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styled the “ Chassepot," which since the late contest | his way to the child. Kissing her on both cheeks, at Mentana, bids fair to give the name to every he took her in his arms and carried her to a stali novelty of Parisian origin, including bonnets man- of bonbons, where he selected the handsomest bag tles, perfumes, coiffures, new shades of color, and of dragées he could find, and then brought her newly invented dishes.

back to her mother. The greatest enthusiasm was

manifested by the crowd on witnessing this simple THE opening chapters of “FOUL PLAY,” a serial |

act of kindness of heart. novel by Charles Reade and Dion Bourcicault, will be given in Every Saturday for January the 4th, PARIS, on an area of 7,000 hectares (a hectare 1868.

being equal to about 24 acres), contains 2,000,000 of

inhabitants, living in 50,000 houses. London on an AMSTERDAM has erected a bronze statue of the area of 31,000 hectares, has a population of nearly great Dutch poet lost van den Vandel, born in Co

3,000,000 in 360,000 houses. In Paris the houses logne in 1587.

average four, in London only two stories. The arMR. SWINBURNE's appeal in behalf of the Fe

erage number of inmates of a house are forty in

Paris, against only eight in London ; the popnlation nian prisoners, since executed, is one of his finest

of Paris is therefore confined to one fourth of the recent poems.

space of that allowed in London. “No THOROUGHFARE," by Charles Dickens and.

M. de FOUVIELLE of La Liberté, gives us the Wilkie Collins, constitutes an Extra Number of Ev

following curious statistics : “ Walk from the Mavery Saturday. It is the best Christmas story that

deleine to the Place de la Bastille and you will has been published for several years.

pass 126 cafés, 96 jewellers or clockmakers, 2 furLE JOURNAL DO BAS RAIN says that the last ses- nished hotels, 83 restaurants, 31 confectioners, 25 sion at Baden-Baden has been the best in the mem- tobacco shops, 24 grocers, 7 bakers, 13 theatres, 3 ory of the oldest inhabitant. There were 53,000 | post-offices, 2 telegraph offices, and two readingstrangers there, and * no adventure, not a suicide, rooms. M. de Fouvielle requests his readers to not a scandal.”

draw their own conclusions - 126 cafés and two

reading-rooms - and simply inquires, Will it Work has been commenced on the top of the always be thus ? " "old" tower of the Cologne Cathedral, on which for over four hundred years neither hammer nor chisel MISS AMELIA B. EDWARDS, the authoress, writes bad been seen. Workmen are preparing the scaf- as follows to the editor of the Athenæum : “ It is foldings for next spring, when the work on the noble not, perhaps, generally known, that a second large old structure is to be vigorously pushed forward. and careful original design by Titian for the famons

St. Peter, Martyr,' is in existence in this country, THE Toulonnais says that the French general) a drawing which measures some eighteen inches in who commanded at Mentana was greatly surprised length by twelve in breadth, is in perfect preservato find young lads of fifteen among his prisoners, tion, and, like that oited in your paragraph last and that be remonstrated with them. “General." week, differs in some minor details from the finished replied one of these youthful soldiers," it is never

painting. This drawing is preserved in the collectoo soon to learn how to do well."

tion of Sir Thomas Phillips, of Cheltenham, and is

contained in a large album filled with precious deIt is suggested by a French paper that an eques- signs by old Italian masters, mostly in brown ink, trian statue be erected to the Emperor of Austria, which volume Sir Thomas Phillips informed me he bearing the following inscription : “ To Francis had purchased at the sale of Sir Thomas Lawrence's Joseph, the only sovereign who did not go to see collection. I cannot now recall what the points of the Grande Duchesse de Gerolstein' during his difference are between this sketch and the painting visit to Paris."

recently destroyed; but I was, at all events, so

struck by them at first sight of the drawing, that I ITZ of Szentkiralyi, Chief-Burgomaster of I called Sir Thomas Phillips's attention to the fact. Pesth, to whom the Austrian Minister of the Inte

He forth with compared the drawing with the enrior recently forwarded the Turkish order of Med- graving of the picture in the Musée Francais jidi, third class, declined the acceptance of the same talian School and made a marginal note of those on the ground that he was not conscious of any variations on that leaf of the album." special personal merits, entitling him to such a distinction. He ought to have a medal for his modesty. A Paris letter-writer tells the following sad story

apropos of the new opera-bouse. * It appears that MADAME JESSIE MARIO WHITE, the wife of one Albert Cavos, chief architect of the imperial theaof Garibaldi's lieutenants, is spoken of by the foreign tres of Russia, and designer of that of Moscow, on journals in terms of the highest eulogy. This brave-hearing some years ago of the intention of the gor. hearted lady went to Rome in the midst of the hos ernment of France to construct a new Opera-honse tilities in order to render assistance to the wounded, in Paris, devoted sixteen months to drawing the de and specially to watch over the body of Rico Cairoll, signs and plans of what he hoped would prove the who, with his three brothers, risked and lost their eighth wonder of the world. Having completed it, lives in the cause of Italian independence.

| he came to Paris and presented it to M. Fould, then

Minister of State, who, struck by the magnificence A CHARMING anecdote is related of the Empe- of the design, laid it before the Emperor. His Tor Francis Joseph. During his last visit to the Majesty not only highly approved of the design, but Exhibition he was surrounded by a deuse crowd, conferred the Legion of Honor on M. C'avos, mean among which he perceived a little girl struggling while, expressing his wish that the plants should be in the arms of her mother, and crying out, " Je laid by till the Opera-house should the built. Year veur voir l'Empereur !" He immediately made elapsed; when the time arrived for the creation or


'this temple of art, M. Cavos, on reading in the Emperor takes to correct is surprising, when one Moniteur that a competition would take place for reflects that his style is considered by the most the plans, telegraphed to Paris requesting that his severe critics to be faultless in form and purity. designs might be placed amongst those of other ar- | The speech has generally, but not invariably, been chitects. The reply was that they could not be read by the Emperor to his Ministers in Council. found. The poor man wrote successively to M. When his Majesty is satisfied with the last proofs, Fould, to the Duke de Morny, and to the Ambassa- he writes with his own hand on the corrected sheets dor of Russia, imploring them to use their influence Bon à tirer. Three separate editions are then to have the plans searched for. But in vain : the printed. The first on a sheet petit in-folio, specially designs were lost. On the news reaching him, M. executed for the author's own use, and of which but Cavos was struck with apoplexy, and died within a a single copy is struck. It is from this copy the few hours.

Emperor reads his speech. The Empress has care

fully preserved each of these in-folio sheets. The The London Review prints the following note second edition is petit in-quarto, and is despatched from a correspondent:

to the Ministers, prefeets, and editors of newspa“I see by the Guardian that M. Jules Richard, pers. Each paper sends a special messenger to the writing to the Figaro, ascribes the death of Mr. Imprimerie Impériale for its copy, which is delivJulian Watts-Russell, of Ham Hall, Staffordshire, ered as soon as the second cannon-shot has – who fell as a volunteer in the Pope's army at boomed and announced to the city that his Majesthe battle of Mentana, - to another Englishman, ty has finished the delivery of his speech. A who was shooting, but hardly fighting, on the Gar- sealed packet of these is likewise sent to his Maibaldian side. For the honor of the English name, jesty's cabinet, where it is placed on his favorite it is to be hoped that the misereant described by writing-table. The third edition is in large type, M. Richard does not belong to us, and for the hon- and on large sheets, for the use of the Prefect of or of humanity we would gladly learn that the Police, whose duty it is to have these posted over story is a fabrication. But such as it is, here it the walls of Paris. The Emperor is not only a is :

severe corrector of his speeches on the opening of “Amongst the originalities of this last campaign the Chambers, but of all printed works. For inI have learnt one which deserves to be embalmed stance, the second volume of the Life of Caesar in history. An Englishman follows the Garibaldian was ready for binding, when he discovered a fault forces. He is armed with a rifle of excessively long in the distribution of the chapters, and ordered the range, and made expressly for long shots; to this whole volume to be reprinted. Some of its pages weapon is fitted a small telescope, and a reflecting have been corrected and reprinted twenty-seven mirror permits our Englishman to sweep the coun times." try to a distance of 1,800 yards. Comfortably installed on a height, out of reach of the enemy's shot, “ DR. Bigelow's • Modern Inquiries,'” says the he picks off his men in an artistic manner, just as last number of the Westminster Review, “ consist a sportsman shoots down larks. This sanguinary for the most part of addresses delivered by him to eccentric keeps a sporting-book, in which he jots different societies and institutes. Some of them down the exact circumstances of every homicide are instructive and interesting, containing fresh and which he commits. He has no political opinions ; vigorous thought put forth in a foreible manner, he is a simple slayer of men ; but, as no regular and will repay perusal. The first two diseourses, army would permit such “ sporting," he attaches which are the best, are On the Limits of Educahimself to the irregular Garibaldian bands. From tion,' and on · Classical and Utilitarian Studies.' the position he occupied at Mentana, there is every They constitute a strong, and, we think, successful reason to believe that it was he that killed young plea in favor of a more technical and less classical Julian (Watts) Russell, of whom I spoke in my last education than that commonly adopted in schools letter.'

and universities; they are, in fact, a vigorous pro"I remember reading in the public journals of an test, fresh with the robust vitality of the new world, Englishman who accompanied Garibaldi in his against a system of education which has now to campaign of 1862, and who was said to have given meet many formidable attacks in the old world. It as his reason for doing so, not that he was enthusi- is strange that mankind should have been so strongastic in the cause of Italian unity, but that he was ly wedded to a system which has borne so little fond of shooting. Is this the same man, and, if it fruit, and should still look with an unnatural jealis, who is he?”

ousy and distrust on the introduction into the edu

cational curriculum of the study of that to which M. ANSELME PETETIN gives the following curi- its progress in comfort, knowledge, and power is ous details as to the editing, printing, publishing, due. The first three centuries of the Christian and selling of the Emperor's speech :-“ Some days era,' Dr. Bigelow observes, ‘had before their eyes before the opening of the session the director of the the light of the classics and the wisdom of the anImperial printing-office is commanded to attend at cients; but they went steadily from bad to worse. the Tuileries. The suinmons is often sent twelve The last three centuries have had modern literature days before the great day, and on one occasion he and the useful sciences and arts, and have gone only received it on the previous evening. To him steadily from good to better.' Perhaps Dr. Bigelow, the draft copied by a secretary is intrusted, which in his zeal for science, hardly does justice to the is instantly printed, the proofs being sent back to refining and humanizing influence of the study of the Emperor, who studies with minute carefulness the great classical authors; and we certainly think not only the sense of what he is to utter, but cor- that his addresses would not lose by the modificarects the style, alters the form of a phrase, evention or omission of a few passages like the following: changes a word, supposing it be not in accord- Ulysses and Agamemnon were ten years in takance with his ideas of euphony, and sends back the ing the City of Troy. Ulysses Grant, with his batcorrected proofs to be reprinted. The pains the teries, would have taken it in ten minutes. ....

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even rapturous music. What a whirl of a love-duet unsatisfactory compliment of " a success of esteem," for tenor and soprano is there found in the Ballo ! | though the delicious dance-music in the first is at It is in a situation like that, with a master equal to the very top of that richest and most elegant deit, that the boundless power of music shows itself. partment of composition, - a department the most Then do fine southern acting, and rilling tenor, and fascinating, which the high names of Meyerbeer, Aufervent soprano, and noble orchestra find their great-ber, and Mendelssohn have adorned. Mirella failed est advantage. Here does our slow-moving matter through its story, - too delicate and poetical, too of-fact British nature halt and hobble. No English much of an abstraction to be clothed in the somewriter could in the faintest way approach the verve what coarse dress of stage conventionality. It is and spirit of such an effort. Abroad, however, more a poem, a dream, but with a local color, with Verdi is still in favor; and galleries at Rome, Flor- the very scent of the vines, the hot sun of the south, ence, Bologna, Naples hear the Simon and the and the primitive quaintness of the peasants. This Forza with real delight, - allowance, of course, it is that shows the boundless power of music, which being made for the division of sympathy which the can picture anything, and convey any emotion and rising of a new favorite occasions. And there is a tone of human nature. Faust is therefore likely to dangerous rival in Charles Gounod.

be his one opera. The new Romeo and Juliet gives Never were two writers so distinct; but Verdi us the gardens of Verona and the distinct Italian must be placed far below Gounod, the latter aiming coloring, the delicate bloom of Shakespeare's story, at a much higher and more correct standard. Both, and all the charm and bouquet of that delightful play, too, have a mannerism as distinct as that of Men- but seems to be a failure. And though it may be delssohn, working always in the same forms and pat- held, with Charles Lamb, that these Shakespearian terns. Gounod must be placed higher, on the characters and stories are too celestial, too spiritual, ground of more classical and finished treatment, to be vulgarized by representation or to be dwarfed and appealing to higher and more exquisite pas down to concrete reality, still Gounod's music, so sions. Gounod could not paint the tumultuous and faithful, so spiritual, would seem to be the true megorgeous emotions which Verdi chooses for his sto- dium, half celestial, half earthly, by which the diries; but it is to be very much feared that Gounod vine Shakespeare shall be interpreted. will be known too as the author of but a single Who that has listened to Faust but has brought opera. He is too good for the vulgar. Years and away a sense of having assisted at that awful mystery years ago, when the accomplished musical critic of of the Middle Ages? The air seems charged with the Athenæum was vainly striving to get a hearing the strange spirits of evil, with that wild mixture of for one whom he justly considered to be the fore-cathedral music — the rolling organ, the cries of most of living musicians, wandering one night into demons, the soft breath of flowers from the garden, the French Théâtre Lyrique, the writer found the the simple voices of German burghers. All this first scene of Molière's Medecin commencing. This seems embodied in the strange weird prelude, which bad been made into an operetta; and the delicious stirs us with a faint frisson, as it commences. music, matching the hue and no less delicious humor Almost every bar of this wonderful opera is in keepof the piece in its quaintness and fashion, its old sim- ing; over all its tenderness bangs a sense, as it plicity and breadth, without at the same time a par-were, of coming evil and gloom. Everything is apticle of the affectation which can imitate the tricks propriate. Everything is unconventional. He has of old fashion ; the sly irony and pompousness, the discovered new shapes and phrases, and the narrative fun, and yet the Gluck-like stiffness, all these parts, as they may be called, where the old bald remade up a combination that was startling for its citatives would have halted on, are full of the most novelty and genius. Looking at the bills, I found charming witching grace and variety. His orches. it was by a tolerably obscure “Ch. Gounod," author tration, its wit, piquancy, and eloquence, it would of many operas that had failed. That delightful be vain to praise. It is impossible to put anything piece was imported recently, cut into English shape, beside the two duets of Faust and Marguerite for but scarcely - did.” It wanted the heaven-born originality and grace - for the grace and love of French acting, the admirable getting up, and the the one, the gathering despair and passion of the almost perfect direction of the Lyrique. At that other. The Kermesse scene, so full of variety and same theatre I came on the sixtieth or seventieth good classical work; the now hackneyed valse, yet. night of what? — the old “ pigtail " opera of Mo- so graceful and ever welcome; the delicious jewel zart, the Nozze de Figaro, admired of all musicians. song, wrought in a very pâte tendre of music, grace The house was crammed to bursting; and as it was ful as Greuze or Watteau, full of the daintiest flut. to be the last night of staying in Paris, I was, as a tering ; the garden scene, when the flowers open matter of favor, found a seat in the top gallery, and their petals, and we smell their perfume, and where from that high eerie heard the most delightful and the balmy air seems to float across; the tremendous incomparable performance of that gay opera that scene in the cathedral, with the organ rolling afar could be conceived. It was perfect. Ugalde, Saxe off, and the cries of the demons mixing with the and the charming Carvalho, the bloom, the light-psalms of the monks ; - these are but a tithe of the ness of touch were indescribable, the relish and en- beauties of this matchless opera, of which it is met joyment of the audience as welcome. This, of ancholy to think not a single stave could have been course, from our volatile neighbors, as we are fond produced by an Englishman, or even an Italian. Is of calling them. But, from their commercial and is all music; there is no accompaniment in the old money-getting tastes, from their engineering and conventional sense, the four light notes, pizzicatta å building works, they seem to be growing about as la Donizetti, and even Verdi. . All is the opera, and solid as ourselves. That run went on for close upon the leading music travels on as much in the orchestra a hundred nights. Later the opera was revived at as on the stage. It may be heard again and again. one of the London theatres, and was played about and new beauties will be always revealing the three times; but no one cared for it, and, in truth, selves. The amateur, however, should keep it it seemed a different opera. Sappho and Mirella, sacred from being “hacked" in private persona Gounod's other operas, bave all enjoyed only the ances. The full lenue of grand performance on the

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stage is wbat it requires. Yet in this country we do “ Bon soir, Signor Pantalon /and the farcical not know all its beauties. There is the Walpurgis Offenbach ; Berlioz, with the tropical Perle de Bréact, always given in Germany, but left out in England; sil, with its pretty and languishing tenor pastoral, and the exquisite tenor song, “ Versar nel mio cor," and his Herculaneum, ambitious in spirit, with dainfull of beauty and passion and color, welcome when ty plums scattered through it. For charming tunesung tenderly by a soft, feeling voice at a piano. ful music we can hear an opera of Victor Massé;

Welcome now to the delightful Auber, like Kitty now and again can step into the Grand Opera, ever fair and young, who gives us music like cham-where one of Halévy's pompous fastueux operas, La pagne, - bright, sparkling, wholesome. He indeed Reine de Chypre, with its five acts of processions, stands alone. No one comes near him. Some have finales, and choruses, moves on solemnly till midtalked of his music as light, but it is merely the night. At Lyons or Marseilles we hear a réprise, the lightness which sheer grace and elegance imparts. delightful Pré aux Clercs of Herold, whose wonderSpirit is the great characteristic of his music ; noth- ful and dashing Zampa overture will be played to ing flags with him. It is seen to trot gayly along the the crack of doom; or the Juive; or the charming road, and his accompaniment, light as a feather, and coquettish Postillon de Longuimeau. is the perfection of accompaniment, and can be Now we see the grand and solid and yet romantic brought out on even a small band. There is perfect Mendelssohn abandon his severe Scriptural stories freedom and eloquence in his writing: it has the and come down to the footlights. One of the gayelegance of his own French comedy. His gayestest and most tuneful little operas, furnishing an airs have at times a kind of plaintive tone, not a bad hour's charming entertainment, is the Son and foil, even in the merriest music. His notes and Stranger. There the village tone is perfect, and phrases have a delightful mannerisin of their own, there is a little undercurrent of seriousness and soand, above all, are clear as a bell, healthy as the lemnity quite in keeping. There is a trio admirable open air. It is music that will never die. Military for spirit and dramatic effect. The whole was thrown bands yet unformed shall be playing the overtures off as a sketch ; and yet how infinitely more characto Masaniello, to Fra Diavolo, and to the ever-teristic than his ambitious fragment the grand opera blooming Diamans de la Couronne. A performance Lorelei ! As for Elijah, and its solemn and massive of the Domino Noir by Frenchmen and French- progress of three or four hours, it is fine and overwomen is the perfection of elegance. The story is whelming; but the “shape" of oratorio is a mistake, piquant and gay, and is matched by music as and it is in truth but a mutilated distortion of the piquant. What a bolero! So with Le part de diable. opera to suit particular tastes. So with the thousand-and-one airs of his that drift Now we see a cap with a gold band and a mixabout, whether selection played by bands, or a little ture of joyous peasants, a wonderful four-post bed air sung at the piano, from Manon Lescaut. In the | and a water-wheel, and know the Sonnambula latter there is a " laughing song," – a trifle, but the most true and delightful of all known operas) — its perfection of elegant trifling, “ c'est l'histoire amou- clear, tuneful melodies and familiar music -- music reuse." The most gratifying homage for this famous fresh and cool as a clear summer evening, as wel„veteran and most welcome to all his admirers was to come as the breeze, and for its perfect nature and hear his gay march bearing away the palm, beyond spontaneousness the very “ Vicar of Wakefield" of dispute, from a laborious and tremendous business operas. Hackneyed, it never tires; and the very of Meyerbeer; and long may he bloom and flourish! sound of the first chorus makes us feel as joyous as

After these giants come the rank and file. From the villagers wish us to think they are. What a all corners rise pleasant harmonies. The choice is richness and abundance! - no "padding" or manalmost distracting. We know not and have never ufacture there. Everything in it is good. So with explored the vast fields of music. There are Italian | Norma, - bating always its inevitable “Deh conte” writers by the score, gay, brisk, and inspiring, - and - Si fine allore," the first sounds of which send Ricci, Petrella, Rossi, and a host more. Now and one rushing from the theatre, or at least from the again we hear a bolero out of some of these obscure drawing-room. Yet for the rest, how fine, how little operas played at Bologna or Vienna, and are glowing, how appropriate, down to the groves and delighted at its unbounded fancy and gayety, and | altar and the Druids in white flannel, whom we do should wish heartily to know more. The Crispino, not at all feel inclined to laugh at! And, alas, the sung so delightfully last year, and setting heads and unapproached Grisi herself cutting the vervain. feet beating, shows us what a rich lode is here. We The Puritani, as an opera, bas no special tone, travel through Germany, and of a night look in at though full of fine music; and the story is dull. the little dull and rather mouldy theatre of a small Will Donizetti ever obtain all the credit he detown, and hear Czar and Zimmerman, the Nacht- serves ? He was, musically, no one's enemy but his lager in Granada, and many more, all popular, and own. Who would suppose that the fippant trifles scarcely beard of by our public. We have yet to he “knocked off” as "pot-boilers” could come from be presented to Wagner, the ultra-romantic mu- the same soul as Lucia There is a grandeur and sician, who by his own folly, his crude, raw, and solidity about that music which is surprising. The terrible spasms of discordant music, has destroyed music is as sombre as the story. There is no hurry, all chance of his own popularity. Yet he is a mu- no serambling; everything is worked up steadily sician, original, full of a romantic and medieval and solidly and with immense dramatic effect. What passion, of new phrases, and a fervent manner charming and graceful arias for the soprano ! so quite apart. *

showy and elegant, - as in the air accompanied by So with France. There flourishes Grisar with his fate, -- and yet so unartificial. What finales of

passion and defiance! And, above all, what a field * The musical reader, who would wish to have a fair specimen of for the pathetic tenor! whose last scene in the this writer, should not go to hear one of his operas, but should listen to a selection, as played by a military band ; he will then

churchyard — hackneyed as it has been — will alwonder that such a composer should have been overlooked. Or let him send to Messrs. Ewer for the overture to Lohengrin arranged as a dnet, or for Cramer's selection from the Fliegende Höllander.

tress in the symphony. Somehow, nothing that is

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now written seems to have the hold on public taste | Five Horseshoes," at the entrance of the village, in
that music of that kind had. Rossini, and his Bar- search of hay and beer for the horses and men.
biere, Tancredi, Gazza Ladra, and William Tell, Anne in one afternoon entertained two honorables,
seem in the distance like recollections of great his- a countess, and two Lady Louisas. The countess
torical five-act plays, — fine and flourishing, yet was Lady Kidderminster and one of the Lady
without much that touches. The singing-lesson in Louisas was her daughter. The other was a nice
the Barbiere, with its wearisome Italian buffo work, old maid, a cousin of Mrs. Myles, and she told Mrs.
which people laugh at without understanding, will Trevithic something more of poor Mary Myles's
intrude. The Semiramide is a tremendous busi- married life than Anne had ever known before.
ness, - cold and fatiguing. This is profane and “It is very distressing,” said Anne, with a lady-
irreverent; but we are taking the popular view. like volubility, as she walked across the lawn with
And, — shall we dare to whisper it?-even the her guest to the carriage, “when married people
grand work, his “immortal chef-d'oeuvre," as the do not get on comfortably together. Depend upon
opera programmes announce it, Don Giovanni, is a it, there are generally faults on both sides. I dare
serious and solemn business, a study,- like reading say it is very uncharitable of me, but I generally
a classic. The story is cruelly against it. ' | think the woman is to blame when things go

More grateful and less ambitious, but absolutely wrong,” said Anne, with a little conscious smirk.
perfect in its way, comes the delicately tender and“ Of course we must be content to give up some
melodious Dinorah. Absolutely redolent of French things when we marry. Sandsea was far pleasanter
peasant-life, exquisite in tone, story, and treatment, than this as a residence; but where my husband's
it is like a sweet dream; it breathes the innocence, interests were concerned, Lady Louisa, I did not
the rusticity, the amiable superstition of a pastoral hesitate. I hope to get this into some order in
district. The recovery of Dinorah's senses, the be- time, as soon as I can persuade Mr. Trevithic."
witching music that attends it, the march and vil-' “ You were quite right, quite right," said Lady
lage procession, go to the very heart, and make us Louisa, looking round approvingly at the grass-
regret wistfully that it was only at the close of his grown walks and straggling hedges. “ Although
life Meyerbeer was awakening to his true vein, and Mary is my own cousin, I always felt that sbe did
was bidding adieu to his broken and rugged mel- not understand poor Tom. Of course he had his
odies, his tremendous fanfares, his hurricanes of little fidgety ways, like the rest of us."

(Mary had never described her husband's little But the list is endless. Our neighbors abound to fidgety ways to anybody at much length, and if luxuriance. They have a more genuine taste for brandy and blows and oaths were among them, music. They have their opera in every town, sup- these trifles were forgotten now that Tom was ported chiefly by the cheap galleries and pit. Has respectably interred in the family vault and beManchester, or Glasgow, or Belfast, or even Dublin yond reproaches.) or Edinburgh an opera en permanence? This is a Lady Louisa went away favorably impressed by significant question when we think of contrasts. young Mrs. Trevithic's good sense and high-mind

edness. Anne, too, was very much pleased with

her afternoon. She went and took a complacent JACK THE GIANT-KILLER.

turn in her garden after the old lady's departure.

She hardly knew where the little paths led to as BY MISS THACKERAY,

yet, nor the look of the fruit-walls and of the twigs AUTHOR OF "THE VILLAGE ON THE CLIFT," ETC.

against the sky, as people do who have well paced

their garden-walks in rain, wind, and sunshine, in CHAPTER IV. — JACK GOES TO SLEEP IN THE WOOD. spirits and disquiet, at odd times and sad times and

FEATHERSTON VICARAGE was a quaint, dreary, happy ones. It was all new to Mrs. Trevithic, and silent old baked block of bricks and stucco, stand-she glanced about as she went, planning a rose-tree ing on one of those low Lincolnshire hillocks, -I here, a creeper there, a clearance among the laudo not know the name for them. They are not rels. “I must let in a peep of the church through hills, but mounds; they have no shape or individu that elm-clump, and plant some fuchsias along that ality, but they roll in on every side; they enclose bank,” she thought. (Anne was fond of fuchsias ) the horizon ; they stop the currents of fresh air; And John must give me a hen-house. The rook they give no feature to the foreground. There was can attend to it. The place looks melancholy and no reason why the vicarage should have been built neglected without any animals about; we mst upon this one, more than upon any other, of the certainly buy a pig. What a very delightful per monotonous waves of the dry ocean of land which son Lady Kidderminster is; she asked me what spreads and spreads about Featherston, unchanging sort of carriage we meant to keep, - I should think in its monotonous line. To look from the upper with economy we might manage a pair. I shall windows of the vicarage is like looking out at sea, get John to leave everything of that sort to me with nothing but the horizon to watch, - a dull I shall give him so much for his pocket-money and sand and dust horizon, with monotonous waves and charities, and do the very best I can with the lines that do not even change or blend like the rest. And Anne sincerely meant it wben se waves of the sea.

made this determination, and walked along better Anne was delighted with the place when she pleased than ever, feeling that with her hand to first came. Of course it was not to compare with pilot it along the tortuous way their ship could not Sandsea for pleasantness and freshness, but the run aground, but would come straight and swift society was infinitely better. Not all the lodging into the haven of country society, for which they houses at Sandsea could supply such an eligible were making, drawn by a couple of praneing circle of acquaintances as that which came driving horses, and a riding horse possibly for John. And up day after day to the vicarage door. The car-lering her husband coming through the gate and riages, after depositing their owners woull go rusing the sloping lawn, Anne hurried to meet champing up the road to the little tavern of " The himn with glowin: pink checks and tips to her are

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