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“Everything straight,” said Bintrey.

| port wine in the universal condition, with a relishing “A partner secured —”

sigh. “ Partner secured,” said Bintrey,

** So now, Mr. Bintrey,” pursued Wilding, putting “ A housekeeper advertised for —”.

away his pocket-bandkerchief, and smoothing his “ Housekeeper advertised for,” said Bintrey, eyelids with his fingers, “now that I can no longer 6. apply personally at Cripple Corner, Great Tower show my love and honor for the dear parent to Street, from ten to twelve, – to-morrow, by the by." | whom my heart was mysteriously turned by Nature

“My late dear mother's affairs wound up-" when she first spoke to me, a strange lady, I sitting “ Wound up," said Bintrey.

at our Sunday dinner-table in the Foundling, I can “ And all charges paid.”

at least show that I am not ashamed of having been “And all charges paid,” said Bintrey, with a a Foundling, and that I, who never knew a father chuckle ; probably occasioned by the droll circum- of my own, wish to be a father to all in my emstance that they had been paid without a haggle. ployment. Therefore," continued Wilding, becom

“ The mention of my late dear mother," Mr. ing enthusiastic in his loquacity, — " therefore, I Wilding continued, his eyes filling with tears, and want a thoroughly good housekeeper to undertake his pocket-handkerchief drying them, “unmans me this dwelling-house of Wilding & Co., Wine Merstill, Mr. Bintrey. You know how I loved her; you chants, Cripple Corner, so that I may restore in it (her lawyer) know how she loved me. The utmost some of the old relations betwixt employer and love of mother and child was cherished between us, employed! So that I may live in it on the spot and we never experienced one moment's division or where my money is made! So that I may daily sit unhappiness from the time when she took me under at the head of the table at which the people in my her care. Thirteen years in all. Thirteen years employment eat together, and may eat of the same under my late dear mother's care, Mr. Bintrey, and roast and boiled, and drink of the same beer! So eight of them her confidentially acknowledged son! that the people in my employment may lodge under You know the story, Mr. Bintrey; who but you, the same roof with me! So that we may one and sir?” Mr. Wilding sobbed, and dried his eyes, all - I beg your pardon, Mr. Bintrey, but that old without attempt at concealment, during these re- singing in my head has suddenly come on, and I marks.

shall feel obliged if you will lead me to the pump." Mr. Bintrey enjoyed his comical port, and said, Alarmed by the excessive pinkness of his client, after rolling it in his mouth: “I know the story." Mr. Bintrey lost not a moment in leading him forth

“My late dear mother, Mr. Bintrey," pursued the into the court-yard. It was easily done, for the wine merchant, “ had been deeply deceived, and had counting-house in which they talked together opened cruelly suffered. But on that subject my late dear on to it, at one side of the dwelling-house. There mother's lips were forever sealed. By whom de- the attorney pumped with a will, obedient to a sign ceived, or under what circumstances, Heaven only from the client, and the client laved his head and knows. My late dear mother never betrayed her face with both hands, and took a hearty drink. betrayer."

After these remedies, he declared himself much " She had made up her mind," said Mr. Bintrey, better. again turning his wine on his palate, “and she “Don't let your good feelings excite you," said could hold her peace.” An amused twinkle in his Bintrey, as they returned to the counting-house, and eyes pretty plainly added, “A devilish deal better Mr. Wilding dried himself on a jack-towel behind than you ever will!”

an inner door. ". Honor,'” said Mr.Wilding, sobbing as he quoted “No, no. I won't," he returned, looking out of from the Commandments, “thy father and thy the towel. “I won't. I have not been confused, mother, that thy days may be long in the land.' | have 1?" When I was in the Foundling, Mr. Bintrey, I was at “Not at all. Perfectly clear." such a loss how to do it, that I apprehended my days | “Where did I leave off, Mr. Bintrey ?" would be short in the land. But I afterwards came "Well, you left off — But I would n't excite to honor my mother deeply, profoundly. And I hon- | myself, if I was you, by taking it up again just yet." or and revere her memory. For seven happy years, "I'll take care. I'll take care. The singing in Mr. Bintrey," pursued Wilding, still with the same my head came on at where, Mr. Bintrey ?" innocent catching in his breath, and the same un « At roast, and boiled, and beer," answered the abashed tears, "did my excellent mother article me lawyer, prompting, -" lodging under the same roof, to my predecessors in this business, Pebbleson - and one and all —". Nephew. Her affectionate forethought likewise ap- “Ah! And one and all singing in the head to prenticed me to the Vintners' Company, and made gether —". me in time a Free Vintner, and —and - every. “Do you know, I really would not let my good thing else that the best of mothers could desire. feelings excite me, if I was you," hinted the lawyer When I came of age, she bestowed her inherited again, anxiously.“ Try some more pump." share in this business upon me; it was her money " No occasion, no occasion. All right, Mr. Binthat afterwards bought out Pebbleson Nephew, and trey. And one and all forming a kind of family! painted in Wilding & Co. ; it was she who left You see, Mr. Bintrey, I was not used in my childme everything she possessed, but the mourning ring hood to that sort of individual existence which most you wear. And yet, Mr. Bintrey," with a fresh individuals have led, more or less, in their childburst of honest affection, “she is no more. It is hood. After that time I became absorbed in my little over half a year since she came into the Cor-late dear mother. Having lost her, I find that I am ner to read on that door-post, with her own eyes, more fit for being one of a body than one by my WILDING & Co., WINE MERCHANTS. And yet self. To be that, and at the same time to do my she is no more!”

duty to those dependent on me, and attach them to “ Sad. But the common lot, Mr. Wilding," ob- me, has a patriarchal and pleasant air about it. I served Bintrey. “At some time or other we must don't know how it may appear to you, Mr. Bintres, all be no more." He placed the forty-five-year-old | but so it appears to me."

“It is not I who am all-important in the case, but has been accustomed to take your wine into your you," returned Bintrey. “ Consequently, how it systems by the conwivial channel of your throttles, may appear to me, is of very small importance." I to put a lively face upon it; but,' I says, I have

It appears to me,” said Mr. Wilding, in a glow, been accustomed to take my wine in at the pores of “ hopeful, useful, de-lightful !”

the skin, and, took that way, it acts different. It "Do you know," hinted the lawyer, again, “I acts depressing. It's one thing, gentlemen,' I says really would not ex-".

to Pebbleson Nephew, to charge your glasses in a “I am not going to. Then there's Handel.” dining-room with a Hip Hurrah and a Jolly Com“There's who ?” asked Bintrey.

panions Every One, and it's another thing to be - Handel, Mozart, Haydn, Kent, Purcell, Doctor charged yourself, through the pores, in a low dark Arne, Greene, Mendelssohn. I know the choruses cellar and a mouldy atmosphere. It makes all the to those anthems by heart. Foundling Chapel Col- difference betwixt bubbles and wapors,' I tells Peblection. Why should n't we learn them together!!” | bleson Nephew. And so it do. I've been a cellar

" Who learn them together?” asked the lawyer, man my life through, with my mind fully given to rather shortly.

the business. What's the consequence? I'm as "Employer and employed.”

muddled a man as lives, — you won't find a mud" Ay, ay !” returned Bintrey, mollified; as if dleder man than me, - nor yet you won't find my he had half expected the answer to be, Lawyer and equal in molloncolly. Sing of Filling the bumper client. “That's another thing."

fair, Every drop you sprinkle O'er the brow of “Not another thing, Mr. Bintrey! The same care Smooths away a wrinkle? Yes. P'raps so. thing. A part of the bond among us. We will But try filling yourself through the pores, underform a choir in some quiet church near the Corner ground, when you don't want to it!” here, and, having sung together of a Sunday with a “I am sorry to hear this, Joey. I had even relish, we will come home and take an early dinner thought that you might join a singing-class in the together with a relish. The object that I have at house." heart now is to get this system well in action with “Me, sir ? No, no, Young Master Wilding, you out delay, so that my new partner may find it found won't catch Joey Ladle muddling the Armony. A ed when he enters on his partnership."

pecking-machine, sir, is all that I am capable of All good be with it !” exclaimed Bintrey, ris-proving myself, out of my cellars; but that you're ing. “May it prosper! Is Joey Ladle to take a welcome to, if you think it's worth your while to share in Handel, Mozart, Haydn, Kent, Purcell, keep such a thing on your premises." Doctor Arne, Greene, and Mendelssohn ?”

"I do, Joey." "I hope so."

“Say no more, sir. The Business's word is my “I wish them all well out of it,” returned Bintrey, law. And you 're a going to take Young Master with much heartiness. “Good by, sir."

George Vendale partner into the old Business ?” They shook hands and parted. Then' (first “I am, Joey." knocking with his knuckles for leave) entered to “More changes, you see! But don't change the Mr. Wilding, from a door of communication between name of the Firm again. Don't do it, Young Mashis private counting-house and that in which his ter Wilding. It was bad luck enough to make it clerks sat, the Head Cellarman of the cellars of Yourself & Co. Better by far have left it PebbleWilding & Co., Wine Merchants, and erst Head son Nephew that good luck always stuck to. You Cellarman of the cellars of Pebbleson Nephew. The should never change luck when it's good, sir.” Joey Ladle in question. A slow and ponderous " At all events, I have no intention of changing man, of the drayman order of human architecture, the name of the House again, Joey." dressed in a corrugated suit and bibbed apron, ap “ Glad to hear it, and wish you good day, Young parently a composite of door-mat and rhinoceros- Master Wilding. But you had better by half,” muthide.

tered Joey Ladle, inaudibly, as he closed the door * Respecting this same boarding and lodging, and shook his head, “ have let the name alone from Young Master Wilding," said he.

the first. You had better by half have followed the " Yes, Joey ? ”

luck instead of crossing it.” “ Speaking for myself, Young Master Wilding,– and I never did speak and I never do speak for no

ENTER THE HOUSEKEEPER. one else, — I don't want no boarding nor yet no! THE wine merchant sat in his dining-room next lodging. But if you wish to board me and to lodge morning to receive the personal applicants for the me, take me. I can peck as well as most men. vacant post in his establishment. It was an oldWhere I peck, ain't so high a object with me as fashioned wainscoted room ; the panels ornamented What I peck. Nor even so high a object with me with festoons of flowers carved in wood; with an as How Much I peck. Is all to live in the house, oaken floor, a well-worn Turkey carpet, and dark Young Master Wilding? The two other cellarmen, mahogany furniture, all of which had seen service the three porters, the two 'prentices, and the odd and polish under Pebbleson Nephew. The great men?”

sideboard had assisted at many business-dinnerg “Yes. I hope we shall all be an united family, given by Pebbleson Nephew to their connection, on Joey."

| the principle of throwing sprats overboard to catch “Ah!” said Joey. “I hope they may be.” whales; and Pebbleson Nephew's comprehensive “ They? Rather say we, Joey."

three-sided plate-warmer, made to fit the whole Joey Ladle shook his head. Don't look to me front of the large fireplace, kept watch beneath it to make we on it, Young Master Wilding, not at my over a sarcophagus-shaped cellaret that had in its time of life and under the circumstances which has time held many a dozen of Pebbleson Nephew's formed my disposition. I have said to Pebbleson wine. But the little rubicund old bachelor with a Nephew many a time, when they have said to me, pigtail, whose portrait was over the sideboard (and • Put a livelier face upon it, Joey,' - I have said to who could easily be identified as decidedly Pebblethem, Gentlemen, it is all wery well for you, that son and decidedly not Nephew), had retired into

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another sarcophagus, and the plate-warmer had temper. Nothing in her dress could have been grown as cold as he. So the golden and black changed to her advantage. Nothing in the noisegrillins that supported the candelabra, with black less self-possession of her manner could have been balls in their mouths at the end of gilded chains, changed to her advantage. Nothing could have looked as if in their old age they had lost all heart been in better unison with both, than her voice for playing at ball, and were dolefully exhibiting when she answered the question, “ What name their chains in the Missionary line of inquiry, - sball I have the pleasure of noting down?” with whether they had not earned emancipation by this the words, “My name is Sarah Goldstraw. Mrs. time, and were not grislins and brothers ?

Goldstraw. My husband has been dead many Such a Columbus of a morning was the summer years, and we had no family." morning, that it discovered Cripple Corner. The Half a dozen questions had scarcely extracted as light and warmth pierced in at the open windows, much to the purpose from any one else. The voice and irradiated the picture of a lady hanging over dwelt so agreeably on Mr. Wilding's ear, as he made the chimney-piece, the only other decoration of the his note, that he was rather long about it. When walls.

he looked up again, Mrs. Goldstraw's glance had "My mother at five-and-twenty," said Mr. Wild- naturally gone round the room, and now returned ing to himself, as his eyes enthusiastically followed to him from the chimney-piece. Its expression was the light to the portrait's face, "I hang up here, in one of frank readiness to be questioned, and to order that visitors may admire my mother in the answer straight. bloom of her youth and beauty, My mother at fifty "You will excuse my asking you a few quesI hang in the seclusion of my own chamber, as ations ?" said the modest wine merchant. remembrance sacred to me. 'Oh! It's you, Jar “0, surely, sir. Or I should have no business

here." These latter words he addressed to a clerk who “ Have you filled the station of housekeeper behad tapped at the door, and now looked in.

fore ?" “Yes, sir. I merely wished to mention that it's "Only once. I have lived with the same widow gone ten, sir, and that there are several females in lady for twelve years. Ever since I lost my husthe counting-house."

band. She was an invalid, and is lately dead, * Dear me !" said the wine merchant, deepening which is the occasion of my now wearing black." in the pink of his complexion and whitening in the "I do not doubt that she has left you the best white; * are there several ? So many as several ? credentials ? " said Mr. Wilding. I had better begin before there are more. I 'll see "I hope I may say, the very best. I thought it them one by one, Jarvis, in the order of their would save trouble, sir, if I wrote down the name arrival."

and address of her representatives, and brought it Hastily intrenehing himself in his easy-chair, at with me." Laying a card on the table. the table, behind a grent inkstand, having first “You singularly remind me, Mrs. Goldstraw, ** placed a chair on the other side of the table oppo- said Wilding, taking the card beside him, “ of a site his own seat, Mr. Wilding entered on his task manner and tone of voice that I was once acqnainted with considerable trepidation.

with. Not of an individual,-) feel sure of that, He ran the gantlet that must be run on any such though I cannot recall what it is I have in my mind, occasion. There were the usual species of pro-- but of a general bearing. I ought to add, it was foundly unsympathetic women, and the usual species a kind and pleasant one." of much too sympathetic women. There were buc. She smiled, as she rejoined: * At least, I am caneering widows who came to seize him, and who very glad of that, sir." griped umbrellas under their arms, as if each Yes," said the wine merchant, thoughtfully reumbrella were he, and each griper had got him. peating his last phrase, with a momentary glance at There were towering maiden ladies who had seen his future housekeeper, “it was a kind and pleasant better days, and who came armed with clerical tes: one. But that is the most I can make of it timonials to their theology, as if he were Saint Memory is sometimes like a half-forgotten dream. Peter with his keys. There were gentle maiden I don't know how it may appear to you, Mrs. GollTasdies who came to marry him. There were pro- straw, but so it appears to ine." fessional housekeepers, like non-commissioned offi- Probably it appeared to Mrs. Goldstråw in a cers, who put him through his domestie exercise, in similar light, for she quietly assented to the prop stead of submitting themselves to catechism. There osition. Mr. Wilding then offered to put himself were languid invalids to whom salary was not so at once in communication with the gentleman named much an object as the comforts of a private hospital. upon the card, - a firm of proctors in Doctors Coins There were sensitive creatures who burst into tears mons. To this Mrs. Gollstraw thankfully asentei. on being adiresel, and had to be restored with Doctors' Commons not being far off, Mr. Willing glasses of cold water. There were some respond suggested the feasibility of Mrs. Goldstraw's looking ents who came two together, - a highly promising one in again, say in three bours' time. Mrs. Golletra. and a wholly unpromising one, - of whom the prom-radily undertook to do so. In fine, the result of ising one answered all questions charmingly, until Mr. Wilding's inquiries being eminently satisfactory. it would at last appear that she was not a candidate Jirs. Goklstraw was that afternoon engigel (un at all, but only the friend of the unproinising one, her own perfertly fair terms) to come to-terrow who had glowered in alsolute silence and apparent and set up her rest as bousekeeper in Cripile

Corner. At last, when the good wine merchant's simple heart was failing him, there entered an applicant

THE HOUSEKEEPER SPEAKS. quite different from all the rest A woman, perhaps Os the next day Mrs. Goldstraw arrived, to enter fifty, but looking younger, with a face rmırkable on her domestic duties. for placid cheerfulness, and a manner no less re l aving settled herself in her own room, wit boat markable for its quiet expression of equability of troubling the servants, and without wasting Ltd

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the new housekeeper announced herself as waiting Mrs. Goldstraw thanked him with a movement to be favored with any instructions wbich her mas of the head for being at the pains to explain the ter might wish to give her. The wine merchant picture, and said, with a cleared brow, that it was received Mrs. Goldstraw in the dining-room, in the portrait of a very beautiful lady. which be bad seen her on the previous day; and, Mr. Wilding, falling back into his former perthe usual preliminary civilities having passed on plexity, tried once more to recover that lost reroleither side, the two sat down to take counsel to lection, associated so closely, and yet so undisgether on tbe affairs of the house.

coverably, with his new housekeeper's voice and * About the meals, sir?” said Mrs. Goldstraw. manner. “ Have I a large or a small number to provide “Excuse my asking you a question which has for?"

nothing to do with me or my breakfast," he said. “If I can carry out a certain old-fashioned plan “ May I inquire if you have ever occupied any other of mine," replied Mr. Wilding, “ you will have a situation than the situation of housekeeper? large number to provide for. I am a lonely single “ () yes, sir. I began life as one of the nurses at man, Mrs. Goldstraw; and I hope to live with all the Foundling." the persons in my employment as if they were “Why, that's it!” cried the wine merchant, pushmembers of my family. Until that time comes, ing back his chair. "By Heaven! Their manner you will only bave me, and the new partner whom is the manner you remind me of I" I expect immediately, to provide for. What my In an astonished look at him, Mrs. Goldstraw partner's habits may be, I cannot yet say. But 1 changed color, checked herself, turned her eyes may describe myself as a man of regular hours, upon the ground, and sat still and silent. with an invariable appetite that you may depend *** What is the matter?" asked Mr. Wilding, upon to an ounce."

Do I understand that you were in the Found*** About breakfast, sir?" asked Mrs. Goldstraw. ling, sir?" "Is there anything particular ?"

* Certainly. I am not ashamed to own it." She hesitated, and left the sentence unfinished. * Under the name you now bear?" Her eyes turned slowly away from her master, and “ Under the name of Walter Wilding." looker towards the chimney-piece. If she bad been " And the lady ?" Mrs. Goldstraw stopped a less excellent and experienced housekeeper, Mr. sbort with a look at the portrait which was now unWiking might have fancied that her attention was mistakably a look of alarm. beginning to wander at the very outset of the inter- “ You mean my mother," interrupted Mr. Wilding.

“ Your — mother," repeated the housekeeper, a ** Eight o'clock is my breakfast-hour," he resumed. little constrainedly, “ removed you from the Found" It is one of my virtues to be never tired of broiled ling? At what age, sir?" bacon, and it is one of my vices to be habitually " At between eleven and twelve years old. It's suspicious of the freshness of eggs.” Mrs. Goldstraw quite a romantic adventure, Mrs. Goldstraw." looked back at him, still a little divided between He told the story of the lady having spoken to her master's chimney-piece and her master. “I him wbile be sat at dinner with the other boys in take tea," Mr. Wilding went on; "and I am per- the Foundling, and of all that had followed, in his haps rather nervous and fidgety about drinking it innocently communicative way. “My poor mother within a certain time after it is made. If my tea could never have discovered me," he added, "if she stands too long -"

had not met with one of the matrons who pitied her. He besitated, on his side, and left the sentence The matron consented to touch the boy whose name unfinished. If he bad not been engaged in dis-was. Walter Wilding' as she went round the dincussing a subject of such parainount interest to ner-tables, - and so my mother discovered me again, bimself as his breakfast, Mrs. Goldstraw might bave after having parted from me as an infant at the fancied that his attention was beginning to wander Foundling doors." at the very outset of the interview.

At those words Mrs. Goldstraw's hand, resting on * If your tea stands too long, sir ?" said the the table, dropped helplessly into her lap. She wat, bousekeeper, politely taking up her master's lost looking at her new master, with a face that had thread.

turned deadly pale, and with eyes that expressed - If my tea stands too long," repeated the wine an unutterable dismay. merchant, mechanically, his mind getting further “ What does this inean?" asked the wine mer. and further away from his breakfast, and his eyes chant. “Stop!” he cried. Is there something fixing themselves more and more inquiringly on his else in the past time which I ought to associate with housekeeper's face. "If my tea – Dear, dear me, you? I remember my mother celling me of anMrs. Goldstraw! what is the manner and tone of other person at the Foundling, to whose kindness voice that you remind me of? It strikes me even she owed a debt of gratitude. When she fint more strongly to-day than it did when I saw you parted with me, as an infant, one of the nurses inyester lay. What can it be?”

formed ber of the name that bad bou given to me What can it be?” repeater Mrs. Goldstraw. in the institution. You were that passe ?"

She said the words, evidently thinking, while she “God forgive me, sir, I was tha: nurse!" spoke them, of something else. The wine merchant, “ God forgive you?" still looking at her inquiringly, observed that her * We had better get back, sir (if I may make so eyes wandered towards the chimney-piece once bold as to say so), to my duties in the house," said more. They fixed on the portrait of his mother, Mrs. Golestraw. * Yon breakfast - Lour is eiglit. which hung there, and looked at it with that slight Do you lunch, or dine, in the middie of the day?" contraction of the brow which accompanies a The excessive pinkness which dr. Bintrey bad searcely conscious effort of memory. Mr. Wilding notice in his client's face began to appear there remarked:

once more. Mr. Wilding put bis tand to his beard, - Mly late dear mother, when she was five-and- and mastered some momentary confusion in that twenty."

I quarter, before be spoke again.

* Mrs. Goldstraw," he said, “ you are concealing. “I have told you,” she said, “that the child of something from me ".

the lady whose portrait hangs there was adopted in The housekeeper obstinately repeated, “ Please its infancy, and taken away by a stranger. I am to favor me, sir, by saying whether you lunch, or as certain of what I say as that I am now sitting dine, in the middle of the day?"

here, obliged to distress you, sir, sorely against my "I don't know what I do in the middle of the day. will. Please to carry your mind on, now, to about I can't enter into my household affairs, Mrs. Gold- three months after that time. I was then at the straw, till I know why you regret an act of kindness Foundling, in London, waiting to take some chilto my mother which she always spoke of gratefully dren to our Institution in the country. There was to the end of her life. You are not doing me a a question that day about naming an infant - a service by your silence. You are agitating me, you boy — who had just been received. We generally are alarming me, you are bringing on the singing in named them out of the Directory. On this occamy head."

sion, one of the gentlemen who managed the HosHis hand went up to his head again, and the pink pital happened to be looking over the Register. in his face deepened by a shade or two.

He noticed that the name of the baby who had "It's hard, sir, on just entering your service," been adopted ("Walter Wilding ') was scratched said the housekeeper, "to say what may cost me the out; for the reason, of course, that the child had loss of your good-will. Please to remember, end been removed for good from our care. Here's a how it may, that I only speak because you have in- name to let,' he said. “Give it to the new foundsisted on my speaking, and because I see that I am ling who has been received to-day.' The name was alarming you by my silence. When I told the poor given, and the child was christened. You, sir, were lady whose portrait you have got there the name that child." hy which her infant was christened in the Found- The wine merchant's head dropped on his breast. ling, I allowed myself to forget my duty, and dread- I was that child !” he said to himself, trying belpihl consequences, I am afraid, have followed from it. lessly to fix the idea in his mind. “I was that I'll tell you the truth, as plainly as I can. A few child! months trom the time when I had informed the lady - Not very long after you had been received into of her baby's name, there came to our institution in the Institution, sir," pursued Mrs. Goldstmw, “I the country another lady (a stranger), whose object left my situation there, to be married. If you will was to adopt one of our children. She brought the remember that, and if you can give your mind to it, needful permission with her, and after looking at a you will see for yourself how the mistake happened. gruat many of the children, without being able to Between eleven and twelve years passed before the make up her mind, she took a sudden faney to lady whom you have believed to be your motber one of the babies a boy - under may care Try, returned to the Foundhing, to find her son, and to pray try, to compose yourself, sir! It's no use dis remove him to her own home. The lady only knew guising it any longer. The child the stranger took that ber infant bad been called . Walter Willing away was the child of that Lady whose portrait The matroa, who took pity on her, could bat point hau there!

out the only Walter Willing 'known in the Insta Mr Viking started to his feeta “Impossible: tution I, who might have set the matter ricks, he cried out, vehemeatly. What are you talking was far away from the Founubng and all that be about? What absurd story are you telling me : longed to it. There was nothing - there is 20w? There's her portrut! Haven't I told you really nothing - that could prevent this terrible s already? The portrait of my mother!** mistake from taking place I feel for you, - I do

all bea that unhappy lady removed you from indeed, sir! You must think - and with reason — the louaiing, in atter years, said Mrs. Goldstraw, that it was in an evil bour that I came here inno gently, she was the victim, and you were the vie.. ventily enough. I'm sure), to apply for your house ti, sir, ot' a dreadful mistake."

deeper's place. I teel as if I was to blame. - If tle dropped back into bis edair. The room as it I ought to have had more self-command IF I goes round with me," he said. "Vy beau: ny 'bai only been able to keep my face from showing bold! The housekeeper rose in alarm, and you what that portrait and what your own words opened the windows Belore she could get to the put into my mind, you need never to your dring door to call for bele a sudden burst of tears ren' day, have known what you know now..* lieved the impression which had at an almost ap-1 V Wiluing looked up smidenly. The inbred peared to threaten bis bites le signe entreacingly bodesty of the man puse in protest against the to His Gioiustaw not to leave him. She waited housekeeper's last woris Eis nind seemed until the par un of weeping bad worn seif outsteaiy seif, for the noment, tomter the shock that He raused bis heas he recovered himself, and all allen yn it lovke at her wath the angry unreasoning suspicion - Do you mean to say that you pouki bara

wacealed this from me if you coult. * be a Vistake?" he said, wildly repeating ther last claimed. word * How do I kaow you are not mistaken " I hope I should always tell the truth, s, I

was asked." said Mrs Golustraw. * Lat I i - There is no bupe that I am nistakto, sir I better for me that I should not leave . et a will tell you way, when you are better til to details wort verghing on my mim. But is it better fr

wow. W sean it serve now -!* * Now now ***

- What se. Why, Food Loni: if your stor The one in which he spoke warned Mrs Guil strie-** straw but it wouid be cruel anunts i

* Suuuid I sve toid it. sr. is I am norma at comfort unself todeng loover with the vain

Nut Jeep The ** hope that she might be wrong. I few woris mure to your parlon,* tak te vine mere would end 10 i use few waris she determine Yua must naise allowance for me. Na tret to speak

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