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ness. But on this last topic we for- | lities of the human character, what bear to detain you; for rather than is the explanation that can be offered, expatiate on the degeneracy of what if notwithstanding an influence so may be termed the middle age of the baneful, it be found that Scotland church of Scotland, we are inclined throughout all her parishes can lift to rejoice in the symtoms of its so erect a front among the nations of bright and blessed revival; and would, Christendom, not for intelligence therefore, only aver, that should in alone, but for the worth and practical mockery of these anticipations, the virtues of her population. There are people of our land fall wholly away many who can tastefully admire the from the integrity of their forefathers loveliness of the cultivated scene, but -should there come a great and a who have neither skill nor taste for general deterioration in the worth of the coarse operations of husbandry ; her common people, it would only and there are many who can gaze be of course preceded by a great and with delight on the beauties of the general deterioration in the zeal, and moral landscape when they utterly the doctrines, and the services of her nauseate the principle that sustains clergymen. And if ever the families them. Let not the deep and didactic of our beloved land shall have apos- theology of our land be exchanged tatized from the virtues of the olden for one more slender than itself, if time, it will lie at the door of their on its basis the charities, and inpastors who have been unfaithful to tegrities, and sobrieties of its people their trust; and of pastors who have are said to be upholden? Oh let us apostatized from the good old divinity not think lightly of that culture which of other days. yields an efflorescence so gracious as that of a virtuous and well trained peasantry! May God grant that pure and undefiled religion shall long continue to be preached in our pulpits, and practised in our families; and in the presentation of a people for eternity may it be seen, that in their virtuous

On this, my brethren, as on every other topic of examination, the best proof which can be found is surely an experimental one. And ere I can admit the charge of our national doctrine being hostile to the great interests of virtue, I must first inquire into the state of our national cha-habits and thorough moral education, racter. We know not a broader or stronger basis on which to try this question than a whole nation of Calvinists; and if it be true that the theology of our pulpits is fitted to stand the withering blast on all the mora

we have not only fitted them for heaven, but rendered to heaven its best and highest offering, I add no more- -may GOD command his blessing.

A Sermon,



John, iii. 7.-" Marvel not that I said unto thee, ye must be born again."

IF we take a flattering view of human nature, as the world is too apt to do; or if we take a harsh and malignant view of it, we do equal disservice to the cause of truth. It is that mixture of weakness and grandeur; that love of sin, joined with a dissatisfaction in all human enjoyments; our approbation of virtue in the abstract, with our feeble endeavour to realize it in practice; that shews us to be, what Scripture tells us we are, a fallen race; created originally in the image of GOD, and still bearing marks of our heavenly descent; but sullied and contaminated by sin. We resemble a broken mirror, that no longer reflects the pure image of its Maker, though it still gives, occasionally a distorted view of his magnificent perfections.

Nothing indeed is more surprising to those, who look narrowly into their own hearts, than to observe the inconsistencies that abound there. There is such an union of littleness and dignity about us that we are a mystery even to ourselves. We have capacities for high and endless enjoyment, yet we seek to slake our thirst from broken cisterns, that can hold no water. At times the mind will beat high with nobler thoughts, and more elevated wishes; and then we sink back into our former low and sordid desires. We despise the very objects we are pursuing, but we pursue them still. We find them vanity and vexation of spirit, even when ob

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tained; and yet we cannot bear to part with them.

Of this strange medley of conflicting passions, reason can give no account. It never was accounted for by the wisest of mankind. But the very opening of the Bible solves all the difficulty; and one proof of the divine origin of that book is found in the simple, but wonderful fidelity, with which it explains all the variety of our feelings. "In the image of GoD created he man ;" and there is something yet within us that bears testimony to the relationship. But this image was tarnished by the fall of Adam; and surely we have more than enough to convince us of that melancholy truth.

I do not therefore wish to tamper with that awful doctrine, that the heart of man is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: that we cannot even count, nor understand, our errors. As it is written, there is none righteous, no not one. There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after GOD. They are all gone out of the way; they are altogether become unprofitable. There is none that doeth good, no not one. We cannot look into any hearts except our own, and even those we are very imperfectly acquainted with. Yet, if I am to speak from my own experience, I admit that no languge seems too strong to express my sense of degradation. There are times,-alas! that I must say many

is, that I am not hardened, not contented in my iniquity. And even this I acknowledge as the work of GOD's Holy Spirit, as a proof of his love, as a pledge of his assistance.

times, when all that I could plead | proclaiming to men, what would generally be better reserved for the ear of GOD; I would raise my voice with double earnestness against any attempt to dilute the essential doctrine of our natural depravity. Holy Scripture imperatively asserts the necessity of a death unto sin, and a new birth unto righteousness: and, knowing how distasteful such an assertion would be to human nature, it warns us against being offended by it. Marvel not that I said unto you, ye must be born again.

Yet I have often noticed a suspicious delight in dwelling upon, if not overstating, the evil propensities of our nature; of choosing always the coarsest terms and metaphors to expose those infirmities, which no Christian can attempt to deny, or to excuse. I believe that pride is at the bottom of this practice; for it lurks about us in every shape, twining itself round every fibre of the heart, and polluting even our religious services. Remember then, there may be as much vanity in confession, as in boasting. There may be a feeling, that, bad as poor human nature is, I will at least have the virtue to denounce it. Man shall wonder at my apparent humility, and that wonder will not gratify my pride.

thank thee I am not as other men are, for if I am not less wicked, I have yet the merit of being more sensible of my wickedness.

Nicodemus, to whom these words were addressed, was a ruler of the Jews, and apparently a man of high character, and moral worth. He also felt a conviction that Jesus was the true Messiah. He might pass therefore as no unfavorable specimen of those, who are called Christians in the present day. Being unwilling bowever, to leave all for Christ's sake, he comes to him by night, and says, GOD, I" Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from GOD; for no man can do these miracles, that thou doest, except God be with him." This was a large admission from a Pharisee, whose prejudices were all enlisted on the other side, and he probably expected a flattering acknowledgment of his candour. But Jesus, who saw the imperfect nature of his views, meets him with this unexpected declaration. "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of GOD." He thus intimates, that a cold and timid show of respect was not all that was required of his disciples; that a great change must take place within us, before we can receive the truth in the love of it. Nicodemus, though a Master in Israel, like many even among masters in our purer faith, was scandalized at this hard saying. "How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into

Or, if this be too severe an interpretation of such feelings, still I say, all error is mischievous, and especially in those who are marked as professors of religion. These violent and unmeasured statements often shock the feelings, and contradict the experience of youthful converts; and lead them to think the whole subject so gloomy and forbidding, that they shrink from its consideration, or so peevishly exaggerated, that they ascribe it altogether to delusion and ill humour.

On the other hand, we must be careful not to sacrifice truth to the fastidious delicacy of the world. While I venture to caution you against rash and extravagant language, or rather against self-complacency in

his mother's womb, and be born? will, as it is called. It is idle to deny Jesus answered, verily, verily, I say this, for we feel that we are free. unto thee, except a man be born of We have power, that is, to follow the water and the Spirit," unless he be, bent of our natural inclinations. But not only admitted into my church by this seems no great privilege, when the outward ordinance of Baptism, but we consider that those very inclinainwardly converted by the operation tions are perverted into a wrong of the Holy Ghost, "he cannot enter channel. A man who is excited by into the kingdom of GOD." "That any strong passion,-by anger for inwhich is born of the flesh, is flesh." stance, is as free as in his more We inherit the sinful nature of our sober moods; but we know, from that guilty parent. And, since the body very circumstance, that he will rush cannot undergo the necessary change into some frantic excess. And thus in this life, its fate is to moulder in it is with us all. We have no power the dust, to be sown in dishonour of ourselves to turn to GOD, for we before it is raised in glory. "But that have lost even the disposition to do which is born of the Spirit, is spirit." so, and cannot regain it, unless it be Our minds are yet capable of such a given us from above. Our affections spiritual regeneration, as may bring | having been disordered by sin, we unthem back to purity and happiness, avoidably break out, at times, into the and fit them to be transplanted into actions that correspond with them; and the presence of their GOD. "Marvel we are prevented from oftener doing not, that I said unto you, ye must be so, only by motives, which have no born again." Marvel not indeed! connexion with religion. Yet we often And who can marvel that such a feel great compunction for particular transformation is required, who takes offences, while we forget that our a single glance at the corruption that minds are naturally sinful, that every is festering in his heart. thought therefore is hateful to GOD, that we are guilty at least of every vice, we have even harboured a wish to perpetrate. We mistake the symptoms for the disease; and this is a dangerous error; both because we begin our reformation at the wrong end by struggling against the outward act, instead of seeking the amendment of our dispositions; and because we often hug ourselves in the proud consciousness of innocence, when nothing but opportunity was wanting to the completion of our guilt.

What is it then to be born again? In one word, it is to have a new heart. It is to love what we once hated; and to hate what we once loved. It is to have all our dispositions, both towards GOD and man, miraculously altered; and this is an alteration so entire, so permanent, so far beyond our unassisted powers, as justly to be described as a new existence. "If any man be in Christ," says the Apostle, "he is a new creature. Old things are passed away; behold all things are become new." Nothing less than this will suffice. Our minds are like a rank and neglected soil, that is overrun with noxious weeds. It is in vain that we attempt to pull them out one by one; the soil remains the same, and they will soon spring up afresh, or be replaced by others of a fouler nature. We have freedom of

The child of GOD then must have a clean heart, and a right spirit, renewed within him. His views of things are changed. Great must have been the wonders, that burst upon the sight of him who was born blind, and whose eyes were opened at our Saviour's bidding. Such are the feelings of one, to whom spiritual

light is given. He is astonished at the importance of objects, which he had hitherto overlooked. He sees every thing through a new medium. He finds GOD in every thing ;-something that is that may remind him of his goodness, or that may be done, or sacrificed, for his glory. His conduct is changed; not so completely as he wishes it to be; but still the | daily course of his life is spent, as far as human infirmity will permit, in the service of his Maker. His motives too are changed. Even when occupied about the same things with those around him, as he must often be, his feelings have a reference to his Master's will, and thus he makes his ordinary duties an acceptable service. His desires are changed. He no longer seeks to live to himself alone, and fulfilling the lusts of the flesh; but his ambition is to imitate the pattern, which his Lord has given him. He delights to think of GOD, to hold communion with him in seeret, to join the assembly of his worshippers, to be telling of his salvation from day to day. He prays to be drawn continually nearer to him. He longs to be received into his eternal presence.

"Marvel not then, that I have said unto you, ye must be born again." And yet the world does marvel at this truth, and rejects it with irritation and disgust. It cannot believe that this is a doctrine of universal application. It looks on such a change as is here spoken of, as needed only by those flagitious characters, who have outraged the feelings of society. But what is the first and great commandment? Thou shalt love the Lord thy GOD with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. Brethren, who can think of these words without a solemn impression of his own sinfulness? Men may frame excuses for their faults,

till they learn to think lightly of them; and such must often be the temptation of those, who have been mercifully preserved from the grosser vices of our nature. Sin, say they, is the transgression of the law. Our lives have been free from any flagrant violation of it. We have borne a reputable character. We have discharged the duties of our station. We have been just in our dealings, and courteous in our behaviour. We have respected the forms and ordinances of public worship. We have not been wanting in sympathy or assistance to our fellow creatures. It is too much to confound us with the herd of vulgar profligates, with the drunkard, and the blasphemer, and the sabbath breaker, and the adulterer, and all those, who act in defiance of the common decencies of life. Surely it is a mere love of singularity, that would class our failings among the sins, by which GOD's vengeance is provoked, and which are the proper objects of his displeasure.

Sin, I reply, is indeed the transgression of the law; and this is its first and great commandment. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart. Can any of you plead guiltless? There may be great variety in our offences. There may perhaps be degrees in the measure of our guilt, though I believe far less than is commonly supposed. Whatever man has done, unregenerate man is always capable of doing; and we owe far more to the absence of temptation, or convenient circumstance, than to any virtue of our own. Happy are you however, if your consciences acquit you of those scandalous enormities, which burden the memory of others. You have cause for gratitude, though not for pride. But what saith the law? How readest thou? Thou shalt love the Lord thy GOD with all thy heart. Here is a commandment,

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