Abbildungen der Seite


Cubits (of five-), πEνтάπNX-US, -v. adj. 2 term. (R. ñévte, five; πîxus, a cubit.)

Cubits (of six-), é§άπnx-vs, —v. Cubits (of eight-), октάπηα-υs, -v. Cubits (of ten —), deкάπηα-us, -v. Cuckoo, KóккU-, -yos, d. subst. 5. simp. (R. Kóккν, the sound uttered by the cuckoo.)

Curved (well), EÙкаμπ-ǹs̟, –És. adj. 2 term. (R. eυ, well; кáμπw, I curve.)

Cut, ¿dòs, -oû, . subst. 3. simp. Cut-in-two, dieteμe(v). 3. s. aor. 2. ind. act. of διατέμνω. (R. διὰ, through; Téμvw, I cut.)

Dawn, -ws, -w, . subst. 4. simp. Day, nuép-a, -as, . subst. 2. simp. Daybreak (at-), ẵμa Tî ëq. (lit. together with the dawn.) Dead, veкp-òs, à, óv. adj. Dead (half), ñμðvǹ-s, -ñтos. adj. 1 term. (R. uov, demi, half; θνήσκω, I die.)


Death, lávaт-os, -ov, d. (R. (fávw) θνήσκω, I die.)

Debt, χρεώς, -ώ, τό : χρεών, -ω, τό. subst. 4. simp.

Decision, кpío-is, -ews, n. subst. 2.


Dedicated (they), ȧvéonкav. 3. pl.

aor. 2. ind. act. of ȧvationμi. (R. ἀνὰ, up, τίθημι, I place.) Dedicate (did he — ? ), åvé0ŋke(v); 3. s. aor. 1. ind. act. from the above. Delight, Tép-is, -ews, n. subst. 2. contr. (R. Téρw, I delight.) Despised (he -), οὐδενὸς ἐποίησε(ν). lit. he made of no (account). ovdevòs, gen. s. of οὐδείς. ἐποίησε, 3. s. aor. 1. ind. act. of TOLEW.

Destroy (he began to―), ep0cipe. 3.

s. imp. ind. act. of p0elpw, I destroy. Die (to), Oaveîv. aor. 2. inf. act. of θνήσκω.—κατθανείν. aor. 2. inf. act. οι καταθνήσκω.

Died (he), àπélave(v). 3. s.—— --and Died (they), åπélavov. 3. pl. aor. 2. ind. act. of ἀποθνήσκω. Digging, σкáлTwv. nom. sing. masc. pres. part. act. of σкáπтw. Directing, κατευθύνοντα. acc. sing. masc. pres. part. act. of кaтevÐÚVW.


Disease, voo-os, -ov, n. subst. 3. simp. Disposed (favorably-), euv-ous, -ouv. adj. 2 term. (R. eb, well; voûs, disposition.)

Disposed (ill -), κακόνους, -ουν. adj. 2 term. (R. kakós, bad; voûs, disposition.)

Distant (they are—), åπéxovoɩ. 3. pl. pres. ind. act.and Distant (to be—), åπéxew. pres. inf.

act. of ἀπέχω.

Do (that will) enough, äλis hồn. äλis, adv. enough; hồn, adv. by this time. äis is often followed by a gen., because words implying plenty or want govern a genitive. Dodona, Awdwv-n, -ns, ǹ. subst. 2. simp. A celebrated oracle in Epirus. The responses were given from a grove of oaks.

Dog, kú-wv, -vos, d. subst. 5. simp. Door, Búp−a, —as, . subst. 2. simp. Dreadful, dew-ds, −ǹ, −óv. adj. 3 term. Dream, ovεip-os, -ov, d. subst. 3. simp.

ὄνειρον, ου, τό. subst. 3. simp.

Plural freq. oveípara, subst. 5. simp. Dress, κóσμ-os, -ov, d. subst. 3. simp. Drinking, Tóσ-is, -ews, ǹ. subst. 2.


Drive (that we may —), ἵνα ἐκπέμψω μεν. ἵνα, conj. that, g. subj. ; ἐκπέμ

wμev, 1. pl. aor. 1. subj. act. of ἐκπέμπω.

Ear, dko-n, -ñs, . subst. 2. simp. (R. ȧkovw, I hear.) Earth, 7-, -s, ǹ; yaî-a, -as, ; subst. 2. simp.-xe-wv, −óvos, Я. subst. 5. simp.

Earthquake, yĥs σeloμ-ds, -oû, 8. σeloμós, a shaking, fr. oeiw, I shake; Yns, of-the-earth, fr. yî, yîs, ǹ. East wind, Eup-os, -ov, d. subst. 3. simp.

Eat (I), olíw. 1. s. pres. ind. act. (R. ědw, I eat.)

Eat (that they may-), Iva oliwσiv.

iva, conj. that, g. subj.; ẻσlíwow, 3. pl. pres. subj. act. of oliw. Eldest, peoBÚTαT-OS, -n, -ov. superl. adj. 3 term., fr. πрéσß-vs, -ews, d. Encouraging one-another, παρακε

λevóμevol. nom. plur. masc. pres. part. mid. of rapaкeλeuw, I encourage.


End, Téλ-os, -eos, -ous, Tó. subst. 1.


Enemy, Toλeμí-os, -a, -ov. adj. 3 term., and -os, -ov. adj. 2 term. (R. πόλεμος, κar.) Enough, axis. adv. N.B. Words

implying plenty or want govern a gen. Entrance, προπύλαια, –ων, τά. subst. 3. simp. (R. Tрó, before; núλn, a gate.)

Enviable, (nλwr-ds, -ǹ, -óv. verb.adj.

fr. (nλów, I rival. (R. (éw, I boil.) Epaminondas, Eñaμeivávd-as, –ov, d. subst. 1. simp. The great hero and patriot of Thebes.

Equal (p. 39.), toaι. nom. pl. fem. from to-os, -n, -ov, equal. Equally-with, lows. adv. (g. dat.) Eteocles, ’Ere0KA—ns, méos, -ous, 8. subst. 1. contr. Son of the unfor

tunate King Edipus. He and his brother Polynices slew one another in single combat.

Even, kal. conj.

Evening (late), oyé. adv.
Ever-уet, π-πOTE, adv.

Every, πᾶς, πᾶσα, πᾶν, adj. 3 term. Evidently (it is), paíveral. 3. s. pres. ind. mid. of paívw.

Eye, ouua, Tos, Tó. subst. 5. simp. Examination, àváкpio-is, -ews, n. subst. 2. contr. (R. àvá, throughout; Kрívw, I judge.)

Faction, σráo-is, -ews, n. subst. 2.

contr. (R. (στάω) ἵστημι, I place.) Fair (just), Sikaι-os, -a, -ov. adj. 3 term. (R. díkn, justice.) Fairer (p. 55.), káλλlot-os, —N, -ov. adj. 3 term. superl. of кaλ-ds, -, -óv, lit. fairest.

Fall (they), TITTEL. (after neut. pl.) 3. s. pres. ind. act.-inToVƠI, 3. pl. pres. ind. act. of πíπw. False, eud-s, -és. adj. 2 term. (R. yeúdo, I cheat.)

Fancy (I), apa. conj., lit. seemingly. Father, TаT-p, -épos, d. subst. 5. simp.

Favorable, e-ws, -wv. adj. 2 term. Fear, dé-os, -eOS, -OUS, Tổ. subst. 1.


Feast, opT-, -ñs, n. subst. 2. simp.


Feasted (he), eiσría. 3. s. imp. ind. act. of EoTiάw. (R. (w, I seat.) Feather, Tíλ-ov, -ov, Tó. subst. 3. simp.

Feelings, op-n, -evòs, n. subst. 5. simp.

Feet, Toûs, Todds, d. subst. 5 simp. Female, yuvaιkeî-os, -a, -ov. adj. 3


Ferryman, Tорpoμ-eùs, —éws, ¿. subst.

3 contr.

Few, oxiy-os, -n, -ov. adj. 3 term. Field, ȧyp-òs, -oû. 8. subst. 3 simp. Fiercely, Spiu-ú. adv., from Spiμùs, -ela, -ú. adj. 3 term.

Fifteen, πέντε καὶ δέκα. πέντε, five; κai, and; déкa, ten.

Fig, σuk-ov, -ov, Tó. subst. 3. simp. Fighting, Maxóμeval. nom. pl. fem. pres. part. mid. of μáxoμai. Figure (statue), TÚT—OS, —OV, 8. subst. 3. simp.

Figure (form, shape), σxñμa, -TOS, Tó. subst. 5. simp.

Find (to), evpeîv. aor. 2. inf. act. οἱ εὑρίσκω.

Fire, Tup, -òs, Tó. subst. 5 simp. Firmament, aie-ǹp,-épos, d. (R. alow, I light-up.)

First, πрwτ-os, -n, -ov. adj. 3 term. Flame, Tup, -òs, Tó. subst. 5 simp. Flashed. paive(v). 3. s. imp. ind. act. of φαίνω.

Flows (it), peî. 3. s. pres. ind. act. of péw.

Follow (thou), eπov. 2. s. pres. imp. mid. of eroμaι, I follow. Follows (he), ETTEтаL. 3. s. pres. ind. mid. of eπoμаι, I follow. Folly, uwpí-a, -as, . subst. 2 simp. Fond (vain), кev-ds, −ǹ, −óv. adj.

3 term.

For, yap. conj. (never the first word in a sentence).

Forest, aλo-os, -EOS, OUS, TÓ. subst. 1 contr.

Fortifying, Teixio-is, -ews, ǹ. subst. 2. contr. from TEIXISW, I fortify. Fortune, Túx-n, -ns, n. subst. 2. simp. from τυγχάνω (ἔτυχον), I chanceupon.

Found (he), eûpe(v). 3. s. aor. 2. ind. act. of εὑρίσκω. Free, ἐλεύθερος, -ον.

adj. 3 term. 1


Friend, píx-os, -ov, d. subst. 3 simp. (R. piλéw, I love.) From, K. prep. (g. gen.) Full, Tλnp-s, -és. adj. 2 term. (R. πλέω, πίμπλημι, I fill.)

Furlong, σrádi-ov, -ov, тó. subst. 3. contr.plur. oтadı-01, masc.; or στάδια, neut.

Fury, μév-os, -eos, -ovs, Tó. subst. 1. contr. (R. μáw (μevw), I am-eager.)

Garment, iuári-ov, -ov, тó. subst. 3. simp.

Garrison, poup-à, -âs, n. subst. 2. simp. (R. Tрó, before; ópáw, I see.) Gave (he), edwкe. 3. s. aor. 1. ind. act. of δίδωμι.

General, σтрaτny-ds, -oû, d. subst. 3. simp. (R. OTрaт-Ós, an army; ǎyw, I lead.)

Generation, yeve—à‚¬âs, ǹ. (R. (yévw) yiyvoμal, I am-born.) Gets-off (he

), ἀπαλλάσσεται. 3. 5. pres. ind. mid. of åñaλλáσσw. Giant, yiy-as, -avтos. d. subst. 5. simp.

Girl, kóp-n, -ns, . subst. 2. simp. Give (I will), dúow. I. s. fut. ind. act. of δίδωμι.

Give (thou), dós. 2. s. aor. 2. imp. act. of δίδωμι.

Glory, Kûd-os, -EOS, -OUS, TÓ. subst. 1. contr. - dó§-a, −ns, ǹ. subst. 2. simp. (R. dokéw, I think.) Go (I will), elu. 1. s. pres. ind. act. (with future sense). Goblet, kрат-p, -ñpos, d. subst. 5. simp. (R. (κεράω) κεράννυμι, Ι mix.)

God, e-ds, -oû, 8. subst. 3 simp. Goddess, e-ds, où, ǹ. subst. 3 simp.

Oe-à, -âs, n. subst. 2. simp. Gold, xpuo-ds, -oû, d. subst. 3. simp. Good, ayal-ds, -ǹ, -óv. adj. 3 term. Graceful, xapí-eis, -eσσa, -ev. adj. 3 term. (R. xápis, grace.) Grapes (bunch of —), Bóтp-vs, -vos, 8. subst. 5. simp.

Great, μέγας, μεγάλη, μέγα. adj. 3


Greatness, μéye0-os, −eos, -ous, tÓ.

subst. 1 contr. (R. μéyas, great.) Greek, "E^^-n, -nvos, d. subst. 5. simp.


Greet (we), άσnáСoμelα. 1. pl. pres. ind. mid. of ἀσπάζομαι. Grievous, Bap-ùs, -eîa, −ú. adj. 3


Groping, Tupλ-ds,−ǹ),−óv. adj. 3 term. lit. blind.

Ground, x0-v, -ovòs, . subst. 5. simp.

Ground (upon the -), xaμaí. adv. Grove, ǎλσ-os, -EOS, OUS, TÓ. subst. 1. contr.

Grown (full), акμаî-os, -α, -ov. adj. 3 term. (R. åкμǹ), àкh, an edge, the top, and so the prime.

Hair, Ople, Tρixòs, n. subst. 5. simp. Has (he), exe. 3. s. pres. ind. act. Had (he), eixe(v). 3. s. imp. ind. act. of exw.

Hades, Aïd-ns, -ov, 8. subst. 1. simp. The god of the infernal regions. Sometimes, the place itself. (R. a, not; éidw, idw, I see, the invisible.)

Hailstorm, xáλa§-a, -ns, ǹ. subst. 2. simp. (R. xaλáw, I let loose.) Hanging, dyxov−n, ns, n. subst. 2. simp. (R. ayxw, I throttle.) Happiness, evdaiμoví-a, −as, ǹ. subst. 2. simp. (R. eu, well, daíμwv, fortune.) Happy, evdaíμ-wv, -ovos. adj. 2 term. - μάκαρ, αρος. adj. 1 term. Have (they), ěxovσi(v). 3. pl. pres. ind. act. and

Have (to), exew. pres. inf. act., -and

Have (we), exoμev. 1. pl. pres. ind. act. of exw.

Head, kepaλ-n, -ñs, . subst. 2. simp. Heal (thou), iáтpevσov. 2. s. aor. 1. imp. act. of iáoμai, I heal. Hear (he did), Į ňкovσε. 3. s. aor. Heard (he -), 1. ind. act.- and

Hear (that they did -), àкoveш. pres. inf. act. of ἀκούω.

Hearer, άкроаT-s, -oû, d. subst. 1. simp. (R. ἀκροάομαι, I listen ; ἀκούω, I hear.) Heaven, oupav-ds, -oû, d. subst. 3. simp. (R. ŏρvvμ, I lift up, as heaven from heave.)

Hector, "EKT-WP, -opos, 8. subst. 5. simp. The great Trojan hero, killed


by Achilles, the champion of the Greeks.

Heir, Kλnрovóμ-os, -ov, ó. subst. 3. simp. (R. KAĥpos, a lot; véμw, I distribute.)


Hephæstus, "Hpαισт-os, -ov, d. god of fire; in Latin, Vulcanus. Herald, Kýpu-, -kos, ó. subst. 5. simp. (R. Knpúoow, I proclaim.) Herself (of), kavт-îs. gen. sing. fem.-from

Himself (of —), έavт-oû, −îs. reflex. pron.

Hither, deupo. adv.

Ho! you there, ouros σú. lit. You! this man. Lat. Heus tu! Hobgoblin, άλφιτώ,

όος, οὓς, ἡ. subst. 4. contr. A bugbear used by nurses to frighten children. Homer, "Oμnp-os, -ov, 8, subst. 3. simp.

Hope, èλπ-s, -idos, n. subst. 5. simp. Horn, kéр-αs, -aтos, aos, ws, Tó. subst. 5. contr.

Horror, акк-, -bos, oûs, ǹ. subst. 4. contr. Like aλpità, a bugbear used by nurses to frighten children. Hot-tempered, öğúluμ-os, -ov. adj. 2 term. (R. ogùs, sharp; Ovμds, spirit.) Hour, p-a, -as, . subst. 2. simp. How, &s. conj.

Hunger, Au-òs, -oû, d. subst. 3. simp. Hunt-after (used to), onрâvto.

3. pl. imp. ind. mid. of Onpáw, I hunt. Husband, Too-is, -ews, d. subst. 2.


Ignorance, ǎyvoi-a, -as, n. subst. 2.

(R. a, not; (γνόω) γινώσκω, I know.) If, ei. conj.

Immortal, álávaт-os, -ov. adj. 2 term.

(R. a, not; ávaτos, death.) Impossible, adúvaт-os, -ov. adj. 2 term. (R. a, not; dúvaμal, I am able.)

Impregnable, àváλwτ-os, -ov. adj. 2 term. (R. a, not ; (ἁλόω) ἁλίσκομαι, I am taken.) In, ev. prep. (g. dat.) Incredible, aισт-os, -ov. adj. 2 term. (R. a, not; Tíoris, faith.) Indulges -in (he -), Xрîτal. 3. s. pres. ind. mid. — and


Indulge in (they), xpŵvтaι. 3. pl. pres. ind. act. of xpάoμai. (g. dat.) Inheritance, Kλñρ-os, -ov, d. subst. 3. simp.

Inscribe (we), vpápouev. 1. pl. pres. ind. act. of ypápw. Inscription (writing - an), emιypápovra. acc. sing. masc. pres. part. act. οἱ ἐπι-γράφω.

Insolence, ßp-is, -ews, ǹ. subst. 2.


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Keep (thou), ow(e. 2. s. pres. imper. act. of σώζω.

Keep-your-distance, àπéxov. 2. s. pres. imper. mid. of ȧréxw (lit. keepyourself (exov) off (àñó).

Kept (he), eow(e. 3. s. imp. ind. act, οἱ σώζω.

Kettle, λέβης, -ητος, ὁ. (R. λείβω, I pour.)

Killed (they —), ἀπέκτειναν. 3. pl. aor. 1. ind. act. of aπоктeίvw. Kindly, e-ws, -wv. adj. 2. term. King, avα-, -KтOS, 8. subst. 5. simp.

— Baσiλ-eùs, éws, 8. subst. 3. contr. Knew (he —), đồn. 3. s. plup. ind. act. of olda. Knocking (are you —

?), κόπτεις; 2. 8. pres. ind. act. of KÓTTW. Know (you), olola. 2. s. perf. ind.


Know (ye), oldaтe. 2. pl. perf. ind. act. of olda

Lacedæmonian, Aakedaiμóvi-os, -α, -ov. adj. 3 term.


Land, x0-wv, ovòs, n. subst. 5. simp. Latona, AnT-, -óos, -oûs, ǹ. The mother of Apollo.

Lawgiver, vouoléт-ns, -ov, d. subst. 1. simp. (R. vóμos, a law; (0éw) Tíonu, I lay down.)

Lay (they), (after neut. pl.) ěкELTO, 3. s.; and, ěKELTO, 3. pl. imp. ind. act. of κείμαι. Leads (it), pépel. 3. s. pres. ind. act. of φέρω. yel. 3. s. pres. ind. act. of ἄγω. Learn (to), pav¤áveiv. pres. inf. act. οι μανθάνω. Learning, μálno-is, -ews, ǹ. subst. 2. contr. (R. μavoávw, I learn.) Led (he), yaye(v). 3. s. aor. 2. ind. act. of yw.

Left (we have been —), λeλeíμμedov. 1. du. perf. ind. pass. of λeiπw. Left, evvvμ-os, -ov. adj. 2 term. (R. eu, well; ovoμa, a name.) Leisure, oxo-ǹ, -ñs, ǹ. subst. 2. simp.

Length, μ-os, -eos, -ovs, тó. subst.

[blocks in formation]

Life, Bí-os, -ov, 8, subst. 3. simp. Lighted (that it is ), φωτίζεσθαι. pres. inf. mid. of Owτisw. (R. pŵs, a light.)

Lightning, σéλ-as, —ATOS, -αos, -ws, Tó. subst. 5. contr.

Like (as) s. conj.-σrep. conj. Likely, eixós. indecl. adj. fr. eoKWS, perf. part. act. of oua.

Limb, μéλ-os, -eos, -ous, tó. subst. 1.

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Live (I may), ¿ŵ. 1. s. pres. subj. act. of Cáw.

Live-again (to—), dvaßiŵval. aor. 2. inf. act. of avaẞiów.

Look (ye), Bλétete. 2. pl. pres. ind. act. of βλέπω.

Looks (she), Spâ. 3. s. pres. ind. act. of ópáw.

Lose (thou didst —), àñáλeσas. 2. s. aor. 1. ind. act. of ảπóλλvμi. Love (I —), σTÉpyw. 1. s. pres. ind.


Love (to), piλeîv, pres. inf. act. - and

Love (you), piλeîs. 2. s. pres. ind. act. and

Loved (that he -), piλeiv. pres. inf. act. of φιλέω.

Lying-extended-over, keiμevov. acc. sing. masc. perf. part. mid. of keîμal. Lynceus, Avyк-eùs̟, -éws, d. subst. 3.

contr. One of the Argonauts, famed for his keen sight.

Lynx, λúy—§, –кòs, d. subst. 5. simp.

Maiden, kóp-n, -ns, ǹ. subst. 2. simp. Make (he does), TOLEî. 3. s. pres. ind. act. of ποιέω.

Male, app-ny, -evos. adj. 2 term.
Man, avoрwπ-оs, -ov, d. subst. 3. simp.
Many, πολὺς, πολλὴ, πολύ, adj. 3.


Many (how - ?), πόσος, -η, -ον ; inter. pron. 3 term.

Master, SeσTóт-ns, -ov, d. subst. 1.


Master (to), кρaтeîv (g. gen.). pres. inf. act. of κρατέω. Με, ἐμὲ, με - and

Με (to (+), ἐμοὶ, μοι. fr. ἐγώ, pers.


Means (by no), ovdaμŵs. adv. Message, ayyeλí-a, −as, ǹ. subst. 2. simp. Messenger, ayyeλ-os, -ov, d. subst. 3. simp.

Middle, μéo-os, -n, -ov. adj. 3 term. Money, ȧpyúpi-ov, -ov, Tó. subst. 3. simp.

Moon, σeλhv-n, -ns, ǹ. subst. 2. simp. More, μâλλov. adv.

Morning, -ws, -w, n. subst. 4. simp.

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