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cub, for I am a short-tempered man, and will give schools should get empty, -as some parsons must you the best thrashing you ever had in your life if preach pleasant things for the sake of their pew. you don't."

rents. Hallo! Boginsky! I have packed off our The Roman did so, and, smiling faintly, said, Roman assassin over the Marches."

"Monsieur has some cause of complaint against " How, then ? " me; Monsieur said he was a Roman just now.” I “I proctorized him.”

"I am a Roman,” replied Arthur, seeing he was " What does that mean?” wavering in headlong heat, "in the Palmerstonian " Scolded him, till he did not know whether he acceptance of the term, sir, - an acceptation which stood on his head or his heels. Put out all my I should be inclined to think would not easily be strong points against him, while he was condemnned comprehended by a person of your extremely lim- to silence." ited abilities, dissipated habits, and murderous in- ' “ As the priest does in the sermon ? ” said Bogintentions. You will go down for a year, sir, and I sky. shall write to your father.”

I“ Exactly,” said Arthur. “In the slang of my “My father is dead, sir," said the astonished and University, I call that proctorizing, and think it a frightened Italian.

very good thing too. You surely can stand to hear * That does not make the sligbtest difference, the law laid down once a week, however feebly. sir; it only aggravates the offence," went on Arthur, You have six days left for interpellations. But seeing that the habit of scolding, which he had bave you been much in Prussia ?” learnt as tutor, proctor, and schoolmaster, was for “Why? " once doing him good service; and therefore scolding “An idle thought, not worth pursuing. An Engon with all the vagueness of a Swiveller, and the lish University proctor can be very exasperating; I heartiness of a Doll Tearsheet, —“I am happy to was considering what a Prussian proctor would be hear that he is dead. It was the best thing he like. I doubt he would be a Tartar. Well, now could do under the circumstances, and I respect him for the war. By the by, I shall have to fight a duel for it. If he could see you in your present degraded with you." position, it would bring down his gray hairs in sor- “On what grounds ? " row to the grave, which you will ultimately succeed “My brother fights with the Austrians." in doing."

« N'importe. They will be beaten," said BoginThe last fearful bathos nearly made Arthur laugh, sky," and we will be gentle with them." but made him get his wits about him again. The “Democracy allied with the Second of DecemItalian said, utterly puzzled and abroad,

ber!” said Arthur ; "you are a nice lot. I shall “What is it that Monsieur desires ? "

proctorize some of you. “I have told you, sir: that you go away from

[To be continued.] here; that you disappear from the presence of all honest men. Do you see that sentry there?” he

FOREIGN NOTES. added, pointing to the nearest. “Shall I call to him and tell him the story of Kriegsthurm and Silcote?”

The last work of the late Mr. E. H. Baily, the « Mais, M'sieu," hissed the Roman, seizing his sculptor, was a bust of Mr. Hepworth Dixon. band and kissing it, “I am very young. I am too! A SPLENDID illustrated edition of Swinburne's young to die!”

| Atalanta is in preparation. The illustrations and a "Too old to live, boy. Repent, boy! I spare portrait of the poet will be by Mr. Sandys. your youth, and will not denounce you. Go back The new volumes of Baron Tauchnitz's German to the assassin Kriegsthurm, and tell him that this series will contain a translation of Fritz Reuter's night he is denounced to both the Austrian and “In the year '13," by Mr. C. L. Lewes, a son of Italian governments; that all his miserable plots are Mr. G. H. Lewes. discovered, and that you are the last of his emis

An hydraulic elevator has been built in the exsaries that I will spare. He knows me. Tell him hibition palace which lifts visitors to the roof of the that Arthur Silcote said so.”

palace. A platform runs around the whole buildThe young Roman vanished from under the lime- 1 ! trees, and was seen no more for the present, and a mile lone.

ing, seventy-eight feet from the ground, and nearly Arthur stood scratching his head. "I doubt,” he soliloquized, "that I have been ly

The King of Siam has established a printing-office ing a little. I will put that consideration off to a

under the management of an Englishman. The inore convenient opportunity. But Carlyle is right

Tantai, or Governor, of Shanghai, also, has bought about his preternatural suspicion.' If that boy had / type and presses for a printing-office in the Eunot been bred in an atmosphere of suspicion, I never

ropean style. could have done anything with him by loud, self-| A CORRESPONDENT in Paris writes us that M. de asserting scolding. One of my St. Mary's boys Lamartine is extremely ill. He holds no receptions, would bave laughed at me; it would not have gone and never leaves his bed except to take a short drive down with the lowest of old New Inn Hall men* in a carriage. A photograph taken of him quite I could not have done anything with that boy if his recently represents an old man in whose features it conscience had not been bad. Well, I have got rid is scarcely possible to detect any trace of the M. de of him, though I talked sad nonsense, as far as I can | Lamartine familiar to every Parisian. He is now remember, and — heaven help me!- I doubt, lied. nearly eighty years old. Yet the proctorial art is a great one: given the po- A new club, “the Decemviri,” has just been sition, and if judiciously exercised. Bankruptcy established in London. As the title implies, the numcommissioners, police-magistrates, and University ber of members is limited to ten. It is a representaofficials are the only people who are left to keep tive club, literature supplying a well-known poet; alive the great art of scolding; schoolmasters have science, an eminent savant; the army, a general to be civil in these days of competition, lest their officer; society, a member of a famous historic

* I am happy to say that I speak of the long past. | house, &c. In the event of a vacancy, no candi


date is to be admitted unless he is known personally ments in presence of a jury. The question to be deto each decemvir.

cided was, which band should go to Paris to take part The comedian Lehmann, who has been prohibited

bited in the international musical festival. The band of from the theatre at Hanover on account of some

the regiment “ Duke of Wurtemberg” had the palm sarcastic remarks which he made regarding the

accorded it, and on the 12th of July will start for Prussian autocratic system, was sent for by the Di

Paris. The bands of the regiments of the Austrian rector and told that as he now received the pay of

army are all extremely good; and the tambour major the King of Prussia he must learn to hold his

tood his is always a most accomplished musician, and often tongue. He replied that the money with which the

also a composer. The instruments are the best that King of Prussia paid was money he had taken

on can be procured, and it is the pride of the men that (some assert he said “stolen ") from the King of their performances should be so much admired as Hanover. This of course led to his instant dis

they always are. On entering a regiment every missal.

officer makes a present to the funds of the band.

. A rich man will give 1000 florins. Besides this The first portion of the folio MS. of Bishop Percy first gift, contributions are always forthcoming (author of the “ Reliques of Ancient Poetry ") has should there be anything wanted to render the appeared, and fully bears out the belief that most of band complete : hence the performance of such the pieces published by the bishop were "doctored” band is invariably a great artistic enjoyment. before they were presented to the public. It seems to be the general opinion, however, that, instead of

| The German poet Platen was born in Ansbach. being impaired, the poems were much improved by

The little town received a visit recently of a somethe embellishment they underwent at the hands of

honde of what curious nature, from a descendant, namely, of Percy. The complete work will form three volumes

the gentleman who, when the poet passed through of “ Ballads and Romances," and one volume of

Syracuse and died there, showed him every kind“ Loose and Humorous Songs."

ness and attention. This gentleman was the Mar

chese Mario Landolina; and it is in the garden of ACCORDING to the dictionaries the term “ Grub his villa that the ashes of the German poet rest. It Street” work was applied to mean writings, because was a grandson of the Marquis who came to Ansa street of that name, near Moorfields (now called bach to see the town where that man was from of Milton Street), was “ much inhabited by mean whom in his childhood and also later in life he had writers." At a recent meeting of the Middlesex heard so much. On his arrival he called on the Archæological Society, however, it was confidently Burgomaster, and handed him a note to explain stated by one of the members who has paid much why he had come. It was as follows: “ Ansbach, attention to the subject, that only one literary man May 17, 1867. Mario Landolina Interlandi, who had ever been known to reside in this street, namely, when a boy, in Syracuse, knew the celebrated GerJohn Foxe, the martyrologist, whose “ Acts and man poet Count Charles Augustus Platen, and the Monuments” were reviled by the Papists as “ Grub possession of whose friendship was the boast of his Street writings.

grandfather Marchese Mario Landolina, has fulfilled It is stated (and generally believed) as positively to-day a pious duty in

to-day a pious duty in visiting the birthplace of the true that at all the festivals given and to be given

man whose ashes he has the honor to guard in his in Paris in honor of the crowned heads and princes of the blood visiting that capital, it was necessary M. JULES JANIN tells this anecdote: - Once to have forty or sixty detectives to prevent “ acci- upon a time there was in this Paris, forgetful of evdents," in other words, to prevent the foreign princes' erything, a respectable man, an ingenious, profound, assassination. These detectives wore splendid cos- affectionate artist, Choron, the musician. He detumes and were profusely decorated, to look every lighted to look everywhere for promising intellects, inch a diplomatist! Really Damocles's sword hung well-gifted voices, and heads touched by Heaven. in those magnificent drawing-rooms must have some- When he met any child which seemed to whisper what obscured their brilliancy, - but we are ple confidence to his hopes, he hastily carried it home, beians, and find that caviare which may, perhaps, and gave it a place in a school which (all poor as he give piquancy to the dreary monotony of court life. was) he had opened at his own expense. He treatOur Vienna correspondent writes : The Com

ed these chosen children with more than paternal mittee of the Schiller-Stiftung met lately at Vienna.

tenderness. To the hungry child he gave bread, One of the first propositions was to grant to Freili

and he gave clothes to the shivering child. He grath a sum of money. But as the same fund in

| lived smiling and charming with these petulant creaFrankfort-on-the-Main had formed the same resolu

tures, who often lacked attention, gratitude, and retion, and as Freiligrath had refused it, saying his po- spect for

spect for him. Among Choron's numerous disciples sition was not such as to make immediate assistance were

were two especially who kept Europe attentive. an absolute necessity, the Vienna Committee resolved

One of these was the little Gilbert, who became to delay for the present taking any decided step.

decided sten | Duprez, and the first singer of the world, and the Though the poet refused to take the moneys of a 9!

great Rachel. He found her one winter's day dragfund destined for literary men in great necessity, he

e ging in the street a guitar bigger than herself, and would, he said, be willing and proud to accept a

detecting on that juvenile brow genius's stamp, he national donation. And not only his merits as a

carried her to his school. He wanted to make a man of letters, but his consistency and faithfulness

songstress of her. She, directed by her genius, to his political views, the bright example he has

quitted the lyric drama for the written tragedy of given to later patriots who have followed on the

our old poets. In fine she became Rachel, and had . path which he had cleared for them. fully entitle i risen from triumphs to triumphs, carrying with her him to the distinction of a national reward

all Paris, and perpetually living amid enchantments

| and success. At the height of this immense joy she A MUSICAL contest took place not long since in thought she should like to play her great part, “ HerVienna, between the bands of four infantry regi- mione," at the Grand Opera, and fill that vast thea


tre where her old comrade, Gilbert Daprez, kept not one of you shall ridicale a crown of amaranth the throng attentive and charmed to the inspira- placed by Duprez, the singer, on the brow of our tions of Rossini and Guillaume Tell. To hear was master, Choron." to obey this eloquent woman. So she played at the benefit of that respectable and worthy Massol, whose carcer was suddenly interrupted at the very

BCSY IDLENESS. time his voice was strongest and most beautiful. On By weir and river which I love, this night there was a crowd at the Grand Opera.

And by the old gray mill, “ Hermione” entered superb and triumphant, per

In this flat, crazy ferry-boat, fectly at home in this immense space. She herself

I angle at my will. alone was able to supply the places of the orchestra And what, in truth, catch I ? and the choruses. She became intoxicated by her

Now while I sing own passion. Had you seen her you would have

A cunning spring likened her to some sublime storm in which her eyes Has twitched away my fly. flashed like lightning. It was one of the most ad

I catch the sunbeams as they glance mirable, perhaps 't was the most admirable evening

From river-reed, and tree; of all her life. She retired down the stage amid

I catch the bird's chirp as it comes universal applause, whose thunders pursued her even to the dressing-room, where Helene's daughter

Along the air to me;

No idle hand am I. lay down the royal mantle. She then closed her

The clouds that float eyes to wait till her heart beat less rapidly. Why,

Beside my boat how now, gently, gently, heart! When at last she came to herself she caught a glimpse ('t was no vision

Are sweeter than the sky. of that great mind filled with phantoms) of the bust of Choron, her great master. That was, indeed,

SONNET. bis timid, good-natured glance, his ingenuous smile, his very self. On his brow he bore a half-faded crown, and the crown suited well with those warm

Let Fate or Insufficiency provide hearted features. Now Mlle. Rachel's dressing-room Mean ends for men who what they are would be: was Duprez's own dressing-room. The opera had

Penned in their narrow day, no change they see given it to the grand “ Hermione,” as the sole cham- Save one which strikes

Save one which strikes the blow to brutes and pride. ber it had at all worthy such a guest. The crown

Our faith is ours and comes not on a tide: on old Choron's brow was placed there by his little

And whether earth's great offspring, by decree, Gilbert, by Duprez himself, who gave it to his gen

| Must rot if they abjure rapacity, tle master after the unexampled success of his sum- / Not argument but effort shall decide. mons in Guillaume Tell, Suivez-moi! 'T was the | They number many heads in that hard flock: very same crown. Duprez prized it as the first | Trim swordsmen they push forth : yet try thy steel. querdon of his glory. At sight of this bust and Thou, fighting for poor humankind, wilt feel this crown Mlle. Rachel (she had every noble in- / The strength of Roland in thy wrist to hew stinct; happy was he who knew how to rouse them) | A chasm sheer into the barrier rock, was filled with ineffable emotion. In a second she | And bring the army of the faithful through. was transported back to her earlier youth amid la

GEORGE MEREDITH. cité dolente (sorrow's city); the benefactions and the graces of the olden time were once more present to

SUMMER IDYL. her mind. Her comrade Duprez's gratitude revealed her own ingratitude to her. She began to

MEADOW flowers, fair and sweet, mourn it. Just at this moment the door of the

Can you feel the summer ? dressing-room, in which Duprez seemed to conceal

Can you hear her dainty feet, his noble action, noisily opened. The most beauti

Coming softly, light, and fleet? ful danseuses of the ballet, before entering on the

Will ye not outrun her ? stage, brought to Mlle. Rachel the flowers and

Spring up, white anemone, crowns thrown to her, and which filled the stage.

Graceful as court lady; She said to them, with a winning smile, " They are

Ring, ye hare-bells, merrily, yours, and I am quite sure you will be at no loss to

Hyacinths stand cheerily, discover who threw them to you.” They obeyed, and merrily bore away the beautiful flowers which

She will greet you, may be. were twice useful in the same evening. Mlle.

Blushing red, rose-campion fair, Rachel kept only one crown. It was braided in the

Like a rustic beauty, antique manner of smallage and laurels wreathed

Hides behind the maiden-hair, with a spray of linden. When at last she rose to

While veronica, the rare, return home, she, with a charming hand, took pos

Opes blue eyes from duty. session of the crown which Duprez himself had,

She is coming, is our queen, six months before, placed on his master's brow, and

Softest breeze shall waft her; in its stead encircled Choron's head with her own

Palmy boughs of freshest green antique crown. As Duprez was dressing for the

Wave where'er her robe is seen, stage next day he admired, without wondering over

Little brooks bring laughter. much, to see this happy metamorphosis. That very same day Mlle. Rachel's friends seeing that withered

Every joyous scent and sound crown already crumbling into dust, were tempted

Rises swift to greet her; to make it the butt of all sorts of epigrams. The

E'en the dull insensate ground haughty tragic actress interrupted them with a royal |

Shares the fragrance all around. gesture, saying, "I beg your pardon, gentlemen, but

Let us go and meet her.

Printed at the University Press, Cambridge, by Welch, Bigelow, & Co., for Ticknor and Fields.

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me by the hand. “Welcome, Doctor!” he cried.

“ Enchanted to make your acquaintance. You ’re 1.

fatigued? Let us go in at once ; I'll undertake to IN 1845 I was attached, as assistant-surgeon, to present you to the club." the military hospital of Constantine. This hospi- The « club” at Constantine is simply the officers' tal rose in the interior of the Kasba, upon a pointed place of refreshment, — their eating-house. rock from three to four hundred feet higb, overlook- We entered; for how could I resist the sympaing the entire city, the governor's palace, and the thetic enthusiasm of such a man, even though I had immense plain which stretches away farther than read “ Gil Blas” ? the eye can reach. It is a wild and imposing point “Here!- waiter!” — cried my conductor; “ two of view. From my window, opened to let in the glasses ! What do you drink, Doctor? Cognac ? evening breezes, I could nearly pitch my cigar into rum ?the Rummel, which winds by the foot of the gigantic “No; curaçoa.” wall of rock.

“ Curaçoa! 0!- why not parfait-amour' ? Garrison life has never had any charms for me; I You've a funny taste, Doctor! Waiter! a glass of could never find pleasure in drinking glasses of absinthe for me, - a full one - up to the brim. absinthe, rum, or brandy. At the time of which I Good! Your health, Doctor!”. am speaking, this was called want of spirit; it was “ Yours, Lieutenant." a kind of spirit which my gastric faculties did not It was thus that I was at once instated in the permit me to exhibit. I was obliged to limit my- good graces of this strange individual. self, therefore, to visiting my patients; to writing I need hardly say that this kind of intimacy could my prescriptions; to doing my duty: this done, I not long be pleasant to me; I very quickly disretired to my own room to make notes, to look over covered that my friend Castagnac had a confirmed my books, or to revise my observations, and put habit of being deeply plunged into the reading of them into order. In the evening, when the sun was the newspaper whenever the moment for payment slowly withdrawing his rays from the plain, with my arrived. This characteristic will give you a good elbow resting on the sill of my window, I stood idea of the man. On the other hand, I made the dreamily watching this grand spectacle of nature, acquaintance of several other officers of the same always the same in its marvellous regularity, and regiment, who laughed heartily with me at this new yet eternally new: a distant caravan winding its kind of Amphitryon. One among them, named way over the hillsides; an Arab galloping on the Raymond Dutertre, a brave young fellow, told me limits of the horizon, and lost to my sight as if he had that, on his joining the regiment, something had faded into space; some cork-oak trees cutting with happened to him. their leafy outlines the purple bars of the setting sun; "I detest backbiting,” he said, "so I told Castagor, far off, and high above me, the wheeling of the nac what I had to say before some of our comrades. birds of prey, their cleaving wings spread darkly He took the thing ill; and we went to a quiet place against the sombre azure of the sky; all this at- under the walls, where I gave him a pretty little tracted, captivated me; I could have remained there cut with the point, which played the devil with the for hours, had not duty forcibly carried me away to reputation of a skull-cracker which he had gained in the dissection-table.

some lucky duels he had fought." Nobody troubled themselves to criticise these Things were in this state when, towards the midtastes of mine, except a certain lieutenant of Volti- dle of June, fevers make their appearance in Congeurs, named Castagnac, whose portrait it is neces- stantine; the hospital received not only military sary that I should here draw for you.

patients, but a great number of the inhabitants, enOn stepping from the public vehicle, at the mo- tailing upon me a considerable amount of extra ment of my first arrival at Constantine, I heard a work, and interfering with my regular habits. voice behind me say: "I'd bet that this is our new | Among my patients were Castagnac and Duterassistant-surgeon."

tre. Castagnac was not suffering under an attack I turned and found myself in the presence of an of fever, however, but under a strange affection infantry officer, tall, dry, bony, red-nosed, his kepi called delirium tremens, --- a state of delirium, of cocked over his ear, with the peak pointed up to nervous trembling peculiar to drunkards, and espethe sky, and his sabre between his legs; it was Lieu- cially to individuals who abandon themselves to the tenant Castagnac. Before I had fully made out his drinking of absinthe. It is preceded by great reststrange physiognomy, the Lieutenant had shaken lessness, sleeplessness, sudden shudderings; it is que party-star presex of faer anr absboli odor intt luimurell, appeared to fall into a state of somD:11 ratt. Viuise the attack var upon him. k lepet. jo pot iriuen and terrije cries, in the midst of something in his voice awoke in me I knot Do

teated a womar's name. - Fatima: Fa- wit vague apprehension : and I left him, feelms robabize '* a treuu tapos which made me presume nervous and abstracted. L at punt previous timur be might have beer toe Tiat dat one of my patients died; I had the Mikil of an unfortunat love-affair, for which he body carried into the diss-ting-room, whitber I de I OD humani OT the abuse of strong liquors. Boended, towards nine o'clock in the evening. I

the sta inspired me with profound pity for bm :' was a small vaulted roon.. fifteen feet high by twenty I was truir pitiable to see his tall meagrı bodr feet wide and deep. lit by two windows opening or wat so ti rigut or to the left, then suddenly stif- the precipice, on the side of the high road to Puik the like cior of wood, the face pale. the post blue. ippevilie. On an inclined table lay the body which I 4.1. tert. ciencbed; it was impossible to witness proposed to study. After placing my lamp upon a tt OAB without sluddering

stone, built out from the side of the wall for this Linus recovering die sent at the end of half an purpose. I began my work, and continned by lazi i ur so. after perry one of his fite, be invariablr ' uninterruptedly for two hours. The rappel had Colauded. * Wirat have I been saying. Luctor? – long been sounded ; the onir sounds that reached Lairl sie an tuing? **

my ears were the measured steps of the sentinel bis » Xu. Lieutenant, - nothing."

times of stopping, when he dropped the buti of hs to I muust have said something you are hiding it, musket on the ground, and from hour to hour, the fruiu iue!"

passage of the patrol, the qui rire, the distant whis » Xuliner ! How can I remember? Al! sick per of the password : rapid and mingled sounds. * tuutter to theinschree."

the dying away of which seemed to intensify the si I ditay something, then? - what was i? Le lence which they left behind civanlod, eagerly.

I was nearly eleven o'cluck, and I was beginning - How can I remember? If you wish it, I'll to feel fatigued, when, happening to turn my eyes Ik kom a note of what you say next time."

ļ towards the open window. I was overcome by a It turned deadly paie, and looked at me as if strange spectacle: it was a row of small gray owk Lek. Weesp cadeasuring to penetrate to the bottom of' with ruffled feathers and green blinking eves fixed 11 Mv.: be then closes his heary evelidr. pressed upon the rays of mr lamp, settled upon the sall of sé i vogether, and inuttered in a low tone, * A the window and jostling each other for places.

Y a'piuth wouid do me gooi" At length Tbest hideous birds were drawn thither br the scent kui aru full by his se. and he reinained storeaily of human flesh, and were only awaiting my depart

| ure to dart upon their prey. It is impossible for 134 morning, as I was about to enter Castagnacs me to tell you the horror which this sight caused IVA. I saw Raymond Dutertre coming towards me me: I rushed towards the window, and iis revolting

u lar end of the corridor. "Doctor," he said. occupants disappeared into the darkness, like dead pr out lub kau), - I am come to ask a favor of leaves carried away by the wind.

But at the same moment a strange sound fell upon W pleasure, my dear fellow, if I eat grant my ear, a sound almost imperceptible in the void of

the abyss. I leant forward, grasping the bar of I want you to give me a written permission to the window and holding my breath, the better to to sul for the day.

bee and listen. » 31 y dear flow, don't think of such a thing : Castagnac's chamber was above the dissectingc!;t by clue you like

room, which was at the base of the building, its But I'm quite weDoctor; I've had no fever floor resting on the solid rock. Between the precitwo four days."

pice and the bospital wall, ran a ledge, not more Y but there's a great deal of ferer about in than a foot wide, and covered with fragments of the aty, and I cannot expose you to the elance of a bottles and crockery throws ont by the nurses. All

1 was so still that the lightest sound was perceptible, mkove me only two hours, - time to go and re- and I could plainly hear the steps and gropings of

somebody passing along this perilous path. - HearImposible, by dear fellow, do not press me. - en send that the sentinel does not hear him!" I it will be umplem I know how tiresome the re- taid to myself. - The least hesitation and his xaints of the boxpital are, I know how impatient destruction is ineritable."

the nick are to breathe the free air; but we must I had hardly made this reflection, when a hoarse have patiente."

stifled voice, the voice of Castagnac, cried through " You wou't let me go, then?"

the silence : - Raymond, where are you going?" * In the course of a week, if you go on well, we'll This exclamation pierced me to the marrow of $4 about it."

my bones. It was a sentence of death. He left me, greatly out of teinper. I cared notb- In a moment I heard some of the debris elatter in for that, but what was my surprise to see Cas-down, and then along the narrow ledge I heard tay 10€, with staring eyes, following his retreating some one struggling with long-drawn breath. The comrade with a strange look.

cold sweat burst from my every pore. I tried to see, * Well," I said, “ how are you this morning?" - to descend, - to call for help; but I was pow"I'm very well," he answered abruptly.Is n'

terless; my tongue was glued to my month. Sudthat Raymond going away yonder ?”

denly there was a groan — then – nothing! Yes, * Y **

there was a peal of laughter; then a window was * What did he want?"

slammed to, so violently as to break some of the * (), only a written permission to go out, which I glass in it. And then silence, like a winding-sheet, refused."

enveloped all without. Castagnac drew a long breath, and, sinking back I cannot describe to you the terror which made

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