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Old Testament Commentary for English Readers.

Edited by the RIGHT REV. C. J. ELLICOTT, D.D.,
Lord Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol.

The Contributors will include

The Very Rev. R. PAYNE SMITH, D.D., Dean of

The Very Rev. E. H. PLUMPTRE, D.D., Dean of

The Rev. F. W. FARRAR, D.D., F.R.S., Canon of

The Rev. ALFRED BARRY, D.D., Canon of West-

The Rev. G. RAWLINSON, M. A., Canon of Canterbury.
The Rev. H. D. M. SPENCE, M.A., Hon. Canon of

The Rev. A. S. AGLEN, M.A.

The Rev. H. DEANE, B.D., Fellow of St. John's Col-
lege, Oxford.

The late Rev. C. J. ELLIOTT, M.A., Hon. Canon of
Christchurch, Oxford.

The Rev. C. J. BALL, M. A., Chaplain of Lincoln's Inn
The Rev. C. D. GINSBURG, LL D., Author of "The

The Rev. F. GARDINER, D.D., Prof. of Divinity,
Middletown, U.S.A.

The Rev. A. C. JENNINGS, M.A.

The Rev. W. H. LOWE, M.A.

The Rev. Professor STANLEY LEATHES, D.D.
The Rev. J. W. NUTT, M. A.
The Rev. W. B. POPE, D.D.

The Rev. H. R. REYNOLDS, D.D.
The Rev. R. SINKER, B.D.

The Rev. Dr. SALMON, D.D.
The Rev. C. H. WALLER, M.A.

The Rev. S. L. WARREN, M.A., late Fellow of Wad-
ham College, Oxford.

VOLUME II., ready in January, 1883, will contain

Deuteronomy and Joshua. By the Rev. C. H.

Judges. By the Rev. Canon FARRAR, D.D., F.R.S.
To be completed in Five

Ruth. By the Rev. R. SINKER, B.D.

I. Samuel. By the Rev. Canon SPENCE, M.A. II. Samuel. By the Rev. F. GARDINER, D.D. Volumes, price 21s. each.


that have no more instruction for us than the histories of the nations among whom they dwelt. Nay, more, the very moral scope and bearing of that Law, from which it has been said that 'one jot or tittle shall in no wise pass away till all things be accomplished,' is boldly called in question in the very precincts of Christian controversy.

"It is well, then, that the simple and earnest reader should have within reach a Commentary professedly plain, popular, and uncontroversial, which by the very tenour of its interpretation, and the reverent candour of its discussion, should assist in maintaining in the

1nounncement of a Serial Issue of

Bishop Ellicott's Old Testament Commentary.

Messrs. CASSELL & COMPANY have the pleasure to announce that they have arranged to issue in Monthly Parts, price 7d.,

The Old Testament Commentary


Edited by the RIGHT REV. C. J. ELLICOTT, D.D.,
Lord Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol.

Part 1 ready September 25.

BISHOP ELLICOTT, in his Preface, says :

"The present Commentary on the Old Testament is based on the same principles, and designed for the same class of readers, as the companion Commentary on the New Testament.

"To bring home to the believing the life and power of God's Word, and to set forth the truth of that Word to those whose belief has become shaken or impaired, are the two great objects of the present Commentary.

"It has been the main object of the writers to bring the blessed teaching of the Sacred Volume home to the heart and soul of the reader; to show how He that was to come is the guiding light, the quickening principle, the mystic secret of the long ages of preparation; how history typified, and rite foreshadowed, and prophecy foretold; how, in a word, salvation is the orient light under which all the mysteries of the Old Dispensation become clear and intelligible.

"Especially is it our hope that some momentous truths in relation to the Old Testament will be found to have been brought out with fresh force and perspicuity, and that not so much by isolated notes or special disquisitions, as by the whole tone or tenour of the Commentary. There was never a time when this was more needed.

"It is not now merely by outward foes that the Divine authority of the Old Testament is impugned and its teaching invalidated; Christians are now being taught by Christians to regard the history of the Old Testament as no more than the strange annals of an ancient people, that have no more instruction for us than the histories of the nations among whom they dwelt. Nay, more, the very moral scope and bearing of that Law, from which it has been said that 'one jot or tittle shall in no wise pass away till all things be accomplished,' is boldly called in question in the very precincts of Christian controversy.

"It is well, then, that the simple and earnest reader should have within reach a Commentary professedly plain, popular, and uncontroversial, which by the very tenour of its interpretation, and the reverent candour of its discussion, should assist in maintaining in the

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foreground those broad truths relative to the Old Dispensation which it is the especial care of modern criticism to keep out of sight and to ignore.

"We allude more particularly to these three great truths: First, that the history of the Old Testament is not merely the history of an ancient nation, but the history of a nation that was, as it were, the church of humanity, and in which and through which dawned the true future and true hope of mankind; secondly, that the Divine government of that nation, and the law to which it was to be subordinated, are to be estimated, not by the isolated consideration of individual facts or commands, but by the scope, purpose, and final issues of that law and that government which history incontrovertibly discloses; and lastly, and almost inferentially, that the revelation which God vouchsafed to His chosen people, and partially, through them, to the widespread nations of the earth, was progressive and gradual, and that the Old Testament is the record of the long preparation of mankind for that which every true heart in every age had dimly longed for-redemption and salvation through Jesus Christ."


"The notes throughout are candid, thoughtful, and reverent; there is no attempt to evade or gloze over difficulties, but an opportunity is seldom missed of giving to the exegesis even of perplexing passages a practical and personal turn."-Guardian. "A book to be bought and a book to be read."—Record.

"Of making many commentaries there is no end, but of making many good The work under review is a notable commentaries there is hardly a beginning. exception, and whether as it regards the manner or the matter, the style in which it is given to the public by Messrs. Cassell & Co., or the ability of the general introductions by the distinguished men whose names are a guarantee for accomplished scholarship, the work before us is a great boon to the careful student of the Bible."-Rock.

"The difficulties of science, history, and modern discoveries are not ignored, neither are they magnified and exalted by elaborate confutations, while mere theories which common sense or common honesty would predispose the writers at once to repudiate are promptly dealt with."-Ecclesiastical Gazette.

"No better commentary for general use has ever been published in the English language. Each writer is thoroughly competent for the task he has undertaken, whilst the editing has been performed with due care and conscientiousness."-Christian World.

"The work is clear, methodic, and thorough, and cannot fail to secure a distinctive place for itself."-Nonconformist.

"This work will not only lay the whole Christian Church under obligation, but It would be a life-long will confirm and strengthen the hearts of many. We commend this work very highly to students of the Word, whether preachers or teachers. treasure, and to secure such a work some sacrifice might well be made."-Sunday School Chronicle.

"It is a noble work, scholarly and judicious in its methods of criticism and exegesis; reverent and candid in tone; thoroughly evangelical in doctrine; and, in every sense, practical and helpful."-Freeman.

N.B.- The NEW TESTAMENT COMMENTARY FOR ENGLISH READERS, Edited by the RIGHT REV. C. J. ELLICOTT, D.D., Lord Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol, is published, Complete in Three Vols., price 21s. each, or bound in half-morocco, £4 14s. 6d. the set.

Cas ell & Company, Limited, Ludgate Hill, London; and all Booksellers.




Dean of Canterbury.




Canon of Canterbury Cathedral, and Camden Professor of Ancient History in the University of Oxford.

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