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With a Catalogue of all really British
Plants, as they come into Flower.



colour by the action of oxygen, and the oxygen disappears; carbonic acid gas also discharges the colour, which is in some degree again restored by neutralizing the acid by an alkali. THE storms and cold which occurred at The green parts of plants contain a the equinox have passed away in the considerable quantity of saline matter; early part of this month; so that the and since the green colour is produced air becomes mild and pleasant in the by the action of an alkali, it will apday, but is cold and damp at night; pear in the living plant from any opeand some clothing in addition to that ration, of which the removal of an acid, which was worn in the summer seems leaving an excess of alkali, is the reto be requisite, especially for those sult. The decomposition of carbonic who have occasion to be in the open acid in plants by the agency of solar air after night. Late fruit now ripens, light, seems to be the means employmore especially grapes, which however, ed by nature to accomplish this purunless under artificial protection, pose; for by these means the acid is rarely attain perfection in this coun- not only withdrawn from its combinatry. Farmers are employed in making tion and expelled, but the alkali is at cider and perry; and in furthering the same moment rendered predomiwith all convenient haste the tillage of nant, and it exists in a state fitted to wheat, which in general it is desirable exert its specific action on the colourto finish by the beginning of Novem- able juices of the leaf. The various ber. Vegetation has now reached its tints of colour which the leaves of limit, and trees begin to shew signs plants assume at this season, or at of a tendency to part with their cloth- particular states of maturity, appear ing. At first the leaf becomes rigid, to be owing to the predominance of and assumes a darker green; those alkaline or acid matter; the green and only which are at the extremities of yellow arising from the former, and the the branches, and which have been red, which appears in the leaves of but lately produced, retain a lively the cherry and sycamore, and in vacolour; and as these are the most ir-rious kinds of fruit, from the latter. ritable and tender, it is clear that the approaching changes are not the effect of cold, but of age. The vessels which have hitherto conveyed the vegetable juices having become rigid, obstructions take place, and the powers of life begin to be called into action to throw off those parts which are now incumbrances rather than advantages. In consequence of a deficiency in the vital powers of the leaf, which is first a cause, and afterwards still further an effect, of the separation now proceeding, between the leaf and the branch, the fluids contained in the vessels of the former are left to undergo those changes to which the chemical affinities of their component parts dispose them.

A solution of the green-coloured matter in plants in alcohol, loses its No. 32.-VOL, III.

The same observation applies to the colours displayed by flowers. (Ellis) When the leaf is completely dead, the process of sloughing, or the absorption of parts by which an escar is formed at the base of the peduncle, soon causes it to fall to the ground, where in time it helps to manure the ground it once contributed to shade. In evergreens, from the oily nature of their envelope, by which external causes are prevented from exhausting their irritability, some degree of vitality continues until the spring, when the process of sloughing commences in them also; the leaves of the Oak and Beech are thrust off by the action of the new bud. Notwithstanding that the fall of the leaf, and all the changes that lead to it, are known to proceed from a tendency to decay, the heart seems to derive greater 3 K


Monthly Observations.

pleasure from the sight of the woods at this period than at any other. The stillness and softness of the air, the mild splendour of the sun, shining on the chastened variety of brown and yellow tints of the clothing of the trees, convey a pleasing melancholy to the feelings, much more grateful than the buoyant joy of expectation, that arises from the sight of the vivid green of spring.


in the time of pairing than at other seasons is, that in the overflow of their little hearts they seem to have more to say.

Winter-birds return. Woodcocks drop in at a short distance from the sea, and soon disperse themselves about; so that after a time they seem to be more scarce than at their first arrival. The Fieldfare and Redwing make their appearance on high grounds and open fields, where they are very timid and watchful until the cold tames them. They are always in motion, feeding like the other species of the same genus, (Turdus,) on worms, and the larvæ of insects; but when these become scarce, they live on hips, haws, and other berries. The Lap

It is curious to attend to the actions of Titmice, (Parus,) among the dying but yet suspended leaves at this season. Insects have been employed during the latter months of summer, in depositing their eggs either on the leaves, or in their substance, where the larvæ feed on their juices, or wait their transformations; and now differ-wing, Royston Crow, and the Starcnt species of Titmice are employed in preventing the too great multiplication of these creatures. With their feet they take hold of the slender peduncle of the trembling leaf, and with the back downward, search in all directions for their prey; and without stopping to resume the erect posture, they may be seen jumping from one leaf to another with busy anxiety.

Birds have now generally resumed their song. The music of birds has been ascribed to the desire of pleasing the mate, because it is particularly exerted in the time of breeding; and naturalists have been much puzzled to assign a reason for the resumption of the music at this season, more especially as many of them continue it through the inclemency of the winter. Nay, it is not uncommon for birds to sing at a time when they are in great distress: a bird that has been starved to death, has been known to burst into an ecstasy of song just before it A bird confined in a room that was on fire, has been known to sing until it was rescued; and then it became silent. In the severe winter of 1813-14, when birds were driven to the utmost distress for the want of food, a gentleman went in the night into a court behind his house, with a lanthorn light; when a great number of larks, (Alaudo Arvensis) that had taken refuge there, gathered round him, and began to sing in a low melancholy tone, which he felt to be very touching. These cases, and more that might be urged, warrant the conclusion that the song of birds is a real language; and that the reason why we hear more of it

ling, visit the western counties, where the latter seem to be peculiarly attached to the company of Rooks. The Land Rail, and that more rare species, the Spotted Rail, do not emigrate, as has been generally thought; but they remain in the western counties, particularly in Cornwall, through the winter. Various birds that frequent our shores, now spread themselves abroad, and, as the waves are in a state of agitation, appear much on the alert to collect their scanty fare. The Gannet may be seen beating about in search of herrings, which begin to abound on the coast. When the prey is discovered, it rises in the air, half closes its wings, and plunges headlong, perhaps from the height of a hundred feet, perpendicularly into the wave; and it rarely happens that it plunges in vain.

This is, in England, the principal time of the migration of the Salmon; and its spawn begins to be cast in the depth of winter. But in the north of Europe, where in winter the rivers are a mass of ice, this fish does not begin its journey until spring is well advanced; and the spawn is cast about midsummer. The uncommon anxiety which this fish manifests to get as high up the river as possible, when about to propagate its species, has long excited attention; it has been known to proceed to a distance of five hundred miles from the sea, and by perseverance to overcome difficulties apparently insuperable.

Come into flower in October:-Naked flowering Crocus, C. Nudiflorus; and Perrennial Knawel, Scleranthus Percnnis.

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Strictures on Carlile's System of Education.




SIR,-Your excellent Magazine being more particularly directed to an impartial and unbiassed discussion of all those subjects wherein the interests of religion, and consequently the morals of mankind, are concerned, has induced me to direct your attention to one of the most infamous publications that ever disgraced the press of this or any other country. It is a recent work from the pen of that wretched infidel Carlile; who at the present time is justly confined in a prison, as some slight punishment for the manifold injuries he has attempted to inflict on the weaker part of his readers, through the tendency of the various works that have at different periods issued from his self-styled Temple of Reason," in Fleet-street; but who on the present occasion may literally be said to have Out-Heroded Herod.' The work alluded to is entitled "An Address to Men of Science," "with a new system of education more adapted to the happiness of the rising generation than any hitherto extant."

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Now, Sir, upon what foundation would you conceive this new system to rest, which, according to the opinion promulgated by the author, must necessarily be productive of general good to society? I tremble while I relate it; The very name of God, the great and eternal Author of nature, the ever-living fountain through which the universe has its existence, is for the future to be totally expunged and obliterated from the minds of our offspring, it being a remnant of the grossest superstition; and a belief in his existence and attributes, he considers as inimical to and incompatible with, the happiness of the human race! It would be staining your columns, Sir, were I to quote certain passages from this diabolical treatise, though at the same time it will be necessary to give a few short extracts in the author's own words, that your readers may form some idea of a book, that never was surpassed in moral turpitude, during the worst stages of the French revolution; take the following as an instance, in the first page of his work.


is so far wasted, as to leave them, when advanced to years of maturity, in a state of comparative ignorance; I would banish from our school books every word about God, or Devil, Heaven, or Hell, as hypocritical and unmeaning words, mere words of sound, and confine the attention of children and youth to such subjects, as an every day's experience shall evince to them to have a foundation in nature. Therefore, I would say, that the books of children had better be filled with scientific subjects, than with moral precepts; I would most strenuously exhort the reader to abandon the idea, if he does hold it, that morality is dependent on religion; I solemnly and deliberately assert, that religion is rather the bane than the nurse of morality. What avail the dogmas of the priest about an end to the world, about a resurrection, about a day of judgment, about a heaven and hell, or about rewards and punishments after this life, when we assert that matter is imperishable and indestructible-that it always was what it now is, and that t will always continue the same. Answer this, ye priests. Come forward,. ye men of science, and support these plain truths, which are as familiar to your minds, as the simplest domonstration in mathematics is to the experienced and accomplished mathematician. Away then with the ridiculous idea, and the priestly dogma, ofimmortality; away with the contemptible notion that our bones, muscles, and our flesh, shall be gathered together after they are rotted and evaporated, for a resurrection to eternal life; away with the idea, that we have a sensible soul, which lives distinct from, and after the dissolution of, the body; it is all a bugbear, a priestly imposture." One more quotation from this infamous work, and I have done.

Speaking of some of our greatest philosophers, he says, "I will not believe that Bacon, orNewton, or Locke, had any other ideas of the Christian religion, or any other religion, than I have. In their days, the faggots had scarcely been extinguished, nor was the fuel that supplied them exhausted; they might therefore deem it prudent to equivocate as a matter of safety. Newton was thoroughly ignorant of the che"I shall shew that the present sys-mical properties of matter. Atheism tem of educating children is entirely on leaves a man to sense, to philosophy, a wrong basis, and their youthful time to natural piety. It is impossible to


Strictures on Carlile's System of Education.


analyze the creed of Sir I. Newton, or | versally known, all religion was aboground any one idea upon it. The writer must have been an atheist in disguise."

The above will furnish a specimen of what the reader has to expect in forty-eight pages of letter-press. I conceive that a more atrocious libel on religion and its professors never issued from the press. Believe me, Sir, in writing this I am actuated by no other motive than a sincere desire (in common, I trust, with every honourable character in the kingdom) to check the dissemination of a work, the design of which is totally to overturn all our existing establishments, and which must tend to do incalculable injury to the youthful mind.

The work is evidently designed for the perusal of the lower orders; his addressing it to "Men of Science" is a mere pretext, as no men of real science could regard it otherwise than with that contempt and disdain it so richly deserves. Indeed, what would the opinion of any man be, were he to be told that such great and good men as Sir I. Newton, Locke, Boyle, and other philosophers, equally eminent for their piety and talents, were but Atheists in disguise? This is making an assertion against the opinion of the whole world; for I am not acquainted with any author who has had the temerity to state what demonstrably contradicts itself through the medium of all their works.

That the immortal authors of the 'Principia,' and of the Essay on the Human Understanding,' should have so glaring a falsehood stated respecting their memory, by one, whose publications, for the honour of this nation, it is most devoutly to be wished may sink into that oblivion they so justly merit, is matter of regret only so far as it may affect the vicious, the ignorant, and the weaker part of society, which of course must comprise a considerable majority of the population of this and every other country. It is among these classes, that Carlile rests his hopes of undermining the social fabric, and of brutalizing the noblest work of God,' as was but too fatally proved a few years since in a neighbouring country.


It is a curious fact, that not a single allusion is made to that bloodstain'd period' throughout the whole publication. At that time, as is uni

lished, and a disbelief in the existence of an overruling Providence publicly proclaimed: but this would have been an unfortunate point of time for Carlile to have noticed, after the ideal state of purity and happiness he had drawn, as consequent upon a total abandonment of all religion. After having perused the works of some of the most celebrated authors who have written principally for the purpose of attempting the destruction of Christianity, such as Paine, Tindal, Rousseau, Volney, and others of less notoriety in thecause of infidelity, I do not recollect a single passage in the works of any of the above-named writers, that is equal to the delinquency contained in the pamphlet upon which I am now animadverting. Though T. Paine has shewn so decided a disbelief of the Christian dispensation, yet as it regards the existence of a Supreme Creator, he has not hesitated to state his firm conviction of thatimportant truth. But this man, if I may so term him, after having assailed our established religion in a manner disgusting to relate, is not content with that, but he must deny the existence of Omnipotence, and, what is, if possible, more horrible, blame our belief in a first cause, as having occasioned much of our unhappiness in this world. Had I not seen this statement promulgated in the work to which I am now referring, I could scarcely have believed such a wretch to have been in existence.

Of what service was the punishment inflicted onCarlile, for vending the 'Age of Reason,' if writings of a still more diabolical tendency are allowed thus to go unnoticed? Is it from a motive of revenge against the government, for the just but too lenient treatment he has received, that he appears thus determined to continue his old trade, of traducing andvilifyingwhat the best and greatest men in all ages of theworld have held sacred? There are some, doubtless, who consider him a martyr in the cause of infidelity; and that he is persecuted on the mere score of opinion. In answer to this, I would say, Ifany individual is to be found, who can with sincerity assimilate his ideas in unison with the infamous assertions of Car. lile, would that individual, if an honourable man, publish to the world what he must know can do no possible good, but must necessarily tend to

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