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We stopped in a minute at one of the prettiest of “I have never paid you at all, Hopkins; such these, and Hopkins jumped down and opened the service as yours is not paid with money. But we door of the cab and the gate of the garden. will stay with you to-night instead of going to the

“Please to step in, sir, for only one minute,” said hotel. There, now." Hopkins, with an air of great embarrassment, such “Yes, yes," chuckled the old butler, " and longer as I might have imagined him to assume in case of than to-night, or my name's not Hopkins.” his being suddenly detected stealing the spoons. After this we sat a long time without speaking, “ Please do step in, sir, and excuse the liberty.” until a knock came to the door, and in an instant

And at that moment the house door opened, and Ada was in her father's arms. Hopkins, had sent out stepped Burnett, my uncle's cook, and stood at word to her where she would find him, and Mrs. the end of the little gravel walk, courtesying and Hopkins had met her at the door, and told her that blushing violently.

| her bed was prepared for her. " Why, Burnett, what in the name of goodness do “What does it all mean, papa? Hopkins and you and Hopkins mean?” asked my uncle.

Burnett here, and you?” “Not Burnett any longer," Hopkins broke in. “Hopkins and Burnett count only as one, my “I was tired of seeing her crying in the kitchen this dear, now. They got married this morning. This morning, so as I happened to have a marriage license is their house, and they persist in calling it mine, in my pocket, we walked as far the church while the and they don't want to part with me, but wish just sale was on, and she came out Mrs. Hopkins, if you 'll to keep their old situation, they say. That's all.” excusus taking such a liberty without naming it! Then Ada ran out to wish the old couple joy. first to you."

And they laughed with her a little, and cried with " It's the most sensible thing you ever did in your her a good deal before she came back to us. life," said my uncle; “but I had some thought of And indeed I hardly know what emotions were asking her myself.”

strongest with any of us all the rest of the evening. Mrs. Hopkins blushed redder than before, and But I am sure that none of us was “all unhappy." dropped short courtesies without intermission.

Even when my uncle took up the book and we "So you've brought me here to wish you joy. heard him read, — (low, and unconscious that his Well, God bless you bothr!”

lips were forming the words),* It was not exactly that,” said Hopkins ; " indeed, " O, that I were as in months past, as in the I could not have taken such a liberty. But I thought, days when God preserved me; when his candle sir, perhaps – I thought that, perhaps, you and Miss shined upon my head, and when by his light I Ada -- and Burnett thought too – ”

walked through darkness; as I was in the days of "Why, my good Hopkins," said my uncle, “ what my youth, when the secret of God was upon my does this mean?" for he had quite broken down, and tabernacle; when the Almighty was yet with me, could say no more.

when my children were about me”;* We thought, sir," broke in Mrs. Hopkins, late even, I say, as we caught his low words, the tender Burnett, “ as he says, that as we have lived under pity in his voice seemed rather pity for another the same roof with you and Miss Ada so many years, than himself. you would, perhaps, let us live under the same roof But when Ada took the book out of his hand, with you a little longer, we being too old to make and said, “ I will read to you, papa”; and when she new friends. So Hopkins, he had a chance to get turned to another page and read out, firmly and this house, and he has made it as comfortable as he boldly, "O give thanks unto the Lord, for be is can, and we thought you would, perhaps, let us good, for his mercy endureth forever,” we felt live with you here till you find a more fitting place"; then that she had struck the truer and the nobler and Burnett, as she concluded her speech (which key, and before she came to the end of the psalm she had not got throngh without many interrup- we did not doubt that he who had turned our tions). polished the doorplate with her apron, and water-springs into dry ground could turn again our my uncle read his own namenpon it.

| dry ground into water-springs; that he who bad Then he went into the parlor, and he buried bis minished us and brought us low, was indeed mighty face for a minute in his hands. When he litted it enough and gracious enough, to set the poor on again llophing was standing with his bank deposit. high again from affliction. book in his hand,

Hopkins came in with candies when it was grow" () master," he said, "yours has been such an ing late, and asked, with as profound a deference as cary service, that to have no one to serve will be ever he had asked, if anything more was wanted. harder work. Let us stay with yon still. Don't And so we went to bed in the, with the call it staying with us. See her; all we have is old door-plate on the new door. yours. We have no other use for it; take it for Adda's love-birds hung in their old cage in the jourself and Miss Aida; only don't let us part." And window, and Nelly, coiled up in her basket, kept ho put the deposit-book on the table, at my uncle's watch outside her chamber. The old lawyer looked at him steadily for a

III. - SILLY OLD FOOLS. while before he found words to answer him. It might have been perhaps half an hour after we

* llopkins," he said, " I haverad ot'ench servants had finished breakfast next morning, while we sat As you and Burnett in book, but I never believed talking over our little half-formed plans, when we

heard the garden-rate creak on its hinges, and Ida, " And I," said flopkins, " have read of such mas looking ont, erilaimeri, - Why, papa, it's Miss Belten nour, and found it very easy to plieve in lany coming in"; and in another instant Hopkins

reported that that ladir asked leare to see my uncle. "But I could not take it,

l ine. I am going # Show Miss Bellamy in," he said, and we dotieed to London with Will."

a strange flush on his worn old face, " Why noe take it, wir it is only a little of what she had walked down umattended; and it was you have overpaid me."

now so rare a thing to see ber walking that I dare


say she was hardly known as she passed along the “I dream that he — that is, you - came to me street. She carried a light silver-headed cane, and once and told me a story of first love; that I put leant on it a little as she came to the chair I placed him off with an uncertain answer, not knowing my for her.

own mind, and being foolish and heartless ” — (my “I have been a long time coming to see you, uncle shook his head) — " that at last I sent him to Thomas,” she said, "and I doubt you will think I my father, knowing well what answer he would have chosen my time badly at last."

get; that my father, a successful barrister, rejected “ Never, Fanny," he answered ; “late or soon peremptorily the suit of the young solicitor, and could make no difference in your welcome.” made it impossible for him to revisit at our house.

How strange it sounded to us to hear them call “I dream that in a little while he forgot me." ing each otber by their Christian names. Ada and “Never!" exclaimed my uncle. I tried which of us could open our eyes the widest. " At any rate, that when my father soon died, "I am so sorry," she said.

when I was left my own mistress, and mistress of all “Yes, for this little one,” laying his hand on Ada's my father's wealth, Thomas Enoch never gave me a head; “ we must all be sorry for her."

second chance of becoming his; that though I had " And for you too."

come to know my own mind only too well, and “ (! as for me, what matter whether my money loved him, oh! so truly " -- (my uncle lifted his be taken from me now, or I from it in a year or head with a strange expression of surprise upon his two ?

face) — " he never came again." “ Thomas,” she said, “ you must stay with us the “I dream that while I waited and watched him year or two.”

day by day, hoping always that he would stop at “ Stay where ?” he asked.

my door and not go past it, a horrid suspicion rose “ In your own old house, where else? See here, in my mind that it was my money that kept us it was for me the Admiral bought your house and apart. grounds a fortnight since. These are the papers "I dream that just as I thought the way was making them mine. Take them.”

opening for us to come together again he formed He rose from his chair and held out his hand as the acquaintance of one whom no man could help if begging her to forbear; he shook his head but loving: that in a little while he married her, and did not speak.

found in her a better wife than ever he could have She went on. " It was for me that those London found in me.” brokers bought all in your house at the sale. See, “A good wife, indeed, thank God !” my uncle here is my receipt from the auctioneer. Take it.” said, mournfully.

Then he took both her hands and bowed bis stift “And then the dream grows less like a dream old back, and kissed them tenderly, as a young lover and more like reality, for it has living evidence in kisses those of his love. But he shook his head and the present, and stern memorials of the past to fall said, tremulously, “ It cannot be, Fanny; it cannot back upon. Yet I will call it a dream still. be."

"I dream that this wife blessed him with a happy “But hear me out,” she said, “I have not done family, who grew up to be his pride, and the envy yet. You say it cannot be because you think I of less happy men and women; that one by one want to make a useless gift. And I know as well they were all taken from bim, wife and children as you do that a big house would be worse than too, - all save one," – and she laid her hand on useless to you, left as they say you are. But, Ada's head; “and I saw him go often with that Thomas, I came to say something more.” Then one to the church-yard, carrying flowers, and come we noticed that the old lady hesitated, and looked home empty-handed. And I asked myself, - I at us, and seemed for an instant embarrassed. Ada dream that I asked myself, -Why was I left to beckoned to me and said, “ We will walk in the gar- see myself change from young to middle-aged, from den a minute, papa.”

middle-aged to old, useless and with my heart all But Miss Bellamy with an effort recovered her-dried to dust, while the young and happy were self, and said, “No, no; why should I care to speak taken away? Would it not have been wiser and before you children, for you are but children. Stay better, more economical and less wasteful, in the with us, and hear all I have to say to your papa." great Dispenser of happiness, that I should have

" Thomas, I have reconsidered my answer to been sent to my sleep there instead of one of these?” you. I have taken a long time to reconsider it; For the flowers too would have been saved. but you will have the less doubt of my knowing my “And so I seem to see the years roll on, weary own mind now. Do you remember what it was you year after weary year, and I live my useless life, came and said to me fifty years ago ?”

unloved and uncared for, and I see you day by day; “ As if it were yesterday."

but there is a gulf between us as deep as the grave “Let me see, then, if I remember it too; for it to which we are both going. Yet, even across the has seemed to me for years as only a dream. I will gulf it is pleasant to me to see you,- it is indeed tell you what it is that I dream did really happen, the one pleasure I have in life; and therefore and you shall stop me where my dream seems | (wbat other reason should I seek) one morning I false."

wake to find it is to be taken from me. "I dream of myself as a young girl of twenty "I wake to find that as your want of money whom every one knew to be an heiress, whom some parted us once, your loss of it is to part us again; — few thought to be beautiful” -(my uncle nodded that you are a ruined man, and that all you have is gently) — “and whom Thomas Enoch mistakenly to be sold, and I am to see you houseless and homethought to have a heart, and be good, and worthy | less." to be loved."

“ No, no," said my uncle. “Not mistakenly," my uncle whispered.

“Then, being broad awake to what I should suf“I dream of Thomas Enoch as a young man who fer, and having grown so old and selfish, I try to had his way to make in the world, and who, though save myself that pang: I buy your house, and only two-and-twenty, already gave signs of making it. I everything of yours that I can get, and I come to

beg you to take them all back again, and to take ought to have said I made two nights earlier, after me with them.

my uncle had gone to bed, and while Ada and I “There," she said, “it's out at last : but don't were seated on Lot 430. interrupt me yet; - this is the longest speech I It is, as I said, three months since the sale took ever made in my life, and I shall never again have place. And on the Sunday following the banns of occasion to make another half so long.

marriage were published in the parish church "be" These children never heard an offer of mar-tween Thomas Enoch, widower, and Frances Bellariage before, and I suppose few people ever have my, spinster, both of this parish.” And within ten heard one made by a lady.

minutes of the close of the morning service they “ Thomas, you made me an offer of marriage fifty had been pronounced a couple of silly old fools by years ago, and were rejected. Now I come and half the congregation: a sentence which I, for one, make you one: — will you have revenge ? or will don't at all confirm, and which indeed most of those you let a woman plead to you successfully ?

who pronounced it retracted again before the day “Pity me. I am old, and rich, and lonely, - 0 was out. so lonely! You are old, too, and poor, and will you I believe Hopkins and his bride had some serious not be lonely if you are parted from this girl ? " thought of alleging just cause and impediment why • One of my uncle's hands was covering his eyes. these two should not be joined together in holy matHe stretched out the other, and Ada's dropped into rimony. At any rate, they being in church (quite it and pressed it.

incredulous of the rumor they had heard) were ob" We are tottering down to the grave. Let us served to rise in their seats when the names were totter down together. It may be but a few days' read out; but whether it were that astonishment journey. It may be more distant. That is in took from them the power of speech, or be it as it God's hand.

might, they sat down again, and, so far as audible “Let me give ap to you the heavy burden of protest went, remained forever silent. riches I have borne so long. I don't know what to And in consideration of their not forbidding the do with my money. I want some one to teach me union (at least I do believe they thought themhow to use it. I want some one to leave it to. selves at first retained through fear), and in order I want to think I have done some good with it. to mollify them still further, these two good old

“ Thomas, I have wondered often why I was rich, souls were given to understand that they could by and why I was spared so long. I think now that I no means be allowed to occupy the house in Jackhave found it out, that it is for this I have been son's Lane, but that the door-plate must be brought trusted with riches, and spared for this.

back to Broad Street, and they themselves must fol". So much as money can buy, I have often low it with all convenient speed. said, if it could but buy me love!' But now, as There is no more to be told. The wedding took it cannot, let me try to win it other ways.

place about a month afterwards. Ada was brides“Let me try to get some little share in Ada's maid and I was best man, and all was done very love. Will you try and persuarle her that you quietly. But I have not often seen weddings that thought me lovable once? And will you, neither for gave greater promise of happiness. what I am, nor what I have, but for the memory of Miss Bellamy's great old house, Myrtle House, is that girl whom fifty years ago you wished to be the empty, and an army of painters and paper-hangers mother of your children, let your child, O Thomas, are getting it ready for its new tenants. It is not for that memory, call me mother !"

yet quite settled when we shall go into it, as Ada She ended, and the dear old face, lit up with a seems to have an immense number of preparations beauty that the eloquence of her intense emotion to make of which I can in no way see the necess ty. had kindled, was covered with blushes ; and never! But when we get into it, if we succeed in making have I seen any young face whose loveliness has it as happy a house as the one in Broad Street, and been half so much enhanced by blushes as those in making ourselves as happy a couple as the old wrinkled features were.

turtle doves who coo there, we shall be well conShe ended, and putting her trembling hand on tent. My uncle is at least ten years younger than his, said, “Now, Thomas, answer me, before these, he was three months ago, and Mrs. Enoch walks openly as I have spoken before them."

without her cane even when she has not her husAnd he gave her his answer almost instantly, - band to lean upon. pausing only till he had so far mastered his emotion that he could command his voice. He took her hand between both his, and looked

TABLE TALK.* her full in the face.

Let readers transport themselves to Canterbury “ Fanny, I take you at your word. I will not go in 1776, and let them enter a barber's shop, hard away, but will take you home to my house at last." by Canterbury Cathedral. It is a primitive shop,

Ada put one arm round his neck, and the other with the red and white pole over the door, and a round hers, and kissed them both.

inodest display of wigs and puff-boxes in the win"May God bless you, papa! I am sure you are dow. A sinail shop, but, not withstanding its sinalldoing right. And, mamma, I do love you already, ness, the best shop of its kind in Canterbury; and

- I will love you truly, and be a good child to you. its lean, stiff, exceedingly respectable inter is a And I'll help you to spend your money, mamina, I man of good repute in the cathedral town. His will indeed, for that is all I am good for."

hands have, ere now, powdered the Archbishop's And, laughing and sobbing, Ada brought the two wig, and he is specially retained by the chief clerey dear old faces together, and they kissed each other of the city and neighborhood to keep their false for the first time in their lives;- she at seventy, hair in order, and trim the natural tresses of their and he at seventy-two.

children. Not only have the dignitaries of the

cathedral taken the worthy barber under their That is the only proposal of marriage I ever heard made in my life, except my own, which I . From the advance sheets of London Society for November, 1867.


special protection, but they have extended their envied; when at school in this town we were cancare to his little boy Charles, a demure, prim lad, didates together for a chorister's place; he obtained who is at the present time a pupil in the King's it; and if I had gained my wish he might have been School, to which academy clerical interest gained accompanying you as Chief Justice, and pointing him admission. The lad is in his fourteenth year; / me out as his old schoolfellow, the singing-man." and Dr. Osmund Beauvoir, the master of the school,

| Pitt, as it is well known, delivered some of his gives him so good a character for industry and dutiful demeanor that some of the cathedral ecclesias

| most brilliant speeches under the inspiration of a tics have resolved to make the little fellow's fortune,

couple of bottles of port. Dundas also did his best by placing him in the office of a chorister. There

to prove himself not unworthy of the blessings of is a vacant place in the cathedral choir; and the

Bacchus. On one occasion, after indulging more boy who is lucky enough to receive the appointment

freely than usual, they entered the House arm-inwill be provided for munificently. He will forth

arm. “ Why, what's the matter ? ” exclaimed

Pitt. “I can't see the speaker.” with have a maintenance, and in course of time his

“Can't you ? ” salary will be £70 per annum.

returned the other; “I see two." During the last fortnight the barber has been in A FRIEND of Rogers called to condole with him great and constant excitement, hoping that his lit on the loss of a servant who had lived with him tle boy will obtain this valuable place of prefer many years. “I am certainly sorry for his death," ment; persuading himself that the lad's thickness replied the poet; “ but I don't know that my actual of voice, concerning which the choir-master speaks loss in him is very great. For the first eight years with aggravating persistence, is a matter of no real he was an excellent servant; for the next eight importance; fearing that the friends of another con- years he was an agreeable companion; but for the temporary boy, who is said by the choir-master to last eight years he was a tyrannical master.” have an exceedingly mellifluous voice, may defeat bis paternal aspirations. The momentous question |

THERE was a rather amusing story of my old agitates many humble homes in Canterbury; and

friend, Dan M'Kinnon of the Guards. He was very

good-looking, and a great favorite with the fair sex ; whilst Mr. Abbott, the barber, is encouraged to hope

and, at the time of which I speak, many, many the best for his son, the relatives and supporters of

years ago, he was beloved by Miss C— ; and illthe contemporary boy are urging him not to de

natured people said they loved not wisely, but too spair. Party spirit prevails on either side, – Mr. Abbott's family-associates maintaining that the con

well.” Unfortunately people don't fall simultanetemporary boy's higher notes resemble those of a

ously out of love as they do into it, and, as generally

occurs, the lady proved the most faithful of the pair. penny whistle ; whilst the contemporary boy's father,

When Miss C could no longer doubt that she was with much satire and some justice, murmurs that " old Abbott, who is the gossipmonger of the par

forsaken, and that some more fortunate rival had

taken her place, she wrote a letter full of despair and son's, wants to push bis son into a place for which

reproaches, with threats of suicide, commanding there is a better candidate."

M'Kinnon to send her back the lock of hair which To-day is the eventful day when the election will be made. Even now, whilst Abbott the barber is

she had given him in happier days, &c. The bar

barian gave no written answer to this passionate aptrimming a wig at his shop-window, and listening

peal, but sent his orderly to the lady (who was a to the hopeful talk of an intimate neighbor, his son Charley is chanting the Old Hundredth before the

person of high birth and aristocratic connections) whole chapter. When Charley has been put

with a large packet or portfolio containing innumerthrough his vocal paces, the contemporary boy is

able locks of hair, from gray to flaxen, from raven to requested to sing. Whereupon that clear-throat

red, with a message that she was to choose from

among them her own property. Miss C—'s answer ed competitor, sustained by justifiable self-confidence and a new-laid egg which he had sucked

was to dash the whole collection into the fire. scarcely a minute before he made a bow to their In talking of Frere, Sydney Smith told a mot of reverences, sings out with such richness and com- his I had not heard before. Madame de — havpass that all the auditors recognize his great supe- ing said, in her intense style, “ I should like to be riority.

married in English, in a language in which vows Ere ten more minutes had passed, Charley Ab- are so faithfully kept," some one asked Frere, “ What bott knows that he has lost the election ; and he language, I wonder, was she married in ?” Broken hastens from the cathedral with quick steps. Run- | English, I suppose," answered Frere. ning into the shop he gives his father one look that tells the whole story of — failure, and then the lit

A RUN IN THE WORLD'S FAIR. tle fellow, unable to command his grief, sits down upon the floor and sobs convulsively.

BY TIIOMAS HUGHES, M. P. Failure is often the first step to eminence.

AUTHOR OF "TOM BROWN'S SCHOOL DAYS AT RUGBY," ETC. Had the boy gained the chorister's place, he can any one explain what is the cause of the would have been a cathedral servant all his days. disappointment, and even disgust, which nine out of

Having failed to get it, he returned to the King's every ten English men and women we meet just School, went as a poor scholar to Oxford, and now are expressing with respect to the great fought his way to honor. He became Chief Justice World's Fair, which is about to close at Paris ? To of the King's Bench, and a peer of the realm. the present writer at least no greater puzzle has Towards the close of his honorable career Lord presented itself recently than this; and he would Tenterden attended service in the cathedral of bere respectfully ask of the dozens of personal Canterbury, accompanied by Mr. Justice Richard- friends and acquaintance who have sung the same son. When the ceremonial was at an end the song in bis hearing, as well (if they will allow him) Chief Justice said to his friend, -"Do you see that of the many able journalists who have been taking old man there amongst the choristers? In him, the Exposition of 1867 as their text, and preaching brother Richardson, bebold the only being I ever "all is vanity, but of all vanities this is perbaps the stupidest and most incomprehensible yet seen on gives it so high a value in my eyes. Two problems the face of our poor globe," my eccentric fellow- suggested themselves to the Commissioners in an countrymen and country women, what did you go to early stage of their labors, viz. how to exhibit the see? What did you look for, hope for, dream of boilers, for which many of our English firms are I vow it seems to me, after all too short a fortnight justly famous, in such a way as to get people to spent amongst its wonders and oddities, that such a come to see them; and, secondly, how to find hot marvellous collection of food, so conveniently ar-water and steam-power for the English exhibitors, ranged for the satisfaction of every conceivable hu- - our allies having settled that each nation must man aspiration, appetite, or whimsy, was never be provide itself with these articles. We all know fore got together in this world, and I fear, in my what disagreeable places the ordinary rooms or time at least, is never likely to be got together sheds are in which boilers are fixed, and how unagain.

likely to attract sight-seers. Excessive heat, oily From the philosopher exercised as to the pursuits rags, and coal-dust are the ideas most closely conof our first parents in prehistoric times, immediately nected with them; and these had obviously to be succeeding the glacial period, down to the youthful avoided in the present case. The Commission acplunger, whose delight is in consuming cocktails and cordingly sunk an ample pit and bricked it round, brandy smashes, and ogling buxom bar-maidens, in which exhibitors might fix their boilers in full there is no male creature who cannot indulge his view of the public, inspecting in comfort from special propensity, for the sum of one franc, within above. The next point was how to cover the pit that enclosure of the Champ de Mars. While for in an attractive manner, leaving free current to the the better half of the human race, the collection of air, and yet giving protection from the rain; and useful and useless toys ranges from the brooch at the happy thought occurred, I believe to Mr. Cole, three sous up to Lady Dudley's diamonds, guarded of erecting the mosque in question over the boilernight and day by policemen. There is no science pit, and at the same time exemplifying the capabilor art that I ever heard of, which you cannot here ities of the Brompton terra-cotta. The effect is study, from its earliest beginnings to its latest de perfect. You are attracted to the light Easternvelopments, and what more even Englishmen can looking building by the pretty minaret which serves ask for who go to see an industrial exhibition, I own as a chimney, the rows of slender twisted columns, I am unable to conceive. “ There is such a porten- and the delicate coloring of the whole edifice, and tous mixture of rubbish," I am told ; but so there is when there you lean over the rail and look down in life, and if you don't like what you call rubbish, on great boilers without a suspicion of the dirt or you can pass it by. An exhibition without rubbish stench. In the abominably cold weather of the would be as unnatural as a society of philosophers, early part of October, one rather envied the comas flat as a plum pudding without suet and flour. fortable, but evidently not excessive, warmth of the Here, as elsewhere, I apprehend, much of the pleas-stokers who were tending them. There were the ure lies in the contrast. Besides, few of us can ap- great boilers with makers' names affixed, glowing preciate or afford diamonds, but why on earth are and singing, and exhibiting themselves to the greatwe not therefore to be allowed to get what inferior est advantage, while supplying all the power for kind of pleasure we can out of cut glass or paste ? the machinery in the English department gratis. “ It is nothing but another great shop," — well, but I have lately been in our wonderful manufacturing what is the world, on the exhibition side, but a great districts, in Lancashire and the West Riding, and shop ? and a great shop was precisely what we were was continually haunted by the question, Is it asked to go and see, and if we are bored with this necessary that this lovely country should be so deone it is our own fault, and not that of its promoters.faced and defiled by the industry which is its

But without attempting further to argue with strength and boast? Is it necessary to pollute the those who have found the Paris Exhibition a weari streams, poison all vegetation, injure the health and ness to the flesh, let me jot down for any one who | morals of our people, and stud these beautiful val. cares to read them a few of the impressions which leys and hillsides with the ugliest buildings the eye the World's Fair has left on my own mind. Per- of man has yet seen, in order to produce cotton and haps the strongest of these was produced by one of woollen fabrics, and coal and iron? The mosque of the buildings in that part of the outer garden ap- Syed Osman, in the garden of the Exposition partpropriated to Great Britain. I mean the fac-similely answers the question; and I believe that it our of the mosque of one " Syed Osman."

manufacturers had to live near their works, it would I am not conscious of ever having heard the soon be answered altogether. Perhaps the solution name of Syed Osman till within the last fortnight. may come to us when the workpeople, who must I only know of him now just so much as the placard live close to the pits and factories, have learnt to in the front of this building tells me, that he lived love nature and hate dirt, and their masters have some four hundred years since, and built the origi- discovered that it pays to treat them as fellownal of this mosque at Ahmedabad, in the year 1458, workers rather than as machines. or thereabouts; on what occasion or with what ob- Not far from the mosque is another quite unique ject, I am perfectly ignorant. It is not, therefore, corner of the World's Fair, - I mean what may be from historical association that the structure inter-called the Missionary portion. With that contemptests me, nor from an architectural point of view ; uous tolerance which has often characterized Cor for though pretty enough, it is far inferior to several sairism, our ally has here provided a space in which of the other copies of Eastern buildings in the gar- the enthusiasts or fanatics of any creed may disdens. Nor from an antiquarian, for not a brick or pense orally, or in print, whatever spiritual warus stone has been brought from India to Paris; and I they deem of importance to the human race. We am told the whole building is composed of the terra- | English muster strongly on the ground. cotta in use at the Brompton Museum. But to cut There are two distinct organizations for the disa long story short, let me say at once, that it is tribution of Bibles, the agents of which, if report the ingenious and most suggestive use to which the speaks truly, ply their work with a jealousy worthy mosque has been adapted by our Commission, which of rivals in ordinary trade. Tracts you may get liy

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