Abbildungen der Seite

solved. Parliament nominates men to livings. Committee to examine
clergymen. Their method of examination. Death of Mr. Chilling-
worth. Character of Mr. Hampden and of Mr. Pym.


The Oxford Parliament. Progress of the War. Visitation of the
University of Cambridge by the Earl of Manchester. Committee for
plundered, sequestered, and scandalous Ministers.

The Oxford parliament. The king's letter to the queen. Scots army
enters England. Earl of Essex defeated in Cornwall. Rise of the
clubmen. Character of the king's officers, and soldiers. Fight of
Newbury. Character of the parliament army. State of affairs at the
end of the year.
Affairs of the church. Behavior of the university of
Cambridge. Cambridge visitation. Ordinance for the committee of
sequestration. Character of the earl of Manchester. Manner of his
proceeding. Covenant not tendered to the whole university. Numbers
ejected. Reasonableness of it. Characters of the ejected professors:
and of their successors. Remarks. Form of induction of the new
master; the oath and of the fellows. Committee for scandalous min-
isters. Earl of Manchester's warrant empowering them to act: in-
structions to them. The earl's letter. Their method of proceeding.
Remarks. Numbers ejected: compared with the ejected ministers in
1662. The fifths. The hardships on both sides.


Of the several Parties in the Assembly of Divines. Presbyterians, E-
rastians, Independants. Their Proceedings about Ordination, and
the Directory for Divine Worship. The Kise, Progress, and Suffer-
ings of the English Anabaptists.

Parties in the assemblies of Divines. Of the Presbyterians; the
Erastians; the Independants. Remarks. Vindication of the Inde-
pendants. Of the Anabaptists. Proceedings of the assembly. Order
to confer about discipline. Of ordination. Advice of the assembly.-
Directory for public worship. Preface to it. Variations in it from
the common prayer. The success of it. Ordinance for enforcing the
use of the directory. Remarks. King forbids the use of it. Rise and
progress of the English anabaptists. Their confession of faith: their
character and sufferings. Mr. Clarkson's recantation. Remarks.
The Palatinate family favorites of the puritans. State of religion. Or-
dinance for better observation of the Lord's-day for laying aside the
observation of Christmas. Remarks. The death of bishop Westfield,
and of Dr. Downing.


Abstract of the Trial of Archbishop Laud; and of the Treaty of


Trial of Archbishop Laud. Articles of impeachment. Archbishop's
Order and method of the trial. Summary of the charge.


Serj. Wild opens the impeachment. The archbishop's speech. First
branch of the charge for subverting the rights of parliament. Mana-
ger's charge. Archbishop's reply. Arbitrary speeches made for the
king by the archbishop. King's speech March 29 and May 11, 1620,
and March 27, 1629. Archbishop's reply. Arbitrary speeches of the
archbishop himself. Archbishop's reply. Parliament's power in mat-
ters of religion. Archbishop's reply. Of the king's prerogative, and
canons of the church. Archbishop's reply. Second charge: attempt
to set aside the laws of ship-money, tonnage, and poundage. Arch-
bishop's reply. Depopulations and pulling down houses. Archbish-
op's reply. Illegal commitments and prohibitions in the spiritual
courts. Archbishop's reply. Bribery objected to the archbishop.-
His reply. Commutation of penance. Alterations in the coronation
oath. Archbishop's reply. Attempt to set up an independent power
in the clergy. Archbishop's reply. Sitting of the convocation after
the parliament. Archbishop's reply. Remarks. Third general
charge subverting religion. Paintings, and images, and crucifixes.-
Archbishop's answer. Managers' reply to the antiquity of images in
churches. Consecration of churches and altars, and feasts of dedica-
tion. Archbishop's answer on consecrating churches: on feasts of ded-
ication on consecrating altars and their furniture. Manager's reply
on the antiquity of consecrating churches: on consecrating altars and
their furniture: on the antiquity of feasts of dedication. Antiquity of
altars, their situation, and railing them in. Archbishop's answer.-
Managers' reply on the antiquity of altars, and railing them in on
their situation: altars not anciently fixed to the east wall of the chan-
cel: on their furniture. Antiquity of bowing towards the altar. Arch-
bishop's answer. Bowing at the name of Jesus. Of copes. Mana-
gers' reply on bowing to the altar: on the Gloria Patri, and bowing at
the name of Jesus. On reading the second service: on copes: and the
university statutes. Book of sports. Archbishop's answer. Mana-
gers' reply. Remarks. Doctrinal errors. Arminianism. Archbish-
op's answer. Managers' reply. Preaching on the five points. Abuse
of the press by prohibiting books: by castrating them: by licen-
sing popish books, and conniving at their importation. Archbishop's
answer. Managers' reply. Prosecuting puritans. Archbishop's an-
swer. Managers' reply. Reconciling the church of England with
Rome, and assuming papal titles, and discouraging foreign protestants.
Archbishop's answer: on his assuming papal titles: on the church of
Rome being a true church on unchurching foreign protestants: on
corresponding with popish priests. Managers' reply. On his assum-
ing papal titles and honors: on his forbidding to pray for the queen's
conversion on the church of Rome no true church on his reconciling
the church of England to Rome: on his unchurching foreign protes-
tants on his countenancing popish priests: and discountenancing their
prosecutors: on his concealing Habernfield's plot. The managers'
conclusion. The archbishop's speech at the close of the trial. Points
of law debated. Mr. Hearn's argument. Censures of the archbishop's
behavior. His character of the witnesses. His censure of the mana-
gers. Petitions for justice against him. Condemned by bill of at-

tainder. His last speech and prayer. His character. Treaty of Üx-
bridge. The king's cabinet opened. The commissioners. The treaty
begins. Mr. Love's sermon. Of the militia: of Ireland: of religion:
The king's instructions to his commissioners. Parliament's instruc-

tions. Mr. Henderson's speech against bishops. Dr. Steward's reply.
The king's concessions. Remarks. The parliament's reply. Re-
marks. The treaty breaks up. Reasons of it. Remarks. Earl of
Glamorgan's treaty with the Irish. Death of Mr. White.


The Progress of the War.
The Power of the Keys.
ernment. Committees for Comprehension and Toleration of the In-

Debates in the Assembly about Ordination.
The Divine Right of Presbyterian Gov-

Earl of Eesex removed, and the army new-modelled. Character of
the generals. Rise of enthusiasm in the army. Their strict disci-

pline. Progress of the king's forces. Battle at Naseby. Parlia-
ment's care for a regular clergy. Directory for ordination of minis-
ters. Former ordinations invalid. Debates upon it with the independ-
ants. Power of ordination given to the assembly pro tempore. The
divine right of presbytery. Objections of the erastians: and of the
independants. Presbyterians' reply. Subordination of synods. Com-
plaints of the independants. Conduct of the erastians. The clause
of the divine right lost in the house of commons. Several petitions of
the parliament to admit it. Of the power of the keys in excommuni-
cation: opinion of the independants, of Selden, and of Whitlocke.—
The ordinance for suspension and excommunication. Parliament's
proviso. Presbyterians dissatisfied. Ordinance for erecting presby

Remarks. Exceptions of the Scots to the new discipline.-
Parliament's reply. English presbyterians' petition against the ordi-
Hance. They are threatened with a præmunire. Questions sent to
the assembly relating to the jus divinum. Remarks. They are ter-
rified, and appoint a fast. Committee of accommodation. The com-
mittees revived. Proposals of the independants. Reply of the pres-
byterians. Answer of the independants. The presbyterians' reply.-
Answer of the independants. Conclusion of the presbyterians. Re-
marks. Debates about toleration and liberty of conscience.
declaration against toleration. Independants for a limited toleration.
Answer to the reasons of the London clergy. The king foments their
divisions. Censures of Paul Best. Ordinance to seize the revenues
of cathedrals. Revenues of the university of Cambridge preserved.→→
Death of Dr. Featly: of Mr. Dod.



The Conclusion of the first Civil War, by the King's surrendering his
Royal Person to the Scots. Petitions of the Assembly and City Di-
vines against Toleration, and for the Divine Right of the Presbyte-
rial Government, which is erected in London. Debates between the

King, Mr. Henderson, and the Scots Commissioners. His Ma-

jesty is removed from Newcastle to Holmby-house. Further account

of the Sectaries.

The king's melancholy condition at Oxford: surrenders his person

to the Scots. Conclusion of the first civil war. Articles of peace

with the Irish papists. Parliament's commissioners protest against it.

Presbyterians petition against sectaries: and are seconded by the Scots.

Parliament's answer. Independants oppose it. Assembly's sentiments

of the jus divinum. Sentiments of the London ministers.
Their pa-

per of considerations and cautions. Classical division of the province

of London. Remarks. Scots behavior to the king at Newcastle.-

Conference between the king and Mr. Henderson. The king's first

paper. Mr. Henderson's first reply. King's second paper. Mr. Hen-

derson's second reply. King's third paper. Mr. Henderson's third

reply. King's last papers. Remarks. Mr. Henderson's pretended

recantation: the falseness of it. Parliament's propositions to the king

at Newcastle. Great intercession is made with the king to comply:

but he refuses. His conference with the Scots commissioners. Scots

kirk will not trust the king. Their solemn warning and declaration.

Proceedings of the Scots parliaments relating to the king. They de-

liver him up, and publish their reasons. English commissioners re-

ceive the king, and convey him to Holmby. Remarks. The king at

Holmby-house. Ordinance for abolishing archbishops and bishops:

and for sale of their lands. Presbyterians petition against the secta-

ries. Proceedings of the parliament upon it. Further account of the

sectaries. Edward's Grangræna. Mr. Baxter's account of them:

lord Clarendon's. Bishop Bramhall, of the papists, Death of the

earl of Essex: of Mr. Colman: of Dr. Twisse: and Mr. Jeremiah



Proceedings of the Assembly upon their Confession of Faith and Cate-

chisms. Provincial Assemblies of London. The King taken out of

the Parliament's custody and conveyed to the Army. His Majesty's

conduct. Ile escapes from Hampton-Court, and is confined in the

Isle of Wight.

Proceedings of the assembly upon their confession of faith. They

present it to the parliament. Debates of the commons upon it. Arti-
cles of discipline rejected: but the whole received by the Scots as-
sembly and parliament. Censures of it. Assembly's larger and short-
er catechisms. Scots commissioners take leave of the assembly. They
appoint a fast for the distractions of England. First provincial as-
sembly. The second. Their petition to parliament. London minis-
ters, testimony to truth and against error. Dr. Hammond's vindication :
and Mr. John Goodwin's: his reply to the Rev. Mr. Jenkins. Views
of the different parties concerned in the war: of the king: of the par-
liament and presbyterians of the army and independants. Contro-
versy between the parliament and army. Council of the officers and
agitators. The king's answer to the propositions at Newcastle: seized

and carried to the army: which strikes the two houses with surprise.
Declaration of the army. The presbyterians in parliament resolve to
oppose the army. Eleven of their members impeached. Commotions
in the city. Tumults in the parliament house: which occasion sev-
eral of the members to retire to the army. Proceedings of the re-
mainder. Army resolves to march to London. City submits. Pres-
byterian ministers' vindication of themselves. Remarks. Mr. Bax-
ter's opinion. The king's motions with the army. Cromwell's and
Ireton's conference with the king. His majesty's mistaken conduct:
which proves his ruin. Reasons of the army's deserting the king-
The king escapes from Hampton-Court: and is confined in the Isle of
Wight. Proposals of the army. Agreement of the lords. and of the
commons. Proposals of the presbyterians. Motive of the king's es-
cape from Hampton-Court. Private treaty with the Scots. The king's
concessions from the Isle of Wight. Remarks. The army unite with
the parliament. Votes of non-addresses. Parliament's remonstrance.
Ordinance for abolishing the observation of Christmas and other saints'
days. Time allotted for servants' recreation. The king disapproves
of it. It occasions tumults. The king's clergy petition to be restored
Counter-petition of the presby-

to their livings. Fairfax's answer.
terians. Ordinance in their favor.


The Visitation of the University of Oxford. State of Religion at the
end of the year.

Condition of the university of Oxford. Parliament sends ministers
to reform it. Their conduct and success. Parliament resolves on a
visitation. Ordinance for that purpose. Abstract of the university's
reasons against the covenant. Exceptions against the preface: against
the covenant in general: against the first article: against the second:
against the third: against the fourth: against the fifth: against the
sixth the conclusion. Contradictions in the covenant: doubtful ex-
pressions in it: absurdities. Salvoes for taking it. Objections to the
negative oath and directory. Remarks. Visitation opened. The uni-
versity uses the visitors ill, and will not submit. Parliament resolve
to support their visitors. Their visitation received. The university
will not submit. They are heard by their council: but are cast. Their
stubborn behavior. Earl of Pembroke, chancellor, visits in person.
His proceedings: reports the behavior of the university to the parlia-
ment. Numbers ejected. Insolence of the scholars. The garrison
searches the colleges for arms. Scholars expelled. Heads of the col-
leges that submitted and kept their places: their characters. Charac-
ters of the professors that submitted. Heads of the colleges ejected:
their characters. Professors ejected. New heads of colleges that suc-
ceeded. New professors. Their behavior. Remarks. Vacancies in
the university filled up. Causes of the increase of lay-preachers. Pe-
tition for unordained preachers. Stage-plays put down. State of re-
ligion. Death of Mr. Herbert Palmer, of Mr. Henry Wilkinson, of
Mr. Saltmarsh.

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