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His object was to establish an inside loyal states, to pay marked attention to blockade and cut off the rebels from it, and in every city, town and village

external help. Union sentiments and views were manifested on several occasions, and secession despotism was sub-, mitted to because of inability to resist it. The only movement of any consequence towards Charleston was that by Gen. T. W. Sherman, on the 11th of February, when Edisto Island was occupied. This island is about twelve miles long and nine broad; it is also some ten miles from the mainland, twenty miles from the Charleston and Savannah Railroad, and forty miles from Charleston. The rebels had deserted the island entirely, leaving nothing but the negroes, and some cotton which was not burned before they ran away.

Turning from the narrative of naval and military operations, let us devote a few moments to another topic, not less interesting or important. The name of WASHINGTON, the father of his country, has always been, and always will be, held in the highest reverence and esteem by the American people. He is one of the few, the very few great men in the world's history whose name is pure from aught that is unworthy the patriot and the Christian; and it is one of the best signs for good that our countrymen look upon him with affectionate admiration, and uniformly point to his life and career as the bright and glorious example to themselves and their children, in all time to come. The birthday of Washington has become a national holiday, and is observed as such every where and by all. When the 22d of February, 1862, arrived, it was felt to be especially appropriate, in the

the day received more than its accus tomed honors, and the hearts of the people were cheered and encouraged there by. Both Houses of Congress, with the principal officers of the government, met at noon, in the chamber of the House of Representatives, and listened anew to the Farewell Address of Washington, as read by Mr. Forney, the secretary of the Senate. Besides reading the Address public orations were delivered in the larger cities, and there were military displays, ringing of bells, illuminations, and other festal observances.

It was not in the loyal states alone that the 22d of February was observed and made much of. Davis, and his fellowlaborers in a bad cause, took occasion to consummate a part of their plans on this famous day. The "provisional" arrangement of the confederate government had been brought to a close, and on the 22d of February, Jefferson Davis, as head of the "permanent " government, was inaugurated president over the "Confederacy." An inaugural address was also delivered, in which the chief leader in the Great Rebellion spoke of the position of affairs with a calm assurance and a confident certainty of ultimate success, mingling, at the same time, with his remarks a large infusion of bitterness and disappointment at the energy and resolution of the loyal people in the North and West. A passage or two may not inaptly here be quoted:

"On this, the birthday of the man most identified with the establishment of American Independence, and beneath

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"Never has a people evinced a more determined spirit than that now animating men, women, and children in every part of our country. Upon the first call men fly to arms; and wives and mothers send their husbands and sons to battle without a murmur of regret.

"We are in arms to renew such sacrifices as our fathers made to the holy cause of constitutional liberty. At the darkest hour of our struggle the provis ional gives place to the permanent gov. ernment. After a series of successes and victories, which covered our arms with glory, we have recently met with serious disasters. But, in the heart of a people resolved to be free, these dis asters tend but to stimulate to increased resistance."

the monument erected to commemorate to subjugate us, has already attained his heroic virtues, and those of his com- such fearful dimensions as will subject patriots, we have assembled to usher them to burthens which must continue into existence the permanent govern- to oppress them for generations to ment of the Confederate States. come. Through this instrumentality, under the favor of Divine Providence, we hope to perpetuate the principles of our revolutionary fathers. The day, the memory, and the purpose seem fitly as sociated. When a long course of class legislation, directed not to the general welfare, but to the aggrandizement of the northern section of the Union, culminated in a warfare on the domestic institutions of the southern states-when the dogmas of a sectional party, substituted for the provisions of the constitutional compact, threatened to destroy the sovereign rights of the states, six of those states, withdrawing from the Union, confederated together, to exercise the right and perform the duty of instituting a government which would better In his message to the Confederate secure the liberties for the preservation Congress (see p. 100), Davis admitted of which that Union was established. that "events have demonstrated that Whatever of hope some may have enter- the government had attempted more tained, that a returning sense of justice than it had power successfully to would remove the danger with which achieve. Hence, in the effort to protect, our rights were threatened, and render it possible to preserve the Union of the Constitution, must have been dispelled by the malignity and barbarity of the northern states in the prosecution of the existing war.

"Although the tide for the moment is against us, the final result in our favor is not doubtful. The period is near at hand when our foes must sink under the immense load of debt which they have incurred; a debt which, in their effort

by our arms, the whole territory of the Confederate States, seaboard and inland, we have been so exposed as recently to encounter serious disasters." His allusion was to the losses of Fort Donelson, Roanoke Island, etc.; but, not deeming it possible "that anything so insane as a persistent attempt to subjugate these states could be made," he did not disguise the strong probability, " that the war will be continued through a series of years." Without undertak

ing to present "an accurate statement" activity into the "Confederacy." It of the confederate military strength, he was now a matter of life or death. It said that it was some 400 regiments of was evident that the loyal states were infantry, with a proportionate force of resolutely determined to crush the recavalry and artillery, making in bellion at any cost; and that Davis and 1862. all about half a million of men. those who worked with him were In regard to finances, Davis spoke in equally determined not to submit, so highly congratulatory terms, asserting long as they were able to make any rethat the expenditure for the past year sistance whatsoever. Terrible alternawas only $170,000,000, and that the tive! There was no help for it; the enemy had wasted three times as much battle had to be fought out, even to the in vainly striving to conquer the con- bitter end; and the awful responsibili federacy. ty for shedding of blood, for carnage,

With such sentiments as these, mak- cruelty, suffering, distress, and the thɔuing such representations as the above, sand evils attendant upon war, must and well understanding that the strug- rest upon the men who, without any gle was no light one in which he was en- just or reasonable cause, began the regaged, Davis tried to sustain his own bellion of 1861, and persevered in it for hopes and to infuse additional life and four weary, desolating years.




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Genera. McClellan's preparations- Delays - War order for the campaign-McClellan's plan - Army corps ordered-Jackson's attack on our troops at Hancock-Lander's success - Col. Geary's march-Winchester evacuated-Rebels fall back - Manassas abandoned - Our troops occupy it-Public feeling - McClellan relieved of command-inc-hief - New departments formed - McClellan's address to the troops- Advance by way of Fortress Monroe determined on - Importance of, the contest between the Merrimac and the Monitor - The arming of the Merrimac - Inactivity of the navy department Merrimac's attack on our ships — Success Fearful blow of the ram - The Cumberland sunk, colors flying- The Congress surrenders Set on fire and blown up- - The Minnesota not attacked that day- Gloomy Saturday night — The Monitor arrives-Peculiarity of build, etc. - Reappearance of the Merrimac, Sunday morning - The Monitor meets her - The encounter - The victory - Gen. Shields's success over Jackson at Winchester-Troops embarked for the Peninsula - McClellan's expectations as to his force-Disappointment - His plan in general Movements - McDowell's corps detached - McClellan's views-Question as to number of the troops-Siege of Yorktown-President's letter to McClellan - Gen. W. F. Smith's exploit - Fredericksburg taken-New Market also- Rebels determine to evacuate Yorktown, and retire in safety.

GEN. MCCLELLAN, in following the plans which he had adopted in regard to offensive operations in Virginia, was

engaged, as we have seen (page 92-3). in making vast and extensive preparations for a campaign early in 1862.

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