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"Dear Bob, how wet you are!" said his wife, l. “Mother, don't be frightened, father's only preanxiously.

tending. If he'd got bad news to tell, he'd come * Well, it is rayther dampish," answered Mr. Pul- up whistling and singing. I know he's got good linger, calmly, as he shook himself on the stairhead, news, and that's why he makes believe to be miser like a Newfoundland dog ; " but I ain't a going to able. I know your 're only pretending, ain't te, stop at home, so it don't matter. How about to-father?" added the little woman, going up to him, morrow's dinner, Polly?"

and bestowing a demure kiss on his weather-beaten " That depends upon you, Bob."

cheek. "Because I do like a bit of summat nice at Christ- “What do you know about it, you young monmas," pursued Mr. Pullinger, reflectively. Here he key?" answered Mr. Pullinger, with a roughness opened the cupboard and peered at its contents. which did not in the least appear to disconcert his "We don't show well in the provision line, do we, elder daughter. “How's a man likely to be anrPolly ?"

thing but melancholy when he finds such a thing The wife replied by a sigh.

| as this in his pocket, and on a Christmas Eve, * And I have n't brought a half-penny home with too ?” me. All this blessed day I've only had three fares, With these words, and a humorous glance at Liand one of them was a sixpenny touch. How folks zie, he rang down a sovereign on the table. can reconcile it to their consciences to offer a man “My dear Bob," exclaimed Mrs. Pullinger, with a sixpence for seventeen hundred yards of carriage a flash of pleasure on her pale cheek, - how canke airing on a dar like this, I don't know. The chaps you by such luck?" on the rank langh at me, and say I'm a soft, to *Found it in the straw at the bottom of the cab take it: but I can't bully, and I can't go agin' the didn't ver?" asked Lizzie, sharply. Act of Parliament. So here I am, eighteen-pence “Xo, I did n't, Miss Pert, and pra pe it's a in debt for cab hire to Mr. Wilkinson. But don't I didn't, for I should have been tempted to keep it ve get down-hearted, Polly; I shall ask master to withont seeking for the owner, and that wouldnt let me have another horse, and take a night right, ve know. No, I borrowed it.” We're sure to have a fine night arter this rain, and “Who of?" asked his wife if I don't pick up summat good before morning I'm « Why, of Mr. Wilkinson. I went and asked us

for night-work, telling him bow pushed I a ' "Ihme run 've had some dinner to-dar, Bob? now. He hummed and haved a bit and that asked Mis Hallinger.

said, Can you drive a hansom, Pullinger?* In "Well, no, I have nl, replied her husband, cheer swered, respectfulls, I should rather think I 3. ilr. «That bread in the cupboard smelt so surory, sir: I're drore everything in my tipe. free age that I thought I would at spile my appetite br get- ker upands' Well be said, • Sed Toes ting anr commonplace grab at a cook-shop So, bai with the rheumatics. It's his bay mare Set Lisse, just cut me a hunch of the loaf, and butter a ffier, but she's a kicker.' it well, I can't do without batter," he said this -OBO5!*cried Mis Pallinger, I hope heat with a viewing, then I 'll be oef to the card back roa and beer what Mr. Wilkinson has to sar." | "Sodo lo answered be bestand, gravels. Bu

SV. Par m ed ap and down the attic, she's more likely to bck my fire than De Bir hewing as arma s chest to keep himali warm, sondever, it se's med fly, I lay . at $ and see that bere the table be took a don't be seither. Is to start to

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have you got to say, Lizzie, against my driving a she paused for a moment, and stood with a white, hansom?"

| eager face, shading her eyes with her hand, and * You seem to me, father, too humble for a han- gazing into the throng of vehicles which filled the som," answered the premature little woman. “I roadway. should say you was born for a four-wheeler.”

“ Can you tell me which way the cab went which Mr. Pallinger burst into a laugh. “I say, Polly," ran away?" she asked of a tradesman who stood at he shouted to his wife, who was putting on her bon his door. net in the bedroom," what d’ye think this chit “ Towards the Obelisk,” he answered, briskly. "I Lizzie's been a saying of me? She tells me I'm saw the whole affair. The passengers were behavonly fit to drive a growler, — says that of me, who ing shamefully. Actually poking the horse with was a gentleman's coachman for years afore I mar- their sticks.” ried. I'll drive past the window to-morrow, Lizzie, At these words Mrs. Pullinger became still paler. o'purpose to let you see yer despised parent on Ned “I'm afraid it must be his cab,” she murmured Tomlinson's trap.”


“ Whose cab ? ” demanded the tradesman. III. A SERIOUS discussion took place among the She uttered this monosyllable, then staggered family as to the proper hour for the Christmas din- against the door-post, and sank down in a fainting fit. ner. As Mr. Pullinger would be engaged all day! As be raised her from the ground, the tradesman with his hansom, his wife proposed that they should 'perceived the reason of her sudden swoon. A dine in the evening, and call it supper. Mr. Pullin-dense crowd was coming up the street, in the midst ger replied that if he dined late he should prefer of which, borne aloft on policemen's shoulders, apcalling it dinner, as a hansom-driver could not be peared a bleeding, disfigured body, with the arms too fashionable in his habits; but advised an earlier hanging helplessly at its sides. hour on the children's account. “ Them poor little things," he observed, “can't wait till eight o'clock. It'll tantalize them out of their seven senses to hear One day, about three weeks later, poor Pullinger the pudding bubbling away for so many hours.” was lying on a trestle-bed in a ward of a London

Mr. Pullinger's plan was followed, and the dinner hospital. A surgeon was standing over him. was pronounced a success. It is true that the pud- “Well, Pullinger, you 're doing capitally. Your ding was hardly so big as the children would have tongue 's the right color, your pulse is good, your liked, and that Bob cast greedy glances at the slice skin moist and cool,” said the surgeon. “Three put away for father on the top shelf of the cup- weeks ago I did n't think we should bring you board, arguing in his own mind that it was an un- through. What do you say to a chop for dinner?fairly large deduction from the general stock; still, "Too good for me, doctor," answered the patient, he was obliged to allow that he had eaten a sump-with a slight twinkle in his eye. “If you feed me tuous repast. And shortly after dinner, just as in- too well while I'm laying here doing nothing, I dustrious little Lizzie had tucked up her sleeves, shall get mischeevious. Can't I make the chop and begun to wash the plates, she heard the rattle over to the missis? she must want it more than I of wheels, and a peculiar whistle outside in the do." street. As this whistle was a signal agreed upon “I'm afraid not," returned the kindly housebetween herself and her father, she instantly threw surgeon ;“ it's against the rules. Mrs. Pullinger up the sash, and summoned the rest of the family to has n't had her ribs broken, or her brain concussed. the window to see father drive by.

Besides, she has met with good friends. Here she "Don't father look nice in Ned Tomlinson's hat comes, and one of her friends with her.” and coat ? ” she exclaimed. “He don't seem like “Why, that's Mr. Jennings, the tea grocer in himself."

the Blackfriars Road !” muttered the patient, as he Mr. Pullinger, as he passed, waved a graceful stretched out a thin hand, and smiled a welcome on salute to his family, and pointed to the inside of his bis wife. vehicle, as much as to say, “You see what sort of a Yes, it was Mr. Jennings, the tradesman to fare I've got."

whom Mrs. Pullinger had addressed herself when she The fare consisted of two vulgarly-dressed young fell down fainting at the terrible spectacle of her men, with dandified canes in their hands, and big husband's apparently lifeless body. Mr. Jennings cigars in their mouths : holiday customers evidently, recognized her as an occasional customer, and beto whom a hansom ride was an unusual luxury. ing a kind-hearted man, made further inquiries

" The mare seems quiet," observed Mrs. Pullinger, about her, interested several other persons in the as the vehicle turned into the Blackfriars Road. case, and, in fact, became a substantial friend to the

“ Yes; and father's so careful,” answered Lizzie. family during her husband's long and dangerous

Five minutes afterwards, Lizzie and her mother illness. were again attracted to the window,- not by any This was the first occasion on which the housepreconcerted signal, but by the sound of loud voices surgeon had allowed Mr. Pullinger to talk freely, so and footsteps running in the street below. Neighbors that he had a great many questions to ask. He was were standing at their doors, or leaning out of win-| rejoiced to hear that the mare bad escaped unhurt. dow, gazing eagerly towards the main road. Mrs. “There was n't a scratch upon her," replied Mr. Pullinger ran down stairs, and asked a lad who was Jennings. lounging by the street door if he knew what was the “ And the cab?” matter.

“Ah, the cab was a good deal knocked about ; “Only a runaway,” he answered, coolly. “'Ansom near wheel smashed to atoms." made a bolt and went off flying.""

“What did Mr. Wilkinson say?" On hearing these ominous words, the anxious “He went on dreadful,” replied Mrs. Pullinger, wife, regardless of shawl or bonnet, darted off, and “till this good gentleman explained to him how it ran into the main thoroughfare, at the corner of which happened."

* Yes," interrupted Mr. Jennings, “ I was an eye-giddy, assumed an air of jovial indifference to witness of the whole affair. Those young men in- trouble and ansiety. Whea Lizzie cross-examside behaved shamefully. They deserved to be hurt ined him about his broken bones, be protested that instead of you, and tier were n't hurt a bit." they were stronger than they had ever been. After

I suppose Ved Tomlinson's coat — " began Mr. a day or two's rest, it became necessary to go to Pallinger, hesitatingly.

work again, and he was all the more ready to do * Torn all to tatten "answered the worthy grocer, this, because he could not endore to think that his and a thier ran away with his hat."

wife and children should be dependent on eharity Poor Ned!" observed the patient. "Here I've for a moment after he was a je to earn a living been laving song and warm in bed all this bitter He resolved, therefore, to visit Mr. Wilkinson at weather, and Ved without a top-coat: such a beauty, the yard, and was just furbishing up his old talrtoo, with a welvet collar. The very fust money I, cock hat with this end in view, when a brisk step

was beard ascending the stairs * Don't fret rourek, dear Bob." erclaimed his The door opened, and in came the keen-ered. wife; " you don't know what a kind friend Mr. Jen- sharp-spoken bostütal visitor nings has been. He bonghi Tombinson a new coat -Dre know abo I am 20, PaHlinger?” he de

manded. - Mrs Pallinger, rou 1 make me blush." said the - Yes sir. I've heard tell you're Doctor Mal. grocer, shading his face with his handkerchief, and den, the great — * winking pleasantly at the patient

- Neret min) mar greatness. What are think Ar this moment a tall, thin, elderly gentleman, I Te tied up your staircase for? with a pair of been eyes and & sharpis-cut, de "I can't say, 57." cisive- mind noch. entered the ward Tbet - Because or coachman got drunk resterday, and muss who rexent rose and courtesed me I want you to take his place. * sert . He shows the boase-surgeon cortari - Me, si"* excizimed Mr. Pullinge, rith his

the land and Ater a few weris at the base mouth open. area of the parents drew Dear Mr. Paienges. 1-Yes roc I kaow roo can arre. - you todd -You t kocw me* be said aber brasne De so vbe you were I Besides. I've seen Mr. fung Ls seeking glance on the prostrate cab l'anvers He gres ToR a good caracter, Bare

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went out to get cigars. I waited an hour and a A BASS GROAN.

half for him, and then, as he did not make his ap[Translated for EVERY SATURDAY from Le Temps.]

pearance, I expressed my astonishment to the waiter. I MET at Amiens a Picard, who had just returned | He grinned. from Paris. He said to me: “ Sir, I reached the "Monsieur is from the provinces ?' he asked. capital' Sunday evening. I had a letter of intro • I am from Amiens.' duction to a tavern-keeper. He gave me a cordial *• That explains all. There are just now a great greeting, and proposed to me to share his cook's bed, many Parisians who breakfast with provincials, but which, having no more aristocratic chum, I was when the bill is brought in, they have a pressing obliged to accept ; of a truth the cook did not in- engagement somewhere else. convenience me. He went to bed at two o'clock, "I was obliged to pay the fifty-seven francs, or A. M., and at four o'clock, A. M., he got up to go to rather the three Napoleons, for I had to give three the markets. But I did not see one of the marvels francs to the waiter, who received so inconsiderawhich carried me to Paris. At the review I was ble a tip quite disdainfully. When I quitted the behind the horse of a Municipal Guard, and the restaurant, I turned my nose towards the Exhibihorse had no regard for decency. The crowd kept tion (for I still wished to see it), and went to the shoving, until for one moment I was between the tram-road to get into its omnibus. There was a horse's hind legs. I went everywhere to see the great crowd waiting their turn. I was given a tickforeign sovereigns go by; but the Court coaches et, with a number on it. Night began to fall when flew by in a cloud of dust and horsemen. There my ticket was called. I gave up all hope of seeing were, however, people who were delighted ; they the Exhibition that day. Since then, I have been had stood four hours to see a dragoon's helmet, and prevented, sometimes by one incident and somesaid to each other as they went home,

times by another; so that I know nothing whatever ** I am sure 't was the Czar. I caught a glimpse about the Egyptian palace, or the Chinese house, or of a red cordon.'

the restaurants, except by the descriptions given by « Not a bit of it; 't was the King of Prussia.'

the newspapers, which I might have read quietly, ** Ye are both out; 't was the military household coolly, and at ease, in the arbor of my garden. I of the Czar going to the Elysée to escort him.' need scarcely say, I was extremely ambitious to be

“Just at this moment a pastry-cook's apprentice, present at the state performance, given at the grand who was sprawling on a limb, fell on my head. The opera. I was informed by a public notice that no crowd began to giggle, while I was attempting to tickets would be delivered except to people of high, persuade my smashed hat to assume something like aristocratic rank. Nevertheless, I ingenuously went a decent form. The 'prentice made no excuse, but to the ticket-office, and asked for a parquet stall.] only said,

was asked, «« Boss, I have flattened your stove-pipe. Will 666 Are you connected with an embassy ?' you take my cap in exchange?' I thought proper “No, I am not.' to decline this exchange. Badly as my hat looked, “• Then you must be, at least, the King of Prusit nevertheless was more in conformity with court sia's body-servant.' etiquette than the pastry-cook apprentice's cap. L “* No, I ain't.'

The blow given me by this fellow's fall nearly put 16. Perhaps Count de Bismarck's foster-brother.' my shoulder out of joint. I wished to take a hack. “* Not a bit of it.' The driver looked at me, scratched his chin, and 6" You are an adventurer, then : clear out from said in a familiar way to me : Hacks, old horse, are here, clear out from here! not for your phiz. I am engaged by Count de Bis- / "I withdrew, mortified to death. At the door of marck. However, I represented to the driver that the opera, I was accosted by a man smelling very I was wounded, and out of humanity he agreed to strongly of brandy. He beckoned me to follow him take me to my hotel for ten francs above the lawful We entered a vintner's. rate. I must say this hack-driver is the only noble- “He said to me: I have a parquet stall; but, to use hearted man I met in the estimable class of drivers. it, requires discretion and tact, for all the tickets foi All the others, when I tried to speak to them, the state performance are personal. Hire a Turk would fiy away like butterflies. I observed, too, a ish costume, and pass yourself off as a secretary of carriage with a load in it goes on a walk at Paris, the Turkish Embassy. It would be a wise precauwhile an empty carriage goes on a gallop. One day tion if you blacken your face somewhat with a burnt I got into a back which was standing before a vint- cork. But, if the check-taker does seem to suspect ner's. The driver came up and swore he should your identity, you must pretend to fly into a tower not take me to the Exhibition. Fortunately a po- ing passion; and you must unsheathe your sword liceman interfered and ordered him to drive me bawling, “ Aboustracos! Cala medos! Abdul Mejid where I wished to go. But taking advantage of Eunachas potentatiasos !” Then he will let you go my ignorance of Paris, he carried me to the Marché on.' du Temple, and said as he halted : · Here is the "I asked, 'And pray how much will this shrove. Palace of the Exhibition, amuse yourself in it, old Tuesday farce cost me?' 'un. After I had walked about it for ten minutes, “A thousand francs. There are only four ticket: I clearly saw that collection of old clo' could not in the market. These we got from gentlemen be represent the wonders of the World's industry. In- longing to the most aristocratic families, who prefei structed by experience, and guided by a passer supping at the Moulin Rouge with houris to playing whom I had asked to point out my way, I went to the part of supernumeraries in a theatre, where the wards the Champ de Mars. When we reached the leading parts will be filled by emperors.'' Champs Elysées my volunteer companion proposed " A thousand francs! Why, that is twice as much we should breakfast. He declared that he was host, as I give for my house in a year. I declined the and should give me a breakfast worthy of Paris. offer. The stall was sold to an American, who coule We breakfasted like fighting-cocks. The bill was not believe the ticket was good, 't was so cheap. H fifty-seven francs. After coffee was served my friend said : I'll be teetotally squashed, if I could have go

such a seat at New York for less than a thousand challenge, calling on him to provide more than thirty dollars in gold. I was not more fortunate at the kinds of arms for use on horseback as well as on foot, other theatres. I succeeded in procuring a stall at and even named some half score or more of horses the Variétés. When evening came, I found a man of various breeds, and differently caparisoned. in possession of my seat. The check-taker ex- “ Jarnac wants to fight me, mind and purse," was plained to me that a mistake had been made, and the observation of La Châtaigneraye, who, nevertwo tickets had, inadvertently, been issued. He po- theless, by recourse to friends and the king, his good litely offered to return my money at the theatre's master, managed to furnish his contingent to the rates. He paid me seven francs. It cost me thirty excessive pomp which decorated the “ emptying" of francs at a theatrical agency. At last, bumbugged, this old quarrel. La Châtaigneraye, who was a nojeered, swindled, jobbed, elbowed, trod on, after torious swash-buckler, had prepared to celebrate sleeping with a cook, and eating leavings at restau- right royally his expected victory, but he reckoned rants, and all to see the performance behind the without his host. The famous “ blow of Jarnac" curtain, I determined to quit Paris, and return brought him, hamstrung, to the ground; and, mad home. I shall return to Paris when it holds fewer with rage, he died refusing to admit his defeat. crowned heads."

Jarnac's fighting appears to have been perfectly fair, and it is therefore rather hard on his memory that

the proverbial expression which embalms his name CURIOSITIES OF FRENCH DUELLING.

should be applied to a stroke treacherous as well as WHEN giving, in a recent number, an account of fatal. Henry II. was so moved by the result of this the laws of French duelling, we promised our read-combat, that on the corpse of the slain man he swore ers to return to the subject, and to review the his- never to sanction any more duels. There had been tory of duels in that country. For the fulfilment of such sharp work already, that a writer of the beginour promise, we may take as our chief guide the in- | ning of the seventeenth century states the number teresting Histoire Anecdotique du Duel of M. Colom- of gentlemen killed in duels since the first edict bey, who, not content with the combats of his own against them at six thousand. country, professes to narrate the history of duels in A duel, singular as well for its tragic ending a all times and in all places.

for the moral drawn from it in those days, occurred According to some authors, duelling is of the very in the reign of Francis II. Achon and Matas highest antiquity, its origin being ascribed to Cain, hunting with the king, got into a dispute, which in whose invitation to his brother, as given in the they resolved to settle with the sword. Before long. French translation, “Let us go forth," they profess Matas sent the weapon of his adversary flying into to discover the exact terms of a cartel France, no the air. “ Pick up your sword," said he, “and learn doubt borrowed the custom directly from Germany, to hold it better another time. Go: I pardon foc, where first we find the duel regarded as an appeal and let us hear no more of this, young hot-head." to Heaven Divested of its religious character, the While mounting his horse, however, Achon fell on duel becomes the judicial combat and the wager of him, and ran him through. Achon's friends were battle, till, losing the sanction of the law, it arrives strong at court, while those of Matas were in dis at its modern position as simply an affair of grace, so that Matas was only regretted and honor."

* blamed,” says Brantôme, “ for that he thus neglect The judicial combat became rare in France after ed the good fortune which put his enemy at bis the fourteenth century: during a period of one hun- mercy." dred years, only four examples of it are found. A Duelling .had at last got to such a height, that in great blow was given to it in 1385 by the unfortu- 1566 it was classed among the worst crimes, and nate result of a duel fought in the presence of made punishable with death. But this serent; Charles VI, and all the court: the judgment of only gave to the practice the sweetness of forbidden God, as it was impiously called, proved unfaror. fruit. Duels were fought on the slightest pretests able to a nan mo, accused of a crime, protested his and where they were wanting, on none. In ke innocence, and was thereupon compelled to take his than twenty years, eight thousand pardons de part in a duel ordered by the parliament. Being been granted to gentlemen who had killed their * conquered, he was hanged on the gallows, which versaries. One day, two duellists crossing the formed a part of the preparations of the battle-field; Seine for the purpose of fighting, see others hunting but some time afterwards, another man declared about for boats in which to follow and prevent the himself guilty of the crime which had led to the combat. They hasten their boatmen, and, scare dnel. This was in fact, the end of the judicial on shore, they cry out in chorus: “Quick. qms combat. Henceforth, the parliaments systemati- they 're coming to separate us. A few pares. Au cally refused to lend their sanction to these appeals; both fall dead. At another time. Basha and the duel became simnir a question of obtaining named De Gensac persists in fighting two men & * satisfaction " for wounded honor.

once, and to those who try to stop him, be excam Roralty, howerer, continued to preside at hostile - What! have rou never seen one man EU meetings which, indeed, were only permitted on two? The histories are full of it. Come on tot formal demand to the king. The sceptre thrown I'll get myself into the Chronicles ! Abl. o into the arena was the signal for discontinuing the truth, it was almost worth while to have one's e comhat; and the most infuriated champion did not ploits recounted in the deliciousły naive language 8 atterwanis dare for his life to strike a blow. One Brantôme. Witness his reflection on a fight, trust of the earliest memorable duels took place in the against three : Some sar that M. le Baron de sixteenth century, between De la Châtaignerare ron, more courageons and quick of hand, bled and De Gay Chabot, better known as Jamad. The man the first, and went to the belp of the otix altercation which led to this duel took place in the in which he did right well, and showed that reign of Francis I but it was Henry II. who at last his valor he bad no small jadgment and for gave the sanction to a duel refused by his predecessor. Bany d'Amboise, who took advantage of the Jarnac sent to his adversary a most formidable sacre of Si. Bartholomew to kill a relatzoa

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