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unite in what affects all fo nearly. therefore, who have hitherto thought the Danger of fuch an Attempt fmall, let them now fhew they were far from wishing it greater. They, who have been diffatisfied with particular Measures of Government, let them now give Proof, that they were not difaffected to the Government itself: and if poffibly in any thing they may have oppofed too far, take this fitteft Opportunity of making amends. This will demonstrate the Uprightness of their Intentions, give Weight to their Sentiments on other Matters, and pull down the falfe Hopes, that our Enemies have founded on our domeftic Difputes. But then, at the same time, if the Zeal of any for the prefent Establishment, hath tempted them to judge too hardly concerning the Affection of others towards it, they ought now candidly to acknowledge their Error: embrace thofe as true Friends, who approve themselves to be such in the Day of Frial; and remember for the future, that Strength is attained, not by Divifion, but by Union. Indeed we fhould all remember, inftead of aggravating what our Opposers have done amifs, to reflect seriously what we and



⚫ our Friends have been faulty in: and perhaps we should most of us find, it hath been a great deal too much.

But it is not, mutual good Temper alone, that our Cafe requires; but mutual Affistance and Encouragement, to be given with Spirit by each of us, according to his Ability, and the Nature of his Station, to all around him: by ranking ourselves openly on the Side we are of; joining our Counsels, contributing our Money, hazarding our Perfons, if need require it; by inftructing, undeceiving, exciteing, fortifying, as many others as we can. That Part would be indifferent, Part timorous, and All refift weakly, was the great Thing, that the Adverfaries of the Government promised themselves, and its Friends were apprehenfive of. God be thanked, both of them in some degree have seen their Mistake. Let us go on to complete the Conviction, by a daily Increase of refolute Activity. Strengthen ye the weak Hands, and confirm the feeble Knees: fay to them that are of a fearful Heart, Be ftrong, fear not *.

One thing more, to be mentioned under this Head, is, that if the prefent Endeavour to ruin

* Ifaiah xxxv. 3, 4.


us fhould increase, though it were confiderably, the public Expence neceffary to defend us, we are furely neither to wonder, nor to murmur at it; but bear with Chearfulness what may be inconvenient, in order to prevent what must be ruinous; and confider well, that were this Design to take Place, we should probably pay much more to Foreigners, as a Reward for enflaving us, than now to our own Governors, as the Means of keeping us free.

But human Means alone, human Prudence and Strength, be it ever fo great, is no fufficient Ground of Confidence. For the Moft High ruleth in the Kingdom of Men, and giveth it to whomfoever he will *. We must never forget


III. An humble Dependance on Heaven for the Event of all. And the Lord do that which feemeth him good.

What it will seem good to him to do with Us, when we confider our National Wickednefs and Ingratitude to him, it must be acknowledged we have great Cause to fear. He hath bleffed thefe Nations beyond moft, if not any other Part of the World: and we have

*Daniel iv. 17.


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turned all his Bleffings into Occafions of Sin. He hath given us Wealth: and we have applied it to the wicked Purposes of Diffoluteness and Luxury. He hath given us Liberty : and we have abused it to the bittereft Hatred, and the groffeft Licentiousness. He hath given us true Religion: and we have flighted and fcorned it; caft off the Worship of God, received the Mercies of his Providence without Thankfulness, and the Threatnings of it without Humility; nay, ridiculed the Obligations even of Probity and moral Virtue, till we have scarce Principle enough left to be concerned for any thing, but present Pleasure and present Interest. Our Abhorrence of Popery is gone: our Zeal against Slavery is degenerated into Faction: our Zeal for the Government, into private Selfishness. We daily accufe one another of these things: we never think of reforming ourselves. And what can be, in a rational View, the probable Confequence, in a religious one, the just Punishment of fuch Behaviour, but that which the Divine Wisdom hath fo clearly foretold? For that they hated Knowledge, and did not chufe the Fear of the Lord; they would none of my Counfel and defpifed my Reproof: therefore shall they


eat of the Fruit of their own Way, and be filled with their own Devices *.

It is by flow and filent, but it is by effectual Methods, that God fhews himself the Governor of the World. Princes, that neglect to fupport His Authority, fhall find their own decay with it. Subordinate Rulers, that trust to other than virtuous Arts of Government, fhall find they have leaned on a broken Reed. And Nations, that indulge Profaneness and Profligateness, fhall experience them to bring on Confufion and Ruin. Escaping it in one Shape for once, is nothing: in that, or fome other, it must fall upon them, if they continue such as they are. And were ever fo great Ruin to fall upon Us now, what would it be more, than Samuel's Prediction verified? If ye shall still do wickedly, ye shall be confumed, both ye and your King . And what could we fay, but acknowledge before God, with the penitent Jews in Nehemiah, Thou art just in all that is brought upon us: for thou hast done right, but we have done wickedly neither have our Kings, our


Princes, our Priests, nor our Fathers (would to

Prov. i. 29, 30, 31.

+1 Sam. xii. 25.


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