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cans, until the bugle's wretched sound squeaked out of morning ablutions, the fashionable way of doing a warning that we had but ten minutes more al- which appeared to consist in standing in one's bath, lowed us for getting into bed and putting our and getting a friend to pour buckets of water over lights out. Uniting in a voice-cracking and heart-one's head. An obliging Bluebottle having perrending verse of God save the Queen," we wished formed this good office for me, I hastily dried myeach other a hasty good night, and sought our re- self, dressed, and rushed off to parade, where I apspective tents each as he best could.

peared just in time to answer to my name. Some wonderful natural convulsion appeared to Parade lasted till breakfast was ready, and furbe taking place as we issued forth from the mess- nished us with appetites which enabled each man to tent, causing the tents to whirl round and round, devour enough for a hungry half-dozen. After and then dart from side to side, in the most surpris- breakfast our tents had to be made neat for the ing manner, rendering it a work of no slight diffi-camp-inspector's visit. This duty was hardly comculty to catch them. Fortunately I was perfectly pleted when the gun fired, and the work of the day sober, so bided my time; and when I saw our tent commenced. As I had come down to Wimbledon make a slight pause in its wild career past us, with a as a supernumerary, I was obliged to report myself mighty spring I threw myself upon it, and, grasping to the chef of the Bluebottle cuisine, and volunteer one of its ropes with both hands, held on firmly in my services. Could I cook? As I had seen no spite of all its attempts to shake me off. The con- cereal delicacies turned out by our friends, and bevulsion soon passed over, and Miller, who was very lieved that camp cookery implied nothing but roast drunk, pulled me into the tent, and implored me to and boiled joints and vegetables, I thought that I get into bed. Knowing how hopeless it was to rea- could. Would I then get those joints on for dinson with one in his unfortunate state, I complied ner? All our other men were busy, and the chef with his request, and .tumbled in just as the camp- anxious to write a letter. Certainly I would. guard was threatening to cut our tent-ropes if the Brown and Jones could help me, and as they knew light were not extinguished immediately.

nothing about culinary matters, would obey my No one who has not slept in camp, on the commands implicitly. There were some cherries to ground, can at all appreciate my sufferings during be stewed for dinner, — about a bushel of them ; that first night. Every straw in mattress and pil- would I see about them, and put plenty of sugar to low seemed to be standing on end, and seeking for them ? (yes, I would not forget; and off hura tender place in which to stab me. Every beetle ried our worthy chef, rejoicing at having found so and earwig seemed to imagine that my blankets / able an assistant. were put there for the convenience of itself and It was a moment of fearful indecision when, after family, and to regard my intrusion as worthy of the his departure, Brown inquired if the meat had not severest punishment. If I turned, I rolled off my better be put on. Although I felt confident of my narrow mattress; if I stretched my cramped limbs, ability to roast a joint when it was in the roastingmy feet protruded far from under the short pan and on the fire, and moreover was certain that blankets. I dared not strike a light, as it was I could boil a piece of meat if somebody else would against the rules to do so after ten minutes past put it safely into the pot, still I felt by no means eleven. I dared not sing or lecture Miller on the sure that I could determine what was intended for impropriety of his conduct, for either would excite the pan and what for the pot. But it was no time the rage of our sleeping neighbors. At last after for hesitation ; my reputation as a cook was at four hours' painful tossing about, varied by an oc stake; so, assuming the air of a Soyer, I graciously casional massacre of my enemies, my uneasiness replied that it had better be put on, and that whilst gradually subsided into repose, the presence of my they were doing it, I would fetch fuel. bedfellows became less and less perceptible, and the "But we don't know what is to be done,” shouted much-coveted boon of sleep fell upon my wearied the wretched men as I moved off. eyelids.

Covering my disgust with the garb of joyfulness,

I paused, and asked what the joints were.

" A big piece of beef, two legs of mutton, and a 66 You catch hold of his head, and I 'll take his quarter of lamb.” feet.”

| “Roast the beef and boil all the rest," commandMethought in my dreams that I heard a gruffed I. voice utter these words; and then I experienced a “ Shall we boil them all in one pot ?" asked the sensation of being lifted up and carried through the lazy Jones. air. The sensation was brief, its conclusion un- “() yes; it will save trouble, and the lamb will pleasant, for I was roughly awakened by being flavor the mutton," I replied, with a cheerful smile. dropped, and, starting up, found myself on the Having seen all the joints placed over the fire, ground in front of my tent, and two stalwart Blue- I sent Brown for the coals, and, sitting down, enbottles standing beside me with pails of water in joyed a comfortable half-hour's smoke; at the extheir hands. Before I could utter a word, splash piration of which I set to work again, and, placing came the contents of one pail over me, quickly fol- the cherries in the stew-pan, covered them with lowed by those of the other.

coarse yellow sugar, which stood by me in a small Now, sir," observed the gruff voice of my tub. The stately form of our chef was now seen dreams, "perhaps you 'll get up. The bugle approaching, and when within hailing distance, an sounded half an hour ago, and you ’ve to be on inquiry was puffed forth concerning our progress. parade soon. Don't let us find you in bed again. “How are you getting on, my boys? How d'ye Come on, Dick"; and away went the tormentors get on ? All the meat on the fire, eh? That's in search of fresh victims, laughing at the hearty right. What a comfort to have some one to help imprecations which I vented on their departing one who really can cook! How is it, though, that heads.

you've only got two pots on the fire ? What's in Before nearly every tent might be seen one or this one ? O, hang it, my good fellow; you've more of its inmates going through the performance positively let Brown and Jones put the quarter of lamb into the boiling-pot with the mutton, and, con- escape ? None save through Miller, and he was found it all, one leg of mutton should have been asleep. How I wished that I was too! Was he roasted! What an infernal mess you 've made really asleep; perhaps he was only foxing. He of it! I thought you said you could cook. Here, must be; no one could sleep with his blankets flvpull them all out again. How is the beef getting ing about like that. And he thinks that I am going on? Why, great heavens, sir, you are roasting a to turn out in this weather to please him, does he? bit of salt-beef! This is too bad, sir, you've spoilt He is preciously mistaken, if he does. “Bob!" I the whole dinner, sir. What the devil is that yel- shrieked, “ Bob, Bob!” A heavy snore was heard low stuff? Cherries? What are you doing to above the noise of the storm. "Confound you, I them? Why, sir, d-n me, sir, if you 've not know that you 're awake," I roared ; “if you are smothered them in sand! For God's sake, sir, go not, this boot will preciously soon wake you." away, and don't come near me again.”

“What is the row?" asked the wretch, with a That day I dined at Jennings's, away from the sham yawn, just in time to save himself from my deeply-wronged Bluebottles. The consequences of fury and boot. that morning were, however, fatal to my dignity. "You 're a nice fellow to go on like that;" I I was degraded into " a water-party," and my sole savagely answered; "see, here are several pegs up, occupation consisted in reading novels and smoking and if they are not fastened down soon we shall be in my tent, only rising to the summonses to meals, blown away. Do get up and do them, there's a and the cry, “ Water-party wanted !” when I, and brick. I should not ask you to do it, but I have others upon whom the duty devolved, pulled the such a fearfully bad cold, and am afraid of turning water-cart to a spring, filled it, and pulled it back out in this rain and getting my head wet. Besides again.

you had the mallet last and put it somewhere; DOW Several days passed, each exactly like the one do oblige me for once, old boy; it won't take yoe: preceding it, and found me contentedly occupying second." my lowly position. The daily repetition of the “O) yes, I like that," replied Bob; “ you'd nothin same duties, the same meals, the same evenings, and the matter with you this afternoon, and I heard you the same old songs, was, however, at last beginning saying only this evening that you never caught cold, to make me rather tired of camp life. The weath- I'm not going out in this storm to fasten up your er too had changed, owing to a picnic that had been side of the tent, if I know it: mine is all right.* given, and everything began to look as wretched as “ But you put the mallet somewhere, and I can't the combined powers of rain and wind could make | find it in the dark.” it.

“It is just outside ; you must have seen me put One night, - a night ever to be remembered by down." me, — soon after we had sought our couches, a furi- ! “All right, my friend," exclaimed I sarcastica ous storm of wind and rain arose. We had forgot-“stop till you want me to oblige you, and then som ten to slacken our ropes, and the fearful thought how gladly I shall do it." occurred to me that if it were not done soon our With many a deeply-muttered imprecation are pegs would be drawn by the rain, and the tent it- my beloved companion, I divested myself of the self be blown away by the wind. I touched the only garment I had on, and courageously prepa canvas; it was as tight as a drum. I could hear to brave the fury of the night. The rain had care the ropes creaking, and knew that no time was to the canvas to contract to such a degree that it os be lost in loosening them ; but with a very natural quite impossible to unfasten the entrance hooks, 2objection to leaving my bed and turning out in such the only practicable mode of exit was through weather, I determined to try if Miller might not be breach made by the failing of the pegs. Thr induced to undertake the task.

this I crawled, barking my shins against etiam " I say, Bob, old fellow, don't you hear the cords object against which it was possible to do so. En straining? The pegs are coming up. Bob, don't gaining my legs, I groped for and found the as: you hear?” A prolonged snore from Miller was without any difficulty, having seen Miller depost. the only response. The wind was now blowing a at the entrance, as he suspected. The wind is hurricane, and the rain threatened every instant to lulled slightly, and the rain was coming down is beat in the sides of our tent. To add to my wretch-torrents, converting the camp into a vast mail edness, one of the pegs, within a yard of my head, marsh. Having found the pegs, I drove thera suddenly gave way, and the wind, rushing in under firmly into the ground, in such a way as would the canvas, pierced me to the very marrow with its der the repetition of their extraction by the r. sleety blast. Something must be done, that miser- impossible; and then, after loosening the ropes able peg must be refastened, even if I have to turn my side of the tent, was about to crawl into the out myself. “Bob," I gently murmured in a propi-again, when I heard Miller's voice asking me. tiatory tone of voice. There was no answer. · Alas, would slacken bis ropes and drive his pegs in tig ! thought I, he is comfortably asleep. The idea of for him. An indignant refusal was on the tip of such a thing made me feel more wretchedly savage tongue, but a brilliant idea suppressed it. C. than ever, and I wished most devoutly at that mo- fully assenting, I walked round to his side o: -1 ment, with the strange feeling of impotent rage tent, and tightened his ropes still inore. I which so often makes man indignant with his fel-knocked his pegs from side to side until their ! lows for presuming to escape a calamity in which in the ground were sufficiently enlarged for my? he himselt is involved, that the storm would seize pose, and, after having thrown away the mallel !! my dear friend up and cast him into a furzebush. he might not find it, I crawled into the tent ag!

The breach was widening, two other pegs had given dried myself as well as I could, and covering myway, and the rain was beating into the tent directly with my wet blankets, prepared to seek repose a across my bed. What a fool I was not to go up to leave my friend to his fate. town this afternoon when the rain came on. Shiv- My benevolent plans for the discomfiture of a eringly I prepared to take the fatal leap out of bed companion seemed doomed to be frustrated, f 11 and to face my doom. Were there no means of wind gradually subsided, until its howl woald 1 longer be heard intermingling with the heavy patter | left them to be forgotten by those who eat dead of the rain. Tired by my inactivity during the day, men's feasts. This was painted when the sitter got and rendered sleepy by the al-fresco shower-bath I the Garter, that when he or she was married ; the had had, I fell at last into a delightful slumber next was a parting gift from a mother to her son, which must have lasted for more than an hour. I that to a wife from a husband going to the wars.

I was awakened by a fearful yell from Miller. Starting up I beheld with horror how my wicked Last year, what old memories, old loves, old hates, ness was recoiling on my own head. The wind had old customs thronged the fancy or charmed the sight risen again and seemed to be blowing with redoub- of the student as he hailed Chaucer's likeness (9), led fury. It had forced up the pegs which I had so a copy made in former days of that which Occleve cleverly loosened, and rushing in under the tent, drew from recollections of his “ dear master's " pershook it with a fury that threatened its instant over-son! Here, in “ Richard II.” (7) was the oldest throw. I had just time to curse the spirit of picture in England, sadly mauled, but still claiming revenge that had urged me on to my own destruc attention by the strange beauty of the face; — that tion, when, with a mighty roar and whirl, the storm-marvellous triptych of Sir John Donne and his lady wind tore the tent from the ground, and tossing it (18) Memline painted in Bruges while Caxton was aloft like a feather, dashed it down some fifty yards printing in Westminster Abbey : here were Holfrom the spot where Miller and I, overwhelmed at bein's pictures made in the golden age of Henry the magnitude of our calamity, stared at each other VIII.'s prime. These were by admirable artists, aghast. What was to be done? In such a wind it and had been given to Holbein, but were really due would have been impossible for us alone to pitch the to his equals and forgotten names : one among these tent, even had we got the mallet. Down upon all-concerns all literary folks, for it was a superb picfours in the slush we went, and groped about for our ture of the Earl of Surrey (121) from Knole, clothes. Miller, having attired himself first, rushed painted in the Italian manner and ascribed to Holoff to seek shelter in a friend's tent, and I, as soon bein, but in all probability the work of William as I had huddled on my dripping garments, crept Stretes, an Englishman of great fame in his day. into the mess-tent, up and down which I paced to Surrey, it is said, died for his ambition. This porwarm myself, and to reflect upon the course I should trait is inscribed Sat superest. Had not the words pursue.

an afterthought? Some two hours after this, when the rosy-fingered! Here Philip Sidney met Algernon of his own child of the zenith was chasing away the murky name ; George Buchanan saw James I. long after he night-clouds, and robing the face of heaven with her was out of tutelage, and had got to strange passes ; azure veil, an early milkman, slowly wending his there was Francis Walsingham face to face with way to the Wimbledon Camp under his chalky Queen Mary of Scotland ; Mary Beatoun (331), burden, started in terrified amazement at sight of a a false-looking woman, and one of “the Queen's four Being whom he encountered at the foot of the lovely Maries" who are included in the woful rhyme, hill of Putney. This wretched Being's eyes were

“There was Mary Bentoun, and Mary Seton, bloodshot and his cheeks were pale, save where

And Mary Carmichael and me," dark streaks of mud bedaubed his expressive counte- — met at least' a dozen royal Maries, in few of whom nance. Under a thick coat of the same colored could she possibly recognize her mistress, so diverse mud there peeped out in places a tunic, like unto | were their features, so strange their airs. Here was that worn by the martial youths of Oxford Univer- Darnley, with the silliest face and longest legs that sity. On his head was a dark-blue volunteer cap, ever mortal saw; and there (439) the baby King the peak of which flapped in melancholy flaccidness James praying at God's altar by his father's tomb over his left ear; in his right hand he clutched a for vengeance on that father's murderers. Ten rifle, in his left a carpet-bag. The cheerful rustic pictures off hung Hobson, the Cambridge carrier, placed his cans upon the ground, and touching his the hero of “Hobson's choice,” whose epitaph Milcap reverentially, in tones of intense interest, said, ton made twice over; there Milton; there his friend " Are you going to the camp, sir ? "

Henry Lawes, of whom he wrote, Slowly and mournfully that strange Being raised “Thou honor'st verse, and verse must lend his wing his eyes to the milkman's honest countenance, and, To honor thee, the priest of Phoebus' quire.” in a voice of the most poignant misery, whispered, There was Car of Ferniherst and Devereux, Earl of “ Never, never more."

Essex, and that abandoned woman who married Reader, that Being was myself waiting for the both, and may have murdered Overbury. Gondofirst train to London.

mar stood there with a wolfish laugh, - he was a great wit: there Sir Walter Raleigh. This was the

very portrait of the Infanta Maria which led Prince AMONG THE PORTRAITS AT KENSINGTON.

Charles on that will-o'-the-wisp dance into Spain; NOTES LITERARY AND PICTORIAL.

and not far off hung Henrietta of France, whom he In those galleries where, in 1862, the holiday-picked up when the wild light had been dashed out; seekers and students of many nations gathered for – Buckingham the first and Buckingham the secgossip and eating and drinking, occupations eva-lond, Arabella Stuart, who had that tremendously nescent and jovial, two vast companies of the ghost- long bill for millinery, and Anna Maria, Countess of ly dead have since been called in succession, and Shrewsbury, who held Buckingham's horse while he ranked in' portraiture before our eyes. They came killed her husband, as they say. from dusty nooks, from garrets, or high up in rat-in- In fact, the whole history of England and Scotfested closets, off the walls of long-deserted rooms land since Richard II. — civil, military, personal, in country mansions which once were all their own and domestic — has been illustrated on these walls. in body or in similitude ; they came from cham- Last year, the pages of Froissart, Monstrelet, Holbers that had been princely and full of life for five lingshed, Hall, Fabyan, the histories of Elizabeth's hundred years; from the dining-halls of colleges times, the memoirs and diaries of James's and which the originals had founded or benefited, and Charles's days; Grammont, D'Ewes, Bramston, Evelyn, and l'exy; -- this year, Lin, Walpole, than his genis. He has a smooth, fair, handBurwell, l'any Barney, m *pe of urhers have some face, with dark eyes that lie softly under large hur delighted light and was their prayer One and broad lids, a round and bold forehead, small might M En d ing the men and wonen of full mouth, and cheeks with an oval outline; altolast year's sww until ambuy year began, Here gether more like a carpet-knight than a great conwere conver's Peers 814 Charlie's Knights of the queror, if it were not for the impress of resolntion Royal Oak; the arranged themselves in groups and energy, self-command and decision of intellect the captain of bury and Elizabeth, the traitors of which distinguishes the face. Many excuses have

been made for his tergiversation and duplicity; of

these the best that can be made is that his consistIn that gathering with which we have now to do, ency was with himself in self-seeking. Of this it is a captain of King Williain's who lends the line characteristic one fancies signs even in this bandin a much-nastored portrait, being Ginkell, Earl of some face, but neither there nor in that other likeAthlone (1), with whom may go Rigaud's showyness (87), by Kneller, is any mark of that extraorputure of Buntinck, Earl of Portland (6), whom dinary parsimony which“ cropped out" in the the Duke of Marlborough delighted to call the strangest way. Conceive such a man, when in the wooden lortland," lle certainly looks a good deal career of victory and dictating peace to France, like a ship's ligure-heul, a similitude which is in writing thus to his Duchess : * You must let the Urbandul ly his action of holding out his leading-stuff. Lord Treasurer know that since the Queen (Anne) Marlborough was the last apt man to do this roti came to the crown, I have not had eitber a canopy vent soldior justice: it is told of him that, being or a chair of state, which now of necessity I ES payu at honor to William III., and his young mas- have; so the wardrobe should have im betur tor autoring trom small-pox, the pustulos of which orders, and I beg you will take care to home in did not rises, the cloctor roommended placing the so that it mury serne fir part of a bed is sick child in bed with another that was healthy, in done with it here." ondary as it was devised, to carry off the poison of "Brimstone Sarah” was no inapt name in the lisease tiom the former, Bentinck volunteerd termagant but straighi dealing wite od 1 his lite, was 20cepted, took, and nearly died of the conquenr, - lakir who is amriynes disease. It was a hervio act, which William long by tour portraits taken st 50 K

meubervil. It was Bentinck who, when shown her h and or her. De wodas* in * teach palace Le Bruu's picture or Lau t n er 11:27 amper

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bust. Closterman painted her in a family picture, Duke of Gloucester, as it appears in No. 80, where and whilst this was going on the artist and she his mother Queen Anne holds him at her knee, quarrelled so incessantly that the Duke declared to might not have been so fatally large, with such conhim, “ It has given me more trouble to reconcile my sequences to countless generations. Well, a cerwife and you than to fight a battle." Another tain physician, whom Swift (140), in a letter to warrior's wife and duchess termagant of this period Stella, — whose portrait, by the way, is not No. was Anne (born Clarges), Duchess of Albemarle, 142, - May 10, 1712, described as " à Scotch genMonk's wife, of whom, when her temper was up, that tleman, a friend of mine," chanced, much to the general was dreadfully afraid. Aubrey tells us that comfort of Prince George and his own benefit, to " she was not at all handsome, nor very cleanly.” | be at Epsom on that day. Her mother was one

This “ Scotch gentleman ” and physician was « or the fine women-barberg

Arbuthnot, and the occasion of Swift's letter was That dwelt in Drury Lane."

the publication of the famous “ History of John Of her inflammable Grace of Marlborough it was Bull," a work which Swift praised prodigiously, as tartly said by the Duke of Montagu, when Churchill became one of that wonderful “Mutual Admiration praised his water-works at Boughton, “ They are by Society” to which both belonged. In due time no means comparable to your Grace's fireworks." | Arbuthnot wrote to Swift, who, in his turn, bad

There was another imperious Duchess of Marl-published “The Travels of Captain Lemuel Gulliborough, whom Reynolds painted in that famous ver,” and informed him that Lord Scarborough family group “The Marlborough Family.” This (235), “ who is no inventor of stories, told me that lady had great reverence for her carpets, and, he fell in company with a master of a ship who told while the President was at work, took such offence him that he was very well acquainted with Gulliver; at his furious snuff-taking, the waste of which but the printer had mistaken, that he lived in Wapstrewed the floor, that, losing patience, she at last ping, not in Rotherhithe.” To add to the oddity of bade a servant bring a broom and shovel to remove all this, it has come out since that there really was it. Reynolds, who could be conveniently deafer a sea-captain Gulliver, who lived somewhere by than usual, noticed nothing until the utensils were Deal in later life, and was probably the man about produced, and then cried, " Let it be, let it be; the whom the printer” is said to have erred. dust will do more harm to my picture than the snuff “Downright Shippen,” the man among men, to the carpet." The housewifely lady sat on thorns whose price Sir Robert Walpole (247, &c.) did not until the sitting was over, and never forgave Sir know, is here on canvas (222), a man with a black Joshua. Termagant Duchess Sarah's sister was the and prodigious periwig, who sits bolt upright in his Miss Jennings who married, first, George Hamilton, chair, having, on a flat face, a broad nose, round famous in Grammont's “Memoirs,” and secondly, eyes, and singularly uplifted eyebrows, - expresRichard Talbot, James the Second's Duke of Tyr- sive of disdain and self-reliance; a richly characterconnel. This lady is well known on account of istic picture, probably by Richardson. “Lord Fanher freak with Miss Price, when, disguised as ny” is here in Lord Hervey (257), of whom more orange-girls, they visited the rake Jermyn, and by presently. “Sir Richard” is Blackmore (151), other adventures of a questionable sort. She died physician and ponderous poet; Bugdell and Cibber in 1703, a nun of the order of Poor Clares, having do not appear. “ Cæsar," who “scorns the poet's fallen out of bed in a bitter night of cold in her lays," is George I. (194). The exquisite and faeighty-fourth year, while her sister was still busily mous lines, that can never be too famous, by which building at Blenheim.

the poet describes his own condition, bear light Here (84) is Prince George of Denmark, so dull

on“ Bolingbroke” (109), and “ Peterborough ” a mortal that Charles II. said he had tried him both

(129,drunk and sober and found nothing in him. He

« Know, all the distant din the world can keep died of excessive eating and drinking; yet he does

Rolls o'er my grotto, and but soothes my sleep;

There my retreat the best companions grace, not look a glutton, although his face contrasts won

Chiefs out of war, and statesmen out of place. derfully with that of the self-centred Marlborough,

There St. John mingles with my friendly bowl his wife's great captain, and that of the other leader,

The feast of reason and the flow of soul;

And he whose lightning pierced the Iberian lines Prince Eugene (88), a little Jewish-looking man,

Now forms my quincunx, and now ranks my vines, with a long hooked nose, broad eyebrows, and a

Or tames the genius of the stubborn plain small chin. Still more does this picture of a lazy

Almost as quickly as he conquered Spain." man contrast with that of another thunderbolt in Of Dryden, we have an irrefutable portrait in war, Charles Mordaunt, Earl of Peterborough (129), No. 65. It is by Kneller, the property of Dryden's the victor of Valencia, here painted in his old age, descendant, and was given to the poet by the paintand about the time when he was planting peaches er. The story is that, when Dryden read some of at Bevis Mount, Southampton, - not long before Swift's early poems, he said, “Ah! cousin Swift, he on his death-bed gave to Pope that watch which you will never be a poet," a saying which the latter Pope by will destined for Arbuthnot (158). This revenged in the immortal “Battle of the Books,” watch had been given to Peterborough by the King where he certainly throws an odd light on this picof Sardinia (Victor Amadeus II.), and is named, in ture. It represents a man in a tremendous periwig, Pope's will, as “ that which I commonly wore.” As from within which the face peers out, so as almost Arbuthnot died before Pope, the bequest was inop- to justify the satire in the account of the duel beerative.

tween Virgil and his translator. “The helmet of It is wonderful to see how dead men's pictures the latter," so wrote Swift, “ was nine times too are bound together. Take but a single loop of this large for the head, which appeared situate far in inextricable and endless string. Fat-headed, glut- | the binder part, like a mouse under a canopy of tonous George of Denmark was going to Epsom one state, or like a shrivelled beau from within the day in 1708, and had a severe fit of dyspepsia. (By | pent-house of a modern periwig." Let the shudthe way, if he had not eaten and drank so much, dering reader think of the feelings of the withered ne hydrocephalic look of that poor boy, William dragon, who, when age let his natural coat of mail

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