Abbildungen der Seite

Il fait beau temps,

Il fera beau demain,

Il fait de l'orage,

Il fait froid, chaud, etc.,

Il m'importait beaucoup de faire cette démarche,

Il ne vous sied pas de contrarier,

Vous êtes content, il suffit,

Que vous semble-t-il de ce tableau?

Il se peut que votre projet réussisse,

Répondez, s'il vous plaît,

Vous plaît-il d'être de la partie?
Vous en souvient-il bien?
Il s'ensuivit de grands maux,

It is fine (weather).
It will be fine tomorrow.
It is stormy.

It is cold, hot, etc.

It was very important that 1 should take that step.

It does not become you to contradict.

You are pleased, it is enough. What do you think of that picture?

It is possible your project may

Answer, if you please.
Does it suit you to be of the party?
Do you remember it well?
Great evils followed.


194. The tenses of verbs are divided into primitive and derivative. The primitive tenses are those which, by change of termination, serve to form all others; they are the present of the infinitive, the participle present, the present of the indicative, and the past definite. The participle past may also be called a primitive tense. It does not however form other tenses by change of termination, but by means of the auxiliary verbs avoir and étre. The derivative tenses are those which are formed from the primitive.

General rules for forming the Tenses.

195. From the Infinitive present are formed: 1st, The Future of the Indicative*, by adding ai, as, a, ons, ez, ont†; as, aimer,-j'aimerai, tu aimeras, il aimera, nous aimerons, vous aimerez, ils aimeront; agir, j'agirai, tu agiras, il agira, nous agirons, vous agirez, ils agiront.

2nd, The Conditional*, by the addition of ais, ais, ait,

* Except verbs of Class IV. of the second conjugation, and verbs of the third conjugation; see pages 124 and 127.

The e of the infinitive of verbs of the fourth conjugation is omitted; as, rendre, je rendrai, je rendrais.

ions, iez, aient*; as, aimer,-j'aimerais, tu aimerais, il aimerait, nous aimerions, vous aimeriez, ils aimeraient; agir, j'agirais, tu agirais, il agirait, nous agirions, vous agiries, ils agiraient.

196. From the Participle present are formed:

1st, The three persons plural of the Present of the Indicativet, by changing the termination ant into ons, ez, ent; as, aimant,-nous aimons, vous aimez, ils aiment; agissant,-nous agissons, vous agissez, ils agissent.

2nd, The Imperfect of the Indicative, by changing ant into ais, ais, ait, ions, iez, and aient; as, aimant, -j'aimais, tu aimais, il aimait, nous aimions, vous aimiez, ils aimaient; agissant,-j'agissais, tu agissais, il agissait, nous agissions, vous agissiez, ils agissaient. 3rd, The Present of the Subjunctivet, by changing ant into e, es, e, ions, iez, and ent; as, aimant,-que j'aime, que tu aimes, qu'il aime, que nous aimions, que vous aimiez, qu'ils aiment; agissant, que j'agisse, que tu agisses, qu'il agisse, que nous agissions, que vous agissiez, qu'ils agissent.

197. With the Participle past are formed all the compound tenses, by means of the auxiliary verbs avoir and étre.

198. From the Present of the Indicative is formed: The Imperative, by omitting the pronouns used as subjects to the verb, such as tu, nous and vous. The imperative has no first person singular. The third persons are like those of the present Subjunctive.

199. When the second person singular of the present of the indicative ends in es, the s is suppressed in the imperative; as, tu aimes, thou lovest ;-imperative, aime, love thou: but when the imperative is followed by the pronoun en or y, the s is retained for the sake of euphony; as, offres-en à ton ami, offer some to thy friend; apportes-y tes livres, bring thy books thither.

200. NOTE. The euphonic s is not used before the preposition en; as, * The e of the infinitive of verbs of the fourth conjugation is omitted; as, rendre,-je rendrai, je rendrais.

+ Except verbs of Class IV. of the second conjugation, and verbs of the third conjugation; see pages 124 and 127.

apporte en même temps une carte de France, bring at the same time a map

of France.

201. From the second person singular of the Past definite of the indicative is formed:

The Imperfect of the Subjunctive, by adding se, ses, sions, siez, and sent, except the third person singular, which changes the final s into t, and has a circumflex accent on the preceding vowel (át, ít, út, int); as, tu aimas, que j'aimasse, que tu aimasses, qu'il aimát, que nous aimassions, que vous aimassiez, qu'ils aimassent; tu agis, que j'agisse, que tu agisses, qu'il agít, que nous agissions, que vous agissiez, qu'ils agissent.

NOTE. The verbs which deviate from the above rules, or from any of the following terminations, are given hereafter in the List of irregular and defective verbs.



To serve for reference in the formation of the Tenses of all Verbs, according to the preceding rules (194. et seq.).

[blocks in formation]

First pers. Second.

First pers. Second.


(Je, İ.) (tu, thou.) (il,he; elle,she.) (nous, we.) (vous, you.) (ils or elles, they.)

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

First pers. Second. Third.


First pers. Second.


(Je, I.) (tu, thou.) (il,he; elle,she.) (nous, we.) (vous,you.) (ilsorelles,they.)

[blocks in formation]




203. In the following list, all the irregularities of the verbs are given in full; but, in general, when the tenses are regular, that is, formed according to the rules page 153, or the synoptic table page 155, the first person only is given; thus, in ABSOUDRE, from j'absolvais, the first person of the imperfect, form by the rules and table the remaining persons, tu absolvais, il absolvait, nous absolvions, vous absolviez, ils absolvaient; from j'absoudrai, the first person of the future, form tu absoudras, il absoudra, nous absoudrons, vous absoudrez, ils absoudront.

N.B. The tenses are placed in the following order :-The Infinitive Present-the Participle Present-Participle Past-the Indicative Present -Imperfect-Past Definite-Future-the Conditional Present-the Imperative-the Subjunctive Present and Imperfect.

Etre subjoined to the participle, signifies that the compound tenses are conjugated with that verb; as, je suis allé.

A verb preceded by an asterisk (*) is defective.

ABATTRE, to pull down. Conjugated like battre, which see.

204. NOTE. When a compound word, that is, a word compounded of a verb and of a preposition, such as abattre, occurs in the alphabetical order, reference is, in most instances, made to the simple verb from which it is derived, and like which it is conjugated.

*ABSOUDRE, to absolve. Absolvant, absous (feminine absoute)―J'absous, tu absous, il absout; nous absolvons, vous absolvez, ils absolvent―J'absolvais (203.)—(No past definite)- J'absoudrai - J'absoudrais Absous

Que j'absolve-(No imperfect of the subjunctive.)

*ABSTRAIRE, to abstract. Like traire.

Faire abstraction de...... is usually preferred.

ACCOURIR, to run to. Like courir. (J'ai or je suis accouru.) *ACCROIRE. Only used in the infinitive with faire, as faire accroire, to impose upon, to make one believe; as, vous voulez m'en faire accroire, you wish to deceive me. ACCUEILLIR, to welcome. Like cueillir.

ACQUÉRIR, to acquire. Acquérant, acquis-J'acquiers, tu acquiers, il acquiert; nous acquérons, vous acquérez, ils

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