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to which we refer,is too strong to require any nourishment, and too volatile to need any inflation. Crowns and sceptres, columns and arches, garlands and inscriptions, have been objects of value, only as they have been tokens of distinction; nor would Britain herself have to boast the number and virtue of her defenders, were there no notions of honour associated with a suit of regimentals, no ideas of elevation attached to the profession of arms. Happy indeed is it, when this thirst for glory receives such a direction, as to combine public advantage with private gratification; as by paying the price of utility, to insure the rewards of merit.


formed! Adored be the hand, which has collected, in a single focus, all the lights of life; and which has concentred in one volume, all the truths of religion! Blessed be the hour, which so effectually rescued us from darkness and doubt, from prejudice and error: we need not now professedly engage to subdue monsters, or to undergo labours. Success in the resistance of corruption, and the mortification of passion, is a summit of ambition adapted to our natures, and worthy of our hopes.-We need not have recourse to the disingenuous shifts of the Lybian, (Psapho,) who taught the songsters of the air to proclaim his divinity. Our conquests shall be celebrated in sublimer strains, and our triumphs recorded by nobler heralds.Nor need we imitate the desperate exit of the Sicilian poet, (Empedocles,) and be like him disappointed, and betrayed

Deus immortalis haberi

Dum capit Empedocles, ardentem frigidus Ætnam
Hor. Ars. Poet.

He who hath created thee, O man, hath
shewed thee what is good. "To do
justly, to love mercy, and to walk
humbly with thy God," will place on
thy head a crown of unfading lustre,
adorn thy memory with the most
valuable distinctions, and secure to
thee the unalienable inheritance of


It must be acknowledged, that there have been, in many cases, insuperable oppositions in the path of those, whose hopes of distinction have been founded on the rational resolution to deserve it; and after employing the most ardent efforts, forming the most daring schemes, and indulging the most animated expectations, can the disappointed candidate for public approbation, see, with unconcern, the laurel encircling the head of a stranger? or hear, without emotion, the plaudits bestowed on the productions of a competitor? If exclusively influenced by a love of fame, will he not, after the first fruitless attempt to be ranked amongst the champions of truth, engage as eagerly in opposing her interests, and checking her conquests? or will he feel any hesitation, like a second Erostratus, in committing the most daring outrage on the temple of the divinity, for the purpose of perpetuating his memory, and immortalizing A LITTLE after the middle of this month Kingdoms and empires, the sun passes the boundary line of with their lofty appendages, constitute the two hemispheres, and thereby the heights of modern ambition. causes that great variation in the state But the heroes and literati of anti- of the weather, for which March is proquity, were possessed of opportunities verbial. Frost and snow, wind and of canvassing for their election to a rain, are frequently found to alternate pinnacle of grandeur, too sublime for with each other; but a continued dry the conceptions and hopes of subse-state of the atmosphere, with the wind quent ages. What envious fate presided over the day when these splendid meteors were suddenly sunk into the sullen shade of darkness? What pen, so inimical to literary labours, and heroic achievements, dashed from the page of the Roman moralist,

his name.

Celum ipsum petimus,


With a Catalogue of all really British
Plants, as they come into flower.


at east, is particularly desired by the farmer, for the purpose of drying up the moisture of winter, and rendering the land fit for cultivation; hence it is said that a bushel of March dust is worth a king's ransom.

The state of the weather in this month is peculiarly important, as it affords a We aspire to heaven itself? mode of estimating the probable dryAdored be the power, by whose ness or moisture of the following sumagency these wonders have been per-mer. Stormy weather at the equinox


Monthly Observations.

most commonly ushers in a favourable summer; but when the weather is fine about that time, it usually happens that the ensuing summer is wet and windy. About the beginning of the month,vegetation having advanced considerably, gives a promise of soon clothing the hedges and groves with verdure; but it frequently occurs that a sudden return of frost not only checks the bud, but destroys the young shoots, and considerably injures the trees. Hence it happens, that in this month, spring does not make that progress which was anticipated at its commence


At this time the birds which make this country their winter residence depart northward; these are the Fieldfare, Redwing, Woodcock, Snipe, and some others: but many Snipes remain and breed in our moors; and now and then a Woodcock is found to continue with us through the summer, probably from having been wounded, and render'd incapable of distant flight. Doctor Borlase, we believe, mentions the only instance wherein this bird has been known to breed in England. Birds also, that migrated from one part of this country to another in autumn, now return to their former haunts. In most parts of England the yellow Wagtail changes its quarters at the approach of winter, and returns in spring; and the white Wagtail does the same in the north of England: but many birds that migrate from some districts, in others remain through the year. The Wheatear, (Motacilla Oenanthe,) returns from the south of France; and frequents downs and stony places near the sea. It appears wonderful that a bird which seems usually to accustom itself only to short flights, should be able to cross the sea in places where it is at least a hundred miles wide: but we have ocular demonstration of the fact: many of them in their passage alight on fishing-boats, being unable to proceed further; and many undoubtedly perish. The formation of a nest, and the care of their progeny, occupy the attention of the feathered tribe. Straw, moss, feathers, wool from the sheep, and hair from larger animals, are laid under contribution, to form a dwelling; and the parent bird plucks its own feathers to make it warm.

The increased temperature of the air reaches the Bat, where, in some


deep hole or crevice, it hangs suspended by its hind feet, enveloped in the membrane which forms its wings; sensation is presently restored, and the little creature ventures out in search of insects, which are its usual food. The time which it selects for this purpose is well known to be the twilight of the morning and evening; when with noiseless flutter it wheels its course after flies and moths. But occcasionally it awakes at an unseasonable time, and, pressed by hunger, ventures out in broad daylight, to its certain destruction; for it is pursued by all the boys of the neighbourhood, Five kinds of Bats are known in England: the Common Bat, (Vespertilio Murinus,) with a tail, ears less than the head, and having no inner valves; Long-eared Bat, (V. Auritus,) with a tail, ears long, and with inner valves; Great Bat, (V. Noctula,) with a tail, ears oval, with small inner valves; Whisked Bat,(V.Barbastellus,) with a tail, whisked, large ears, with inner valves; and Horse-shoe Bat, (V. Ferrum Equinum,) without inner valves to the ears, the nose having a curious resemblance to a horse-shoe. The difference which exists in the habits of these species is not well known; but all have the common properties of falling into a state of torpidity in winter, of living on insect food, and seeking their prey in the air in the twilight. It is observed of all creatures that seek their prey on the wing by night, that their motion, unlike that of the inhabitants of day, is without noise; which, whilst it answers a great purpose of nature in enabling them to surprise the object of pursuit, contributes also to the repose of those which sleep at that period, by preserving the calm of night.

The Mackarel, and its congener the Scad, emerge from the deep water of the Atlantic, and seek the land. The French fishermen first take their station off Cape Clear, about the middle of this month; the first have been brought to Plymouth so early as the 15th, but in general British fishermen do not put to sea until about the beginning of April. The Sead has much the same habits as the Mackarel; except that they do not congregate into such large shoals; they keep near the surface, and take a bait freely. Smelts leave the sea, to pay their annual visit to fresh water; but they are


Reply to a Query on Study and Learning.

careful not to venture while winter yet retains its power.

Insects are much increased in number, and the earlier species of Butterfiies are seen assuming their aerial rambles. These creatures are generally considered as affording a very striking illustration of the change which will take place in man at the resurrection of the body, and the commencement of the angelic state. At first, proceeding from the egg, it takes the form of a poor creeping helpless worm, extending its views over an inch of space, and liable to be destroyed by every enemy that approaches; it then passes into a state in which even this gross life appears to be extinct; but, like a man in a coffin, to which even in shape it bears a resemblance, it waits for the coming of bright skies and warmer days. Casting then aside the bonds in which it was held, it rises buoyant on the air, frolics at pleasure where it lists, and lives on the most delicious food that nature affords. Bees now visit flowers for the sake of their nectareous sweets; they are seen flying from plant to plant, emblems of industrious economy, and foretell to us how far spring is advanced; and being very sensible of the changes in the air, and particularly afraid of wet, their appearance in a morning may lead us to judge that it is probable a fine day will follow. It is the misfortune of man, rather to admire the conduct of this industrious insect, than to imitate its example.

Come into flower: Single-headed Cotton Grass, Eriophorum vaginatum; Smallest Bent Grass, Agrostis minima; Sweet Violet, Viola odorata; Daffodil, Narcissus pseudo-narcissus; Two-leaved Squill, Scilla bifolia; Hairy Rush, Juncus pilosus; Mezereon, Daphne mezereum; Spurge Laurel, D. laureola; Little Mouse-ear Chickweed, Cerastium semidecandrum; Wood Spurge, Euphorbia amygdaloides; Red S. E. Characias; Sloe, Prunus spinosa; Barren Strawberry, Fragaria sterilis; Common Whitlow Grass, Draba verna; Yellow Alpine, W. G. D. aizoides; Mountain Pepperwort, Lepidium petræum; Common Shepherd's Purse, Thlaspi Bursa pastoris; Hairy Ladies' Smock, Cardamine hirsuta; Blue Fleabane, Erigeron acre; Coltsfoot, Tussilago farfara; Common Alder, Betula alnus; Butcher's broom, Ruscus aculeatus; Different Poplars, Populus; Yew Tree, Taxus baccata. No. 25.-VOL. III.


Reply to a Query on Study and


SIR,-I have anxiously waited for a re-
ply to the queries on Study and Learn-
ing, inserted in col. 216; and in Num-
ber 17, col.510, have been favoured with
one. But I cannot say I am quite
satisfied, it not being a complete reply,
Therefore I submit to you the follow-
ing, which I conceive may claim the
attention of the Enquirer, as a method
of study that I know may be adopted
with advantage. Its insertion will
oblige your's respectfully,
A. B. D..

I perfectly agree with your correspondent, that E. should make divinity but a secondary study the first year, or year and a half; yet some attention must be paid to it, for the purpose of forming a good style, and furnishing himself with a variety of matter. I certainly would recommend E. to enter on the study of the languages, for I am sure an acquaintance with them will be well worth the time they will occupy. One great advantage is, by constantly turning over the pages of his lexicon, and searching continually for a great variety of words to express the same meaning, he will increase his vocabulary, and by that means will be able to surmount the difficulty young preachers often labour under, of not commanding proper and suitable words to express their ideas.

It is also very important that he should be able to read the scriptures. in their original language, to get the meaning of the text. Let me here observe, the studies which should engage the supreme attention of E. during his twoyears, are, the languages, logic, and mathematics. Others, as time will allow, may be indulged in a little. He should by all means begin with the Latin language, and with the Eton Grammar. He may, without the assistance of any able master, soon learn to decline its nouns, and conjugate its verbs; and at the same time read the other parts without labouring to get them by heart. When he has attained a tolerable facility in this, he should enter on the As in presenti and syntax; which, with labour, he may soon acquire it is not necessary he should learn the Latin of syntax by heart, only the rules in English.


Reply to a Query on Study and Learning.


In the mean time, if he wishes to read | tin and Greek. I would recommend a little, I would recommend Phædrus's Yeates' Grammar. At first let him Fables; and for excrcise, Clarke's Intro- learn the alphabet, vowels, the vowel duction to the making of Latin. This points, and the nouns, without learning much of the Latin, E. will find to be suf- the prose the first time over; this will ficient for three months; and when he give him some idea of the language, can do the above exercises with fa- and teach him a little of the pronuncility, and still keeps his grammar in ciation. Let him then turn again to his hand, he may begin to read a little the beginning, and go through as with of Virgil and Cicero. These I would the others. recommend E. to read with a translation, because at present he merely wants to get acquainted with the Latin words, and not to study the language with any critical niceness. "Why not (says an elegant classic) let a young beginner go over the ground already smoothed for him, rather than impede his progress by suffering him to stumble along in the stony and rocky path." E. will find sufficient to do with these, and labouring at his grammar, without any thing else;-a good foundation must be laid in grammatical knowledge.

In a short time, I think E. may begin a little with the Greek, for by diligence and laborious application, he may soon acquire sufficient of Latin to introduce him to this. I would recommend the Westminster Grammar as superior to the Eton, or to Valpy's. After having learnt the alphabet and vowels &c.; he may proceed to the nouns, and next to the active, passive, and middle voice of the verbs. I would recommend, the first time going through, to go over the prose, and learn by heart the nouns, verbs, &c. first. After having been over the grammar once in this superficial manner, and become able to read the words in the Greek character, he should begin the grammar again, and read the prose over well and attentively, till he gets it well stored in his memory.


With respect to mathematics, it is necessary he should study a little of them, and I think he will find the six first books of Euclid sufficient for him. Let E. be careful to retain the solution of each problem as he goes on, in his memory; and I would recommend him to review every week what he has been studying this he may do by noting down in a book, which he should keep for that purpose. It is also very important he should take into his studies, logic. I would recommend Jamieson's Grammar to be studied before he begins Watts.-Note. Jamieson's Grammar of rhetoric, E. will find a very useful book to keep by him, to peruse at his leisure; there are good instructions in it, to attain a good style of writing and speaking. Price six shillings each.

Concerning pulpit eloquence, let me observe, it is not at all inconsistent with the spirit of the gospel. In the study of this, let E. be careful he does not mistake the meaning of the word. Let his eloquence consist of beauty and sublimity of idea, conveyed in striking and forcible words. As an example of genius and real eloquence, let E. read Robert Hall's Sermons; these he will find the best pieces of composition in existence. Let E. endeavour to get a fluency of words to express his thoughts, and labour hard in exercising his mind, to supply it with new and original ideas.

When E. is well acquainted with the nouns and verbs, while he is going The frequent practice of composing, through the grammar a second time, E. will find absolutely necessary, in he should by all means read a little of order to form a good style. And the the language, and he will find nothing frequent practice of speaking extemeasier than the Gospel by John. Daw-pore may be attended with two advan son's Lexicon he will find necessary at tages: first, the gaining a facility in first, till he gets a little acquainted with speaking; secondly, it will exercise the language. And let him, above all, his genius in producing a variety of lay a good foundation, by becoming matter. The books he may peruse, to well acquainted with his grammar. acquire a good style, or rather that are He may read also the Odes of Ana- works of taste, (for he must form his creon, &c. see col. 512. style after the impulse of his own genius and taste,) are such as the above mentioned sermons, Dr. Chalmers' works, Watts' and Doddridge's Sermons, &c.

The second year E. will probably enter on the Hebrew. This he will and to be somewhat easier than La


On Education.


He will find the style of Zimmerman | great is attained without personal exervery good.

The poetical works of Pope, Milton, Shakspeare, Cowper, and Montgomery, will supply him with thoughts, and a variety of words. Let E. be careful of burdening his memory too much with particular phrases, expressions, and select paragraphs from different writers; but let him remember that he reads merely to gain knowledge of the different subjects which should Occupy and exercise his mind. For the cultivation of his reasoning powers, he may read to advantage, Paley's Works, Butler's Analogy, Locke on the Understanding, Mason on Selfknowledge; and for relaxation from other studies, Raffles' Life of Spencer, Orton's Life of Doddridge, Fuller's Life of Pearce, Maurice and Ryland's Life of Fuller, and Southey's Life of Kirke White. These he will find highly interesting and instructing.

I would not recommend E. to begin his studies before six in the morning; four he will find too early. From six till ten, with two hours' relaxation in the day, he will find sufficient time to study. Let him employ his thoughts about something profitable at all times. I would not recommend him to engage in other studies, such as algebra, astronomy, anatomy, &c.; he will find enough to do with the study of the three languages, mathematics, logic, and the cultivation of a good style of preaching. For other books to read, I refer him to col. 58, Imperial Magazine, where he will find a judicious selection.


A. B. D.

HAVING obtained a copy of the following Letter, addressed to the Master of a Grammar School in Ireland, we think it may perhaps be useful to others of like occupation here.

tion of either body or mind; and commonly there is need of the combined efforts of both. A general or leader should be duly skilled in military tactics; but he must also have a cool, firm, and collected mind. He must use proper discipline; but not merely to indulge passion, wantonness, or caprice. It is scarcely needful to remind you, that these ideas peculiarly apply to your situation; and you have already been initiated in the theory.

To understand fully the rudiments of language, and to have a tolerable knowledge of the principal classic authors, is, indeed, necessary: but it constitutes only a small portion of what belongs to the master of a classical school. Much depends on the mode to be adopted in conveying instruction, for many men of learning and good sense are deficient in imparting their knowledge with facility to others; or perhaps they adopt an improper method of doing it. Therefore the teacher should study how he may be most useful; and he may learn more and more himself every day by practice; and by closely observing the various tempers, and different degrees of intellect, in those who are committed to his care. Though much has been said and written on the subject of Education, yet much still remains in respect to the practical part. There will be a constant need of discernment and discrimination; and of treating boys somewhat differently, according to their capacity, disposition, and age.

Man was made to be a social being: and as he is endowed with faculties and intellect for that end, he should use them, both to receive and communicate to the rest of his species whatever may tend to the mutual good of both. The faculty of speech is of the first importance in this case; by which the thoughts are conveyed from the mind of one to that of another, in a mysteri ous manner. The mode of this opera

To the Rey. Mr., Master of the tion is, indeed, a mystery, which no

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Free Grammar School at


CONGRATULATE you on your appointment to superintend the school at and I trust you are ambitious to possess every qualification for such a post. Indeed, the office of an instructor is arduous and laborious: but it is honourable and important too. Nothing

philosopher has yet been able to develope or comprehend: for, who can comprehend how the sound of the voice is made a channel of conveyance of what is internal, from one person to another? It is, however, the business of the teacher to convey such instruction into the mind of his pupil, as may render him a useful member of the community in some station of life,

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