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vidence their wicked Schemes often fail of answering their Ends: and first to do wrong, and then be disappointed of their Aim in it, is double Ignominy. Punishment also not uncommonly overtakes even the secureft Criminal. But fuppofing the selfish Wretch to fucceed that Succefs will tempt or provoke many more to imitate him in hurtful Designs and unfair Methods. If they act in Oppofition to him, he may fuffer, as he deferves, by the Example he hath fet: if they act in Conjunction with him, ere long fomewhat will difunite them. Or however, bad Precedents naturally produce worfe, and fo they multiply continually; till at laft the Authors and Encouragers of Mischief are in their Turn involved in it. But were they to escape for Life, yet their Posterity, whose Advancement perhaps is the main Point, which they have in View, must partake, it may be largely, in whatever the Commonwealth is brought to fuffer befides the hereditary Difgrace of fpringing from fuch Ancestors. And, if ill People of every Rank would confider, what Figures their Predeceffors in Wickedness make now in daily Talk; and are likely to make

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may accelerate its Ruin, by increafing the Fiercenefs of Contention, and lending the Reputation of their good Meaning to colour over the bad Designs of others. Free Nations therefore, as they are the happiest beyond Comparison, if the general Advantage be the general Object: so they are peculiarly uncomfortable, and exposed to Danger from within and without, if Divisions inflame Men one against another, or the Attention of each be confined to himself.

Still the Wife in their Generation may imagine, that however impoffible it be for the Whole to prosper without the mutual Affection of the Parts, They fhall profper the better for throwing off a Principle, that will be always interfering with their Interefts or Inclinations. But they cannot attempt to throw it off, or even contradict it in a single Inftance, without feverely condemning themselves in their Hours of Recollection. Or if they could, they will be detected, in fpight of all Disguise, and abhorred by others, and most by the Worthieft: which gives the hardest Hearts much greater Uneafinefs, than they are willing to own. Befides, through the Mercy of Pro

* Luke xvi. 8.


vidence their wicked Schemes often fail of answering their Ends: and first to do wrong, and then be disappointed of their Aim in it, is double Ignominy. Punishment alfo not uncommonly overtakes even the fecureft Criminal. But fuppofing the selfish Wretch to fucceed that Success will tempt or provoke many more to imitate him in hurtful Designs and unfair Methods. If they act in Oppofition to him, he may fuffer, as he deferves, by the Example he hath set: if they act in Conjunction with him, ere long fomewhat will disunite them. Or however, bad Precedents naturally produce worse, and fo they multiply continually; till at laft the Authors and Encouragers of Mischief are in their Turn involved in it. But were they to escape for Life, yet their Posterity, whose Advancement perhaps is the main Point, which they have in View, must partake, it may be largely, in whatever the Commonwealth is brought to fuffer: befides the hereditary Difgrace of fpringing from fuch Ancestors. And, if ill People of every Rank would confider, what Figures their Predeceffors in Wickedness make now in daily Talk; and are likely to make


hereafter in Hiftory, if they be of Confe quence enough; and in how very different a Light Men of Probity are seen, when the tranfient Mists, that Artifice, Prepoffeffion and Refentment have raised, are difperfed: furely it must have a beneficial Influence on their Conduct.

Or if none of thefe Confiderations can affect them, there is yet another of infinite Moment. This Life, at beft, is short: and moft of the bufy Actors on the Stage of the World have probably but a small Part of it to come, before a strict Account of their Behaviour in it is demanded. And will it be well for us then, think we, that, for the fake of Purposes not to be owned, we have brought unjuft Reproach, Uneafinefs, Distress on our Brethren; and difquieted, weakened, impoverished, undone our common Parent, whom Nature and Reason and Revelation jointly require us to love. and to ferve? Or must it not be inexpreffible Happiness, for those in low Stations to have discharged the Duties of them with faithful Affection, both to their Rulers and their Fellow-Subjects: and for those in the highest to be able to fay, with the excellent

Jewish Governor, Think upon me, O my God, for Good, according to all that I have done for this People?

If there be folid Motives, let us all be moved by them: firft, to use the utmost Caution, that we do no Harm to our Country; next to try, what Service we can do it: but especially to endeavour, for that we every one of us can, by virtuous Lives, united Hearts, and fervent Prayers, to call down the Divine Benediction on our national Counsels and Undertakings. If indeed we confider worldly Appearances only, we have great Cause to fear if we reflect on our many heinous Iniquities, we have ftill much greater Cause. But when we call to mind, what Deliverances God hath often and lately bestowed on us, what Warnings and what Time he hath given us to repent, how flow and unwilling he appears to let our Enemies proceed to our total Deftruction, it cannot but kindle in our Breasts a most reviving Perfuafion, indeed a full Assureance of Hope, that would we but yet be unanimous and religious, we might yet by his Bleffing be fafe and profperous. And may

Neh. v. 19.

+ Heb. vi. 11.


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