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The wounded chance of Antony, though my reafon Sits in the wind against me. [Exeunt, Jeverally.

Enter Antony, with Eros and other attendants. Ant. Hark, the land bids me tread no more upon't, It is afham'd to bear me. Friends, come hither,

I am fo lated in the world,
Have loft my way for ever.
Laden with gold, take that,

that I
I've a ship
divide it; fly,

And make your peace with Cafar.
Omnes. Fly! not we.

Ant. I've fled myself, and have inftructed cowards To run, and fhew their fhoulders. Friends, be gone. I have myself refolv'd upon a course,

Which has no need of you.

Be gone,

My treasure's in the harbour. Take it-oh,
I follow'd that I blush to look upon;

My very hairs do mutiny; for the white

Reprove the brown for rafhnefs, and they them
For fear and doating. Friends, be gone; you fhall
Have letters from me to fome friends, that will
Sweep your way for you. Pray you, look not fad,
Nor make replies of lothnefs; take the hint,
Which my defpair proclaims. Let them be left,
Which leave themfelves. To the fea-fide ftraight-way:
I will poffefs you of that fhip and treasure.
Leave me, I pray, a little; pray you now-
Nay, do fo; for, indeed, I've loft command.
Therefore, I pray you-

-I'll fee you by and by.

[Sits down.

Enter Cleopatra, led by Charmian and Iras, to Antony.

Eros. Nay, gentle Madam, to him, comfort him.
Iras. Do, moft dear Queen.

Char. Do? why, what else?

Cleo. Let me fit down; oh June!

Ant. No, no, no, no, no.

Eros. See you here, Sir!

Ant. Oh fy, fy, fy.

Char. Madam

Iras. Madam, oh good Emprefs!

Eros. Sir, Sir.

Ant. Yes, my Lord, yes; he at Philippi kept
His fword e'en like a dancer, while I ftrook
The lean and wrinkled Caffius; and 'twas I,
That the mad Brutus ended; he alone
Dealt on lieutenantry, and no practice had

In the brave fquares of war; yet now no matter-
Cleo. Ah, ftand by.

Eros. The Queen, my Lord, the Queen

Iras. Go to him, Madam, fpeak to him, He is unqualitied with very fhame.

Cleo. Well then, fuftain me; oh!

Eros. Moft noble Sir, arife, the Queen approaches; Her head's declin'd, and death will feize her, but Your comfort makes the rescue.

Ant. I have offended reputation ;

A most unnoble fwerving

Eros. Sir, the Queen.

Ant. O whither haft thou led me, Ægypt? fee,
How I convey my fhame out of thine eyes;
By looking back on what I've left behind,
'Stroy'd in difhonour.

Cleo. Oh, my Lord, my Lord;

Forgive my fearful fails; I little thought,
You would have follow'd.

Ant. Egypt, thou knew'ft too well,

My heart was to thy rudder ty'd by th' ftring,
And thou fhouldft towe me after. O'er my fpirit
Thy full fupremacy thou knew'ft; and that
Thy beck might from the bidding of the Gods
Command me.

Cleo. Oh, my pardon.

Ant. Now I muft

To the young man fend humble treaties, dodge
And palter in the fhift of lowness; who,

With half the bulk o'th' world, play'd as I pleas'd,
Making and marring fortunes. You did know,
How much you were my conqueror; and that
My fword, made weak by my affection, would

G 3


Obey it on all cause.

Cleo. O, pardon, pardon.

Ant. Fall not a tear, I fay; one of them rates
All that is won and loft: give me a kiss,
Even this repays me.

We fent our fchoolmaster; is he come back?
Love, I am full of lead; fome wine,

Within there, and our viands: Fortune knows,

We scorn her moft, when most she offers blows. [Exeunt.

SCENE changes to Cæfar's Camp.

Enter Cæfar, Agrippa, Dolabella, Thyreus, with others.



ET him appear, that's come from Antony.
Know you him?

Dol. Cafar, 'tis his fchoolmafter;

An argument that he is pluckt, when hither
He fends fo poor a pinnion of his wing,
Which had fuperfluous Kings for messengers,
Not many moons gone by.

Enter Ambafador from Antony.

Caf. Approach and speak.

Amb. Such as I am, I come from Antony:

I was of late as petty to his ends,

As is the morn-dew on the myrtle leaf

To his grand fea.

Caf. Be't fo, declare thine office.

Amb. Lord of his fortunes he falutes thee, and
Requires to live in Egypt; which not granted,
He leffens his requefts, and to thee fues.
'To let him breathe between the heav'ns and earth,
A private man in Athens: this for him.
Next, Cleopatra does confefs thy greatness;
Submits her to thy might, and of thee craves
The circle of the Ptolemies for her heirs,
Now hazarded to thy grace.

Caf. For Antony,

I have no ears to his requeft. The Queen


Of audience, nor defire, fhall fail; fo fhe
From Egypt drive her all-difgraced friend,
Or take his life there. This if the perform,
She shall not fue unheard. So to them both.

Amb. Fortune pursue thee!

Caf. Bring him through the bands: [Exit Ambaffador. To try thy eloquence now 'tis time; dispatch, From Antony win Cleopatra, promise;

[To Thyreus. And, in our name, when the requires, add more, From thine invention, offers. Women are not In their best fortunes ftrong; but want will perjure The ne'er-touch'd veítal. Try thy cunning, Thyreus ; Make thine own edict for thy pains, which we Will anfwer as a law.

Thyr. Cafar, I go..

Caf. Obferve, how Antony becomes his flaw; And what thou think'ft his very action speaks In every power that moves.

Thyr. Cafar, I fhall.

SCENE changes to Alexandria.


Enter Cleopatra, Enobarbus, Charmian, and Iras.

HAT fhall we do, Enobarbus?

Cleo. W

Eno. Think, and die.

Cleo. Is Antony, or we, in fault for this?

Eno. Antony only, that would make his will
Lord of his reafon. What although you fled
From that great face of war, whofe feveral ranges
Frighted each other? why should he follow you?
The itch of his affection fhould not then
Have nickt his captainfhip; at fuch a point,
When half to half the world oppos'd, he being
The meered queftion. 'Twas a fhame no lefs
Than was his lofs, to courfe your flying flags,
And leave his navy gazing.

Cleo. Pr'ythee, peace.

[blocks in formation]

Enter Antony, with the Ambassador.

Ant. Is that his answer?

Amb. Ay, my Lord.

Ant. The Queen fhall then have courtesy, So fhe will yield us up.

Amb. He fays fo.

Ant. Let her know't.

To the boy Cafar fend this grizled head,
And he will fill thy wishes to the brim
With Principalities.

Cleo. Thy head, my Lord?

Ant. To him again; tell him, he wears the rofe
Of youth upon him; from which, the world fhould note
Something particular; his coin, fhips, legions,
May be a coward's, whofe minifters would prevail
Under the fervice of a child, as foon

As i'th' command of Cæfar. I dare him therefore
To lay his gay comparisons apart,

And anfwer me declin'd, fword against fword,
Ourfelves alone; I'll write it, follow me. [Exit Antony.
Eno. Yes, like enough; high-battled Cæfar will
Unitate his happiness, and be ftaged to th' fhew
Against a fworder.I fee, men's judgments are
A parcel of their fortunes, and things outward
Do draw the inward quality after them,
To fuffer all alike. That he fhould dream,
Knowing all measures, the full Cæfar will
Answer his emptinefs!-Cefar, thou haft fubdu'd
His judgment too.

Enter a Servant.

Serv. A meffenger from Cafar.

Cleo. What, no more ceremony? fee, my women,Against the blown rofe may they stop their nose, That kneel'd unto the buds. Admit him, Sir. Eno. Mine honefty and I begin to fquare; (24)

(24) Mine bonefly and 1 begin to fquare;

The Loyalty, well beld to Fools, does make



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