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it were likewise as rational. I should hardly have mentioned the pardonable mistake of the Chancellor in what the Lords pray for, if it had not been a proof of the prejudice with which the question is considered, and that the dislike of these our fellow-citizens is founded upon any or no reason. The best speech that has been made in the present year on the subject, was, in my opinion, that of the Duke of Sussex; and the worst, that of the Chancellor.

The most important consideration has, however, been omitted by all parties; and that is, the effect that our disputes with the Catholics has had, and still continue to have, on religion itself. It is not necessary for a stran- | ger to be previously indisposed towards Christianity, to feel disgust against a religion productive of so much uncharitable acrimony. If the Catholics are right, we are guilty of gross blasphemy, and most unneighbourly malicious conduct towards them. If they are wrong to the degree that we represent them, our instructors in Christianity taught us nothing but paganism and idolatry. | Such a crime in the parent, may render the offspring suspicious, and give a final victory to infidelity. In suppressing their writings, we do not hinder the progress of their opinions.

At all events, the subject of the sacrament was the most unfortunate that could be selected for the aliment of contention. In receiving this at the altar, we pray so to eat the flesh of Jesus Christ, and drink his blood, that our sinful bodies may be made clean by his body. It is a subject that surpasses human reason, and ought to be left open; but if we will rush in where angels fear to tread, by our example infidels may justly reject what they do not understand, and throw the highest mysteries of our faith wholly out of the creed. If the scripture asserts the real presence after consecration of the elements of the sacrament, it is certainly true, that if we reject any part of a divine revelation, we falsify the whole. The union of God and Man, the Trinity, the Birth, the Resurrection, are all beyond the powers and conceptions of our philosophy.

There is one part of the question with which the Government may and ought to interfere, and that is, the ac

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knowledgment of jurisdiction in a foreign potentate. But this has been too satisfactorily explained by the Catholics, to excite any but a fictitious jealousy. We can have now no more apprehension of the papal power, than of the cruelties of Tiberius. His very existence depends on his personal merit; and the present Pope enjoys all his influence, because he has displayed more than human virtue, in stripes, in imprisonment, in revilings, &c.

It is easy enough to perceive, that I am an enemy to continuing longer the persecution against our fellowcreatures; and I think, that if all the ministers had zealously and sincerely ratified the full rights of our Roman Catholic brethren, they would have made a worthy epilogue to their termination of the continental war. What indeed is the benefit of our victories, if we still tremble at the fluttering of a leaf? if the recovery of Job from his sickness may frighten us in our strong holds, and freeze up the blood of exultation in the heart in the most overbearing moments of triumphant pride!


(Continued from col. 535.) ANOTHER effect of Caloric is vaporization. When bodies are reduced to a state of vapour, their particles are separated to a greater distance from each other, than when in a state of fluidity. Some substances require great degrees of heat before they assume this form, whilst others become vaporized at very low temperatures. Thus, for example, Ether is converted into vapour at 104o of Fahrenheit; Alcohol at 182°; Water at 212°; whilst Mercury requires at least a temperature of 650°. It must be observed, however, that at the medium temperature of the atmosphere, an evaporation to a greater or less extent occurs in all fluid bodies. This is called spontaneous evaporation, and may be regarded as an aerial solution of different fluids. Vaporization is to be understood as referring to that process, by means of which a body is converted into an elastic vapour by caloric alone. Vapours may be again condensed by the abstraction of caloric.


Essay III. On Caloric.


Gases are those bodies which exist | nation have been separated from each in an invisible elastic state, and which other; for, as some bodies require a cannot be reduced to a solid or liquid greater, and others a less degree of state by a reduction of temperature. temperature, to bring them into a state Elasticity is one remarkable property of vapour, it is evident that a separapossessed by bodies in a state of gas tion of this kind may be easily effector vapours. By the application of ed. From this principle, the processes pressure, their volume is considerably of distillation, sublimation, and evareduced; but, upon its removal, they poration, have arisen. Count Rumexpand to their original bulk. It is ford, and Hassenfratz, have made owing to this property, that the vapour some experiments, with a view to deof water has been employed as a me- termine the capacity of boilers best chanical power. If any fluid be heat-suited to evaporate water from a ed in a vessel from which the vapour cannot escape, the vessel will soon burst, although formed of the strongest metal.

given quantity of fuel; and the latter has stated the comparative results of evaporation at different temperatures. The result with regard to the last, is, All vapours and gases possess gra- that it is most economical to keep the vity, as they consist of solid matter liquor up to its boiling point, the rarified by caloric; the discovery of greatest quantity being thus evapo the weight of the atmosphere was one rated with the least consumption of of the happy results of philosophical fuel. It is necessary, however, to obinvestigation. But there are some serve, that the heat must not be bodies which require the most intense raised too high, as, when this is the heat to convert them into vapour, and case, the vapour carries with it a porothers which have not undergone this tion of the fixed body. This has been change: these are the earths and me-remarked, even when the most fixed tals; although, however, there are some bodies which have not yet been made to assume this form, still it is presumed that they might be rendered volatile, if it were possible to produce a sufficient degree of temperature.

salts have been evaporated from water at a high temperature.

The transition of fluids into vapour, at a temperature inferior to that at which the liquid boils, is much accelerated by passing over their surface a As vapours possess elasticity to a current of air: if a liquid, whilst exvery considerable degree, it is obvious posed to heat, has but an imperfect that pressure must materially influence communication with the air, the protheir formation. When pressure is cess of evaporation goes on slowly; applied, it requires a higher degree of if, however, the air be admitted to the temperature to convert liquids into surface, a rapid disengagement of va vapour: thus, for example, under the pour ensues. Gay Lussac has made usual atmospheric pressure, water several experiments on this subject. boils at 212 of Fahrenheit; but it If sulphuric acid, he observes, he undergoes the same change at 180°, poured on nitre, vapours of nitric when placed under the exhausted re-acid continue to be disengaged for a ceiver of an air-pump. Ether, which long time under exposure to the air; requires a temperature of 104° when but they soon cease, if the air is exexposed to the pressure of the atmo- cluded. If muriate of potash be kept sphere, rapidly boils at the common in fusion in an open vessel, there is a temperature of the atmosphere when considerable loss of weight from evaplaced in vacuo. By applying pres-poration, which does not happen if sure to fluids, they may be heated to a the vessel be lightly covered; and if very high temperature: Water has been the cover be removed, vapours almost heated to above 400° in Papin's di- immediately arise, though none apgester, which is a close iron vessel, peared to escape before from the furnished with a valve, on which a small apertures between the vessel regulated weight presses, and retains and the cover. A number of the me the vapour without the risk of burst-tals, too, such as lead, antimony, and ing the vessel.

Another advantage has been taken, of this tendency in bodies to become volatile upon the application of calosubstances in a state of combi

bismuth, give fumes at a red heat, in an open crucible, but afford no sublimate in a closed crucible; appearing, therefore, in the one case volatile, the other fixed. Lastly, water quickly

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evaporates at a common temperature if exposed to the air, but cannot be distilled at the same temperature in vessels imperfectly closed. He accounts for these facts, by supposing, that when a liquid passes into vapour at a temperature inferior to the boiling point, it is not counteracted by the pressure of a different elastic fluid, but by the pressure of its own vapour. Bodies, when converted into vapour, absorb a quantity of caloric, which they give out upon being brought into a state of condensation. Although, however, they absorb a very large quantity of heat by assuming the elastic form, there is no indication of an increase of temperature.

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a red light is emitted; if the temperature be increased, the red light is mixed with yellow rays; and by a still further augmentation of temperature, a white light is observed. The white light is the highest state of ignition, for no change is produced by any farther degree of heat. Ignition is also produced by friction and percussion.

If we

By applying different mineral substances to the circumference of a wheel of fine grit, Mr. Wedgwood found that the substance applied became luminous, even in day-light, at the touching part; if the wheel was made to revolve very rapidly, a pure white light was produced. These sparks The last effect of caloric is ignition. exploded gunpowder and inflammable When certain bodies are exposed to gas, and burnt the skin; a proof that great degrees of heat, they emit light, they were actually in a state of igniand are said to be in a state of igni- tion. Various opinions have been tion or incandescence. No chemical entertained with regard to the cause change, however, occurs when they of ignition. Some who have regarded are brought into this state; for when light and caloric as substances in most the caloric which they contain is respects similar, have conceived that emitted, they assume their original during ignition caloric is converted form. Combustion is a process differ- into light; others have supposed that ent from that of ignition. When com- light is a constituent principle of all bustible bodies are exposed to caloric, bodies, and that by the agency of a chemical action takes place; the caloric it is expelled, when bodies are combustible body, by combining with exposed to high temperatures. The one of the principles of atmospheric former supposition appears to be conair, has its form entirely changed, and tradicted by the circumstance of the is no longer combustible. Ignition is rays of light and heat having been produced by the action of caloric separated from each other. alone. Chemists have observed, that adopt the latter opinion, there is some the temperature at which the first stage difficulty in explaining the reason why of ignition occurs, is the same in all the emission of light during ignition bodies. Mr. Wedgwood gilded lines does not gradually diminish, and at running across a piece of earthen- length cease, since there must be a ware, and luted it to the end of a tube limited quantity of light in the body which was placed in a heated crucible; which is exposed to caloric. To get by applying the eye to the other extre- over this difficulty, it is supposed, that mity of the tube, no difference of time bodies, in a state of ignition, receive could be perceived in either the gold light, as well as caloric, from those or the earthenware beginning to shine. substances which keep up and augIn a body, which appears in the dark ment their temperature. In the proat a low red heat, no light will be per- duction of ignition by attrition, the ceived during day-light. Sir Isaac same difficulty attends an explanation Newton calculated, that bodies which of the evolution of caloric as of light. assumed a red heat in the dark, cor- It is supposed that the light which responded with 635° of Fahrenheit's does appear, may perhaps be conscale; in full red heat, with 752°; and tained in the body, and that it is exin ignition, visible in faint day-light pelled by the high temperature which with 1000. Mr. Wedgwood fixed the the friction or percussion excites. point of red heat in the dark, at-1 must, after all, however, be acknowof his pyrometrical scale, which corre-ledged, that there are difficulties atsponds with 947° of Fahrenheit; and tending the extrication of light and ignition during day-light, he placed at caloric, which do not admit at present the commencement of his scale, or of a satisfactory solution. 1077°. In the first stage of ignition (To be continued.) No. 30.-VOL. III.

3 A



First Report of the Mission of Huahine.


FIRST REPORT OF THE MISSION AT some months before, for the benefit

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We doubt not that the following article will prove highly interesting to a large proportion of our numerous readers. It cannot but afford pleasure to all who rejoice at the prosperity of Zion:

Ir is nearly eighteen months since, with a view to more extensive usefulness, that the brethren Barff, Davies, Ellis, Nott, Orsmond, Threlkeld, and Williams, who were to form a Missionary station or stations among the Society Islands, removed from Aimeo to Huahine, accompanied by many of the chiefs and people, who, for the purpose of receiving religious instruction, and attending the stated preaching of the word, had been several years residing there.

Shortly after the establishment of the mission at Huahine, Tapa and other chiefs from Raiatea came up to invite some of our number down to their island, to instruct them and their people in the word of God. After a short stay with us, they returned with the brethren Threlkeld and Williams, with their families accompanying them to Raiatea. For the benefit of medical assistance, they were soon after followed by brother and sister Orsmond; the latter of whom was in a few months called to her eternal rest, followed by her infant daughter, whose birth she survived but a few hours. On the 6th of October 1818, we had the pleasure to witness and assist in the formation of an Auxiliary Missionary Society at Huahine, in aid of the Missionary Society in London. The people in general, and especially the chiefs, appeared to enter fully into its design, and esteemed it an honour to their island to have a Missionary Society connected with it. They were vigilant in preparing their subscriptions, and had most of them collected before the time appointed for the general meeting.

of religious instruction, and had formed themselves into a society, to be united with the society at Huahine. The several services at the meeting, excited unusual attention and interest among the people, both on account of their novelty, and the perfect harmony which pervaded the whole. From the report then read by the Secretary, the total amount of subscriptions for Huahine and Tabuacmanu was 3985 bamboos of cocoa-nut oil, 98 pigs, and 95 balls of arrow-root, (a bamboo of oil containing on an average 2 quarts, and a ball of arrow-root 6lbs.) We rejoice in being able to say, that their zeal has not abated; as a proof of which, many have already paid in their subscriptions, although not due till next May. No doubt, many among them subscribe from the influence of example, or a desire to gain the good opinion of their superiors, but with some it is certainly otherwise. Their missionary spirit springs from their attachment to the word of God; and it will, we trust, on that account continue so long as they feel a love to the Saviour, or appreciate the blessing of his salvation.

At Fare, the district where we reside, the preaching of the word has been regularly attended ever since our arrival. For several months past, we have also had the pleasure of seeing our congregation considerably increased: two of our number have itinerated every Sabbath (with few exceptions) to Maeva, Parea, and Mahapu, three of the most populous districts in the island. A congregation of 3 or 400 usually assemble at each of these places. Brethren Davies and Barf have different districts: we trust their journey has awakened some to desire the things which make for their everlasting peace.

During the past year, our number of scholars at this place has been considerably augmented; besides which we have a school at Maeva, and anIn May last, we held the first meet- other at Mahapu, under the care of ing of our Society; the principal native teachers, and superintended by Chiefs of Raiatea, Taha, and Bora- those who visit them. We have also bora, were present to witness our pro- a Sunday School at each of the aboveceedings. Contrary winds alone pre- mentioned places, as well as at our vented some of our brethren at Raiatea residence, which we think calculated from uniting with us on this interest-to produce much good among the ing occasion. Most of the natives of children. The improvements in spellTabuaemanu (Sir Charles Sandersing, reading, and knowledge of the Island) had removed to this island catechism, &c, have been encouraging;


Henpecked Husband.


considerable attention has also been | Considerable progress has also been paid to writing and arithmetic. The number of scholars at present, is, at Fare, about 560, and 100 in the Sunday school; at Maeva 300, and 80 children; at Mahapu 250, and 50 children. We have also been enabled to put another portion of the word of God into the hands of the people, an edition of 2000 copies of the gospel of Matthew, which we finished printing in October last; they were sought with avidity, and received with gratitude by all. The editions of elementary books have likewise been of essential service in the schools and remote districts. The gospel of Mark is translated, and the Psalms are in hand; several other tracts are also ready for the


made in cultivation. Many acres around us are enclosed, and stocked with food of various kinds. Useful tools, pit-saws, &c. together with paper and writing utensils, are in great demand among them. The females especially are much improved in their habits and appearance; when they procure a few yards of foreign cloth, it is not, as formerly, carelessly bound round their loins, but made up into a gown, which gives them a much more decent appearance. Our sisters have by every means in their power contributed to their improvement, and continually at their respective houses they instruct in needle-work so many as they can get to attend, several of whom have made very considerable proficiency.

Brother Nott having translated the gospel of John and the Acts of the Apostles, in order to avail himself of the assistance of Pomare in the revising it, removed to Tahité in July last, where he is still residing. Since brother Nott left us, brethren Barff and Ellis have been under the necessity of removing with their families for several months to Raiatea. The inconvenience of leaving their stations so long, was only overcome by the reluctance felt to relinquish brother Threlkeld's attention at the time of domestic solicitude. On account of the local circumstances of the Mission-of labour to the abodes of rest. aries and people, previous to their settlement at their respective stations, none of the natives were baptized: we have, however, had several under preparatory instruction since our establishment here; and on September 12th, we had the happiness to baptize 15 who were considered proper subjects, among whom were Mahine and Hautia, the principal chiefs of the island. There are also several candidates now under instructions, whom we intend soon to baptize.

We cannot conclude our report, without testifying our gratitude to the divine Author of all good, for the mercies we have received since the commencement of the mission here; and we earnestly intreat an interest in the prayers of all who long for the extension of the Redeemer's kingdom among men, that our feeble hands may be strengthened by the mighty God of Jacob, and we enabled, with a single eye to his glory, and a love for immortal souls, perseveringly to hold on till he shall call us from the fields

We have observed with peculiar pleasure the improvement in the outward condition of the. people, and their progress in civilization. Several of them have finished very neatly plastered dwelling-houses, with doors and windows, and are boarding their bed-rooms; many others on the same plan are now building. They have also erected a very strong and capacious place of worship, 90 feet by 60; it is plastered within and without, and they are sawing boards for the floor.


he may make us increasingly diligent,
and, if consistent with his will, increa-
singly successful, is our most earnest



SIR,-You will much oblige a constant reader and admirer of your excellent Magazine, if you will insert in it the following article:

Petersfield, July 16, 1821. I AM a henpecked husband, which I should not mind, but for one thing; my wife does not pay that attention to economy which I could wish, and which is indeed necessary in every situation of life, according to a person's circumstances.

By living in a gentleman's family, she has unhappily acquired habits of extravagance incompatible with her present situation as a tradesman's

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