Abbildungen der Seite

to a banquet, and cast him into chains for dessert. odore seemed rather astonished; but I continued Balgada was furious, and asked what he had done. saying that, not being a spy nor a missionary, never

“Nothing," said Theodore. “I arrest you be- | having given him cause för anger, I never, for a cause you are loved and respected by the Tigreans, moment, entertained any fear for my safety whilst and are foolish and powerful enough to institute a in bis dominions. He had the reputation of a great fresh rebellion."

man; no truly great man would ever act so tyran“Give me a horse and a sword, and prove nically, and ended by advising him to cut off my whether you are worthy to sit upon the throne.” hands and feet, and see if he could then say to his

“God forfend!” said Theodore. “ Abyssinia has conscience, “I have acted rightly." had enough of such brainless paladins as you, and “Will you engage in single combat with one of now requires peace and order. Go, and God de- my knights, and stake your life for your liberty ?" liver you from your chains!”

asked Theodore, when I had concluded. This last wish may seem somewhat satirical, but “No, I do not dream of it, being quite inexperisuch is not the case. He merely meant to say: enced in the use of the sword and lance. Besides, “ May God bless us with quieter tiines, when I shall I should have fancied enough English blood had be able to release you without danger to myself.” been shed for your Majesty.” “ How so?” he in

This, then, was the man whose displeasure I had quired. “ Consul Plowden was murdered because incurred, and from whom I saw very little chance he was your friend. That fact might possibly esof escaping. However, patience and hope, two cape your memory, but that you should have forvery good things in durance vile, stood me in good gotten Mr. Bell, who sacrificed bis own life to save stead in my present position. Three weeks I was yours, is not what I should have expected." kept without the slightest knowledge as to my fu On hearing this, Theodore became furious; for ture fate, as well as concerning the other captives, any allusion to Bell's death was extremely dangerwho, however, as I subsequently learnt, were at ous, and, for a moment, I fancied it was all over Amba Dschokeir.

with any chance of escaping. However, thrusting At last I was summoned to the Abyssinian pres- his sword back into its scabbard, from which he had ence by the Abuna, who came for me in person. half drawn it, he remarked, “I do remember him, Theodore seemed much better tempered than on else your head would now have left your shoulders." the occasion of my first visit, and began by ask Therewith his Majesty ordered me back to my ing whether I would ever have been treated in a residence, and I saw no more of him for six weeks, more clement manner in any other country. “Cer- during which time I plied the Abuna with every tainly not, your Majesty ; especially not in Eng- reason I could think of to prove how advantageous land, where the innocent are incarcerated and crim- my release would be to himself. I succeeded in inals left at freedom and rewarded," I replied, as gaining him over to my opinion, and in consequence coolly as he had questioned me. He seemed of the representations he made to the king, coupled amused, and after a while said, " That I can easily with my own respectful behavior, I was again sumbelieve, if the British government treats its subjects moned to his Majesty, not by the Abuna, but by a in the same manner they have acted towards me.” certain Basha Yakoob, which I looked on as a bad

In answer to this attack, I endeavored to look sign, and left my prison home with some little trepupon all the disagreements that bad occurred be- idation tween him and Great Britain as caused by the lam- On entering the audience chamber my doubts as entable ignorance prevailing in England respect to the issue of my adventures increased tenfold, for ing the manners and customs of Abyssinia, and on each side of the king stood a row of soldiers with begged him to remember that Queen Victoria, their swords drawn, and looking, as I thought, exagainst whom he seemed to have the greatest ceedingly hungry. His Majesty was, however, not grudge, was but an instrument in the hands of the bad tempered, and had me seated near to him. Parliament, and not possessing the power and Thereupon he gave a sign, the soldiers rushed at me strength his Majesty did, who had but to command, with their drawn swords: I thought at once of girand he was obeyed.

|ing up the ghost quietly without any bother; but, "Avoonat, very true," answered Theodore ; "but happily for my parents, they rushed past, and, that does not alter the facts, except in so far that I before I could recover from my surprise, returned, must hold the British Parliament responsible for the each bearing in his hand a bleeding piece of raw insults heaped upon me, looking to it for an apology meat, which was banded to the dignitaries present, and reparation, and not to the British queen." not excepting myself. By this time I had become

Thereupon I modestly asked what he required so thoroughly acclimatized that I fancy a dish of raw for the release of the prisoners. He answered with baby would not have induced me to die a death of a great show of dignity and wounded pride: starvation ; so I bravely attacked my portion, and

*Stern and the other missionaries have been with some difficulty managed to accomplish the feat guilty of many breaches of faith, and of great disre of devouring about two pounds of tough beef, raw spect and treachery towards me, for which they and crude, in something less than seven minutes. have been justly condemned to death by the lik- By way of promoting digestion, meressa and mastic, aouent; but I, in the fulness of my clemency, have a kind of raki, were handed round, and when his diminished and softened the severity of their sen- Majesty had satisfied himself with his favorite bertence, and commuted it to imprisonment for life. erage, he bade me and the Abuna Salama draw What the law has pronounced, justice must carry closer to him. out. I am no robber, who makes prisoners merely "You are courageous," he said, “and have dared in order to extort a ransom. I act in accordance a great deal; you have told me the truth; I hate with justice."

sycophantic flatterers and liars, and you remind me "Then, your Majesty, I would beg of you to treat of the only true friend I ever possessed: I have also me with the same severity as Consul Cameron ; cast ascertained that you have been guilty of no offence me in chains, and lacerate my body with the against me or my country, and herewith I give you scourge. He is not more guilty than I am." The-l your freedom."


The blood rushed hot and quick to my head, for I endeavoring to follow in the footsteps of our contihad not yet expected to obtain my release, and al- nental neighbors, but with a difference. Our Panthough there was not much to be thankful for in the theon is to be pictorial, rather than statuesque; our king's conduct towards me, yet such is the influence Walhalla is to be peopled with divinities on canvas, power has, that I thanked him truly and sincerely rather than in marble. Amongst the good things of for bis generosity. In fact, I put myself into his po- an extra-political kind for which we are indebted to sition, and thought I should have acted very much | Lord Derby, is tbat suggestion of his for the foundain the same fashion that he did. I then begged him tion of a National Portrait Gallery, and the occato fill the measure of his clemency by ordering the sional assemblage in one building of pictures of the release of Cameron and his fellow-prisoners. But great, the good, and the celebrated generally, who in vain. He replied,

up to the moment of exhibition have for the most "As you already know, the missionaries have been part enjoyed their apotheosis in the comparative justly condemned, and until I have received the isolation of domestic or other local galleries. reparation I consider myself entitled to from the Last year the collected portraits of our national British government for the insolent manner I have celebrities ranged over fully four centuries ; this been treated, as well by these men as by your own year we are restricted to the much narrower limit country, I shall detain them here."

of some hundred and eighty years. The sitters are " But," I remarked, “I cannot comprehend how different, - in costume, habits, merits, and even exyour Majesty can look upon these men as hostages, pression ; the artists also are different, - in spirit, or men for whose acts the British government can style, and manner. For Vandyck, Walker, Jansen, account itself responsible, as they are men of a total | and Holbein, we have Knelter, Thornhill, Dahl, ly different speech and nation, and no more British Richardson, Gainsborough, and Reynolds. In the subjects than your Majesty yourself.”

aggregate, it may be thought that the present exThis seemed to stagger him soinewhat, but he soon hibition, from an artistic point of view, compares recovered his presence of mind and coolly inforined disadvantageously with its predecessor. But this is me that I lied. That if these men were not English- a matter about which we are going to concern ourmen, Consul Cameron would not have exerted him selves as little as possible. In the spirit of the purself as he had done in their behalf.

est optimism, we will extract all the honey we can "I consider myself at war with England," he con- from the flowers at present in bloom, without being tinued, “ and as I cannot chastise the British myself, disheartened at the thought of former more inviting and they do not come here, I shall continue to detain parterres, which, having enjoyed their seasons of the consul until I have succeeded in obtaining the collective luxuriance, are now relegated — forever? fulfilment of all my conditions.”

- to the hortus siccus of a fondly admiring memI then inquired what those conditions were. ory.

“ You are no ambassador sent to me to demand There are no fewer than eight hundred and sixtythe nature and extent of my conditions, but I will six pictures in the National Portrait Exhibition of tell you in order that your country may not try to the present season, — portraits, it may be said, of excuse itself by pleading ignorance. My empire eight hundred and sixty-six different individuals, if, reaches to the sea, but my harbor, Massowah, is in at a rough estimate, we take groups within one the hands of the infidels. As soon as the British frame as compensating for the frequent repetition government arranges a cession of this harbor to me, of the same subject in different frames. Families, by war or by peace, or provides me with the arms Kit Cat and Hell-fire clubs, Royal Academies and and ammunition requisite for taking it by force, I other corporate bodies, may be reckoned, so far as will set Ras Cameron free and at liberty. Now, my number is concerned, as a set-off against the manison, depart in peace. Holy Father,” he continued, fold rendering of William III., of Sir Isaac Newton, turning to the Abuna, “ give me your blessing." or of that first Duchess of Marlborough whose ghost

The Abuna complied, and with this act of hypoc-' is still understood to hold the brevet rank of Queen risy terminated my last interview with the Negus | Sarah. Negast z'Athiopiya. Taking leave of the Abuna, We enter, then, into the presence of nearly a whom I presented with various articles, I returned thousand departed personages of fame, distinction, to M amma very much the same way as I came, or interest. No qualification is disregarded. The and soon left the dominions of Theodore behind me, monarch, the prelate, the soldier, the men of science, more fortunate than any other European who hap- of arts, and of letters, themselves secure of their pened to stray to Abyssinia during this period of the ground, frown not too severely upon a humbly illusking's life, excepting some two or three Frenchmen trious pastrycook, who has achieved an immortality who also managed to find favor in his eyes. by his godlike skill in the composition of a mutton

pie. Brave old Kit Cat! It is to be hoped that the

praise of his clientèle chimed in with the voice of A QUARTETTE OF BEAUTIES FROM

an approving conscience; and that now he may be SOUTH KENSINGTON.*

supplying the commodity which won him a terres"Aux grands hommes la patrie reconnais santé " trial renown, in an etherealized form, to the sublime Amongst the things which they do better in France inhabitants of Olympus, with Ganymede as fellow than in England, the visitor to the Pantheon and providore to see after the liquors. other memorial buildings of Paris will be inclined

But there are hundreds of men, good and true, to include hero-worship. The " counterfeit present

besides Kit Cat. We leave the sterner sex, howment" of nearly every Frenchman who was ever

ever, to the reward of their own virtue; for it is no known to fame, beside that of many whom fame

great thing that any one of her sons should fulfil has wellnigh forgotten, is to be found done in per

the expectations of England, and do his duty. If enn al stone, for the encouragement of the youthful

we are in quest of a slight souvenir of an exhibition soldiers, students, and citizens of to-day. We are

about shortly to be broken up — and which, before

these words meet the reader's eye, will be broken * From the advance sheets of London Society for November, 1867. up — we are pretty sure that there is no man with

soul so dead as not to prefer to receive that souvenir George Pitt had not ceased to be a commoner at the hands of Venus, rather than of Mars, Mercu- his peerage dated May 20, 1776 — and the surpassry, or Phæbus Apollo. If in heroic exploits it is ing Penelope had begun, alas ! to be a reproach. expected of every Englishman that he should do " Mrs. Pitt' is the most amiable of beings, and the his duty, it is no less expected that every English- most to be pitied. Her brutal, half-mad busband, woman should fulfil hers. And it is her prime duty | with whom she is still not out of love, and who has to be beautiful,- a duty first sounded in her ears by heaped on her every possible cruelty and provoking the voice of sex, and then imperatively insisted outrage, will not suffer her to see, or even bear upon by the voice of patriotism and nationality. from one of her children; of Lady Ligonier she has

We do not accuse any one of the hundreds of heard too much.Too much, indeed! ladies at South Kensington of coming short of the Is it pleading in favor of wrong or of frailty, if standard of loveliness; but it does so happen that, we are anxious to give such magnificent and overour hearts being larger than our pages, we are powering beauty as Lady Ligonier's the benefit of driven to select four to be the representatives of all. every — not doubt, for even so much charity as is We do not mentally neglect any; and that there is to be exhibited in a suspension of judgment is imno invidiousness in our distinctions, we prove from the possible, — but of every extenuating circumstance fact that, amongst those whose portraits are excluded | which may be suggested by the want of judicious from our dainty quartette, are " those goddesses, training and respectable example on the part of her the Gunnings," one of whom, indeed, as “Lovely father. It is pretty evident to how great an exLady Coventry," has already furnished a moral — tent she must have been the victim of paternal misagainst the use of white lead as a cosmetic, - and rule, when we find Horace Walpole depicting her adorned a tale in London Society for April, 1864. father in the frightful words just quoted; but we Strong in the conviction of our own gallant impar- shall get a further insight into the abysses of his tiality, we can afford to smile at the dilemma to character in a few words to be presently extracted which Queen Mary was reduced when debating her from Count Alfieri's “ Memoirs," and which we plan of forming å gallery of the beauties of her shall italicize for the benefit of the generous reader. court. “Of the beauties of Hampton Court,” says The lovely Penelope Pitt, the eldest daughter of Walpole, “ the thought was the Queen's, during one Lord Rivers, became in 1767 the wife of Edward, of the King's absences. The famous Lady Dor- Earl Ligonier, nephew of a brave and good solchester advised the Queen against it, saying, "Mad-dier of fortune, who carved the way to position and am, if the King was to ask for the portraits of all successively augmenting titles, first under Marlthe wits in his court, would not the rest think he borough, and afterwards in Germany. Earl Ligocalled them fools ??" To which pertinent question nier, we may take the opportunity to mention, marwe answer, “ Very possibly; and with tolerable ried for his second wife (December, 1773), Lady reason.” But we do not profess to be exhaustive, Mary, sister and co-heir of Henley, second Earl of scarcely to be exclusive, when the laws of space Northington. All his honors expired at his death force us to a selection. We are only adopting a in 1782. representative process, as we said just now; and We learn from the Gentleman's Magazine for there are scores of fair ones at South Kensington, of 1771, that, on the 10th December of that year, a beauty scarcely less than that of the specimens we Lord Ligonier gained a suit against his wife, the obgive, who might be proud to have the imagination ject of which was to procure a sentence of separaof their own charms quickened by the supremetion. The " co-respondent” was a “ Piedmontese loveliness of the members of our “ Quartette." nobleman," whose name is still known to gallantry

It is not often that our cool critic, the Athenæ- and literature as Vittorio, Count Alfieri. Lord um, gives way to raptures and enthusiasm; but the Ligonier's measures for a divorce were prompt. style is remarkable in which it lately wrote about On January 21, 1772, he petitioned the ITouse of the déesse whom we have placed, prima inter pares, Lords for leave to bring in “a Bill to dissolve his at the head of those divinities who compose what, marriage with Penelope Pitt, and to enable him to because there are other harmonies besides those of marry again." Six days after, the Bill was presound, we have been tempted to call a “ Quartette sented by the Earl of Rochford, and read a first of Beauties.” “Every student," writes the unabashed time. On the second reading which took place disciple of Minerva, “ will remember as long as he February 11, witnesses were examined against the lives the superb but rather affected Countess Ligon-accused; but no witnesses, or even counsel, appeared ier. She stands, — the picture as it apper 3 at to support her claims to innocence, --claims whirh, South Kensington is a full-length, — she stands here indeed, she was in no position to substantiate. The with her great black eyes strained to an effect; her messenger who served the order upon her, “ at long, lithe figure leaning on one elbow; her dra-Ardenne, in France," swore that upon that occasion peries in magical curves; her complexion having she had said, “ She had no objection to the Bill; that wonderful under-gold hue, deepened with that she was satisfied with the provision made for bloom of the peach on a sort of white and rosy mar her, and did not oppose the passing of the Bill.** ble, a tint such as even Gainsborough never sur The Bill received the Royal assent on the first of passed, and only equalled in his almost as fascina- | April, 1772; the date at which passed also the ting beauty of another sort, Mrs. Graham,' No. famous “ Act for the better regulating the future 333 of the Edinburgh National Gallery, which all marriages of the Royal Family." remember among the prime jewels of that never- If any of our readers care to make acquaintance surpassed casket, the Manchester Art-Treasures with the circumstances of the intimacy between Exhibition of ten years since." The mother of the Count Alfieri and Lady Ligonier, they may be Countess Ligonier, the wife of George Pitt, Lord gratified by the perusal of a rhapsodical narrative, Rivers, was herself celebrated as "a glorious beau- extending over two chapters of the count's autobio ty" by Horace Walpole; who further and more graphic * Memoirs." Of the duel which of course pathetically writes of her (December 22, 1772) to ensued between the lover and the husband, it is Sir Horace Mann. At the date of this letter enough to say that it was fought when Alfieri had

his left arm in a sling, and bandaged, on account of found cause to regret. I know not whether on that a recent fracture; and that Lord Ligonier would on account I may be wrong, or whether a degree of that account have postponed the rencontre, and was obstinacy and culpable pride may have blinded my magnanimously glad to profess his wounded honor reason; but what I uniformly foresaw has happened, satisfied with the very smallest quantity of blood and I return thanks to Providence for having that it was possible for a man to shed. Alfieri placed me in a situation more fortunate, perhaps, would have married the woman whom he so madly than I merited. I enjoy excellent health, to which worshipped; bụt the fallen angel herself placed an my tranquil mode of life has not a little contributed. obstacle in the way of such a union by revealing I carefully shun all society, excepting that of a few former engagements of a nature calculated to make plain and honest individuals, who neither pretend to even Alfieri shun the contemplated alliance as a genius nor knowledge, the possession of which often degradation. The character of Lady Ligonier's tends to render us miserable. But what imparts to father as sketched by Walpole, and the defence of my mind the greatest satisfaction, is the friendship Lady Ligonier herself in the court of a generous of a brother whom I have uniformly loved above heart, may be completed by mentioning a circum- every sublunary being, and who possesses the best stance that Alfieri records." The father,” says the of hearts, while I find sufficient amusement in readcount, “ of the lady whom I had known for two ing, drawing, and music. I have been induced to years, called to congratulate his daughter on having enter into this prolix detail of my situation, in connow [whilst the divorce was pending, and scandal formity to your wishes; and permit me, in return, to was rampant] made a choice, he was pleased to say, assure you that I derive much pleasure from witworthy of her.

nessing the happiness you enjoy, and which I am Daring a visit which he paid to England in fully persuaded you so much deserve. I have fre1783-84, Count Alfieri declares that he neither quently, during the two last years, heard with pleaslearned nor sought to obtain any tidings respecting ure your name mentioned both in London and the lady on whose account he had exposed himself Paris, where your works, I understand, are much to so many risks. He only knew, from public re- admired, and esteemed, though I myself have never port, that she had quitted London, that her husband seen them. died shortly after obtaining the divorce,* and that “It is reported that you are warmly attached to she bad espoused an unknown and obscure indi- the princess with whom you travel; and who, if I vidual.” This gentleman, so flatteringly alluded to, may judge from the expression of her countenance, figures, it must be owned, at equal length, whether appears well suited to constitute the happiness of a in catalogues or folios, as " Captain Smith." Wheth- mind so feeling and delicate as yours. It is also ruer arising from accident or delicacy, it is pleasing to mored that she reveres you. This I can readily be able to observe that the fairest of all Penelopes conceive, since, whether unconsciously or involunthat ever walked the earth did not espouse Captain tarily, you possess an irresistible ascendency over Smith until two years after the death of Lord Ligo- all those who are attached to you. nier.

" I most sincerely wish you a continuation of all Although Alfieri had made no effort to renew his the happiness this world can afford, and if chance acquaintance with the sometime Countess Ligonier só order it that we should ever meet again, it will during his four months' stay in England in 1783 - 84, afford me the most exquisite gratification to hear he nevertheless had the singular fortune to see her this confirmed by yourself. Adieu. seven or eight years afterwards, just when he was on

“ PENELOPE. the point of embarking at Dover for France, in " Dover, 26th April (1792).” company with a "fair friend," whom posterity recognizes as the Countess of Albany, Princess Stol There is joy in heaven over the repentance of a berg, and widow of the ill-starred Charles Edward sinner; and may not charity indulge the hope that Stuart. His feelings were stirred, and he wrote to the beautiful and erring Countess Ligonier regained Lady Ligonier a letter of which he afterwards re- the sisterhood of the angels through penitence and gretted that he retained no copy.t Her answer to tears? At any rate, we will risk the expression of this communication, however, he did retain ; and such a trust. we give it from the appendix to his “ Memoirs,” be- The catalogue of the National Portrait Exhibition cause it is not without a certain nobility, a certain describes the lady of whom we are going next to say more than resignation, and almost voluntary em- a very few words, as "a noted beauty." There is bracing of a strict seclusion as a kind of penance for no great reason for expanding on her history; for unforgotten offences.

romance has little to do with it, except so far as “Sir, I trust you cannot hesitate for a moment to that may be discovered in the fact that a woman believe that I must ever entertain a grateful recol-born Anne Parsons, and said to be the daughter of lection of the tokens of your remembrance, and of a tailor in Bond Street, should live to become the the lively interest which you benevolently take in wife of a peer of the realm, by her marriage with my destiny. These I more particularly feel, inas- Viscount Maynard in 1776. A passage in a letter much as I cannot regard you as the author of my from the Hon. Mrs. Boscawen to Mrs. Delany almisfortune; for, indeed, I am not unhappy, though ludes to a former marriage of Miss Parsons with a the sensibility of your mind, and your anxiety on my Mr. Horton, or Hoghton, which she alleges to be account, may lead you to conceive so. You have apocryphal. " Lord Maynard,” Mrs. Boscawen says, been, on the contrary, the cause of my emancipa- in a style for which some allowance is to be found tion from a world in which I was no ways formed to in her sex and country, — "Lord Maynard has anexist, and which I have never for a single instant nounced to his sister, in form, his marriage with Miss

Nancy Parsons (for I think the title of Mrs. Horton * Ten years, in fact; after marrying, as his second wife, Lady : Mary Henley, in mo, as still be

is doubtful); it is not at all so that this Circe was A transcript of Alfieri's letter was furnished to “ Notes and

shot tos Notes and well known at the time Lord Maynard was born, Queries," September 27th, 1861, by a correspondent, who copied it from the original, "in the possession of a nobleman, a relative of the upfortunate lady."

* | Duendo of Mrs. Boscawen may be pointed by a reference to the “ Letters of Junius,passim, and to Duke and Duchess of Cumberland, to celebrate the the adventures of Palinurus and Annabella in the anniversary of their wedding-day, gave a grand enTown and Country Magazine, for 1769. We are tertainment to all their attendants, a ball and supconfining ourselves to beauty, and are not making per for fifty people, and all the valets-des-chambres investigations for the purpose of giving certificates and abigails within their compass graced the enteras to character. Indeed, it would be a Herculean tainment, whilst their royal highnesses condescended task if we undertook to rehabilitate all the reputa- to be put to bed by a housemaid and a footman." tions that suffered during the eighteenth century. The bistory of the Duke of Cumberland is not a With a knowledge of her antecedents, Horace Wal-pleasant one; nor was his married life an existence pole, writing (June 20, 1776) to the Countess of of unmingled happiness. He seems to have been afOssory, declares that Lady Maynard “ deserved a flicted, indeed, with that most unroyal and incorpeerage as much as many that have got them late- rigible of vices, stupidity. His own relatives were ly.” At any rate, members of the peerage were not taught to avoid his society; and with the exception slow to assure Lady Maynard that they regarded of the friends of his wife, no persons of position seem her as an ornament to their order. Mrs. Boscawen to have countenanced him." Even,” Mr. Jesse obinforms Mrs. Delany (Dec. 7, 1778) that “ Mr. T. serves on the authority of the “ Auckland CorrePitt had just written from Pisa in perfect health and spondence," "the most virulent members of the spirits; and had dined at Sir H. Mann's, sitting be-opposition shunned rather than courted his acquainttween Lady Berkeley and Lady Maynard." And ance." The Duke expired on the 18th September, early in the following year Horace Walpole speaks 1790, in the forty-fifth year of his age. of the fascination exercised by Lady Maynard at the But a second clandestine marriage, which had its court of Naples, and of the way in which she had es- coeffect in occasioning the Royal Marriages Act of tablished herself there.

1772, and which gave rise to considerable concern Viscount Maynard, the husband of this grand- to George III., was that of another of his younger looking beauty, died so recently as 1824, without brothers, the Duke of Gloucester, with Maria, one leaving direct descendants to inherit his fortune and of the three daughters of Sir Edward Walpole, and honors.

widow of James, second Earl of Waldegrave. This It is comforting to feel that as our space narrows exquisite creature it is who occupies the fourth place the necessity of drawing upon it narrows in propor- in our Quartette of Beauties from South Kensington, tion. Of the remaining pair of beauties which chal | We do not intend to lengthen out this slight paper lenge the admiration of the beholder, each achieved by entering into a multiplicity of detail about the the highest distinction possible to female subjects, Duchess of Gloucester, more especially as she has and, as members of the royal family, may be regard- already occupied a small niche in the gallery of ed as occupying a historical rather than a private “ Witty Men and Pretty Women of the time of position. Particulars are very readily accessible Horace Walpole," which was opened and described when ladies have attained to such an elevation. in London Society for October and November,

Anne Luttrell, daughter of Simon Lord Irnham, 1865. The homage it is our present unambitious afterwards Earl of Carhampton, and widow of Chris- purpose to bespeak for her as a beauty, may be contopher Horton, Esq., of Catton, in Derbyshire, was ceded on the strength of particulars of her in that married, at her residence in Hertford Street, May character, which we collect from various passages Fair, on the night of October 2, 1771, to Henry scattered here and there in the “ Letters" of her Frederick Duke of Cumberland, and brother to his ever-delightful uncle, and the works of others his Majesty King George III. “ The new Princess of contemporaries. the Blood," writes Walpole to Sir Horace Mann on The daughters of Sir Edward Walpole, the elder the 7th of November, 1771, " is a young widow of brother of Horace, were three: Laura, wife of Keptwenty-four, extremely pretty, -- not handsome, - pel, Bishop of Exeter; Maria, successively wife of very well made, with the most amorous eyes in the ihe Earl of Waldegrave and the Duke of Gloucesworld, and eyelashes a yard long; coquette beyond ter; and Charlotte, Countess of Dysart. "I have measure, artful as Cleopatra, and completely mis- forgot," says Horace Walpole, in a P. S. to a letter tress of all her passions and projects. Indeed, eye- to Sir IIorace Mann, September 9, 1758,- "I have lashes three quarters of a yard shorter would have forgot to tell you of a wedding in our family; my served to conquer such a head as she has turned." brother's eldest daughter is to be married to-morrow In his " Memoirs of the Reign of George III." Wal- to Lord Albemarle's third brother, a canon of pole has this further description of the beautiful Windsor. We are very happy with the match. Duchess, against whom, for family reasons, as will ap- The bride is very agreeable, and sensible, and good; pear in a sentence or two, he entertained a sort of not so handsome as her sisters, but farther from ugjealous grudge. “ There was something so bewitch-liness than beauty. It is the second, Maria, who is ing in her languishing eyes, which she could animate beauty itselt! - her face, bloom, eyes, hair, teeth, to enchantment if she pleased, and her coquetry was and person are all perfect. You may imagine how so active, so varied, and yet so habitual, that it was charming she is, when her only fault, if one must difficult not to see through it, and yet as difficult to find one, is, that her face is rather too round. She resist it. She danced divinely, and had a great has a great deal of wit and vivacity, with perfect deal of wit, but of the satiric kind; and as she had modesty." haughtiness before her rise, no wonder she claimed | Again, on the 11th April, 1759, Horace Walpole, all the observauce due to her rank after she became still to the same correspondent, recurs to the subDuchess of Cumberland."

ject: "I have married - that is, am marrving - mny What ilifferent opinions there may be about pride niece Maria, my brother's second daughter, to Lord and haughtiness! What person of refinement of the Waldegrave. What say you ? A month ago I present day would, for instance, fail to discover any- was told he liked her, -does he? I jumbled them thing but hoydenishness in such an anniversary of together, and he has already proposed. For cbarthe wedding of the exalted pair as Mrs. Delany in-acter and credit be is the first match in England; forms us they celebrated in October, 1772 ? "The for beauty, I think she is. She has not a fault in

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