith overcame of old, that en
dured cruel mockings and fcourgings, yea more-
over, bonds and imprisonments, that accepted not
deliverance, (to deny their teftimony) that they
might obtain a better refurrection:"-They were
stoned; they were tempted; they were fawn afun-
der; they were flain with the fword; but ye have
not so refifted unto blood; and it fufficeth, I hope,
to you, that the Lord knoweth how to deliver the
godly out of temptation, and to reserve the unjust
unto the day of judgment, to be punished; when
it may be truly faid, "It fhall go well with the
righteous, but very ill with the wicked." The
Lord God, by his power, keep your hearts living
to him; that it may be your delight to wait upon
him, and receive the bounty of his love; that,
being fed with his daily bread and drinking of his
cup of bleffing, you may be raised above the fear
and trouble of earthly things and grow strong in
him, who is your crown of rejoicing; that, hav-
ing anfwered his requirings, and walked faithfully
before him, you may receive, in the end of your
days, the welcome fentence of gladnefs. Eternal

riches are before you, an inheritance incorruptible: prefs after that glorious mark: let your minds be fet on things that are above, and when Chrift, that is the glory of his poor people, fhall appear, they fhall appear with him in glory; when all tears fhall be wiped away, and there shall be no more forrow, or fighing, but they, that overcome, shall stand as Mount Sion, that cannot be removed."

"So, my dear friends and brethren, endure, that you may be faved, and you shall fhall reap, if you faint not. What fhould we be troubled for? our kingdom is not of this world, nor can be shaken by the overturning here below. Let all give glory to God on high, live peaceably on earth, and fhew good will to all men; and our enemies will at laft, fee they do they know not what, and repent, and glorify God, our heavenly Father. O! great is God's work on earth. Be univerfal in your spirits, and keep out all ftraitnefs and narrownefs: look to God's great and glorious kingdom, and its profperity: our time is not our own, nor are we our own: God hath bought us with a price, not to serve ourselves, but to glorify him, both in body, foul and fpirit; and, by bodily fufferings for the truth, he is glorified: look to the accomplishing of the will of God, in these things; that the measure of Chrift's fufferings may be filled up in us, who bear about the " dying of the Lord Jefus;" elfe our fuffering is in vain. Wherefore, as the flock of God, and family and house-hold of faith, walk with your loins girded, being fober, hoping to the end, for the grace and kindness, which fhall be brought unto you, at the revelation of Jefus Chrift, to whom you and your's are committed: his precious fpirit minifter unto you, and his own life be fhed abroad plenteoufly among you, that you may be kept blameless to the end. I am your friend and brother in the fellowship of the fuffering for truth, as it is in Jefus,

"WILLIAM PENN. "Worminghurst, the 24th. of the Twelfth month, 1681."

Having thus far pursued this abstracted account of the life of W. Penn, I fhall, in the next place, after having previously given a brief preliminary defcription of the first rise of the British colonies, in America, and more especially of West New Jersey, in which he was fo much concerned, attend him in the settlement and colonization of his province of Pennsylvania.





A short preliminary sketch of the first colonization of continental America by the English;-Of the Dutch and Swedish fettlements, pretenfions and proceedings, on Hudfon's or North river, and on the bay and river of Delaware;-But more particularly, of the rife, government, and early tranfactions of the colony of Weft New Jersey, previous to thofe of Pennfylvania.

THE firft European discovery of fome of the in


of America



fular parts of America, in the year 1492, by Chrif- Discovery topher Columbus, and the fuccefs of his fubfequent by Columvoyages, as well as thofe of Americus Vefpucius, bus, and by between the years 1496 and 1499, to that continent, both in the fervice of Spain, are now fo well known as here to need no repetition; and, for the fame reason, it is unneceffary to fpecify, in this place, how, or why, this newly discovered part of the world was called America, from the name of the latter of thefe perfons; whofe laft voyage, in the employment of Portugal, gave that part of South America now called Brafil, to that kingdom; as the prior discoveries of Columbus and himself had added, befides the islands, immenfe tract of ter


coveries, by


ritory to Spain, both in the northern and fouthern latitudes of continental America; according to that univerfally acknowledged law of nations, which affigns all waste and uncultivated countries to the prince, who is at the charge of the first discovery of them.*

I fhall only, therefore, in this place, previously British dif- mention, that, in the year 1497, John and Sebafthe Cabots, tian Cabot, father and fon, in the service of king Henry the seventh of England, by the best accounts, are generally acknowledged to have been the first Europeans, who difcovered that part of north America, where the English colonies were afterwards fettled, along the Atlantic fhore, including Newfoundland, from 60, or 68 degrees north, to fo far fouth, as the ifle of Cuba, or the latitude of Florida.t

*See Juftinian, Grotius, &c. on this fubject.


Columbus is faid to be buried in the cathedral of Seville, in Spain, with this infcription on his tomb.

"Columbus has given a new world

To the kingdoms of Caftile and Leon."

Herrera, the great Spanish hiftorian of America, exprefsly affirms, "That neither on the continent, nor isles of the West Indies (the name the Spaniards ufually give to all America) were there either filk, wine, fugar, olives, wheat, barley or pulse; all which (adds Herrera) and many other things have been transported thither from Spain." Their own fole original productions were tobacco, indigo, cocheneal, cotton, ginger, cocoa, piemento, sundry useful drugs and woods for dying, furniture, phyfic," &c.

ANDERSON's hiftorical deduction of commerce, &c.

"The main end of the above attempt of the Cabots, from England, was faid by the writers of, or near, thefe times, to have been to discover a north-weft paffage to the Indies, or fpice iflands, or, to Cathaia; as they then termed a country, fince known to be China; whither fome travellers had gone over by land, in the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Cabot having failed fo far north as 67 degrees, the land which he firft faw, was the country between the mouth of the river of Canada and Hudfon's ftrait; and which he, therefore, named Prima vifta; (i. e. first difcovered) which name it foon loft; and next got the name of Corteria Lis, from a Portugueze; who, from Lisbon, fell in with that coaft, anno 1500, calling alfo the north part of it Eflotiland. After the French had fettled in Canada, they freely called the country New France. Lastly, the English difcoveries, on the north parts of that country, decp into the bay of Hudfon, called it New Britain; though the Portugueze, in fome of their maps, called it Terra di Labrador: its only produce hitherto being peltry, furs and feathers."


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