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A Journal of Choice Reading,

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CHAPTER XLIV. (Continued.)

I would have been to grasp the nettle, if she could .

not let it alone. So far Helen Rolleston was a type of her sex in Said she one day, quietly, though with a deep 'ts treatment of inventors. At breakfast she became blush : “Do you know Mr. Arthur Wardlaw ?” s, brilliant exception. The moment she saw Hazel Hazel gave a shiver, and said “I do." Ceated by her fire in dry clothes she changed her “Do you know anything about him?"

ey, and made him relate the whole business, and “I do." expressed the warmest admiration and sympathy. “Nothing to his discredit, I am sure." : * But," said she, “I do ask you not to repeat this "If you are sure, why ask me? Do I ever menexploit too often; now, don't do it again for a fort- tion his name?” night. The island will not run away. Ducks come “Perhaps you do, sometimes, without intending it." ind go every day, and your health is very, very “You are mistaken: he is in your thoughts, no precious.”

doubt; but not in mine." He colored with pleasure, and made the promise “Ought I to forget people entirely, and what I at once. But, during this fortnight, events occurred. owe them?” In the first place, he improved his invention. He | “That is a question I decline to go into." remembered how a duck, over-weighted by a crab, “How harshly you speak to me? Is that fair? which was fast to her leg, had come on board the You know my engagement, and that honor and boat. Memory dwelling on this, and invention di-duty draw me to England; yet I am happy here. gesting it, he resolved to weight his next batch of You, who are so good and strong, might pity me at ducks; for he argued thus : “ Probably our ducks least; for I am torn this way and that:” and here go straight from this to the great American Conti- the voice ceased, and the tears began to flow. nent. Then it may be long ere one of them falls “I do pity you,” said Hazel: “I must pity any into the hands of a man; and perhaps that man will one who is obliged to mention honor and duty in not know English. But, if I could impede the flight the same breath as Arthur Wardlaw." of my ducks, they might alight on ships: and three At this time-Helen drew back, offended bitterly. ships out of four know English."

" That pity I reject and scorn,” said she. “No, I Accordingly, he now inserted stones of various plighted my faith with my eyes open, and to a sizes into the little bags. It was a matter of nice worthy object. I never knew him blacken any calculation : the problem was to weight the birds just person who was not there to speak for himself, and so much that they might be able to fly three or four that is a very worthy trait, in my opinion. The hundred miles, or about half as far as their unen- absent are like children; they are helpless to defend cumbered companions.

themselves.” But in the midst of all this, a circumstance oc- Hazel racked with jealousy, and irritated at this curred that would have made a vain man, or indeed galling comparison, lost his temper for once, and most men, fling the whole thing away. Helen and said those who lay traps must not complain if others be came to a rupture. It began by her fault, and I fall into them. continued by his.. She did not choose to know her | “Traps! Who lay them?” own mind, and, in spite of secret warnings from her “You did, Miss Rolleston. Did I ever condebetter judgment, she was driven by curiosity or by scend to mention that man's name since we have been the unhappy restlessness to which her sex are pecu- on the island ? It is you make me talk of him." liarly subject at odd times, to sound Hazel as to the “ Condescend ?” meaning of a certain epigram that rankled in her. “That is the word. Nor will. I ever deign to And she did it in the most feminine way, that is to mention him again. If my love had touched your say, in the least direct: whereas the safest way heart, I should have been obliged to mention him,

* Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1868, by TICKNOR AND Fields, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the

District of Massachusetts.

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1 1. Wat wird . 2 a to na programu Lemon stead: he was seized with a man in the to ! A giving bar Law to contrari at ben 1 Yo s e, and on be o

15" have wabing, to far" said tee, skeep this side that morning, and kept about the premis .. the island, and I live on the other, riber than't stone, and be had beds T went bear the name Arthur Wardlaw."

inde, from the waist dorowards and 12 Helen's vrage, failo hop at that spirito di proporain Mul, an ele mule no reply at all, but turned lor! As the day wore on, the pais and ins:

work bangbtily, 2011 went away from him, lylincreased, and resisted all be remedies to when she had got a little way bar proud bear notiver to speak of; but Nature s * droogd, an elk went crying,

in, berself for many a gentler warning: Avoolne sprang up between them, and nether When he realized his condition, be wa of them know how to end it. Hazel xaw no way to up, and sat on the sand with his bead ! serve her now, exempt by flying weighted ducks: for nearly two hours. But, after that po ! and le gave his mind ro to this that one day he toldspondency, he got up, took his boat-book, 11. her he hul twenty even ducks in the air, all it as a staff, hobbled to his arsenal, and charged, awl two thirds of them weighted. He Amongst his materials was a young tre thought that must please her now. To hių surprise pulled up; the roots ran at right angles to and annoyance, she received the intelligence coldly, He just sawed off the ends of the roots. 8:34 and asked him whether it was not cruel to the proceeded to shorten the stem.

But meantime, Helen, who had always*** Ilszel coloreil with mortification at his great act eye on him and his movements, had seen of self-deninl being so received.

something wrong, and came timidly and askt lle maid, " I don't think my worst enemy can say I was the matter. I am wantonly oruel to God's creatures."

Nothing,” said he, doggedly. llelen brow in, donly, “ And I am not your! “Then why did you sit so long on the $316 worst enemy,"

never saw you like that.” # But what other way is there to liberate you from “I was ruminating." this island, where you have nobody to speak to but “What upon ? Not that I have any right to me? Well, welfahnern is the best course. Think “On the arrogance and folly of men; they only of others, and you are sure not to please tempt more than they can do, and despise the them."

prudence and common-sense of women, and smu "If you want to please people, you must begin it; as I am smarting now for being wiser thaa by understanding them," said the lady, not ill- "O!" said Helen ; " why, what is the matter maturedly.

| what is that you have made? It looks like " But if they don't understand themgelves?" I dear!” "Then pity them; you can, for you are a man." “It is a crutch," said Hazel, with forced colt

"What hurts me," said Hazel, is that you really | " and I am a cripple." neem to think I fly these ducks for my pleasure. | Helen clasped her hands, and stood tremo Why, if I had my wish, you and I should never Ilazel lost his self-control for a moment, a leave this inland, nor any other person set a foot on out in a voice of agony, * A useless cripple. it. I am thank, you see.".

I was dead and out of the way." "Rather too frank."

Then, ashamed of having given way be "What loes it matter, since I do my duty all the he seized his crutch, placed the crook under wame, and fly tho ducks! But sometimes I do and turned sullenly away fiom her. yearn for a word of praise for it; and that word Four steps he took with his crutch. never comes,"

She caught him with two movements of "It is a praise worthy not," said Helen, but so icily | ple and vigorous frame:

* cripple. loved

given war belona de

She just laid her left hand gently on his shoulder, from anything they had ever seen since they were I with her right she stole the crutch softly away, on the island. It was like an enormous dark ribbon I let it fall upon the sand. She took his right stretched along the sky, at some little height above ad, and put it to her lips like a subject paying the horizon. Notwithstanding its prodigious length nage to her sovereign; and then she put her it got larger before their very eyes. ong arm under his shoulder, still holding his right. Hazel started. nd in hers, and looked in his face. “ No wooden Helen felt him start, and asked him, with some atches when I am by," said she, in a low voice, surprise, what was the matter. I of devotion.

"Cloud !” said he, “that is no cloud. That is He stood surprised, and his eyes began to fill. smoke.” “ Come," said she, in a voice of music. And, thus “Smoke !" echoed Helen, becoming agitated in led, he went with her to her cavern. As they her turn. int, she asked him tenderly where the pain was. | "Yes; the breeze is northerly, and carries the " It was in my hip and knee,” he said: “but now smoke nearer to us; it is the smoke of a steamboat." is nowhere; for joy has come back to my heart.” “And to mine too,” said Helen ; “except for this.”

The quarrel dispersed like a cloud, under this ca

CHAPTER XLV. mity. "There was no formal reconciliation; no disission; and this was the wisest course: for the un- Both were greatly moved; and after one swift uppy situation remained unchanged ; and the glance Helen stole at him, neither looked at the iendliest discussion could only fan the embers of other. They spoke in flurried whispers. scord and misery gently, instead of fiercely. “Can they see the island ? "

The pair so strangely thrown together commenced "I don't know ; it depends on how far the boat is new chapter of their existence. It was not patient to windward of her smoke.” nd nurse over again; Hazel, though very lame, had l " How shall we know?" so much spirit left to accept that position. But still “If she sees the island, she will make for it that ne sexes became in a measure reversed, -Helen the moment.” sherman and forager, Hazel the cook and domestic. “ Why? do ships never pass an unknown

He was as busy as ever, but in a narrow circle ; | island ?” e found pearl oysters near the sunk galleon, and, “Yes. But that steamer will not pass us." re he had been lame many weeks, he had entirely “ But why?” ned the sides of the cavern with mother-of-pearl At this question Hazel hung his head, and his et in cement, and close as mosaic.

lip quivered. He answered her at last. “Because Every day he passed an hour in Paradise ; for his she is looking for you." iving crutch made him take a little walk with her; / Helen was struck dumb at this. er hand held his; her arm supported his shoulder; Ile gave his reasons. “ Steamers never visit jer sweet face was near his, full of tender solicitude; these waters. Love has brought that steamer out; hey seemed to be one; and spoke in whispers to love that will not go unrewarded. Arthur Wardsach other, like thinking aloud. The causes of hap- law is on board that ship." piness were ever present; the causes of unhappiness were out of sight, and showed no signs of approach. " Have they seen us yet?”

And of the two, Helen was the happiest. Before Hazel forced on a kind of dogged fortitude. He a creature so pure as this marries and has children, said, “ When the smoke ceases to elongate, you will the great maternal instinct is still there, but feeds on know they have changed their course, and they will what it can get, — first a doll, and then some help- change their course the moment the man at the less creature or other. Too often she wastes her masthead sees us." heart's milk on something grown up, but as selfish as “Oh! But how do you know they have a man a child. Helen was more fortunate; her child was at the masthead ?her hero, now so lame that he must lean on her to “I know by myself. I should have a man at the walk. The days passed by, and the island was fast masthead night and day." becoming the world to those two, and as bright a And now the situation was beyond words. They world as ever shone on two mortal creatures. both watched, and watched, to see the line of smoke

cease. It was a happy dream. What a pity that dreams dissolve so soon! This It continued to increase, and spread eastward ; had lasted for nearly two months, and Hazel was and that proved the steamer was continuing her getting better, though still not well enough, or not course. fool enough, to dismiss his live crutch, when one af- The sun drew close to the horizon. ternoon Helen, who had been up on the heights, “ They don't see us," said Helen, faintly. observed a dark cloud in the blue sky towards the “No,” said Hazel ; " not yet." west. There was not another cloud visible, and the " And the sun is just setting. It is all over." air marvellously clear; time, about three quarters She put her handkerchief to her eyes a moment, of an hour before sunset. She told Hazel about this and then, after a sob or two, she said almost cheersolitary cloud, and asked him, with some anxiety, if fully, “ Well, dear friend, we were happy till that it portended another storm. He told her to be un- smoke came to disturb us : let us try and be as der no alarm, - there were no tempests in that lati- happy now it is gone. Don't smile like that, it tude except at the coming in and going out of the makes me shudder.” rains, – but he should like to go round the Point “Did I smile? It must have been at your simand look at her cloud.

plicity in thinking we have seen the last of that She lent him her arm, and they went round the steamer.” Point; and there they saw a cloud entirely different “And so we have."

* Sot 80. In three hours she will be at anchor “Sot much, indeed," replied he, sadis. in that bay."

a fool to utter such childish regrets; ar?: " Why, what will bring her?"

than that, I am a mean selfish cur to hasa "I shall bring her,"

Come, come, we can't eat; let us go rom " You? How?"

Point and see the waves reddened by the * By lighting my bonfire."

that gives you back to the world you were iz embellish."

Helen said she would go directly. An

languid reply contrasted strangely with bs-1 CHAPTER XLVI.

ment. She played with her supper, and a

time in a very unusual way, until he told len IIKLEN had forgotten all about the bonfire. She she was not really eating, and he could now asked whether he was sure those on board the longer, he must go and see how the bezen steamer could see the bonfire. Then Hazel told burning. her that it was now of prodigious size and height. “0, very well,” said she; and they went on Some six months before he was crippled he had to the beach. added and added to it.

| She took his crutch and gave it to him. 1 "That bonfire," said he, “ will throw a ruddy little thing cut him to the heart. It was the glare over the heavens, that they can't help seeing time she had accompanied him so far as tha: on board the steamer. Then, as they are not on a out offering herself to be his crutch. He : course, but on a search, they will certainly run a deeply, as he put the crutch under his ar few miles southward to see what it is. They will he was too proud to complain, only he laid it say it is either a beacon or a ship on fire ; and, in the approaching steamboat. either case, they will turn the boat's head this way. The subtle creature by his side heard th: Well, before they have run southward half a dozen and smiled sadly at being misunderstooi miles, their lookout will see the bonfire, and the what man could understand her? Ther bed island in its light. Let us get to the boat, my spoke till they reached the Point. The e lucifers are there."

glittered in the moonlight: there was no red She lent him her arm to the boat, and stood by on the water. while he made his preparations. They were very | “Why, what is this?” said Hazel. “Yos simple. He took a pine torch and smeared it all have lighted the bonfire in eight places, si over with pitch; then put his lucifer-box in his you." bosom, and took his crutch. His face was drawn She folded her arms and stood before him 2 pitiably, but his closed lips betrayed unshaken and attitude of defiance; all but her melting €JE unshakable resolution. He shouldered his crutch, "I have not lighted it at all," said she. and hobbled up as far as the cavern. Here Helen Hazel stood agbast. “What have I dont' interposed.

cried. “Duty, manhood, everything, deara "Don't you go toiling up the hill," said she. that I should light that beacon, and I trusted 1 “Give me the lucifers and the torch, and let me you." light the beaconI shall be there in half the time Helen's attitude of defiance melted arts. you will."

began to cower, and hid her blushing face 1 x * Thank you! thank you ! ” said Hazel, eagerly, hands. Then she looked up imploringly. not to say violently,

she uttered a wild and eloquent cry, and had a He wanted it done; but it killed him to do it. him like the wind. He then gave her bis instructions.

"It is as big as a haystack," said he, “and as dry as a chip; and there are eight bundles of straw

CHAPTER XLVII. placed expressly. Light the bandles to windwar hrst, then the others, it will soon be all in a blaze." THAT cloud was really the smoke of the Sea

Meanwhile," said Helen, you prepare oar bok, which had mounted into air so thin 33 supper, teel quite faint - tor want of it." Couki rise no birber. The boat herself wis Hazel assented

miles to the northward, returning full of "It is the last we shall he was going to bearts trom a fruitless search. She came be say it was the last they would eat together: but his bigher parallel ot latitude, intending afternes voice failed bim, and he hobbled into the cavern, steer W. to Easter Island The life o and tried to mother bis etuotion in work. Helvut of the ship: the father was deeply dejected bgated the fire, and blew it into a tame with the crew could no longer feign the bope they': paluotto-leaf, and then he sat down awhile, very 100 teel. Having pursued the above cose, sok at beard i then be got up and the cooking within our hundred miles of Juan Ferlande aighing all the time, and just when he was begint General Rulleston begged the captain to make 3* ning to wonder why tlelea was so long lighting deviation to the SW., and then see if the vight bundles ot xtraw, she came in, looking pale t im nothing there before going to Easter b.2 til it all right?" said be

1 Cuprain Moreland was very unwilling to "Gw and luck," said she lo let us have our the SW, the more so as coal was gettings

However, he had not the heart to refuse Nutcher band any appetite: they sat ant kept Boileston anything. There was a northerly, Odwing if rug looks alone worden

llo baut te tires put out, and, covering 1 to chivuil this tvbow Handd tovke up at the watà canvas sailed three hundred miles out; and wil l band knowth, I wou 'vumi nothing. Then he took in hatolthede word b e, and mul poa t e as well." gain, ami away for Easter Island. The * Wh Juan that matter *** Wil Huiunt, looking to that she had got into latitude thirty

109.4.1. at morning.

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t 10h. 15m. the dreary monotony of this cruise l business. It is at sea as it is ashore: if a man goes broken by the man at the mast-head.

out of his course to speak to you, it is for his own On deck there!”

sake, not yours. This Yankee has got men sick Hullo !”

with scurvy, and is come for lime-juice. Or his The schooner on our weather-bow!”

water is out. Or-hallo, savages aboard." Well, what of her ? "

It was too true. The schooner had a cargo of She has luffed.”

savages, male and female; the males were nearly Well, what o'that ? ”

naked, but the females, strange to say, were dressed She has altered her course."

to the throat in ample robes, with broad and flowing How many points ? "

skirts, and had little coronets on their heads. As She was sailing S.E., and now her head is soon as the schooner hove to, the fiddle had struck

up, and the savages were now dancing in parties : That is curious.”

of four; the men doing a sort of monkey hornpipe General Rolleston, who had come and listened in quick pace, with their hands nearly touching the h a grain of hope, now sighed, and turned away.ground; the women, on the contrary, erect and The captain explained kindly that the man was queenly, swept about in slow rhythm, with most te right to draw his captain's attention to the graceful and coquettish movements of the arms t of a trading-vessel altering her course. “There and hands, and bewitching smiles. a sea-grammar, General," said he; "and, when The steamboat came alongside, but at a certain e seaman sees another violate it, he concludes distance, to avoid all chance of collision; and the ?re is some reason or other. Now, Jack, what crew clustered at the side and cheered the savages ye make of her? ”

dancing. The poor General was forgotten at the "I can't make much of her: she don't seem to merry sight. ow her own mind, that is all. At ten o'clock Presently a negro in white cotton, with a face e was bound for Valparaiso or the Island. But blacker than the savages, stepped forward and w she has come about and beating to windward.” | hoisted a board, on which was printed very large “ Bound for Easter Island ?".

ARE YOU “I dunno.”

Having allowed this a moment to sink into the “Keep your eye on her.”

mind, he reversed the board, and showed these * Ay, ay, sir."

words, also printed large, THE SPRINGBOK ? Captain Moreland told General Rolleston that There was a thrilling murmur on board; and, Pry few ships went to Easter Island, which lies in after a pause of surprise, the question was answered lovely climate, but is a miserable place; and he by a loud cheer and waving of hats. as teiling the General that it is inhabited by sav- The reply was perfectly understood ; almost imyes of a low order, who half worship the relics of mediately a boat was lowered by some novel maasonry left by their more civilized predecessors, chinery, and pulled towards the steamer. There hen Jack hailed the deck again.

were two men in it: the skipper and the negro. "Well,” said the captain.

The skipper came up the side of the Springbok. "I think she is bound for the Springbok.”

He was loosely dressed in some light drab-colored | The soldier received this conjecture with aston- stuff and a huge straw hat; a man with a long hinent and incredulity, not to be wondered at. Puritanical head, a nose inclined to be aquiline, The steamboat headel N.W., right in the wind's a face bronzed by weather and heat, thin, resolute ye. Sixteen miles off, at least, a ship was sailing lips, and a square chin. But for a certain breadth P.E. So that the two courses might be repre- between his keen gray eyes, which revealed more ented thus :

intellect than Cromwell's Ironsides were encumbered with, he might have passed for one of that hard-praying, harder-hitting fraternity

He came on deck, just touched his hat, as if to brush away a fly, and, removing an enormous cigar from his mouth, said, “ Wal, and so this is the Springbok. Spry little boat she is : how many

knots can ye get out of her now ? Not that I am And there hung in the air, like a black mark against curious." the blue sky, a fellow, whose oracular voice came “ About twelve knots.” down and said B was endeavoring to intercept A. “And when the steam's off the bile, how many | Nevertheless, time confirmed the conjecture; the can you sail ? Not that it is my business." schooner, having made a short board to the N.E., “ Eight or nine. What is your business? ” came about, and made a long board due west, which “ Hum! You have been over some water looking was as near as she could lie to the wind. On this for that gal. Where do ye hail from last ?” Captain Moreland laid the steamboat's head due " The Society Islands. Did you board me to hear north. This brought the vessels rapidly together. me my catechism ?”

When they were about two miles distant, the “No, I am not one of your prying sort. Where stranger slackened sail and hove to, hoisting stars are ye bound for now?” and stripes at her mizzen. The union jack went up “I am bound for Easter Island.” the shrouds of the Springbok directly, and she pur-“Have you heard anything of the gal ?” sued her course, but gradually slackened her steam. "No."

General Rolleston walked the deck in great agi " And when do ye expec' to go back to England tation, and now indulged in wild hopes, which Cap- as wise as ye came?' tain Moreland thought it best to discourage at “Never while the ship can swim,” cried Moreland, once.

angrily, to hide his despondency from this stranger. • "Ah, sir," he said ; “don't you run into the “ And now it is my turn, I think. What schooner other extreme, and imagine he has come on our | is this? by whom commanded, and whither bound?”

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