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False Prophet; nor like Saint Patrick, who, it is and plays went out, like the fantastic head-tres said, with equal zeal destroyed three hundred vol- and gorgeous stomachers worn by the “TE umes written by old Irish bards about giants and Queen." It had its day, as Gongorism had a enchanters, damsels guarded by dragons, and hunts- later period in the Court of Madrid; and its men riding on the blast. They consumed without ceits, like those of Gongora, the poet, and Para distinction, while Time is ever anxious to preservecino, the court preacher, were best exploded by rather than to destroy.

ire. Cowley kept alive, for a time, the fasbios But what is the principle of selection on which conceits, contented with a fading laurel, which Time proceeds? It appears to be that of rejecting the spring was bright and gay, but which time, what is mere fashion in literature, and retaining the Johnson observed, " has been continually stezka permanent beauty which will command the admira- from his brows." He belonged to what was c24 tion of all ages. Fashionable literature is to endur- the Fantastic School, and minor poets, such a ing literature as drapery to the human form. The Donne, Crashaw, Waller, and Cleveland, high popularity it enjoys for a season is the very Dryden also, in his earlier attempts, — did hoes cause of its speedy decay. Legends died out be- to him as their chief. With these may be reckor. cause they were untrue to nature; romances of Carew, Herrick, Suckling, Lovelace, Herbert, I chivalry because feudalism broke up; and the coarse ham, and Quarles. “It is worthy of remarkt diction and gross allusions which abounded in they were all Royalists, for the King's cause lent Chaucer and sullied Shakespeare excluded at last self to verse and to a poet's imagination far bette the poems of the former from the boudoir, and the than the stern grandeur and repulsive austerity a foul dialogue of the latter from the stage. The Puritans and Roundhead Parliaments. fashions of literature go hand in hand with those of Milton rose above his contemporaries in ta the Court and of society; they are allied to the breadth of his views no less than in the refineme shape of the hat, the form and metal of the spurs. of his taste. He disdained the whimsical and pe They are the best comment on the history of the pous affectation of the School of Conceits, but of the times; but as they have nothing in them that is two only poets who sided with him in politia durable, so they have little that is of worth.

Wither and Marvell, the former, at least, was full Often, indeed, they are a great improvement on quaintnesses, and all the other vices of the poor the fashions of the past, but they in turn give place of the civil war period. All these, and the drie to others better suited to an advanced condition of atists 'who, like Massinger, Jonson, and Sir Thai mankind. They are often imported from abroad, as Overbury, held up on the stage so pleasantly and engrafted on our native stock. Few persons mirror of the fashions, are now seen like drown now read Surrey and Wyat, yet in their day they men struggling with the waves of time, while tbe were, as Puttenham calls them, "the chief lanterns grand form of Shakespeare and Milton walk to of light." They were courtiers of Henry VIII., re- waters serenely, like beings of to-day. formers of English style and metre, and “novices As there is not a book in our tongue which newly crept out of the school of Dante, Ariosto, and glasses the ways of mankind, and especially oi Petrarch.” They had "tasted the sweet and stately | Presbyterian justices and independent squires, more measures of the Italian poesie"; their “ conceits faithfully than “ Hudibras," so is the “ Dunciad were lofty, their conveyance cleanly, their terms valued above all satires as displaying the literary proper." They had travelled in Italy, and by their character of Queen Anne's time. That many of efforts the homely and vulgar poetry of former the poetasters on whom Pope takes vengeance are reigns acquired an ease, elegance, and dignity pre- obscure and unknown to most readers except br viously unknown. But for them, Spenser had never his mention of them is true, but there is something become what the inscription on his monument pro interesting and instructive in the fact that so much claims him, " the Prince of Poets in hys tyme, whose petty notoriety was so soon withered and blow divine spirit needs no other witness than the works away. Little did the Cibbers and Theobalds, the which he left behind.” The “ Fairy Queen" has Ozells and Ogilbies, imagine that when they dared still a magic charm; "it continues to interest us," to assail the crooked little man, to the smile of as Walter Scott says, " in spite of the languor of a whose transient favor they owed all their poetica continued allegory." Few, perhaps, read it through, I existence, he would scatter them at a breath, - that but all who read any portion of it perceive how his satire, like the car of Phæbus, would dispere largely the writer was indebted to Tasso and Ariosto. the empty, envious vapors clouding the glorious The same may be said of those plays of Shakespeare disc that raised them from their native swamps of which the scene is laid in Italy; and Milton and that he, the philosopher, the scholar, the wit, makes no concealment of his debt to the great mas- would go down to posterity as the mightiest master ters of Italian literature, but rather prides himself of mellifluous verse, as a poet not of England only on acknowledging it.

but of mankind, because he was the poet of ethics. The Italian fashion, however, had this disadvan- Little did they conceive that a bard of the sutage, – that it was a foreign one. It had something ceeding century who, compared with them, was as to do with the growth of Euphuism, which made so the Jungfrau to ant-hills, would declare that be ridiculous a figure in the Court of Queen Elizabeth. - loved and honored the name of that Illustrious and It led to interlarding sentences with scraps from unrivalled man," Pope, - far more than his own pale other languages, especially Latin, and to the build- try renown, and the trashy jingle of the crowd of ing up of a system of affected pronunciation, odious schools' and upstarts who pretend to rival, or even coxcombry, and despicable nonsense. Shakespeare surpass him." But it was vain in Lord Byron to and Sir Philip Sidney treated Lillie and the Euphu- try to fix a fashion in literature, and it may well be ists with the contempt they deserved. Holofernes, questioned whether he was right in raising Pope the schoolmaster, in Love's Labor Lost, was in- above Shakespeare and Milton, and the poetry more vented to ridicule this pedantry, and though James elled after Racine and Corneille above the school I. bolstered up the bad taste of the times with his nature and dramatic freedom. But conflict is in; passion for puns, the fashion born of Lillie's novels separable from progress. As in politics and social

ience, so in literature, truth and beauty are elicited prise. A muscular novel by the author of “Guy ut of the clash of hostile systems. The Lake school, Livingstone” is to form the prominent attraction. ne ideal types of Shelley, and the nature-painting EMERSON'S “May-Day” and Whittier's "Tent on f later poetry, operate favorably on those who lean the Beach” are eliciting very high praises from the

the polished versification of Pope and prevent English critics. heir falling into vapid formality ; while they in turn

The tragic story of Francesca da Rimini, in ire ever recalling the wilder disciples of Shakepeare, Wordsworth, and Tennyson, to the prime

Dante's Inferno, has been selected by Gounod for aws of metre, without which poetry, however, poetic

the libretto of a new opera. n its ideas, is wanting in one of its essential con- | LETTERS from Rome state that the excavations tituents, and sins against the ear while it seeks to at Astria, which have been carried on principally Charm the imagination. Thus fashions in literature at the Pope's expense, have lately been rewarded conspire in producing what rises above all fashion by important discoveries. These include seven and lives through all time, being true to nature and marble statues of great beauty, and a variety of to those ideal forms which, whether substantive or ornamental sculptures. not, are common to mankind in every age. Out of the fleeting and frivolous springs the

e. The editor of the Athenæum says: “We have durable and grand, as out of the grand and durable

been shown a series of photographs of Arctic scenery, arises in turn the frivolous and fleeting. Hence all

taken by the American artist whose fine picture, the fashions of literature are noteworthy and pre

• Crushed by Icebergs,' is now on view in the Haycious in the eyes of its historian. He sees in them

market. Mr. Bradford, the painter, has spent an importance and merit which others do not see:

several seasons in the Arctic seas, and his eye for a nor will he say to the most trifling, “ Poor simpleton,

snow waste and an icy water-line is quick and keen. what can I learn from thee? "" Every species of These studies of polar scenery are of singular merit.” literature that comes into vogue, for however brief THE Museum, at the Petit Trianon, of relics of a season, may be cited as a witness by the historians Marie Antoinette and her unfortunate husband, of any country; and this habit of bringing the formed by the Empress of the French, is now opened writers of the day, especially the songsters and dram- to the public. It contains a great variety of objects atists to bear on history, is in itself a fashion to that belonged to Louis the Sixteenth, including the which Macaulay was mainly instrumental in giving turning-lathe, of which he made considerable use. birth. Nor is it likely to decay. thousand stu- Several musical instruments which belonged to dents are following in his track, and by ceaseless re- Marie Antoinette and numerous jewels worn by her search are throwing light on the known by the unknown. Who would think, for example, of writing the history of Sir Robert Walpole without being

It is strange to see how wide-spread is the superwell versed in the comic writers of his day, - Strad stition (or perhaps the tradition ?) which causes well and Wycherly, Etherege, Congreve, Sedley,

Friday to be considered an unlucky day. French and Farquhar? The notes in Macaulay's History ra

railway statistics recently showed an enormous de

The Paris Omnibus are, in this point of view, as valuable as the text. I cline of receipts on Fridays. since they prove how diligently he sought for side

Companies have just published their annual reports, lights, and formed solid materials out of bubbles. I

which exhibit the average of this unballowed day to A writer whose style never changes commands

be 24,163 below the average of all other days of the our respect more than he who adopts, however skil-week. The

ekil week. The latter average is 317,065, while the arfully, different literary fashions. Such a one cannot erage of Friday is only 292,902 persons. but fall into a certain amount of mannerism, and A PARISIAN journal says: “ The attention of whatever originality he may possess, it cannot be so the Czar, the King of Prussia, and even of Count marked as his who is always like himself. In Dry

selt. In Dry- | von Bismarck, was, during the late balls and fêtes, den we see a curious instance of an author of emi-attracted by the large number of blondes with golden nence appearing at different periods of his life in hair who adorned the quadrilles. The Venetian various costumes. When writing for King Charles blond which, during the last two years fell much II.'s theatre to gain a livelihood, he consulted his in estimation, has in the course of the present month master's taste by copying the French school in

risen greatly in the bourse of fashion. A hairdresser tragedy, and the Spanish in comedy. He made said lately that in ten days he had sold fair-hair rhyming couplets like Corneille and Racine, and decorations to the amount of 10,000f. Thus it maintained in theory and practice that rhyme is seems the trade in hair is in the full tide of pros“the most noble verse," and the only one fit for perity.” tragedy. Yet at a later period he read his recantation. "He damned his own plays. He confessed! We extract the following paragraphs from the that he had “grown weary of his long-loved mistress, letter of a correspondent in Vienna: – rhyme," and that a secret shame invaded “ his breast “ It is pleasant to know that one so deserving as at Shakespeare's sacred name." In “ All for Love," Bodenstedt in every way is, of the protection which he abandoned rhyme, and never returned to it again. a sovereign prince can afford a man of letters, has He had seduced the public from British to Spanish found in the little state of Meiningen a congenial and French models, and he afterwards was loudest sphere of action, and in the reigning duke and and foremost in recalling them to nobler types. duchess warm and admiring friends. The Duke has

named him Intendant of the Theatre, with a good

salary, and a provision for his widow and children. FOREIGN NOTES.

As the ducal theatre is open but half the year, the The new English magazine, “ The Broadway,” is poet has six months entirely at his own disposal. announced to appear in August, under the editor- These are undoubted advantages; but what makes ship of Mr. Edmund Routledge. It appears that Bodenstedt's present position so particularly agreeseveral American pens are engaged for the enter-able, is the friendly relation in which he stands to the ruler of the little band and his most amiable from Bude, where they were much admired botes and intelligent wife. Both seem proud to show the their richness and beauty, costliness and are literary man all honor, -- to make him feel that they | merit. are sensible of the nobility of genius, and that they L " The State carriage looks all gold and glass, te are proud to receive into their intimacy one whose allegorical figures on the portières. It dates from: name, to use the words of Heine when speaking of time of the Emperor Ferdinand II., and a dees himself, is an acceptable word wherever the German and description are first given of it in a box language is spoken.

printed under Charles VI. It was drawn bra "In Germany there is but one opinion on the ques- white steeds of Spanish breed, - magnificentes tion of progress shown by the different countries, tures, with pompous steps, flowing manes, and tas since the last great international exhibition. The that almost reached the ground. Their bridles a advance is in general not thought to be great. reins are rich with crimson velvet lining and go What France for example displays is good and fringes. The two postilions who manage then c even admirable, but the difference is found to be clad in black velvet, and wear high boots. Ez very small between that produced by her at the last horse is attended also by a groom on foot, dress exhibition and at the present one. But in two yellow silk and gold, his powdered wig bez countries it is said an enormous progress is percep- covered with a golden-bordered Spanish hat, wie tible, in the United States of America and in Eng-displays ostrich feathers of white, vellow, and blau land. Competent authorities, - men for example colors. The carriage of the Archduke is equi who were sent by the German Government to Paris dazzling, but need not be described in detail to study and report what they saw there, express is sufficient to note that this is not driven from this opinion; and as a leaning towards America or saddle, and that the lord of the front box has a mai England is not a distinctive attribute of the Ger- hat à la Louis XV. on, while the platform of live mans of to-day, the opinion expressed by them, behind is occupied by five footmen, who are der favorable as it is for these two countries, may be heralds, and stand respectively for Bohemia, H implicitly relied on.

garia, and Austria in the first line, and twice for me • Liszt's Mass for the coronation at Pesth took empire in the second line, - a proud lot." every one by surprise on account of its great simplicity. It had in it nothing of his usual manner, JUDY (a literary thorn in Mr. Punch's side) pe and he seems to have imposed on himself extraor- lishes the following Tom Hoodish ballad of - Jobs dinary restraint in order to comply with the re- Guinness, or the Railway Porter": quirements of the occasion. After the coronation

Jonx GUINXESS was an Irishman. he left for Rome, where, on the Festival of St.

About five foot or shorter ; Peter and St. Paul, his oratorio Christ' is to

He was stout of limb, and he was called

The little Dublin porter. be performed. Some weeks after he returns to

Now, John he loved Maria Brown, Germany to be present in Coburg, where his St.

And longed oft to be by her ; Elizabeth' is given.

*How happy would I be," said he,

"If I could wed Maria." * The German Shakespeare Society has published

But when he tried to tell her so, its second yearly volume of papers relating to the

He found his spirit failed him : great dramatist. The work is edited by Bodenstedt,

And then he drank such lots of beer. whose German version of the Sonnets is admitted

That people asked what ailed himn ?

It happ'd that, with her traps and trunks, by everyone to be so excellent. It contains,

Once came Maria fair, amongst others, papers by Delius, Ulrici, Elze,

To travel by the Dublin line, Frederic Theodore Fischer, Otto Devrient, &c.,

To get some change of air. names of sufficient importance to recommend any

On her the porter fixed his eyes

His heart was rent with pain, book to which they were appended."

And, doublin' up his courage, raa

And caught her by the train. A CORRESPONDENT of a London journal, giving

She jumped inside, and screamed aload.

Begone! I care not for thee " ; the details of the coronation fêtes at Pesth, de

He stoww beside the door and cried, scribes some of the brilliant equipages that figured

- Maria, I a-door thee." in the grand procession.

He beeded not the station-bell. " The King's charger is a most noble animal, milk

But got inside the carriage :

We have to ring a streeter belle. white, graceful, dignified, and fiery, - a perfect beau

His thoughts rere all of marriage. tr; his pink nostrils played like a full-blown rose

** Thoa koorest,” said be, - I love thee wel: with the breezes and sounds. The thorough loyal

Whr ceed I this repeat !

And, a my sole, I lay, to bo ists had a moment of panic on seeing this impatient

My fortune at the feet! horse shy when his Majesty, after he had sworn to

* Marin, lore, thou art by far be true to the law of the land, sprang into the sad. dle again, amidst cheers and firing of salutes. The

And, by the light o Laria,

0 : what a matek ve sboal3 be** Viennese lessons of docility seemed to have been

*0: Jean," she cried - this is some trap forgotten, and the self-willed steed made tvo or

For me to tumhe io. three deliberate attempts to leap into mid-air, until

** By Jore: * criei be, although 't is run,

I swear it is no gin: it was at last found advisable to let the grooms keep!

** By thr dear sacred self, I swear, him down br the bit. • It was not his Majesty's

There is no art in the horsemanship we trembled for,' remarked to me a!

Except the eart bemesth this site cunning Deakist, tre all know what an admirable rider be is : what made us nervous as the fear lest! the crown of St. Stephen's might be shaken ott his head br the shocks of the jumping devil of a borse,'

I'm married, s, I'm buaiad :The bridle, saddle, and ererything on this superb

- . cruel, se, ut scele mai creature is full of gold in forms of button, ring fringe,' and crest. None of the State carriages came down

And, L:* they are » Leedus


the Carersity Press Catoge, by Ted Bige.CT. & C.

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that very one of the Hebrew prophets whose style CULTURE AND ITS ENEMIES.*

I admire the least, and called "an elegant JereBY MATTHEW ARNOLD.

miah.” It is because I say (to use the words which In one of his speeches last year, or the year be- the Daily Telegraph puts in my mouth): “You ore last, that famous liberal, Mr. Bright, took occa- must n't make a fuss because you have no vote, sion to have a fling at the friends and preachers of that is vulgarity; you must n't hold big meetings to culture. “ People who talk about what they call agitate for reform bills and to repeal corn laws, culture !said he, contemptuously; “by which that is the very height of vulgarity," – it is for this they mean a smattering of the two dead languages reason that I am called, sometimes an elegant Jereof Greek and Latin." And he went on to remark, miah, sometimes a spurious Jeremiah, a Jeremiah in a strain with which modern speakers and writers about the reality of whose mission the writer in the have made us very familiar, how poor a thing this Daily Telegraph has his doubts. It is evident, thereculture is, how little good it can do to the world, fore, that I have so taken my line as not to be exand how absurd it is for its possessors to set much posed to the whole brunt of Mr. Frederic Harrison's store by it. And the other day a younger liberal censure. than Mr. Bright, one of a school whose mission it is. Still, I have often spoken in praise of culture ; I to bring into order and system that body of truth have striven to make my whole passage in this chair which the earlier liberals merely touched the out- serve the interests of culture; I take culture to be side of, a member of this university, and a very something a great deal more than what Mr. Fredclever writer, Mr. Frederic Harrison, developed, in eric Harrison and others call it, — "a desirable the systematic and stringent manner of his school, quality in a critic of new books.” Nay, even the thesis which Mr. Bright had propounded in only though to a certain extent I am disposed to agree general terms. "Perhaps the very silliest cant of with Mr. Frederic Harrison, that men of culture are the day," said Mr. Frederic Harrison, " is the cant just the class of responsible beings in this communiabout culture. Culture is a desirable quality in a ty of ours who cannot properly, at present, be encritic of new books, and sits well on a possessor of trusted with power, I am not sure that I do not belles lettres ; but as applied to politics, it means think this the fault of our community rather than simply a turn for small fault-finding, love of selfish of the men of culture. In short, although like Mr. ease, and indecision in action. The man of culture Bright and Mr. Frederic Harrison, and the editor is in politics one of the poorest mortals alive. For of the Daily Telegraph, and a large body of valued simple pedantry and want of good sense no man is friends of mine, I am a liberal, yet I am a liberal his equal. No assumption is too unreal, no end is tempered by experience, reflection, and renouncetoo unpractical for him. But the active exercise of ment, and I am, above all, a believer in culture. politics requires common sense, sympathy, trust, Therefore, as this is the last time that I shall have resolution and enthusiasm, qualities which your an opportunity of speaking from this place, I man of culture has carefully rooted up, lest they propose to take the occasion for inquiring, in the damage the delicacy of his critical olfactories. Per simple unsystematic way which best suits both my haps they are the only class of responsible beings in taste and my powers, what culture really is, what the community who cannot with safety be intrusted good it can do, what is our own special need of it; with power.” Now for my part I do not wish to see and I shall try to find some plain grounds on which men of culture asking to be entrusted with power; a faith in culture - both my own faith in it and the and, indeed, I have freely said, that in my opinion faith of others — may rest securely. the speech most proper, at present, for a man of The disparagers of culture make its motive curiculture to make to a body of his fellow-countrymen osity; sometimes, indeed, they make its motive mere who get him into a committee-room, is Socrates's, exclusiveness and vanity. The culture which is supKnow thyself: and that is not a speech to be made posed to plume itself on a smattering of Greek and by men wanting to be intrusted with power. For Latin is a culture which is begotten by nothing go this very indifference to direct political action I intellectual as curiosity; it is valued either out of have been taken to task by the Daily Telegraph, sheer vanity and ignorance, or else as an engine of coupled, by a strange perversity of fate, with just social and class distinction, separating its holder,

* What follows was delivered as Mr. Arnold's last lecture in the Poetry Chair at Oxford, and took, in many places, & special form from the occasion. Instead of changing the form to that of an essay to adapt it to this magazine, it has been thought advisable, under the circumstances, to print it as it was delivered. -Ed. Cornhill Mag.


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serious people will set upon culture, we must find wants to be beginning to act ; and whereas its : some motive for culture in the terms of which may to take its own conceptions, proceeding from its in lie a real ambiguity; and such a motive the word state of development and sharing in all the in curiosity gives us. I have before now pointed out fections and immaturities of this, for a bass, that in English we do not like the foreigners, use action; what distinguishes culture is that it is this word in a good sense as well as in a bad sense : sessed by the scientific passion, as well as by with us the word is always used in a somewhat dis- passion of doing good; that it has worthy noticsapproving sense; a liberal and intelligent eagerness reason and the will of God, and does not rest about the things of the mind may be meant by a suffer its own crude conceptions to substitate the foreigner when he speaks of curiosity, but with us selves for them; and that, knowing that no a. the word always conveys a certain notion of frivo or institution can be salutary and stable whickr lous and unedifying activity. In the Quarterly Re- not based on reason and the will of God, it is at view, some little time ago, was an estimate of the bent on acting and instituting, even with the goal celebrated French critic, Monsieur Sainte Beuve, aim of diminishing human error and misery 7 and a very inadequate estimate it, in my judgment, before its thoughts, but that it can remember t was; its inadequacy consisting chiefly in this, that in acting and instituting are of little use, unless our English way it left out of sight the double sense know how and what we ought to act and to in really involved in the word curiosity, thinking tute. enough was said to stamp Monsieur Sainte Beuve This culture is more interesting and more with blame if it was said that he was impelled in reaching than the other, which is founded solely his operations as a critic by curiosity, and omitting the scientific passion for knowing. But it en either to perceive that Monsieur Sainte Beuve him- times of faith and ardor, times when the intelle self, and many other people with him, would con- horizon is opening and widening all around r sider that this was praiseworthy and not blamewor- flourish in. And is not the close and bounded i thy, or to point out why it is really worthy of blame tellectual horizon within which we have long livet and not of praise. For as there is a curiosity about and moved now lifting up, and are not new les intellectual matters which is futile, and merely a finding free passage to shine in upon us? Fail disease, so there is certainly a curiosity, - a desire long time there was no passage for them to me for the things of the mind simply for their own their way in upon us, and then it was of not sakes and for the pleasure of seeing them as they think of adapting the world's action to them. Wher are, - which is, in an intelligent being, natural and was the hope of making reason and the will of G laudable. Nay, and the very desire to see things prevail among people who had a routine whied the as they are implies a balance and regulation of mind had christened reason and the will of God, in ved which is not often attained without fruitful effort, they were inextricably bound, and beyond what and which is the very opposite of the blind and they had no power of looking? But now the ins diseased impulse of mind which is what we mean to force of adhesion to the old routine, — social, polit blame when we blame curiosity.

cal, religious, - has wonderfully yielded; the ira Montesquieu says: “ The first motive which force of exclusion of all which is new has wordt ought to impel us to study is the desire to augment fully yielded; the danger now is, not that people the excellence of our nature, and to render an in- should obstinately refuse to allow anything but there telligent being yet more intelligent." This is the old routine to pass for reason and the will of God true ground to assign for the genuine scientific pas- but either that they should allow some novelty sion, however manifested, and for culture, viewed other to pass for these too easily, or else that they simply as a fruit of this passion; and it is a worthy should underrate the importance of them altogether, ground, though we let the term curiosity stand to and think it enough to follow action for its own sake, describe it. But there is of culture another view, without troubling themselves to make reason and in which not solely the scientific passion, the sheer the will of God prevail in it. Now, then, is the m desire to see things as they are, natural and proper ment for culture to be of service, culture which be in an intelligent being, appears as the ground of it; lieves in making reason and the will of God preva a view in which all the love of our neighbor, the believes in perfection, is the study and purut impulses towards action, help, and beneficence, the perfection, and is no longer debarred, by a rigidas desire for stopping human error, clearing human vincible exclusion of new, from getting contusion, and diminishing the sum of human mis- acceptance for its ideas, simply because they art ery, the noble aspiration to leave the world better new. and happier than we found it,- motives eminently The moment this view of culture is seized, the such as are called social, - come in as part of the moment it is reganded not solely as the endeavor to grounds of culture, and the main and primary part. see things as they are, to draw towards a knowledge Culture is then properly described not as having its of the universal order which seems to be intende origin in curiosity, but as having its origin in the and aimed at in the world, and which it is a man lore of perfection; it is a study of perfection. It happiness to go along with or his misery to go cout moves by the force, not merely or primarily of the ter to, to learn, in short, the will of God, – the me scientiâe passion for pure knowledge, but also of the i ment. I say, calture is considered not as the moral and social passion for doing good. As, in the endeavor to see and learn this, but as the endeavor first view of it, we took ior its worthy motto Mon- also, to make it preradi, the moral, social, and bene tesquieu's wonis: - To render an intelligent being cent character of culture becomes manifest. 1 vet inore intelligent !” so, in the second view of it, mere endeavor to see and learn it for our own pero there is no better motto which it can take than these i sonal satisfaction is indeed a commencement! words of Bishop Wilson: - To make reason and the making it prevail, a preparing the way for it, wat wili of God prerail!" Only, whereas the passion' alwars series this, and is wrongly, therelor for doing good is apt to be overhasty in determin- i stampki with blame absolutely in itself, and not only ing what reason and the will of God say, because in its caricature and degeneration; but perhaps ! its tun is for acting rather than thinking, and it got stamped with Wame, and disparaged with

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