Abbildungen der Seite


The LONDON General Bill of Christenings and Burials, from December 10, 1765, to De. cember 16. 1766; with the diseases and cafualties, &c.

Christened {Males 834316257 Buried


{Females 11794}13911


Increased in the be rials this year 691.


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Paris Births, 9542 m. 9231 fem. is 18,773. Deaths, 10,540 m. 9154 fem. Amerdam: Births 4547, Marriages 2936, Deaths 7271.- Glagow: Deaths 1006. Zeeland, Bornbobn, and Ferroe, ifles: Births 7256, Marriages 1853, Deaths 6363. Kingdom of Profa: Births 31,199, Marriages 7050, Deaths 22,570.



377 1051

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N. B. When different pages are referred to at any article, if the numbers are disjoined by a comma,
the first figure or figures in the preceding numbers are supposed to be repeated in the fubfequent.


Berdeen infirmary,
ftate of 56
Abjuration-oath, al-
terations in it on the pre-
tender's death 54. Altered
by a new act 181
Acts paffed, titles of 105, 63.
221, 2. 325, 6, 7, 8. 663, 4
Abstracts of thofe for impor-
tation from Ireland 116. for
importation of grain from
the colonics ib. for impor-
tation of oats and cat meal
ib. to prohibit the exporta-
tion of corn, &c. ib. 117.
to repeal the American-
ftamp act 118. for fecuring
the dependence of the co-
lonies ib. for altering the cy-
der-tax 222. for redeeming
annuities 235. for altering
the oath of abjuration 281.
for altering the window-tax
401. relating to the tranf-
portation of felons 402. for
reftraining muir-burn in for-
bidden time ib. for prevent-.
ing artificers going into fo-
reign countries 501. to in-
demnify perions concerned
in the embargo 663 to pro-
hibit exportation of corn,
tc. ib.

Addreffes, to the King, on
the repeal of the American-
ftamp act, from Penfylva-
nia 419, 20. Maflachusetts
bay 420. New Jersey 421

New York ib. from other co-
lonies 497. 552.664

on the birth of the Prin-
cefs-Royal, &c. 552, 3, 4.
of Lords and Commons



of the grand jury, Ja-
maica,to Gov.Lyttelton 272.
to the M. of Rocking
ham 444.

to Gov. More of New
York by the Cochnawagha
Indians 607.

to Gov. Murray, of
Quebec 493, 4.

to the town-council of
Edinburgh in relation to the
calling of minifters, by the
merchant company 556. and
the general feflions 613

Administration short, fhort
account of 486
Adolphus, G. anecdote of


Advertisement prefixed to H.
Watt's trial 673
Affections of the fair, on fe-
ducing 14

Africa, prefents fent to princes
there 273. Peace made with
the Indian princes 323. A
plan for reftoring the gum-
trade ib. A fort erected at
Anguin 663. Caravans to be
brought from the British
fettlements in Guinea to the

Mediterranean ib.
Agriculture, of lucerne 135.
burnet-grafs 190. &c. peat-
afhes 617. on fetting beans
in rows 621
Ague, cure for 467
Air, mials at 556. a fire at


America, affairs in North A-
merica laft year 61. Con-
fufion at Quebec 48. New
York addrefs Gen. Gage ib.
Sir H. Moore arrives at his
government of New York
49. Mr Rolle's fettlement
in Eaft Florida in a flourish-
ing ftate 50. French and In-
dians fettled at Miquelon
102. Pondiac and other
chiefs attached to the British
intereft ib. Tea-tree difco-
vered in Georgia 105. 381.
A copper-mine difcovered
in Cape Breton 159 Mon-
treal barracks burnt 217.
White women married to
Indian chiefs 219.662. Spa-
nih veftels with money en-
couraged to cone to jamai-
ca ib. Tobacco cultivated
in New York 170. Unfa-


vourable account of Florida
271. Rights of logwood
cutters fettled 272. A trea-
ty between Sir. W. Johnson
and the Indians 22.
fettiment on the eastern bank
of Lake George ib. Tra-
ders at Saltoiducas difturb-
ed by the Spaniards ib. I wo
British veflels taken by the
Spaniards ib. Satisfaction

promised ib. 553. Grants of
lands in E. Florida 322. 663.
The Spaniards take poffef-
fion of New Orleans 323.
Stages fet up by the French
in Cape Breton, destroyed
379. Sugar made from the
mapple-tree ib. Silk cocoons
received from Georgia 381.
Thriving ftate of Pensacola
b. A fort built in the cen-
tre of the Delaware towns
382. and one at Niagara
441. Disturbances at De-
troit ib. The Illinois coun-
try taken poffeflion of by
Maj. Farmar 442. Hoftili-
ties between the Creeks and
Chactaws ib. Agreed 552.
Silver ore brought from A-
merica 495. Gov. Murray
leaves Quebec 494. Ad-
dreffes to his Excellency
493, 4. Two French vef-
fels taken at Canfo 492. M.
Briand, a Roman-Catholic
bishop from England, ar-
rives at Quebec 382. 495.
551. The cod fishery on
the Labradore coaft inter-
rupted 551. Furs got in
great quantities in Canada
b. Manufactories establish-
ed ib. The cultivation of
tobacco to be discontinued
in Virginia and Maryland
ib A chancery-decree made
void in Jamaica 552.
copper mine difcovered, in
North Carolina 663.

concerning the stamp-
act, &. Stamps arrive at
New York 49. A refufal to
fign the combination not to
order goods from Britain

A memorial from Phi-
ladelphia relating to paper-
currency, the stamp duty.
and the fugar-act ib Dif-
turbances at St Kitts 50,
Ureafinefs at Halifax and
Quebec 102. Law-proceed-
ings go on without stamps


New York refolution.
relating to the quartering of
foldiers ib. Votes and ic-
folutions, relating to the o
bedience due by America to


the British parliament, in
South Carolina ib. and in
Massachusets-bay 159. Ad-
drefs to the writers against
America 76. Refolutions of
the houfe of Commons 106.
Petitions to parliament 107.
528. Proceedings in par-
liament 169. 527. Acts paf.
fed 118, 63. Protefts 344, 8.
Speakers in the debates 345,
8. Voters 351, 2.
don merchants letter 520.
Anfwers 588. 689. Joy on
receiving the news of the
repeal of the stamp-act 271.
322, 79. See Addreffes. A
tragical accident on that oc-
cafion 380. 4000 l. voted
to the revenue by Pensylva-
nia 68. Anecdote 119.
London merchants letters 20.
Antwer by Canada mer-
chants 588. By a British A-
merican 689

Proceedings relating to
compenfation to the fuffer-
ers by the riots 521. 661, 2.
Money due from the treafu-
ry at London, retained till
compenfation be made 662
American, Indians, their tem-
per and genius 230. colo-
nies, rife and progrefs of
242 receipt for the rheuma-
tifm 244. taxation, queftion
respecting 127, 8. infolence,
neceflity of checking 140, 1.
Amfterdam, four prizes to be
given at 154
Angels of the feven churches
explained 81
Antenuptial fornication con-
fidered 37
Appellonia, a fort erected at


Army, prices of commiffions

in 251

Arrack to be distilled from

the cocoa-nut 50
Artificers, feducing, profecu
tions for 110

Afbaftos, the properties of 387
Afh-tree, in York-fhire, di-
menfions of 667
Aftracan, English merchants
to be cftablished at 318
St Augufline, red wood found

at 323

Baillie, James, tranfported
for forgery 110
Baine, Mr James, fettled in
Edinburgh 110. Proceed-
gs in his cafe 358.403

Bank-notes, Fife refolution
concerning 334. Notes of
Glafgow, . changed at
Edinburgh ib.

Bankrupts, in France, not al-
lowed to traffic 268
Barbadoes, dreadful confla-
gration in 443
Barbary, ftates of tribute de-
manded from 318. Refused


Barcelona, papers threatning
a revolt, fixed up at 270.
Barwick, William, his fen-

tence 610

the order of the White Eagle
45. Starosti of Capinow cc.
ded to 265

Bread, aflize of, at Edinburgh
335, 92

Breft, a floop fheathed with
leather at 377
Brown, Dr, invited to Ruffa
265. Expences of his jour
ney remitted him 376
Brunswick, Prince of, im-
barks at Dover 310. Offer
by the court of France to
him 491. He travels incog..
Bryand, a Popish bishop, ar-
rives at Quebec 495. An
annual fum fettled on him

Buffon on vegetation 96(351
Bugs deftroyed by olive of
Buie, Duncan, banifhed for
Burnet, culture of by Rocque
190. By an Effex farmer
193. By Lambe 228. Com
ber on its being refufed ig
cattle 226, 7, 8
Butchers meat, letter concem-
ing 506
Byron, Com.
Downs 329.
voyage ib.
Cabbage weighing upwards of

arrives in
Account of his

Bavaria, levies of colonists
forbidden in 319
Beans, on fetting in rows 617
Bees, Wildman, his command Buchanan, Grifel, her fea-
over 611, 2
tence sor
Benevolence exemplified 113
Bengal deer 30
Bengal, Holwell's events re-
lating to 597
Bermudian families arrive at
Mufketo harbour 271
Bernard, Gov. his fpeeches to
the aflembly of Maflachu-
fets-bay 22. 367. 413. Af-
fembly's aufwers 24. 417.
The governor's reply 27
Bible, new tranflation of pro-
pofed 196. Unlicented pu-
blications of cenfured 463.
Juftified 464
Bifhop, Popifli, fent to Cana-
da 382. 495. An annual
fum fettled on 551
Blackrie on medicines that
diffolve the ftone 255
Blatphen y, young men fen-
tenced for, in France 319,77.
Opinions of lawyers 440.
La Marre executed 465
Blights in fruit-trees 138
Bohemia, a camp to be form-
ed in 318, 19
Bofton, four tanneries erect-
cd at 608
Eofwell, Mr, at Corfica 47.


Botany, table of 129
Botanical medal aʊjudged to
Mr Parfons 280
Bounty on exportation, regu-
lations concerning 588
Bourdeaux, prize-question at

Brack, King of, concludes a
peace with his neighbours
Braidwood, Mr, teaches deaf
perions to speak 31
Branicki, C. decorated with

four stone 611

Cachnawagha Indians, their
addrefs to Gor. Mout
606, 7, 8
Cadet, Mr arrested 263
Calas, his family to have a
yearly pension 430
Canada bills, arret concern-
ing 46. Convention for ad-
jufting 156. First article e
the convention concerning
them 267, 8. Thofe of the
English property to be clea
ed 44°.
Have rifen feren
and a half per cent. ib. Art
finally adjusted 329. 491
Canada merchants anfwer t
the London merchants fis
Canada, plenty of furs in 351
Carlton, Col. made gover
of Quebec 322
Carron company, trial att
inftance of 110
Carrot, wild, a remedy forte
ftone 250. The receipt
Cattle, black, great rymzi
of bought in Scotland
Chactaws. See Creeks
Chaldean character, nine is
ters fupplied 320


Charles II. account of his e- Conftantinople, earthquakes

scape from Worcester 257,
86. 569. 643. A paffage
characteristical 647
Cheefe, letter concerning 506
Child-murder, a fcheme for
putting a stop to $79
China, antiquity of, by Mair-
an 198

Chinefe, a colony of the E-
gyptians 130
China-fish 30
Chinese-fishery, account of


Chittick's receipt for the stone

Cinnamon, wild, imported
from Dominica 105
Cinnamon, cloves, &c. im-
ported from Tobago 552
Circuit-courts, trials at 279,
80. 388.500
Clive, Lord. See Eaft Indies
Clocks curious, defcribed
657, 8

Clonmell, in Ireland, a trial
at 165

Cochineal, a reward promised
for cultivating 272
Cod-fifhery, on the Labra-
dore coaft, account of 551
Coffee, ufe of forbidden pea-
fants in Caffel 151, 2
Coinage, regulation of want-

ed 343
Cold, remarkable, in several
places 102
Colonies, fchemes for taxing


-on the parliament's right
of taxing 90

[blocks in formation]


Corn, exportation of prohi-
bited 105, 16. Prohibition
ceafed 445. Embargo laid
on exporting-veffels 456.
Letter concerning 506. Ports
opened for importation of
into Scotland 502
Corfica, Paoli to be general
and perpetual Doge, and to
have a council of twelve fe-
nators 319. An accommo-
dation with the Genoefe in
agitation 440, 92. Paoli
augmenting his marine 661.
Jefuits ordered to depart the
iland 213
Coificans, fortify Centuri 47.
Purchase war-ships 268. Let
ter from Turin concerning
100. They raife the fiege
of Bonifacio 268. Exchange
prifoners with the Genoefe
ib. Refolve to maintain their
independency 319. The a-
mount of their army ib. Pu-
blifh manifeftoes 320. French
ftrip their forefts of oak-
timber 378. Terms offer
ed by them to the Genoese
492. Truce broken by them


Deaf taught to speak 31
Deafnefs cured by a flock of
lightning 280

Debates, political 169. 241
Decimal circulating, rules for
reducing 522. These rules
not new 693
Deer, of different colours,
defcribed 30
Denmark, affairs in 7. The
King's death 45. Treaty of
fubfidy with France 99. Prin-
cefs of, promifed to the
Prince of Sweden in marriage
ib. The ceremony perform-
ed $57. The King's mar-
riage ib. The marriage fo-
lemnized 606
Detroit, two foldiers killed
and fcalped at 441, 2
Distillation from wheat, &.
prohibited 456
Dobrzenfky's prefervative a-
gainft infection 572
Dog, mad, mischief done by

Courland, proceedings rela-
ting to the Duke and the
nobles 99. 265.660. The
nobles fubmit 660
Creeks and Choctaws, hosti-
lities between 442
Crucifix, punishments for pro-
fanation of 319, 77.
Curiofities, natural 30.
Cyprus, difturbances in 99.
318. Rebels blockade Nico-
fia 439. Some of the rebels
beheaded 490

American rife and pro-
grefs of 242
Colonists, levies of forbidden
in Bavaria 319
Columbo root, virtues of 679
Comber on burnet being re-
fufed by cattle 226
Commiffion of the gen. af-
fembly affairs in 330 Mr
Wells's cafe ib. Petition of
Mr Irvine concerning Mr
Nifbet 331. Answer by the
prefbytery of Cairftoni.
Further accounts of Mr Nif.
bet's affair 334. Mr Lyell's
affair 445. 613
Commiffions in the army, pri-
ces of 251
Commoner, late, inquiry into
the conduct of 471. Politi-
cal life of 476. Examina-
tion of the principles of 484 a remedy for the flone 250
Connecticut, a tragical acci- Daucus-ale 255
sident in 38

Damon and Pythias 399.
Dantzick ordered to fhew its
right to be a ftaple town


Dardanelles, earthquake at


Daucus, or the wild carrot,


Dominica, French families to
fettle at 273
Dow, Peter, banished 501
Douglas caufe, proceedings in
408 et feqq.

Drummond, Prov. George, his
death, and burial 615. Fu-
neral concert on the death
of 669. Sketch of his pu
blic life ib.
Dumfries, trials at 502
Dundas, Sir Laurence, pur-
chafes Orkney and Zetland

[blocks in formation]

77. 120

Ecclefiaftics, edict against in Flax, machinery for dreng
Portugal 441
Edinburgh, a Relief chapel
opened at 11. Proposals
for an Erfe kirk 341. A
meal feller fined at 557
Egypt, a revolt in 490.
victory obtained over the
rebels ib.
Egyptians and Chinese, ac-
count of 130
Elections enfuing, queries on

the Ganges ib. A Nabob
dies, and another fucceeds
ib. Lord Clive received with
joy at Bengal 219. Pro-
cures the late Nabob's fon
to be fet on the throne ib.
A treaty of peace concluded
b. An annual falary fet-
tled on the Nabob and King
of Mogul ib. Lord Clive
and Gen. Carnack to efta-
blish peace with the great
Mogul 220. Terms of peace
ib. Bengal, Bahar, and O-
rixa, vested in the E. India
comp. ib. Title of first o-
mar of the empire conferred
on L. Clive ib. L. Clive's
convention with Baron Law
268., Chunar Gur and Iha.
bad furrendered 324. Ma
rattas take up arms, and are
put to flight ib. Souja fur-
renders ib. L. Clive arrives
at Calcutta ib Souja Dow-
la to get his country again
on conditions ib. Defcrip-
tion of the country on the
caft of Ganges 325. Lord
Clive ordered to stay, to
fettle the company's affairs
b. A member of council
and fome others fufpended
b. King of Tanjour pays
fifteen years tribute owing
to the E.-India company ib.
Account of Col. Munro 386.
Lord Clive's letter to Sir J
Y. 444. He remits 300,000l.
to China, and pays about
the like fum of the compa-
ny's debt ib. Writers to
the company have their fa-
laries augmented, r. ib.
L. Clive's conduct gives of
fence 495, 6. Memorial a-
gainst him fent to the court
of directors 497. His letter
to a friend in London ib.
Sir Ch. Coote, and others
petition the King, for a fhare
of the effects taken at Pon-
dicherry 499. Adm. Cor-
nih and Capt. Tinker to
get 150,000l. . L. Clive's
management approved of
552 A Nabob to build a
Proteftant church 608. L.
Clive gone to Patna 608
Faft-Indiacompany, Pruffian,
account of 431
Fall-india company, Dutch,
to pay an annual fum to the
K. of Candie 6:6


Embargo on veffels export
ing grain 456. Continued


Emigrants, 1200, arrived at
Weft Florida 323
English veffels feized at Cape
François 40. The reafon
of it 46
Enos, earthquake at 547
Erfe church at Edinburgh,
proposals for 341
Erskine, Sir Henry, fingula-
rity in his cafe 517.
Effays moral, religious, &c.


Eftaing, C. arrives at Breft
46. Efcapes the expected
difgrace 100. Impofts laid
on by him to be taken off

Exportation of corn prohibi-
ted 105, 16

Fables, Oriental 622
Fair, on feducing the affec-
tions of 14

Fall, Robert, his new inven
tion of fewel 387
Farmer, Maj. takes possession


of the Ilinois country 442
Farms, great or fmall 134.
Letter concerning 506, 7.
Feely, Patrick, condemned
to be hot so0
Female husband 466.
at her inftance 610
Ferdinand Pr. reports of his
leaving the Pruffian fervice
377. 548. Offers made him
by the court of France 491.
refufed 548

Fewel, new invention of 387
Fife, county of, resolution
concerning bank-notes 334
Fishery, Chinese, account of
Fifhings on the coast of Scot-
land, fuccefs of 387
Fitz-James, D. introduced to
the King 610
Flax-husbandry in Scotland,
progrefs of 15

[ocr errors]






Florida, Eaft, grants of lands Galle
in 322. 663
Florida, Weft, 1200
grants arrive at 323
Foord, Capt. account of a Gen
thip 612, 3
Foreftalling, c. proclama-
tion against 454, 98
Foreftallers fined at Glafer
556. 613, 4. Laws again

Fornication, antenuptial, con
fidered 37

——act in 1608 against ç
Fractions, decimal, rule fet
reducing 522
France, affairs in laft year s
A comet obferved 156 In
pofts laid on by C d'Efting
taken off 213. Conventio
concerning the Canada bila



Bankrupts never a
lowed to traffick 168. Young
men punished for profaning
a crucifix 219, 77. Pre-
teftants forbid to alienr
their effects without permi
fion 378. Intereft reduced
to 4 per cent. ib. Ships
fheathed with tanned leather
See Lally.
Diffenfion between the
King and his parliamen
45 99 100. Ditlurbances
at Pau 99. 1oo. Five m
bers of the parliament t
Rennes to be tried 10
Troops in Brittany in mo
tion ib A militia levying
there ib. 155. Arrets of t
veral parliaments conden
ed 154. Account of the new
parliament in Brittany 214
Jefuits fuppreffed 213. Coa
clufion of the parliament f
Rouen's petition to the
King 267. Parliament of
Paris in a broil with the
Archbishop ik. Affairs o
the parliament of Br
tany fettled 319.
ther Mucheable fufpended
by the Abp of Paris i. De
putation of the parliament
of Befançon introduced t
the King 377. Sacrament
refufed in feveral diocess


French take possession of H
paniola 606
Frederick William, Pr. inte
ment of 53





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