GENERAL INDEX Abbott's Shakespearian Gram- | Dowden, ii. 1. init., 156-158; iii. mar, i. 1. 17-18, 24, 49; i. 2. 11, adverb as noun, i. 2. 50. Ariel's costume, i. 2. 188, 375. Bacon, i. 2. 99-102; his Sylva Sylvarum, iv. 1. 156. badges of servants, v. 1. 267. 1.81-86; iii. 2. init.; Epil. init. genius," as constituting a man's ballad of King Stephen, iv. 1. goitre, iii. 3. 45-46. golden whistle as mark of office, Gonzalo's imaginary common- Gosse, i. 2. 376-380. 19, 439. double negative, i. 2. 406; iii. cothonista, ii. 2. 21. Humane Industry, iii. 3. 65. Hymen's lamp, iv. i. 22-23. Johnson, i. 1. init. Jonson's Every Man out of his Juno's peacocks, iv. 1. 74. Raleigh's Discovery of Guiana, red plague, i. 2. 364. St. Elmo's fire, i. 2. 198. in singular and plural, i. 2. 1. kissing before dancing, i. 2. 378. Setebos, i. 2. 373. Lamb, i. 2. 266. long spoon for eating with the devil, ii. 2. 103. Lyly's Euphues, i. 2. 469. Magellan, i. 2. 373. masque, its underlying concep- Medea's incantation, v. 1. 33-50. i. init.; iii. 3. init.; iv. 1. init. Nobody is Somebody, iii. 2. 136. Notes and Queries, iii. 3. 65. Shakespeare's anti-communistic Sir Huon de Bordeaux, v. 1. 164. 1. 231, 235-238. textual notes, i. 1. 69; i. 2. 26, travelers' insurance in Eliza- Ogilby's Accurate Description of Urchins' Dance, i. 2. 326. Africa, i. 2. 266. Paphos, iv. 1. 93. Pliny, iii. 3. 22-24. Praise at Parting, iii. 3. 39. proverbs, i. 1. 31–36; i. 2. 94-95 ; Venus' sparrows, iv. 1. 100. water with berries in it, i. 2. 334. whom, with neuter antecedent, iii. Widow Dido, ii. 1. 76. ii. 2. 86; iii. 2. 132; iii. 3. 39. | you and ye, use of. i. 2. 323. |