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Review No Fiction.

REVIEW.--No Fiction, a narrative founded on recent and interesting Facts. Fourth Edition. Two Vols. 12mo.

boards, pp. 327 and 340. London, Westley, and Longman & Co. 1820. A TASTE for tales is general; and it is ancient. It seems to have been most early, and most generally prevalent, in Persia and other Asiatic regions, from whence indeed tales were imported into Greece and Rome. Whilst, on the one hand, we deplore the inconceivable evils resulting from the perusal of the generality of Novels, or Fictions, or Romances, we are not, on the other hand, disposed to maintain that truth should never be communicated by means of fiction, since that would deny the propriety of parabolical instruction; the suitability of which must be indisputable.

It was late, and after the decline of its nobler literature, that fictions in prose came to be cultivated as a species of composition in Greece. In early times, the mere art of writing was too difficult and dignified to be employed in prose, and even the laws of the principal legislators were then promulgated in verse. The species of machinery in this kind of writing, such as giants, dragons, and enchanted castles, which forms the seasoning of the adventures of chivalry, has been distinguished by the name of romantic fiction; and for explaining the origin of which, different theories have been suggested. With those theories, however, we have but little concernment, since, if we do not greatly mistake, the Reverend author of No Fiction would tremble at any comparison being instituted between his work and the romances of Arthur and the Round Table, the adventures of the imaginary families of Amadis and Palmerin, the Ysaie le Triste, Arthur, or Gyron le Courtois. Yet to such, and almost all other fictions, it bears this resemblance, that the actions of the hero are too marked and extravagant to be real; and that Lefevre, Douglas, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell, not presenting in their characters or conduct, as there delineated, a sufficient resemblance to men as we find them in our daily intercourse, the readers of No Fiction will more frequently read it for others rather than for themselves; and will recognize in some of the exploits with which its pages are inter


stories of Sir Tristran, Meliadus of spersed, something resembling the Leonnoys, or Lancelot du Lac. tions, we do not hesitate to say, that Yet, notwithstanding these observaas a religious novel, under which No Fiction must class, it is one of the best which has emanated from the press. We do not forget the Vicar of Wakefield, Cœlebs in search of a Wife, Mrs. Marshall's Friend's Family, Cunningham's Sancho, the Proverbialist, or the World without Souls; nor do we mean to raise No Fiction as superior to all, though unquestionably it is inferior to none of the last-mentioned tales. In the metropolis it has experienced a rapid and extensive sale, and throughout the country its circulation is increasing.

It has indeed been urged against the work, that the characters are known; that Douglas is the author, that his consort is the authoress; and in the advertisement to the third edition, it is lamented" that keys have been circulated with the book, professing to be explanatory of all the dramatis personæ, accompanied with the unsparing assurance that their truth and accuracy may be confidently trusted." This is certainly very unfair, especially as the Reverend Author has stated "that these keys are not only erroneous, but preposterously so;-that the true key is alone in his possession ;-and that it has never been in the power of any other person."

But whether No Fiction be a fiction or not; whether the outline of the narration be founded on facts, and the filling up of that outline be gratuitous and imaginary; or whether the whole be a fiction; still it is a good book, and deserving the attention of the religious and irreligious, the aged and the young, the parents and chil dren, of this country.

The first volume is unquestionably the least interesting, and the worst written; and it is to be feared that some readers, dissatisfied with the first 100 pages, have laid the work aside as unworthy of further investigation.

The second volume is not only more pleasing and inviting, but far more instructive; and the visit of Lefevre to a Woodman's cottage, is one of the most interesting descriptions in the English language. Equally pleasing is the parting interview between Lefevre, the Christian Missionary, and the Widow,


Miscellaneous Articles.


in America. There is, indeed, through- | materials, found that it was easily put out this tale, so much of sound mora- in motion, and that it readily yielded lity, of vital Christianity, and of noble to the pressure of his foot. To disand generous sentiment, that we com- cover the cause of this singular apmend it to the attention of our readers. pearance, he providentially applied Nor let it be supposed, that, in so his shovel, and instantly uncovered a doing, we are encouraging the love of pool of metal, in a complete state of novel reading. If the value of this fusion. Such moulds as could be obbook could not be estimated by it use,' ,"tained, together with old pots, were we would not praise it; but it is be- immediately procured, into which the cause we approve of rendering virtue boiling fluid was poured. The quantity lovely, and religion attractive, that we thus taken up, supposed chiefly to should not have any objection to see it have come from the melted stereotype, in the libraries of schools, of students, is estimated at upwards of a thousand or even of ministers of the gospel. pounds weight. About a ton has been rescued in various forms, but much more still remains buried. Many reams of paper have also been taken from the ruins, apparently entire, but quite black on the edges. These, on being opened, have been found totally discoloured, and so nearly reduced to a state of charcoal, as to be unfit for use. It is very remarkable, that, while two hydraulic presses, comprising a power of 150 tons each, were twisted and moulded like leather, and while vast bodies of brass, and iron both cast and wrought, were bent, broken, and corroded with the flames, an iron pot and a stone bottle nearly full of oil, escaped unhurt. About 200 cart loads of burnt books and paper, have been removed from the premises, and much still remains.

The work, however, may be improved; and it needs improvement. We hope to see the history of an unfinished love affair rescinded from its pages; and we do not know, but that the citizens of London, and certainly our country friends, would be quite as well pleased if the accounts of the splendid suppers and dinners were considerably curtailed. We wish this book to become a standard work; but it must be corrected and amended, before it can attain this exalted eminence. The volumes are already divided into chapters, which will prove advantageous to the reader, as soon as they shall be connected with a table of contents.



Caxton Fire.-On Thursday, Feb. 15, seventeen days after the fire, on reaching the bottom floor, one of the men being about to tread on some loose

'An honest man is still an unmov'd rock,
'Wash'd whiter, but not shaken with the shock;
Whose heart conceives no sinister device,
Fearless he walks in flames, and treads on ice.'


To the following letter, written by this celebrated Naval Commander, we subjoin a fac-simile of his Hand-writing, having no doubt that it will prove highly gratifying to most of our readers.

San Josef, Torbay, Feb. 5, 1801.

My Dear Sir Altho' I am going from the San Josef into the St. George, yet I will take your friend's Son with much pleasure whenever he is sent. You know, as well as I do, that it was LOVE made you leave me, and naturally others stept in and supplied your place. Why the Furnace was not in Holland, or why she may not go to the Baltic with Sir H. Parker, I am unacquainted with. Nor do I believe if you were so inclined that I have Interest to get you there, for not one favour has to my knowledge been granted me since I came to England, and you may believe me when I cannot get Finch a Ship or my Elder Brother removed from being a Clerk in the Navy Office. With my best respects to Mrs. Suckling and all my friends about you, believe me as ever, your Sincere Friend

Actions Bronks

Lt. M. Wm. Suckling R. N.


Commercial Report.



We cannot as yet announce any improvement in our commerce: the committee for considering the state of trade and commerce has resumed its labours: and when we consider the talent, ability, and information of which it is composed, we are sanguine enough to expect many important results. It is rumoured already, that a diminution of the duty on Baltic Timber has been determined upon, whilst a corresponding impost on British American, will put the former into fair competition with the latter, and be the means of re-opening the ancient channels of commerce with the shores of the Baltic. Certain it is that our relations with other powers are much narrowed, by the heavy duties of import, and which not only act in many cases as prohibitory, but likewise prevent the transmission of orders for British manufactures, which formerly enlivened the intercourse with other states.

It is very observable, that notwithstanding the losses attendant on the importations of most descriptions of foreign produce, yet the real consumptive demand is not at all reduced; and a very general revival of commerce can alone tend to bring health and vigour into trade.

The following are amongst the most prominent transactions which have latterly taken place the sales of Cotton during the two last weeks amount to 12084 packages, of which, during the last week, the following sales may be particularized.

2600 Boweds, from 73d. to 10 d. 631 Orleans, 83d. to 123d.-91 Tennessee, from 8 d. to 8 d.-250 Sea Island, 134d. to 19d.—775 Pernams, 11ğd. to 13d.-600 Bahia, 104d. to Ild.-750 Maranhams, from 11d. to 114d.-20 Demeraras, 13d.—26 Barbadoes, 101d.-330 Carthagenas, 74d. to 74d.—100 West Indias, 74d.—15 Surats, 84d.— 74 Bengal, 6ğd. to 674.

There is a fair demand for Tobacco for home consumption, but none for export, al though present prices offer inducement. Kentucky Leaf sold at 2d. per lb.

In British Plantation Sugars, there is a small decline, and the late public sales have gone off heavily. 500 Bags of Bengal, were sold to the Grocers at 68s. for fine yellows; up to 73s. for middling whites. Much business has been done in British Me

lasses, at 23s. to 24s. per cwt.

The Coffee market is dull; some small parcels were sold at 128s. per cwt. for middling Demerara, and 122s. to 125s. for middling Jamaica, to the grocers; and a small lot of ordinary and discoloured Brasil, for shipment, at 104s. per cwt. Of Cocoa, Ginger, and Pimento, there have been no sales.

Rums have been in more request; common Leewards have sold at 1s. 8d.-21 O.P. at 2s. 3d.-26 O. P. 2s. 5d. to 2s. 7d.; and fine Jamaica brought 2s. 5d. per gallon for 16 O. P.

Carolina Rice is dull, the new import is rather of inferior quality, and does not command more than 16s. to 18s. 6d. in Bond.

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Extensive sales have been made in Ashes at an advance of 6d.—sayMontreals, Pearls, at 40s. to 41s.-old New Yorks, 40s.—Bostons, 41s. per cwt. Pots, Montreals, 32s, to 33s. per cwt.

The demand for Dyewoods increases both for export and home use. Jamaica Logwood has sold readily at £7. to £7. 5s. per ton.-Campeachy, £8. to £8. 5s. per ton. -Nicaragua Wood at £30 per ton.-Cuba Fustic, £9. 10s. per ton. Good Brimstone at £23 per ton.-Sicily Barilla, £23. per ton.

On the 16th inst. a large sale of East India Produce took place; nearly 300 chests of East India Indigo were sold at 3s. 10d. to 7s. 1d. per lb. being an advance of 3d. to 6d. per lb.-91 bags of Safflower 101. 15s. to 131. per cwt.-77 boxes of Lac Dye at 4s. 3d, to 4s. 5d. per lb.-1000 bags of Saltpetre at 28s. to 29s. per cwt.-5000 bundles of Munjeet at 44s. per cwt.-a part of the Peruvian Bark sold at 13d. to 18d. per lb. in Bond. With raw Turpentine the market is barely supplied, very ordinary quality has sold at 8s. 9d. per cwt.; for real good quality 11s. would be given. There is more inquiry for American Tar; 700 barrels of prime Virginia realized 19s. 6d. per barrel. Stockholm is held at 21s. per barrel.

Fish Oils do not vary much in price. The prices of Tallow have suffered some reduction. Pine Timber has improved; very little doing in Baltic Timber and Deals.→→→ The transactions in Hides have been on a most extensive scale, and all the late imports have sold at 9d. to 10 d. per lb.

Grain. The prices continue to give way, and although there is more inquiry, yet the rates are lower; the best samples of Irish Wheats will not command more than 7s.6d. to 7s. 8d. per 70lb.; and the best Oats 2s. 6d. to 2s. 7d. per 45lb. Grinding Barley being somewhat scarce, is more saleable at 3s. 2d. to 3s. 8d. per 60lb. On the 13th inst. 1000 barrels of New Orleans sour flour, in bond, were sold by auction at 12s. to 12s. 3d, per barrel. This day 2000 bushels of Dantzic wheat, in bond, were offered by auction. and withdrawn at 4s. per bushel, of 70lb.; 3s. 7d. per bushel was actually bid. American Flax Seed sells freely at 65s. to 66s. per barrel of seven bushels. American red Clover Seed at 63s. per cwt.


[blocks in formation]


With a Catalogue of all really British
Plants, as they come into Flower.


THE general character of the weather
in April is a continued disposition to
change, from showers to sunshine, and
from warmth to cold; and the transi-
tions are both rapid and frequent. The
morning often begins with hoar-frost,
the forenoon experiences all the glow
of summer, showers succeed in the
afternoon, and before evening hail
or snow conveys all the feelings of
winter. But these feelings are not
of long continuance; the earth is too
much warmed by the rays of the sun
to allow frost or snow to be permanent;
and the progress of vegetation remains
unchecked. The fields are clothed with
green, except where Daisies or
Buttercups vary the tints; hedges are
studded with the modest Primrose, and
the advancing shoots of trees afford
assurance of the establishment of spring.
Nor are leaves the only adorning of the
trees; the blossoms of the Plum, Cherry,
and Pear, unfold themselves, and the
Apple blossom seems on the point of
bursting into life. The Ash tree, how-
ever, has a singularly sombre appear-
ance, from the enlargement of its
black leaf-bud, preparatory to the ex-
pansion of the leaves.


middle of the month, in small parties, and soon proceed to their accustomed haunts. Many of them, it is probable, perish in crossing the ocean; for they are frequently known to pitch on fishing-boats at a distance from land, being so much exhausted as to be incapable of proceeding further. Soon after their arrival, these birds proceed to prepare a nest for the accommodation of their offspring. The Swallow builds in vacant chimneys, about two or three feet from the top; the Martin forms its cabin beneath the eaves of houses, and the Sand Martin in holes on the banks of rivers. It has been supposed, that the Martin takes care to build its edifice only in the forepart of the day, and that the labour is intermitted in the afternoon, that it may acquire solidity and firmness. They have, however, been known to neglect a fine morning, and to commence their work in the afternoon, from no other apparent reason than that they preferred taking the materials from the sea-shore which was near, but which was covered with the tide in the morning, to fetching it from double the distance, where it might have been had at all times. The usefulness of these birds to human comfort is rarely estimated as it deserves. Birds in general are known to devour more food than other animals, in proportion to their size; and those creatures which use most exertion stand in need of the greatest portion. What thousands of insects then must be devoured by these little creatures in the course of a summer, when they are so constantly engaged in the pursuit! these, if suffered to live and multiply, would break in very considerably on human enjoyment.

The numbers of the insect tribe considerably increase; and they are particularly numerous and busy about pieces of water and running streams, whither resort in pursuit of them, those of the Swallow tribe that arrive this month. Four species of Swallows visit this island; the Swift, Hirundo Apus; Swallow, H. Rustica; Martin, H. Urbica; and Bank Martin, H. Riparia ; all The voice of the Whitethroat is again of which have the general habits of heard; and the Cuckoo arrives from migration, and feeding on insects, which Africa, where it has resided for nearly they take on the wing. The three first three-fourths of the year; its presence are common, the latter rare, being is soon recognized by its singular note. known in but a few counties in Eng-The manners of this bird, particularly land. The arrival of the Swallow as it regards the ordering of its young, usually precedes that of the Martin by have been much illustrated by the oba few days; they drop in about the servations of Dr. Jenner, the wellNo. 26.-VOL. III.



Monthly Observations.


known dicoverer of Vaccine Inocu- | is the only British species that conveys lation. The Cuckoo, the Doctor observes, does not pair. When a female appears on the wing, she is often attended by two or three males, which seem to be earnestly contending for her attention. When impregnated, she seeks out the nest of some other bird, in which to deposit her egg; for it is well known, that the Cuckoo forms no nest for her own use, The Hedge-Sparrow, Wagtail, or other small bird, is in danger of having its nest broke in upon; and these birds seem to be conscious of the danger; for a pair of Redbreasts have been known to attack a Cuckoo that seemed disposed to invade their nest, and drive it away.

Within a few hours after the egg which was deposited by the Cuckoo has given birth to a young bird, a strange scene takes place: the little creature, that seems scarcely able to move itself, sets about the task of securing the full occupation of the nest, and the entire care of its foster parents to itself; which it does by taking the young birds, with any egg that may remain unhatched, upon its back, and throwing them one by one over the side of the nest, where they are left to perish. By the extraordinary and undivided attention which the young Cuckoo now receives from the old birds, and which is continued when it has acquired its full size, so that the little parent is obliged to perch on its back to place the food in its bill; it is ready to leave the country at the same time with its real parents. The Nightingale is another of the feathered tribe that visits us about the same period. This is a solitary bird, that delights to pour forth its song at a time when the choristers of the day are silent; it is not, however, the only bird that sings by night, for the Woodlark will sometimes do the same. The Nightingale is not known in many counties in Eng


The Serpent tribe now venture forth from their retreats, and bask in the sun, in order to recover that life and activity which have been so long suspended. Four species of serpents are known in Britain: the Viper, Snake, the New Snake of Pennant, which is the sharp-tailed Slowworm of Borlase, and the Common Slowworm. Worms and insects form the food of the latter; the two former devour mice and different species of reptiles. The Viper

poison by its bite; for the secretion and injection of which into the wound made by the fangs, it is furnished with a peculiar apparatus. This consists of a gland placed on the cheek at each side, which secretes the poison, and from which proceeds a duct that conveys it to the fangs, which are placed in the upper jaw, and are crooked, like the needle used by surgeons, sharp and perforated, having an orifice at the extremity. These fangs, which must be distinguished from the ordinary tusk, are moveable in the jaw, and are attached to a membrane which tends to strengthen their hold, and prevent their being dislocated by the jerk of an animal that might be bitten by them. Still, when the Viper has not time to withdraw the fangs from the wound, it is not uncommon for them to be torn from their situation; to supply which loss, many imperfect fangs are seated in the jaw, in different stages of maturity; these come forward in their turns to supply the loss which the creature may meet with. When the Viper inflicts a bite, the fangs are driven into the wound by a muscle, which at the same time presses on the bag of poison, and drives it through the duct and tooth into the bottom of the wound, where it excites the most exquisite pain. This poison chiefly affects animals which have warm red blood in their vessels; the Snake and Viper are not injured by it, even when it is introduced into their wounds. This is not a place to enter into a discussion of the physical effects of the Adder's poison, or the requisite medical treatment; but it may be well to notice, that it is so much the more likely to prove fatal, the nearer the wound is to the heart Tadpoles now undergo the change of figure which constitutes them perfect animals; the tail drops off, the legs make their appearance, and they can no longer be recognized as belonging to the same order of animals as before.

British plants, which flower in March: Water Starwort, Callitriche aquatica Procumbent Speedwell, Veronica agrestis; Ivy-leaved Speedwell, V. hederifolia; Vernal Speedwell, V. verna Lamb's Lettuce, Valeriana locusta Three Cotton Grasses, Eriophorum Moor Grass, Sesleria cœrulea; Blinks, Montia fontana; Umbelliferous Chickweed, Polycarpon tetraphyllum; Madwort, Asperago procumbens; Common

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