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New-Zealandman's Head.-Answer to a Query.

in diameter, which have great similarity with the so-named Labrador stones. On the evening of this day the emperor conducted the king to Orange-tree, of which he had just made a present to his eldest son, whilst he had given to the second the seat of Strelna. The latter is half way between Petersburg and Peterhof, and was intended for days of ceremony, but remained unfinished. Orange-tree, seven wersts farther, opposite Cronstadt, was erected by prince Menczikoft, but after his disgrace the crown confiscated it. After the return from this excursion, one supped in the saloon of Monplaisir, which is still the same as it had been under Peter the Great: in a side-room stands also yet his bed; and all that one sees here and in Marly, reminds one of the habitations in Holland, which belong to the Orange family."

(To be concluded in our next.)


An Extract from a Paper concerning the
Customs of the New-Zealanders.


head is high, and has apparently been stripped of the hair for the purpose of scarification; but from the hinder part of the head, the hair hangs luxuriantly in easy curls. It is black and soft, and in a perfectly natural state, not having been in the least injured by whatever process the head has been subjected to. This head has been recognized by the chiefs who were in this country, as that of a person of the most exalted rank, which is also shown by the tatooing. As every step in dignity is marked by a fresh scratch on the face, the owner of this head must have arrived at the ne plus ultra of elevation."

Answer to a Query on Burying in


SIR, My attention was arrested by
the Query of F. R." Whence arose the
custom of Burying in Churches, &c. ?"
to be found in the Number for Janu-

ary, of your pleasing and useful pub-
lication, (col. 101.) To express my
Reply to the above Question in my
own language, was my original inten-
tion; but on consulting Wheatly on
the book of Common Prayer, and
finding the subject more luminously
and ably handled, by that perspi-
cuous and intelligent writer, I relin-
quished my design. The extract I
submit to your inspection, to make
what use of it you please.
I am, Sir, your's,


"IT is well known, that the NewZealanders practice a mode of drying and preserving the heads of their chiefs who have fallen in battle. Some of these singular memorials have been brought to this country by the traders who touch on that island, the sailors being anxious to get them in exchange for baubles which might attract the cupidity of the natives. One of these is in the possession of a gentleman in the city (London :) it is the head of a chief, who was killed in" ALL nations whatsoever, Jews, Heabattle about twelve months ago, about thirty years of age. It is certainly much less disgusting than such a preparation might be conceived to be. It is perfectly dry, and has not the least offensive smell. The whole of the substance within the skull is taken out, and the skin is fastened within to a small hoop. The skin has a yellowish tanned appearance, and there is not an eighth of an inch that is free from tatooing. The teeth are perfect, but small and much worn. The place in the cheek where the fatal ball entered, and where the skin was consequently broken, is supplied by a piece of wood, on which the lines of the tatooing are continued. The fore

thens, and Christians, have ever had solemn places set apart for their use; but in permitting their dead to be buried either in or near their places of worship, the Christians differ from both the former. For the Jews being forbid to touch or come near any dead body, and it being declared, that they who did so were defiled, had always their sepulchres without the city. And from them it is probable the Greeks and Romans derived, not only the notion of being polluted by a dead corpse, but the law also of burying without the walls. For this reason, the Christians, so long as the law was in force throughout the Roman empire, were obliged, in com


Answer to a Query-Anecdote of Curran.

pliance with it, to bury their dead without the gates of the city. A custom which prevailed here in England, till about the middle of the eighth century, when Archbishop Cuthbert, of Canterbury obtained a dispensation from the Pope for making churchyards within the walls. However, that the Christians did not do this, out of any belief that the body of a dead Christian defiled the place or persons near it, may be inferred from their consecrating their old places of burial into places of divine worship, and by building their churches, as soon as they had liberty, over some or other of the martyrs' graves.

"After churches were built, indeed, they suffered nobody to be buried in them, but had distinct places contiguous to them, appropriated to this use, which, from the metaphor of sleep, by which death in scripture is often described, were called Koimeteria, i. e. Cameteries or Sleeping-places. The first that we read of, as buried any where else, was Constantine the Great, to whom it was indulged, as a singular honour, to be buried in the church-porch. Nor were any of the Eastern emperors, for several centuries afterwards, admitted to be buried any nearer to the church; for several canons had been made against the allowing of this to any person of what dignity soever. And even in our own church we find, that in the end of the seventh century, an Archbishop of Canterbury had not been buried within the church, but that the porch was full with six of his predecessors, that had been buried there before.


By a canon made in king Edgar's reign, about the middle of the tenth century, no man was allowed to be buried in the church, unless it were known that he had so pleased God in his lifetime, as to be worthy of such a burying place; though, above an hundred years afterwards, we meet with another canon, made at a council at Winchester, that seems again to prohibit all corpses whatsoever, without any exception, from being buried in churches. But in later times, every one that could pay for the honour, has been generally allowed it."—A short quotation might be made to the same purpose from Milner's Ecclesiast. Hist. But it is expressed at large in Vol. I. Imp. Mag. col. 728.


What has been already advanced has sufficiently, exhibited the origin of burying in churches, and that such a practice has been contrary to the usage of nations.

That interment within the shrines of our sanctuaries is detrimental to the health of mankind, or at least to that of societies of them who live in their immediate vicinity, there can be no doubt; and it has been noticed in a masterly way, by the gentleman who terms himself, A Friend to Decency,' in Vol. I. col 455. of Imp. Mag. How far such a practice may be offensive to Almighty God, I will not take upon me to assert: but surely it will be more pleasing to him who had rather save than destroy men's lives, to adopt those methods which will be salutary, and not detrimental, to the health of the human species.

If I mistake not, the pious bishop Hale, and the great Sir Matthew Hale, manifested their disapprobation to burying in churches, by directing that their remains should be respectively deposited in the church-yard; the latter of these illustrious characters pertinently observing, that "churches are for the living, and church-yards for the dead."

An answer similar to the above has been received from J. M. of Torquay,


To the preceding communication and extract, the following Epitaph deserves to be added. It stands on a headstone, erected over the grave of a Clergyman's daughter, in the churchyard of Lanivet, in the county of Cornwall:-"Her father chose this spot, when he had resolved to put an end to a bad custom, that of burying in the church, and he wills himself and family to be here disposed of after death; disclaiming all superstition in his choice, and professing to rely alone for salvation on the merits of a crucified Saviour."


A BARRISTER entered the hall with his wig very much awry, and, of which not at all apprised, he was obliged to endure from almost every observer some remark on its appearance, till at last, addressing himself to Mr. CUR

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RAN, he asked him, "Do you see any thing ridiculous in this wig?" The answer instantly was, Nothing but the head."


Saturday, March 3, 1821.

"Paulum sepultæ distat inertiæ
"Celata virtus."



endeared himself to the soldiers of the Emperor. To the wealth and dignity of his father he now succeeded; and at the expiration of a few months returned to his martial office. But what enjoyment can either wealth or dignity afford to him, who feels at once the pangs of grief and the torments of apprehension? To the mind of Pootala, there was nothing triumphant in victory, and nothing consoling in caresses. He had contemplated the virtues of his father, and he lamented the unmerited infelicity of his exit. "The lamp of his existence," said he, "and of his reputation, were extinguished together. The lesser evil precluded the greater, and death alone prevented disgrace. And shall I not avoid a snare which I cannot but see? Will the stag of the forest designedly entangle himself in the net? or will the eagle of the mountain deliberately encounter the hunter? I will fly the malignance which I cannot dissipate: I will shun the stroke which I cannot avert. Envy may cloke itself with acclamation, but the son of Honyan has heard its murmurs, and will avoid its attack.”

DURING the administration of Kaunghi, emperor of China, there lived in the city of Canton, a mandarin, of ancient family, extensive connections, and acknowledged merit. His youth had been employed in the service of his sovereign, and in the defence of his country. All that could add dig- | nity to counsel, or success to enterprise, centered in the son of Otkay. | His tongue was the oracle of wisdom; and his arm the security of innocence. In his presence integrity defied slander; and oppression deprecated punishment. The deserts of Tartary echoed his name, and the islands of the ocean listened to his praise. At his appearance, youth shrunk into retirement, and age rose in respect. Such was the soliloquy of Pootala :His merit was encouraged, and the satisfaction soothed his soul; and the throne was established: his virtues project which he contemplated with were rewarded, and the nation was delight, he delayed not to prosecute secure. But the eye of envy beheld with ardour, He obtained access to his exaltation, and the artifices of his Sovereign. "Great Emperor," falsehood meditated his ruin. The said he, 66 your slave acknowledges enemies of Honyan were the slaves of your bounty. But he has suffered an infamy. They maliciously hastened irreparable loss, and is overwhelmed to obscure the days of declining life; with sorrow. Suffer him to relinquish and whilst age was whitening his his station, and forego his honours; locks, he heard the hailstones of per- since he is neither capable of acting secution clattering against his dwell-with resolution, nor of suffering with ing. Yet the angel of death disap- constancy; and can neither discharge pointed the designs of malevolence; the obligations of office, nor enjoy the and the eyes of Honyan were for ever splendour of distinction." closed, ere the quiver of defamation was exhausted.

His son, who was engaged in a distant province of the empire, on the news of his father's illness, hurried, with pious precipitance, to the scene of sorrow; but the groan of departing life had already escaped, and the lips of instruction were eternally sealed. The storm of slander, though its violence had ceased, had not yet wholly subsided. The son of Honyan heard its fury, and trembled for his safety. He had for some time successfully headed the Chinese army: he had defeated the troops of the Khan, and

The emperor, though unwilling to deprive himself of the services of one who so justly merited his favour, and so completely possessed his confidence, was pleased with his candour, and granted his request. The resignation of Pootala was accepted, and the general retired, oppressed with sentiments of gratitude and joy. He immediately repaired to his paternal estate, and found sufficient satisfaction in recalling filial recollections, and in retracing juvenile scenes. public curiosity was not content to allow him that repose, which was the object of his search. The novelty of



Memoirs of Leonardo Aretino.


guished by his zeal in the cause of literature, he gave his sentiments on the subject of the merits of Plato, and of the true principles of translation,sentiments which evince the purity of his taste, and the early correctness of his judgment.

"Though I always entertained a

his retreat afforded a suitable topic of discussion, to a class of men who are found alike in every civilized community. By some of these, his conduct was imputed to a desire of ascertaining his influence at court; and by others, to a wish of sounding public opinion. Many regarded it as an artifice for the concealment of pusillani-regard for your favourite Plato, (for I mity, and more as the consequence of some private mortification in the fulfilment of his office. He was alternately applauded for his magnanimity, censured for his imprudence, admired for his modesty, and despised for his presumption. Pootala could not but be aware of the interest which he excited; and for some time diverted himself with the reports which loquacity had circulated, the conjectures which assurance had confirmed, and the censures which impertinence had pronounced. But his pleasures were suddenly interrupted by a summons to appear before Kaung-hi, to whom he was accused of having resigned his command, in consequence of a secret and mercenary contract with the enemy of his country. To confute an accusation equally unfounded and dangerous, he consented to resume his post, after having been apprised that his future success was to be the argument of his fidelity and allegiance; and that loss of victory would be punished by the forfeiture of life. He renewed the campaign, and returned decisively triumphant. His character was justified, and his adversaries were punished; and "he has bequeathed to posterity,' adds the traditionary legend, a powerful enforcement of this truth; that every station is alike obnoxious to the stratagems of falsehood, and that it is the province of Heaven alone to exhibit the graces of innocence, by unravelling the intrigues of guilt."

may justly denominate him your favourite, since you have so frequently maintained his cause against the animadversions of the unlearned,) yet I must confess that my fondness for him has greatly increased, since I undertook to translate this dialogue into the Latin tongue. No composition can possibly be found, which is characterized by sounder philosophy or more striking eloquence. Of this I am still more persuaded than I formerly was, in consequence of my being compelled, in the course of my late employment, accurately to weigh, and minutely to examine, his style and sentiments. Greatly, therefore, am I indebted to my father and friend Colucio for the pleasure which he has procured_me by the injunction of this task. For, formerly, I had only seen Plato; but now I flatter myself I am well acquainted with him. If I shall be able to finish my version according to my ideas and wishes, I assure you, Niccolo, you will prefer the dignity of his writings to all other compositions which have hitherto attracted your attention. He is an author of the greatest urbanity, and of the most consummate skill and subtlety in disputation; and the rich and divine sentiments of his interlocutors are interspersed with the most engaging suavity and incredible copiousness of diction. His style is flowing, and wonderfully graceful. You find in it nothing laboured or overcharged-but it evinces throughout a complete command of language, and the utmost facility and elegance of expression. Such is the OF LEONARDO ARETINO. character of the original Greek. If (Continued from col. 308.) my Latin version should not exhibit DURING the residence of the pontifical the qualities which I have just court at Viterbo, Leonardo resumed merated, I must declare that the fault his literary pursuits, which had been is mine; and that my readers do not so disagreeably interrupted by the peruse Plato, but my fruitless atcivic tumults of Rome. It was at this tempts to imitate him. Though I am period that, in compliance with the determined to use my utmost endeawishes of Colucio Salutati, he trans-vour to avoid this imputation of failure, lated into Latin the Phædon of Plato. I dare not assure myself of success. In the following letter to Niccolo Nic- But this I think I can promise, that I coli, a citizen of Florence, distin- shall enable you to read Plato with

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Memoirs of Leonardo Aretino.


ease and pleasure; which, in my opi- | he was attacked at Viterbo, he could nion, has not been effected by Calci- not procure either wine or medical dius, nor by the other translator who assistance, to upbraid him as being has wisely suppressed his name. The too much attached to corporeal pleaprinciples of their version are different sures. To these reproaches Leonardo from those of mine. For, neglecting forbore making any direct reply; but the spirit of Plato, they have exhibited retaliated upon Colucio, by some sarmerely his words and form of expres- castic remarks upon the style of the sion. But I have endeavoured to im- letter in which they were conveyed. bibe his spirit, and to translate him in For this flippancy, however, he cansuch a manner as he would have been didly imputed to himself considerable likely himself to approve, had he been blame, in a letter to Niccolo Niccoli, skilled in the Latin language. In the of the date of the 20th of March, 1406, first place, therefore, I scrupulously in which he thus expresses himself:preserve all his sentiments. In the "Not daring to trust myself to reply second place, I make a point of adopt- to this imputation, I passed over that ing a literal translation, whenever that part of his epistle; but I made some can be done without degenerating into satirical animadversions upon a few inelegance. But in cases in which slight inaccuracies which I had obthis is impossible, I am not so timid served in his expressions, for which I as to think myself guilty of high-trea- am now sorry; for it would have been son, if, with a view of avoiding incon- much more proper to bear with his illgruity of phrase whilst I preserve the humour, especially as I shall ever sense, I deviate from the words of my continue, as I have hitherto done, to author. In this I am countenanced revere him as a father."§ by Plato himself: for it is not to be Leonardo did not enjoy the satisfacsupposed that he, who was renowned tion of a reconciliation with his offendamongst his countrymen for the ele-ed patron. On the 4th of May, 1406, gance of his diction, would wish to be represented as speaking barbarous Latin."*

From this epistle, which bears the date of the 5th of September, 1405, it appears that Leonardo about this time composed a oration in praise of the city of Florence. In this composition he proposed to himself, as a model, the oration of Aristides in praise of Athens. It is mentioned with commendation by Poggio and Gianozzo Manetti, but it has not yet been printed.‡

From the pleasure which Leonardo seems to have experienced in complying with the wishes of Colucio Salutati, by undertaking the version of the Phædon, we may estimate the uneasiness which he felt on being apprised, early in the ensuing year, that the affections of this protector of his early youth were entirely alienated from him. The first intimation which he received of this circumstance was conveyed in a letter from Colucio, who took occasion, from the complaint of young friend, that during the continuance of a violent fever, by which


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Colucio died. The intelligence of
this event, which reached Leonardo
as he was travelling from Cesena to
Rimini, on his road to Florence, over-
whelmed him with sorrow. "I hoped,'
says he in a letter to Niccolo Niccoli,
"to have spent some pleasant days in
the Tuscan capital. But I now find
that I shall come, not to the participa-
tion of pleasure, but of sorrow.
how can I behold without tears the
street in which our friend resided,
the public buildings and temples of
Florence, in which I was accustomed
for so long a space of time to hold
converse with that most excellent
man. With what spirits can I revisit
you and the rest of our common friends
who, I doubt not, are deeply affected
by this mournful event. But I must
close my letter, for I am prevented
from proceeding by my tears.
good, however, as to present the offer
of my best services to Bonifacio and
his other sons, and also to his nephew
Giovanni. For as their father con-
stantly treated me with the kindness
of a parent, it is proper that I should
regard them as my brothers."¶

Be so

Leon. Aret. Epist. lib. i. ep.10.-lib. x. ep.5.
Mehi Vita Colucii Salutati, p. 74.
Leonardi Aret. Epist. lib. i. ep. 12.

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