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fhip contended, that Great Britain had a right to demand the ftipulated fuc cours, or a junction of forces with Holland, as far back as the year 1778, when hoftilities commenced with France; but his Majefty, fedulous to preferve the interests of the United Provinces, did not exact a rigid performance of the ftipula tions, which might have proved very pre, judicial to their commerce.

In return for this forbearance, they employed themselves in transporting naval ftores into Breft, and other ports of France, reducing us thereby to the neceffity of feizing their fhips. So glaring a violation of treaties, however, was ftill paffed over, out of his Majefty's great affection to this old ally, whofe true in terefts were so closely interwoven with our own; and to fuch a pitch was our indulgence carried at this æra, that thefe contraband cargoes were paid for, and restitution of the fhips made to their owners; fo that they were put altoge ther in as good a fituation as if thofe ftores had been difpofed of to the ene my. Such an equitable plan could not have failed to enfure cordiality in future, and prevent any of those misunderstandings which have fubfequently happened, had not French intrigue and influence been employed to prevent it: but those pernicious arts had fucceeded fo far as to infatuate the minds of the Dutch, and lead them into measures directly subverfive of their own true interests.

On the acceffion of Spain to the French caufe (continued his Lordship) this country was not only threatened with immediate invafion, but faw a hoftile fleet approaching her coaft, more formidable than had ever been feen in Europe: the celebrated Spanish armada, in the days of Q. Elifabeth, was nothing to compare with its force. Here then the cafus foe deris explained in the laft treaty indifputably presented, and the ftipulated fucCours were demanded by Sir Jofeph Yorke. But the States-General gave no fatisfactory answer to our memorial: they equipped a few fhips indeed; but for fo far different a purpose from that of affifting their ally, they were defigned to convoy naval ftores into the ports of France. Thus they became hoftile, when even neutrality itfelf was contrary to treaty. Not contented with thefe infults, -the next was to receive into their own harbours the pirate Paul Jones, with two King's fhips he had made prizes of,


and to protect him there, instead of de-
livering him up, which was their imme
diate duty to have done on our remon-
ftrances, they gave only a partial fatif
faction, by ordering him to depart; and
yet of this trivial conceffion his Majefty
accepted, willing at all events to prevent
that breach which has at length proved
unavoidable for by the interception of
Laurens last year, the full defigns of
Holland, and the true motives of all her
unaccountable conduct towards this coun
try, were fully revealed. It was notor
rious indeed, before that event, that A
merican agents were refident at Amfter-
dam; but I will be free to acknowledge,
I had no intimation that they were coun-
tenanced by the magistracy of that city;
much lefs that they had actually negoti
ated a treaty of commerce with the re-
volted colonies. His Lordship then fta-
ted the moderate proceedings of our go-
vernment fucceeding the detection of this
treaty. Our minifter coolly, demanded a
difavowal and cenfure of that inftrument
from the States General, by different me-
morials; which received no answer, except
what was contemptuous and infulting,
"That they adjudged the subject ad refe-

From this detail of the unjuftifiable conduct which had all along marked the proceedings of Holland, his Lordship drew, as an undeniable inference, that the honour of this country, as well as its intereft, required thofe decifive meafures which have been taken, and that every poffible affiftance fhould be granted for the profecution of the war, He concluded by moving for an addrefs to his Majefty, thanking him for his moft gracious meffage; profefling a forrow fimilar to what his Majefty felt for the neceffity of commencing hoftilities against the ancient allies of his crown ac knowledging with gratitude his wife and gracious conduct, in ftriving fo long to avoid fuch a quarrel; and affuring him of their zealous exertions against all his Majefty's enemies, for the prefervation of the nation's honour and intereft.

Lord Lewisham feconded the motion. He obferved, that the conduct of the States-General amounted, in fact, to a declaration of hoftilities againft this country long fince; though, their crafty policy prompted them to act covertly, and fcreen themfelves behind the fanctity of treaties, which they fcrupled not themfelves to violate. The queftion there


fore was only, Whether is it better to engage an open enemy or a concealed one? His Lordship attributed the abfurd and unnatural behaviour of this quondam ally to the baneful influence of French gold: for nothing elfe could have quite effaced from her remembrance every trace of ancient amity and reciprocal fupport; nothing elfe could have made her forget how she was led to con. queft by K. William, and the Duke of Marlborough, fighting againft that afpiring family whofe banners fhe now appears fo willing to fupport. The pernicious confequence of this verfatility muft redound more to Holland than to Great Britain; for the perfidious principles of France were well known, and might be dreaded by all her confederacy, when their fupport became no longer neceffary. In this war, therefore, we were afferting the real interefts of both countries. His Lordship concluded by saying, that this conteft was neceflary for the charac ter of this country. We must submit to the groffeft ill ufage, or affume the means of vindicating our rights: and he hoped, in any fituation, we fhould refolve to redrefs with spirit thofe injuries which we can no longer brook with ho


Mr T. Townshend declared he fhould oppofe the motion altogether, except amy gentleman had an amendment to offer with which he could 'concur. He reforted to the fubject of that memorial which had been with-held from the infpection of the Houfe, ftating it to have contained grofs infults on the Majefty of the States-General, treating Holland as an inferior power, and irritating the feelings of that country into a refentment which had actuated all her fubfequent conduct. He said, that in deftroying the trade of the Dutch, we injured our own, for they were the carriers of our own manufactures. We had quarrelled with that nation for the fake of national honour; but would minifters anfwer for the immediate confequences? would they affure the Houfe, that our honour would not next be wounded by Portugal, by Ruffia, and other continental powers? K. William and the Duke of Marlborough had been named by a Noble Lord: - he wifhed the principles of those great perfonages had been adopted by the prefent miniftry for the neceffity of fuch a quarrel, the prefent had then never existed; we had not

then been involved in those fatal American difputes which were the fources of every prefent embarraffment. The Manifefto, he was credibly informed, has been pu blished with no other view at firft, but a very ridiculous idea, that it would im mediately induce infurrections at Amsterdam.

Lord North anfwered Mr Townshend with great animation and fuccefs. The Hon. Gentleman conceives, (said his Lordship), that King William and the Duke of Marlborough would have guarded this country from her prefent fituation; and he wishes for the fyftem they purfued. No other fyftem am I confcious of pursuing; for their grand ob. jects were, to check the ambition of the Houfe of Bourbon, to preferve the balance of power in Europe, and preferve the confederacy with Holland." Thefe have also been the aims of the prefent government; thefe have been invariably attended to with equal zeal, though not with equal fuccefs. It is the misfortune of the present reign, that the policy of Europe has changed fince the period alluded to. We have adhered to the fy. ftem of K. William and Q. Anne; but Holland now rejects it. Why does the Hon. Gentleman fuppofe, that thofe Sovereigns would have preserved peace in America? Not, furely, from what we know of their characters, can he draw fuch an inference; for K. William de. prived the ftate of Maffachufet's of their charter, and established a rule, by which it was at all times liable to be forfeited by the misconduct of their Governors, Surely, then, he would not have feared to affert in America the legislative authority of this country. Can it be thought either that he would have patiently fuffered France or Spain to support his revolted fubjects? or Holland to violate her treaties with impunity? I venerate the character of that monarch too much to think so unfavourably of him.

My regret at the Dutch war, continued his Lordship, has been already profeffed; the interefts of the two countries are infeparable, and we should, in prudence, unite to ftem a torrent which threatens deftruction to all Europe. A fpeedy reconciliation between us, therefore, I ardently with. I would not chufe to fee Holland diftreffed: nay, İ will go further, even at this moment, after every provocation, were it poffible that country fhould be attacked by France or Spain, I would advise to defend and


fupport her with the whole power of this monarchy. But, added his Lordship, I with not to live to fee that day, when we fhall be obliged to put up with thofe infults which our honour calls upon us to refent.

He next answered Mr Townshend's queftion relative to the difpofitions of the neutral powers. It would be abfurd to apprehend any wound to the national honour from Portugal or Ruffia; thofe ftates had received no injury from us, therefore could harbour no refentment or inimical views. Nothing of that kind was to be apprehended: but were it otherwife, ftill aggreffion, coming from what quarter it may, was to be refifted as well as poffible. The memorial of 1777, which had been noticed fo often, his Lordship faid, related to a grofs in fult offered to our flag by a Dutch governor, who received fome rebel priva. teers under the protection of his fort, and fuffered their flag to continue flying in the harbour. Such a procedure, at a time when the independency of America was not acknowledged even by France, certainly demanded a warm remonfrance; and the inftrument in question was couched in fpirited terms, but contained nothing offensive.

Mr T. Townshend admitted, that the Dutch had certainly abandoned the fyftem; and that, though we might be the first victims to the ambition of the Houfe of Bourbon, the Dutch would certainly be the next. He infifted, however, that minifters were to blame for the prefent alarming want of allies, which left us exposed to all the fury of our enemies.

Mr Wraxall did not attribute the want of allies to the minifters, but to the jealoufy occafioned by our great power at the clofe of the late war. He took a view of the different neutral courts, and pointed out their different interefts and refources. The power of Pruffia was now nothing; it was a vox et præterea nihil; it had nothing to fupport it now but the former reputation of its monarch, who is no longer loved or refpected by his fubjects. But the court of Vienna, he said, was the place in which all our addreffes should center; the Emperor had an army of between 3 and 400,000 men, the finest troops in Europe; all anxious to fhew their zeal for a prince whom they idolize, and who, in the late fracas with Pruflia, facrificed his martial ardour to the pacific difpofition of his lately deceased mother: VOL. XLIII.

an alliance with the House of Austria might be the falvation of this country. We fupported the pretenfions of the Emperor's grandfather to the throne of Spain; and we established the tottering throne of his mother, the late EmprefsQueen; the prefent illuftrious head of that house (of Austria) might return the compliment, and guard the throne of England: the manner in which he received Mr Bolts, and made him fupervifor of his India affairs, fhews the with he has to have an Eaft-India company; we might aflift his views; and a fublidy of 1,000,000 of money might make the great and powerful Jofeph our friend.

Mr Eyre affented to the neceffity of the war; and fhewed, from a recent tranfaction, that the Dutch intended nothing but hoftilities against us. By a letter from Antigua, of the 30th of November, he learned, that the Dutch Admiral, on his arrival at St Euftatia, had ordered all the condemned prizes that we had made there to come under his ftern, and immediately releafed them. He remembered very well, in the two laft wars, that the minifters of this country had not used half fo much ceremony with the Dutch as the prefent ministry had; that they had feized thips to the value of feveral millions, and condemned them; and he hoped, that, ere long, Euftatia, that neft of pirates, would be in our hands.

Ld John Cavendish faid, that the cafe of the Dutch and of the other belligerent powers were very different: France had attacked us, and fo had Spain; and he had agreed to a war with them, because it was inevitable: but it was not fo with the Dutch; they had not declared againft us; we had, on the contrary, declared against them: we have not there. fore the fame reafon for affenting to a war with them as we had against the Houfe of Bourbon: he therefore would propose, (and moved it), that the House condoled with the King; but inftead of faying, that it was for the unavoidable ne ceffity of hoftilities, he moved this amendment, on account of the hoftilities; and alfo to inform his Majesty, that they would take into confideration the papers that he had ordered to be laid before them; and that, if from them they should find that hoftilities had been unavoidable, they would ftand by him with their lives and fortunes.

Mr Sinclair lamented, that when our C enemies

enemies were to be increased, we should find them in Holland; that country that had been raised to independence by the foftering hand of Q. Elifabeth, and fupported by fucceeding monarchs of this country; fo that we might now, in our furprife, fay, with Cæfar to the best beloved affaffin, Et tu, Brute! But he had not a doubt but we should make these new enemies repent, that they had forced us to wage war with them. Their trade was extenfive, and, paffing by our doors, would be expofed to our armed veffels: they would suffer in the Eaft and Weft Indies, where they were totally defenceless; and the herring-fishery, on the coaft of Scotland, which, to our fhame, was in their hands, and brought them in five millions a-year, must neceffarily be interrupted: nay, the very mounds which defended them from the ocean, might, for want of fufficient fums to keep them in repair, the revenues be. ing exhausted by fupporting fleets and armies, and by loffes in commerce, thofe mounds might give way, and leave the ocean to deluge the country. Spirit on our fide would enable us to face our enemy with honour, and he doubted not but we should do it with fuccefs: defpair was not known without doors; he was glad it was to be heard of only within thofe walls.

The Houfe divided on the motion for the amendment: Noes 180, Ayes ror.

Another amendment was moved by Lord Mahon; which being negatived without a divifion, the original motion was then put, and carried.

The LORDS Addrefs.

"Die Jovis, 25° Fannarii, 1781. Moft Gracious Sovereign, WE, your Majefty's moft dutiful and Joyal fubjects, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, in Parliament affembled, beg leave to return your Majefty our humble thanks for your most gracious meffage, and for having been pleafed to communicate to this House your Majefty's public declaration, fetting forth the caufes and motives which have obliged your Majefty to direct letters of marque and general reprifals to be iffued against the StatesGeneral of the United Provinces, and their fubjects.

We obferve, with much concern and juft indignation, that the governing part of a nation, whom the ties of common intereft, and the faith of mutual engagements, fhould have made a fincere friend,

has employed the most hoftile and pernicious means to annoy an ancient ally, by leaguing with your Majefty's revolted fubjects, and furnishing conftant and effectual aids to your inveterate enemies.

We acknowledge, with the highest fatisfaction, and warmeft fentiments of gratitude, your Majefty's wildom in endeavouring to bring the States-General back to thofe principles which they have deferted, and in the reluctance you have fhewn to proceed to hoftile measures against a state connected with this country by the clofeft ties of mutual intereft. Your Majefty's great moderation and forbearance ftrongly aggravate their conduct, which made the prefent rupture indifpenfably neceffary.

We beg leave to affure your Majesty, that we fhall, with the warmest and moft dutiful zeal, give every fupport to those vigorous meafures which your Majefty has determined to purfue. We are fenfible they are founded in juftice and wifdom, and are fuch as the honour of your Majesty's crown, and the essential interefts of the nation, require."

The KING'S Answer. "My Lords,

1 thank you for this very dutiful and affectionate addrefs.

I have the fulleft reliance upon your fupport; and I truft, that the vigorous exertions I am determined to make, will, under the providence of God, defeat the defigns of all my enemies, and procure to my people the bleffings of a safe and honourable peace."

The COMMONS Addrefs.

"Moft Gracious Sovereign,

WE, your Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal fubjects, the Commons of Great Britain in Parliament affembled, return your Majefty our humble thanks for your most gracious meffage, and for having been pleased to communicate to this Houfe your Majefty's public declaration, of the causes and motives which have obliged your Majefty to direct letters of marque, and general reprisals, to be issued against the States-General of the United Provinces and their subjects.

Permit us, Sire, to affure your Majefty, that we take a most sincere part in the concern and regret which your Majesty expreffes, for the unavoidable neceffity of hoftile measures against the ancient friends and natural allies of your kingdoms.

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We acknowledge, with the warmest fentiments of gratitude, the wisdom and moderation of your Majefty's conduct, ia ufing every endeavour, before your Majefty proceeded to extremities, to prevail on the States-General to revert to that system of found policy which used to govern their councils in the best times of the republic, and which formed and eftablished her union with Great Britain, for the common intereft and mutual fafety of both countries.

We beg leave to affure your Majefty, that your faithful Commons will, with a firm and determined refolution, fupport your Majesty againft all your enemies, in the profecution of this juft and neceffary war, for the maintenance of the honour of your crown, and of the rights and interefts of your people.

The KING'S Answer. "Gentlemen,

Nothing could give me fo much fatiffaction as this very loyal and affectionate addrefs.

I return you my moft cordial thanks for the zealous affurances of the continuance of your fupport; and I affure you on my part, that I never called for that fupport except when I was convinced, that it was effentially neceffary for the welfare and fecurity of my kingdoms, and for the maintenance of the honour of my crown, which I fhall always confider as infeparably connected with the interefts of my people.

The Lords Protefts, Jan. 25. 1781.


1. Because we cannot confent to involve this and other nations in all the horrors of war, but upon the cleareft proofs both of juftice and neceffity; and it would be peculiarly inconfiftent with our public truft, without fuch evidence, to give a parliamentary fanction to a war against the ancient and natural allies of this nation.

It is on the juftice of our caufe, and on the abfolute neceffity of proceeding to fach extremities, that we must be anfwerable to God and our consciences for a measure which neceffarily plunges mil Eons of innocent people in the utmoft diftrefs and mifery. It is on this foundation alone that we can with confidence pray for fuccefs, or hope for the protection of Providence.

We conceive that a careful, and, above all, an impartial examination of the

correspondence between his Majesty's minifters, and his late ambaffador at the Hague, and of all the memorials, complaints, requifitions, manifeftoes, anfwers, and other papers, which have paffed between the two courts, as far as they relate in any respect to the present rupture, is indispensable to warrant par. liament in pronouncing, whether the hoftilities which his Majefty has authorised his fubjects to commence against those of the Seven United Provinces, are, or are not, founded in juftice; and, con. fequently, before they can with propriety offer to his Majelly any advice, or promife him any affistance, in the prefent conjuncture.

The fudden attack which the minifters have advised his Majefty to begin against the property of our neighbours, failing in full confidence of peace, and of their alliance with this nation, made without allowing the ufual time ftipulated by treaties, even between enemies, for fecuring the property of unfufpecting individuals, in cafe of a sudden rupture, is a proceeding which, till explained, muft appear unwarranted by the law of nations, and contrary to good faith. Nor can we, upon the bare recommendation of ministers, approve of fuch a conduct, or determine upon the nice conftruction of treaties and reciprocal obligations, without so much as hearing what our late allies and friends have on their fide to alledge.

But the influence of his Majesty's minifters in parliament has been fuch as to obtain, not only the rejection of a motion which has been made for this neceffary information, but also to induce this great council of the nation, on a matter deeply affecting their most important interest, to give a folemn opinion, without any knowledge of the facts on which they have pronounced with fo blindfold a complaifance to the will of the court.

2. Because, however fufficient the reafon of juftice ought to be, that of expe diency may perhaps be more prevalent, and is not wanting on this occafion.

It has been the uniform and approved policy of our ableft statesmen, for near a century, to form alliances, and to unite with the powers on the continent to refift the ambitious attempts of the House of Bourbon. The Proteftant republic of Holland, from the freedom of its conftitution and fentiments, as well as from its religion, has ever been deemed a va



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