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I jealousy amongst the various suitors; but here approached it, however, to his amazement he disi was impossible. The old man favored one not covered that it was not empty, but in it, calmly he least more than another, replying to their suit reposing at full length at the bottom, was a little exactly the same words, “My daughter has no boy about six years old. The child was asleep, so ad for marrying.” When they turned to Marmi soundly, indeed, that although Barisoa lifted him into see what effect the old man's answer had with his own boat and shook him, and called to him loudr, she returned their glances with a look of such ly, he did not rouse, but remained like one who had less gravity that there was nothing left but for been strongly drugged; a suspicion his half-open em to take their departure as they came, vowing eyes and heavy condition favored. at they should die broken-hearted. Had they all Barisoa was overjoyed at his discovery. To find pt their vow, the number of gray-haired warriors, a sound boat was lucky, but to discover it tenanted hers of lusty sons and daughters living in Samoa by a bealthy looking, strong-limbed boy was a prize enty years afterwards, would have been less by indeed. Such a boy could not be bought for twenty gy at the very least.

strings of beads - he would sell for fifteen any day. Had Marmi, then, no companion but her father? | There was no more fishing that afternoon for Barias she motherless? Yes, her mother had died soa; he pushed swiftly for the shore, towing the ven she was quite a little child. How then? Did strange boat at the stern of his own, and carried the r father leave her all alone in the hut on the child in his arms to his hut, for the powerful drug ath, while he was plying for shells miles away? still held him, and he could neither walk nor stand. ere those young fellows who came so passionately “Here is a prize, wife,” he cried, as she came out

woo her, one and all of them, so scrupulously to meet him. And when his wife saw the child and onest as to find it not at all difficult to resist the heard the story that related to its finding, she was mptation to carry off a prize so ill guarded ?as delighted as her husband, and instantly began o, indeed ; to all these questions no. The young discussing with him the best and quickest means of en of Samoa were but as other young men, selling the prize for its worth. You would have either worse nor better, so that, had they discovered supposed that the presence of her own little daughter le chance, it is not unlikely that one evening Marmi (who at that time was about of an age with Barisoa would have returned to his hut to find it the strange child) would have prompted some feelmpty. But they did not discover the opportunity. ing of compassion in her heart; but she was a selfish \ll day long, from the rising of the sun til the time woman, and a fit mate for her husband, who was f its setting, Marmi was never without a protector. greedy as a shark.. Straight of limb as Marmi herself was this guardian, “Who does he belong to? Where does he' come ind handsome, and he was a man, a young man, from?” exclaimed the pearl-fisher's wife; “ he is old whose beard was no longer than the breadth of a enough to tell us all about it; that is, if he speaks inger nail. He was the young woman's constant any language with which we are acquainted; he is companion. While she sat within the hut in the but a sleepy headed one or he would have opened beat of the day, he sat without by the door, in the his eyes before this. I will wake him and ask bim a shadow of the eaves, weaving grass mats, and sing- few questions." ing such songs as he knew that she loved. When So she took the child from her husband and called she walked abroad he walked with her; when at loudly into his ear, and finding that this had no night she retired into the inner chamber of the hut, effect on him, she shook him and pinched him, and his body was the threshold of her chainber-door. spitefully kicked him as he lay on the ground, but

Who, then, was this privileged one? Was it she could make nothing of him. Marmi's brother ? She had no brother, nor any / “Let him lay there a little while; perhaps he will male relatives except old folks, her father and her come to his senses if we leave him alone with our mother's kindred. Then this constant companion Marmi,” said Barisoa. “Come with me, and I will must have been her husband, and that remark of her show you the shell in which I found my pearl.” father's as to her having no mind for marrying was But they had not been long down at the water's but a grim joke! Nay, to this guess as well as the edge together before little Marmi came running others; she was unmarried ; and when her father towards them, crying out that the pretty boy had stated that she was disinclined to take a husband he awoke, or else that he was talking and walking in spoke nothing but the truth. Who and what, then, his sleep. It was the latter, Marmi thought, because was this handsome young fellow, Marmi's constant he touched the walls with his hands, and felt about companion ?

them as though to find a way out. They asked A blind man. You would never bave suspected Marmi what he had said, but this question she could it even had you looked closely into his face, for his not answer: “He talks so strange," remarked the sightless eyes were wide open, and without flaw or child, “like the men who wear the red stars on their fault as to their shape and color. They were not cheeks, and who come here to buy pearls.” It was eyes turned to stone, as blind eyes generally appear, the Figians who wore red stars on their cheeks, but but rather like living eyes, awake while the spirit Barisoa knew that his little daughter must be misslept, and wandering bither and thither aimlessly and taken, for the boy was not nearly so black as the without guidance. How this poor young fellow people of Figi, and the canoe he was found in was came to be so intimate with the pearl-fisher's family of a much ruder sort than the Figians build. is easily told.

" However, we shall soon see," said the fisherman's Twelve years before, and while Barisoa's wife wife; “if he is sufficiently awake to walk and talk, was yet alive, the pearl-fisher being out alone in his I'll warrant we will speedily make him give an accanoe, spied at a little distance a tiny craft seeming-count of bimself." ly empty and rocking with the tide, moving this As the pearl-fisher and his wife neared their hut, way and that as the current carried it. Pulling they saw that the boy had found a way out of it, toward it, Barisoa found it to be a canoe of strange and was standing a few yards from the door, turnmake, not such as the Samoans use, but more like ing his face this way and that, while he cried pitea sampan of Borneo. When the old fisherman ously, and the tears ran down his cheeks.

“Stop that !” exclaimed rough old Barisoa, tak-' “ That will be for about a week or les ing the boy by the shoulder; “how dare you make about as long a time as it would take for le so much noise ? If you have anything to lament, of a new toy," thought the old woman : tell us what it is. How came you adrift at sea satisfaction. However, she said no more alone in a canoe ?"

This, then, was the way in which leam But the boy started, and turned his scared, strange- it was the wish of Marmi that the blind bota looking eyes towards Barisoa when he heard his be named) became a member of the per harsh voice, and then broke into a paroxysm of family. As to the duration of his star, 14 grief more violent than before, and wrung bis hands, predictions certainly came nigher realizar. and cried out in a tongue that neither Barisoa nor her mother's; for there, after a la ser his wife had ever heard before.

years, he still remained, and there, as it "I believe it is as our Marmi says,” exclaimed he was likely to remain, for his affliction the woman; "the little fool is still asleep; see, since won him a place in old Barisoa's although he turns his face this way, his eyes do not warm as was possible with a man so cold 21 move." And as she spoke she placed the tip of her culating, and so far from Marmi tiring of finger to the child's eyes and touched them. Then society, each day found their mutual love : 1 she turned to her husband, and laughed in his face. ing. It was love without whispering, the

“Your great pearl is indeed a prize!” said she, existed between these young people. Se "such prizes as fall to the lot of fools.”

ing, according to the ordinary acceptatie 3 But Barisoa did not quite see what his wife term, never for a moment entered the meant. “If fools are so lucky, it is idle straining When Marmi bade her father good mora after wisdom," he replied, knowingly.

kissed him, and she kissed Muama, and : But she laughed more derisively than before. before she retired to her little inner chat “ The boy is blind," said she.

kissed them again, and they kissed her. . The pearl-fisher could not believe it until he him- done so when she was six years old, and so self had touched the strange-looking eyes, and then now that she was eighteen, and the first D. he could no longer doubt that what his wife said she had bestowed on her blind companion, a was true.

one she pressed on his cheek this morning : "I am indeed a fool,” he exclaimed, passionately; were, were exactly of the same qaality. S. “ I have bitten at the bait that was spread for me. with him. How could it be otherwise? E." Because this brat was blind and useless, his friends never seen her, and years and years since ! sent him adrift to sink or swim, as the gods were varying kindness for him had filled him Tia willing. It was my ill luck to discover him. I am and gratitude, and he could be no more the a doomed man. All my little savings must go to He could not shut his ears to the contac: support this helpless creature; as long as I live he about her beauty, - her silky tresses, and bar per i will hang like a stone at my neck and drag me teeth, and since they seemed such preciou piese down."

sions he was glad that they were hers; but, bersal * That is if you continue to be a fool," his wife this, they were of no account with him. 172 whispered. "No one saw you bring him here, - the perfect shape of her mouth that made ber take bim away again. Pack your great pearl in so sweet, nor the silky fringes of her eres ? his shell and give him back to the mercy of the made them so watchful of his comfort. She sea."

bave been the same to him had she been as But, low as she spoke, little Marmi heard what she was beautiful. So they lived together, - BE sh: said.

isoa and his daughter, and Muama. ** Ah!” said she, “ but will the gods who were so 1 Juama was no burden to the pearl-fisher: beru kind as to guide him to where father found him profit rather, for, instructed by the old man, he take charge of him again? Maybe that, having long since learnt the trade of shell-polishing, I. seen him taken off the water, they may not think Marmi had taught him how to weave gras of looking for him any more, and he may starve Barisoa was pretty comfortable; he worked. and die."

he felt inclined, and took his ease as it suited The mother made a gesture of impatience bear and never knew what it was to want a meal inher daughter talk so; but Barisoa, who loved pipe of tobacco. Besides, he was blest will Marmi very much, was inclined to regard what she content that falls on a man who is well 01, 2, had said with greater seriousness.

waiting for better times, and tolerably sure !! - Well, my child, and suppose that the gods happening. “Jlarmi had no mind for marrjes should cease to regard him, and he should die," he said, constantly: but that was to the poor said he

ing fellows who came courting her. Wbat bus But Varmi, instead of answering, lifted her bright was waiting for, and what in his heart be eres, and for an instant regarded her father through would presently come, was a more splendid the tears that filled them; then she caught one of his daughter's hand. “Why should I part wa the blind dor's hands in both her own, and wept as is so useful to me without getting something i he is weeping, and laid ber bead down on his or better in return ? " argued the selishi

“True, any of these working gallants might talde Wite exclaimed the old pearl-tister gire and triek her finely, in anklets and necklac hin wat food; he must star here with us. *

raake her comfortable, but if he were unable w "For bow large must be star rejoined she more than that, of what use would it all be gretablolv. She would have rebelled against her if she went away I verily believe that M husband's Code and only that she knew his temper: go too, for I am sure that the ungrate

"Just as long * larui plers, he replied, thinks more of her than of me. Then shortly.

left alone to work by myself, and cook for " That will be forever and the Scule get the rest of my life. It would be another bus elapping her beads jeweilix.

la rich man came to woo her. He would be

lieve that Muama woulu

che ungrateful fellow ; Then I should be

de wonld be glad to

ke me such a present as would enable me to sell so evil disposed, could have taken up the withered r old boat and sit at my ease as long as I lived. old merchant prince by the scruff of his neck easily could such a one come, he would receive as short as though he were a kitten), had much shaken his , answer as the others were sent packing with ; nerves, and when Barisoa learnt who it was that he it of a different sort, a very different sort ! ” . had been the means of saving, he treated bim with But the wily old pearl-fisher kept these reflections great deference, and, rowing him ashore, invited him ug in his selfish heart, and went about his business to his hut to rest and refresh himself. Shivering ith the air of a man who is satisfied ; and blind with cold, and with all his finery clinging to him, [uama sat singing, and weaving his mats, and Mar- | Tara was glad to accept of the pearl-fisher's hospital

i dressed the food and kept the house in order, lity. nd all was harmony and peace.

*** I shall come in for a nice little reward for doing the king's cousin this service,” thought the wily Bari

soa ; therefore, he set the best he had in the house 1. THE SEA SENDS MARMI A GALLANT SUITOR.

before his guest, and bade his daughter bestir her-. One day a sudden ending came to this content self to make him comfortable. This Marmi did, and nd tranquillity, -sudden as that which falls on the as the crafty pearl-fisher observed the open-eyed ender plants and blossoms when the summer hurri- amazement with which the merchant watched the ane sweeps over them.

handsome maiden tripping to and fro, his thoughts The wooer whom Barisoa had so patiently awaited took a sudden turn, and he exerted himself to do still ame at last, – a noble suitor, being a personage no more honors to Tara, helping him to the choicest bits less important than the king's cousin, and, moreover, of the baked chicken, and producing from a cool a man whose wealth could be reckoned only by peo- hole in the fioor a jar of rare old palm wine. When ple well skilled in figures and mighty calculations. the great man had tasted once, and tasted it again, True, he was an old man, old as Barisoa himself, or and pronounced it excellent, Barisoa suggested that very nearly : “But what of that? He will be the Marmi should sing to them, if Tara would be pleased more likely to make me such a present as will keep to hear her. me comfortably, since he himself is growing feeble, The king's cousin, so far from objecting, seconded and understands the treatment that agrees with old Barisoa's request with a warmth that made the damage,” argued the selfish old pearl-fisher.

sel cast down her eyes, while those of the cunning It must not be supposed that the great Tara came old fisher twinkled again. “Sing while our noble courting pretty Marmi' as the others had done. guest finishes his meal," her father said; but, strangely Widespread as was the fame of Marmi's beauty, it enough, no sooner had Marmi raised her sweet voice had not reached the ears of the king's cousin; nor was than the merchant's dinner was finished ; nay, the this to be wondered at. Except when he was shut morsel cut for his next mouthful remained uneaten. in his house, counting his gains and laying plans If Barisoa had really intended that Marmi’s singing for their increase, he was out on the sea in his great should give a zest to the guest's appetite, his design sailing canoe, trafficking in merchandise from island miscarried utterly. Ears the merchant had, eyes he to island.

had, and his jaws went through the mechanical moThe accident that brought this great merchant tions of mastication, but Marmi's delicate cookery prince face to face with Marmi, arose, indeed, from went for nothing at all, and whether he was eating the fact of Tara being a famous sea voyager; for one fish, or chicken, or taro, it would have puzzled him day — the day of disaster just mentioned — the big- to have told. He was enraptured, and looked like masted canoe, when returning heavily freighted, to a man enchanted, — symptoms that were not lost on Samoa, struck on a hidden rock, and filled so fast, Barisoa, who bowed his head over his dish that he that the sailors, to save their lives, jumped over- might conceal the joy that lighted his countenance. board, and swam for the shore. Those who could not “ Peace, my daughter,” he cried ; “thy singing disswim trusted their precious lives to planks and bas- tracts our guest's appetite. Get thee gone a little kets, and among these latter was Tara, who, great while.” captain as he was, was glad to share a spare mast But the smitten Tara at once objected. “O no, with one of bis slave rowers. He generously offered no," cried he, with an eagerness that was sweeter the slave his liberty if he would get off, and leave music to the father's greedy ear than his daughter's him all the mast to himself; pointing out how advan-choicest singing, “thou art indeed wrong, my friend; tageous the terms were, since a slave's life was worth never before have I so delightfully feasted." a good three hundred dollars, whereas the whole But Marmi, who was obedience itself, went out as mast, let alone half of it, was not worth five. But her father bad bidden, leaving him and the old merthe slave was a great dull fellow, and, instead of im- chant alone; and, while the two elders talked tomediately and thankfully dropping into the water gether, Marmi and Muama sat without the hut, in amongst the sharks, leaving the whole mast to his the shadow of the eaves. Marmi found her old commaster, he took to arguing that, since half the spar panion there busy with his basket-weaving, and she was worth so little, and Tara so rich, it would be no sat herself down beside him, and told him all that great sacrifice if he yielded it up entirely, and gave had passed, laughing innocently when she came to so poor a fellow as he the slave was a chance of sav- that part of the narrative where her singing had ing his life. It was just at this critical moment that spoilt the guest's appetite, and her father had sent Barisoa’s boat hove in sight, when, waiting until it her away. came quite close, so that he could climb into it, Tara " And that is the voice you praise so !” exclaimed graciously granted the prayer of his slave, and left the maiden, with mock seriousness; “how indifferent him the whole of the spar, to sink or swim on it. a judge of singing you must be, dear Muama! I

Tara was a man altogether unused to hardsbip, must be careful how I venture on such pastime again. and the hour he had passed on the mast up to his My voice must be barsher even than the croak of neck in water, together with the constant fright lest the sedge frog, since it spoils the appetite of a hunhe should presently tumble or be pushed off by the gry man." slave (who was a gigantic fellow, and, had he been B ut Muama was in no mood for playful talk.


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While she was speaking, his work had slid out of his all his vast experience has he paid unsuetis unconscious hand, and his face was strangely trou-court to a woman, and now he found that his fer bled. Never before had Marmi seen him so af- and suddenly engendered passion was in dange fected.

burning to waste because of a miserable, bezet, “ What is the matter, Muama?" she asked, ten- blind mat-maker, who, from his relations with a derly.

dependence on, the pearl-fisher's family, should But Muama was still silent. Presently, however, of no more account than a dog. taking in his own the little hand laid on his shoulder, As for the unfortunate person last mentica: said he, in a trembling whisper,

not one word of the somewhat stormy discussion 11 “ We love each other dearly, do we not, Marmi?" lost on him. As he sat against the outer wall of

Now, as before remarked, the love that existed be-hut, with his mat-work hanging idly in his bar tween these young people was not of the sort that and his ear closely pressed against a chink, ": affects whispering. It had grown naturally, as changes in his countenance were wonderful t? flowers grow in the forest tangle, courting not ob- hold. It was like a fire in the open air, blowo ar servation, but knowing neither shame nor fear of by the winds, — by various winds, one of vi discovery. Therefore the young woman was not a fanned it into a fair and brilliant flame, while otha little surprised that Muama should so address her, puffing at it gustily, bufleted it this way and and answered him freely and unblushingly, — and beat down the hopeful fire, and blackened it a

* We have ever loved each other, my dear broth-strove to turn it to cold ashes. The ill winds er, and we ever will. Is it not the command of the the voices of old Barisoa and his princely guest, gods that we should do so ?”

one persuading poor Marmi, and the other thra: But this reply seemed to convey to Muama but ening her; while the fair wind was that of Mar small comfort. Strangely enough indeed (or so herself, answering them frankly, and withal ve thought Marmi), he appeared alarmed that she such quiet firmness, that, while the blind lister: should so openly declare her love for him.

was filled with gratitude, the other two were pre * Hush, Marmi!” he said, in the same troubled ently silenced, and went away together towards is whisper, and drawing her closer towards him, at the town, slowly walking and talking. same time raising bis forefinger to enjoin her si- Then Marmi joined Muama. Danger had mad lence. Then he leant his head against the wall of her bold. In the presence of her father and Ta the hut, and it was evident, from the expression of she had stood firm and tearless, but now that the his countenance, that he was intently listening. As were gone, and she was left alone with her part with all who are blind, his sense of hearing was very friend, she gave way to her pent-up sorrow: a! acute, and though Marmi could distinguish nothing twining ber arms round his neck, and resting be: but a confused murmur of voices proceeding from forebead on his shoulder, she sobbed and cried the interior of the hut, Muama's quick ears served though her heart would break. him with more cruel fidelity. What he heard Murma did not weer. Had it been as of ol. caused his lips to turn ashy pale, and his blind eyes and Marmi had exhibited such distress, her compas. to quiver. Drawing Marmi yet closer to his side, he ion would have cried with her out of pure sorrow whispered, sobbingly,

for her grief. But it was not as of old. The low "O my sister! O my dear love! how shall I part pleasant dream had ended, and he was rudely with thee?"

shocked to a sense of stern reality. He awoke a And before she could answer, scarce knowing what man, however. The Marmi of his dreaming, and to say, she heard her father calling her. She would she who now was sobbing so, were one and the have disengaged her band at once from Muama's same. She, as well as he, had awoke to realitr. grasp and obeyed, but the young man detained her. so splendid and desirable as Tara put it ani ber

- Tell me, Marmi,” he exclaimed, with passionate father agreed, but she was not in the least dazzled earnestness, "tell me that you will never forsake by it. Her father had urged her, for her own sake, me. Make me that promise, Marini. Let me hear and, finding that of no arail, for his, pleading be you once again say that, as we have always lored advancing years and his gray hairs as sufficient each other, so we ever will."

reasons why she shoult accept the magnificent offer * So we ever will, dear Muama," repeated Varmi. Tara had made her; while the enamoured merchant sorely bewildered. * But how is this, my brother? prince, in a breath, praised her surpassing beauty, Who could desire so cruel a thing as that we should and enumerated the manr items of his wealth, be parted ? Surely my father - *

.! his great house of four chambers, his storehouse filled But at this moment her father's voice was heart with rieh stuifs, and measures of beads, and brass calling her again, and not without some impatience: and copper pans, his big two-masted canoe, then and gently breaking away from her companion, she building, and nearly finished, and his tremendoui entered the house.

hoard of gunpowder. Of all these things he spoke There she found her father and Tara, his mightr süll the old pearl-fisher's eres twinkled, and be mule guest not sitting as such, and with the board be meaning gestures to his danghter over the garruko tween them, but close beside each other as old and old merchant's shoulder. Nor was Tara's discourse equal friends. What passed at that long interview confined to his possession of goods he himselt annen between the father and danghter and the rich might enjoy. He spoke generously of the guy merchant prince need not here he told. It was fail brats, and the bracelets and anklets of orth, 13 of strange and startling relations, lowever. As for the great necklace of pearls that bad belonger Barison, he was doomer to the bitter discovers that previous wife of his and should adora Maria he was not as he had all along supposed himself to her marriage dar. be master of his daughter's beart and sound, while the ! To all these fine offers, however, Marmi had innocent pups of the young woman were opened to one answer, and this Moama, intently listening the fact that her father was that splid wretch who side the boot, heard. She was very happr. so wealiserter her for his gain. The high and mightripeated : *she loved Maama better than sari Tard, tout had discovert to make. Never yet in else in the whole world (excepting her DHED

»urse), but she had no mind for marrying.” This out here, that Muama and I may drink to our lasting as the sum total of all her replies to their per- friendship." iasions and entreaties. As before remarked, how- Hearing these kind words, poor Marmi was so ver, Muama had awoke a man.

filled with joy that, as she carried out the wine cups "Dear Marmi,” said he, “ you must be resolute, to where her father sat, her hands trembled, and a or the end has come. It is I that am to blame. little of the liquor was spilled over his breast; but Because I am blind, and cannot see the beauty of leaning over him she wiped away the stain, and your face, I have been led to act selfishly towards casting both her arms about the neck of the old you, and unjustly towards my fellow-men. Your hypocrite, kissed him, and gave him a look so full of beauty that they talk so of must indeed be glorious tenderness and gratitude, as should have made his to behold. I never thought that it would be so cheeks burn with shame. valuable until I heard your father prize it, even “ You are not angry with me, father?” Marmi before what I, in my ignorance, thought the loveli- asked him. est possession of all, – a heart full of loving-kindness, “Nay, my child,” he replied, returning her caress. such as yours is, dear Marmi. How should I know " If I seemed angry, it was with a meaning. All of these things? No doubt that your father is in the that you urged in reply to Tara I quite agreed with; right. Why should so magnificent a jewel be hid nay, my great fear was — and that, though I dared in this poor place ? You must go away, Marmi; not express it in words, was what I wished to conyou must go with Tara to his great house, and bevey to you when I motioned to you behind the felhis wife. But though you are away from me, I low's back — lest you should be prevailed upon to shall not be entirely without comfort, for I shall relent, and so involve us all in a difficulty not easy think of you constantly; and while your new to set right. I should have spoken my mind right friends are entirely occupied in admiring your beau- out; but, as you know, Tara is very powerful, and tiful face, you may spare out of your heart a might ruin me with a word if I incurred his malice. thought for me.”

| Was it not better that I should pretend to second But Marmi was now a woman, as Muama was his desires than to open my heart to him, and so a man; and when she contrasted his pure, unself-provoke his enmity ?” ish love for her with that which the king's cousin “ Then he is not angry with me, — with Muproffered, her affection for him increased tenfold. ama ?So she told him, and continued to tell him all “He is not so foolish,” laughed Barisoa; "he is through that afternoon, of bitter-sweet, until eve- not a bad fellow when you get close to him. I have ning fell, and her father returned from the town. | been to his house, and drank wine with him, such

wine! And said he, 'Barisoa, my friend, were I blind, like the amiable Muama, I might perhaps be

willing to take against her will a woman to be my III. IN WHICH BARISOA PLAYS AN UGLY PART,

"wife ; but, having the use of my eyes, and my senses AND SAD NEWS IS BROUGHT BY A CANOE MAN.

too, I would as soon think of putting to sea in a When Marmi exclaimed “My father is coming,” storm.'” Muama at once begged of her to retire into the hut. “He spoke wisely,” remarked Marmi, with an “ For,” said he," should he discover you in tearful eagerness that called a sad smile to the face of the conversation with me, his anger will certainly be silent Muama. increased, and he will send me away instantly." “ So I made bold to tell him,” said Barisoa. "But But to this Marmi replied, " If it be my father's pur- I must tell you, my children, that, as well as wise, pose to send you away, dear Muama, that is a rea- Prince Tara is generous ; for when we had talked son why I should keep by you while I may.” So the matter over, and he saw how hopeless it would she dried her eyes, and, taking Muama's hand, be to continue his suit, said he, Well, since I may stood by him until old Barisoa came up.

not myself make your daughter happy, her heart To their surprise, however, the pearl-fisher seemed being so faithfully set on this poor blind man, I may not at all angry. On the contrary, indeed, to judge at least please her by assisting him."" from his demeanor, one would have thought that “How good! how generous !” cried Marmi, during his absence he had met with something that clapping her hands. “But how can he help him? had pleased him mightily, and altogether changed - how can he help you, Muama ?” his views respecting the disposal of his daughter's “Since he cannot help me to sight, how indeed ?” hand. This was what seemed. At the same time said the young man. it must be borne in mind the long time the crafty “How! why, in a dozen different ways," Barold fellow had been waiting for a rich suitor for his isoa remarked. “He could, if he was so minded, daughter, and the probability that, to gain the de- make you so rich that you need not work any sired end, he would not stick at a considerable more.” amount of deceit and dissimulation.

"But I would rather work,” Muama said. He came up open-handed and smiling, and ad- “ So I told him," answered the pearl-fisher. dressed them cheerily.

|". Then how can I help him,' said he. 'If I might “ Come, my son,” said he to Muama, at the same make so bold.' I replied, you might assist him in time laying a hand affectionately on the blind man's carrying his mats over to Tannais. There they head, "the sun has done his work; it is time that would fetch at least double the price he gets for we rested. Put down your weaving, and we will them here.' • Agreed,' said he; let me know when have a pleasant pipe together."

he has a lot ready for the market, and one of my This, indeed, was a surprise for Marmi. “Here slaves shall carry him over in a canoe, and wait for are two brimming shells of palm wine, father," she him, and bring him back again. He shall do so just called from the interior of the but; " shall I put them as frequently as the mat-maker pleases.'” back in the jar ?"

Poor Marmi was fit to cry with remorse for har“Nay," replied Barisoa, gayly, “they were not boring such bad thoughts against so kind a parent. born to be buried alive, my daughter. Bring them “I am undeserving of your love and kindness, dear

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