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part in the aire, cause many tempests, thunder and lightnings, tear oakes, fire steeples, houses, strike men and beasts, make it rain stones," &c. Part i. sect. 2, p. 46, ed. 1660; and from Nash's Pierce Pennilesse his Supplication to the Diuell, "The spirits of the aire wil mix themselues with thunder and lightning, and so infect the clime where they raise any tempest, that suddenly great mortalitie shall ensue of the inhabitants," &c. Sig. H 3, ed. 1595: but see note 68, iv. 47.


Ajax is half made of Hector's blood—This, vi. 94 : Ajax and Hector were cousin-germans" (MALONE): see mongrel beef-witted, &c. Ajax is their fool, viii. 45: “i.e. a fool to them. These rogues and cowards talk in such a boasting strain, that if we were to credit their account of themselves, Ajax would appear a person of no prowess when compared with them" (MALONE).

Ajax, That slew himself, &c.—The Greeks upon advice did bury, vi. 289: 66 This passage alone would sufficiently convince me that the play before us was the work of one who was conversant with the Greek tragedies in their original language. We have here a plain allusion to the Ajax of Sophocles, of which no translation was extant in the time of Shakespeare. In that piece Agamemnon consents at last to allow Ajax the rites of sepulture, and Ulysses is the pleader whose arguments prevail in favour of his remains" (STEEVENS).

Ajax-Your lion, that holds his pole-axe sitting on a close-stool, will be given to, ii. 243: "This alludes to the arms given, in the old history of The Nine Worthies, to 'Alexander, the which did beare geules, a lion or seiante in a chayer, holding a battle-ax argent.' Leigh's Accidence of Armory, 1597, p. 23" (TOLLET): Here, of course, is a quibble, Ajax (a jakes).

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Al'ce, a provincial abbreviation of Alice, iii. 109 ("So Alice' is pronounced in many places of Beaumont and Fletcher's Monsieur Thomas, as is evident from the metre," WALKER).

alder-liefest, dearest of all, v. 106 ("Alder is a corrupted, or at least modified, form of the original English genitive plural aller or allre, it is that strengthened by the interposition of a supporting d (a common expedient)," CRAIK; liefest is the superlative of lief, which means (6 dear: " ""The A. S. form for this would be allra leofeste." Latham's ed. of Johnson's Dict.).

ale, alehouse: go to the ale with a Christian, i. 311. (Here ale has been explained to mean the rural festival so named, though the words in the preceding speech of the present speaker, go with me to the ale-house, distinctly prove that explanation to be wrong.) Aleppo gone, master o' the Tiger—Her husband's to, vii. 208: Sir W. C. Trevelyan observed to Mr. Collier that "in Hakluyt's 'Voyages,'



1589 and 1599, are printed several letters and journals of a voyage to Aleppo in the ship Tiger of London: it took place in 1583."

aleven, eleven, ii. 358: see note 23, ii. 358.

("The Lorde hath suffered vs full longe,
And spared hath his rodde,-

What peace hath bene vs now among
Aleuen yeares, praysed be God!"

A new Ballad, intituled Agaynst Rebellions and false rumours,—
Seventy-nine Black-letter Ballads, &c., 1867, p. 242.)

a-life, as my life, excessively, iii. 471.

alive-Well, to our work, vii. 179: "This must mean, apparently,

let us proceed to our living business, to that which concerns the living, not the dead” (CRAIK): the context proves that it can have no other meaning.

all, applied to two persons: good morrow to you all, my lords, iv. 350; as all you know, v. 138.

all amort, dejected, dispirited (Fr. à la mort), iii. 168; v. 55.

all at once-And, iii. 63; iv. 415; v. 309: see note 108, iii. 63.

all hid, all hid, an old infant play, ii. 206: I think it plain that Biron means the game well known as hide-and-seek, though the following article in Cotgrave's Fr. and Engl. Dict. has been adduced to show that he possibly means blind-man's-buff; "Clignemasset. The childish play called Hodman blind [i.e. blind-man's-buff], Harrie-racket, or are you all hid.”

all to, all good wishes to; All to you, vii. 26; And all to all, vii. 252. all to-naught, all to-topple. See to.

All-hallown summer, iv. 209: “¿.e. late summer; All-hallows meaning All-Saints, which festival is the first of November." Nares's Gloss.: "Shakespeare's allusion is designed to ridicule an old man with youthful passions" (STEEVENS).

alliance!-Good Lord, for, "Good Lord, how many alliances are forming! Every one is likely to be married but me" (BOSWELL),

ii. 94.

allicholy, a blunder of Mrs. Quickly for melancholy, i. 379.

alligant, a blunder of Mrs. Quickly for elegant, i. 390.

all-obeying breath-His, His "breath which all obey; obeying for obeyed" (MALONE), viii. 330.

allow, to approve: That will allow me very worth his service, iii. 317; Of this allow, iii. 455; I for aye allow, iv. 179; do allow them well, iv. 372; allow us as we prove, vi. 60; if your sweet sway Allow obedience, viii. 55; did his words allow, ix. 327; my good allow,



ix. 387; generally allow'd, i. 395; Not ours, or not allow'd, v. 481; her allowing husband, iii. 412.

allow, to license, to privilege: go, you are allow'd (you are a privi

vii. 91.

leged scoffer," JOHNSON; "you are a licensed fool, a common jester," WARBURTON), ii. 239; there is no slander in an allowed fool, iii. 325; Allow'd (“ confirmed," SINGER) with absolute power, allow the wind, "stand to the leeward of me" (STEEVENS), iii. 292. allowance, approbation: Give him allowance as the worthier man,

vi. 32; A stirring dwarf we do allowance give, vi. 49; the censure of the which one must, in your allowance, d'erweigh, &c., vii. 362; put it on By your allowance, viii. 30; If this be known to you, and your allowance ("done with your approbation," MALONE), viii. 136. allowance-Of very expert and approv'd, viii. 158: "Expert and approv'd allowance is put for allow'd and approv'd expertness" (STEEVENS).

all-thing, every way: And all-thing unbecoming, vii. 240. alms-drink-They have made him drink, viii. 298: "A phrase,

amongst good fellows, to signify that liquor of another's share which his companion drinks to ease him" (WARBURTON).

along by him-Go, Go along "by his house, make that your way home" (MALONE), vii. 133: The enemy, marching along by them, "through the country of the people between this and Philippi" (CRAIK), vii. 180.

Althæa dreamed, &c., iv. 331: "Shakespeare has confounded Althæa's firebrand with Hecuba's. The firebrand of Althea was real; but Hecuba, when she was big with Paris, dreamed that she was delivered of a firebrand that consumed the kingdom" (JOHNSON): But Mr. Knight suggests that here "the page may be attempting a joke out of his half-knowledge" (a joke!); and a more recent commentator very gravely tells us, "It is not Shakespeare, but (most appropriately and characteristically, a boy who has picked up a smattering of knowledge) the page, who trips," &c. Althæa burn'd Unto the prince's heart of Calydon-As did the fatal brand, v. 113: the prince of Calydon is Meleager: "According to the fable, Meleager's life was to continue only so long as a certain firebrand should last. His mother Althea having thrown it into the fire, he expired in great torments" (MALONE).

Amaimon, i. 396; iv. 241: The name of a demon: "Randle Holme, in his Academy of Armory and Blazon, B. ii. ch. 1, informs us that 'Amaymon is the chief whose dominion is on the north part of the infernal gulph'" (STEEVENS): "Amaimon, King of the East, was one of the principal devils who might be bound or restrained from doing hurt from the third hour till noon, and



from the ninth hour till evening. See Scot's Discovery of Witchcraft, B. xv. ch. 3 [p. 393, ed. 1584]” (Douce).

amaze, to confound, to perplex: You do amaze her,

i. 453; You amaze me, ladies, iii. 13; Lest your retirement do amaze your friends, iv. 292; It would amaze the proudest of you all, v. 79; I am amaz'd, and know not what to say, ii. 302; I was amaz'd Under the tide, iv. 66; I am amaz'd, methinks, iv. 77; thou art amaz'd, iv. 181; Stand not amaz'd, vi. 428; I am amaz'd with matter (variety of business), viii. 479; amazing thunder, iv. 112.

Amen!-Come, i. 233: "Compare Captain Smith's Accidence, or the Path-way to Experience, 4to, Lond. 1626, p. 30, 'Who saies Amen, one and all, for a dram of the bottle'" (HALLIWELL).

ames-ace, both aces,—the lowest throw upon the dice, iii. 234. amiable siege-An, "A siege of love" (MALONE), i. 395.

amiss, misfortune, "evil impending or catastrophe " (CALDECOTT): prologue to some great amiss, vii. 395.

amiss, fault: salving thy amiss, ix. 349; urge not my amiss, ix, 407. amort. See all amort.

anatomy, a skeleton: A mere anatomy, ii. 62; that fell anatomy, iv. 52; this anatomy, ix. 200.

anatomy, a body: I'll eat the rest of the anatomy, iii. 360; In what vile part of this anatomy, vi. 441.

anchor, an anchorite, vii. 368.

ancient, a standard-bearer, an ensign-bearer (now called an ensign): Ancient Pistol, iv. 338, 339, 430, 431; good ancient, iv. 340; viii. 160; his Moorship's ancient, viii. 133; Ancient, conduct them, viii. 146; to be saved before the ancient, viii. 170; Othello's ancient, viii. 230; consists of ancients, iv. 274.

ancient, a standard: an old faced ancient (“an old standard mended with a different colour," STEEVENS), iv. 275: and see face.

and, used redundantly, as it occasionally is in old ballads: When that I was and a little tiny boy, iii. 398; He that has and a little tiny wit, viii. 64.

andirons, viii. 427: "The andirons were the ornamental irons on each side of the hearth in old houses, which were accompanied with small rests for the end of the logs. The latter [rests] were sometimes called dogs, but the term andirons frequently included both," &c. (HALLIWELL).

Andren, v. 468: see note 3, v. 468.



Andrew-My wealthy, ii. 338: the name of a ship: the conjecture that it was derived from the naval hero Andrea Doria is not a probable one.

angel-An ancient, iii, 164: see note 129, iii. 164.

angel of the air, bird of the air, ix. 112 (Angel in this sense is a Grecism,—äyyeλos, i.e. messenger, being applied to birds of augury : our early writers frequently use the word as equivalent to "bird;" so in Massinger and Dekker's Virgin-Martyr the Roman eagle is called "the Roman angel," Massinger's Works, vol. i. p. 36, ed. Gifford, 1813).

angel, a gold coin, which at its highest value was worth ten shillings: not I for an angel, ii. 98; This bottle makes an angel, iv. 274; your ill angel is light ("The Lord Chief Justice calls Falstaff the Prince's ill angel or genius; which Falstaff turns off by saying, an ill angel (meaning the coin called an angel) is light," THEOBALD), iv. 318; he hath a legion of angels (with a quibble), i. 372; twenty angels, 391; the angels that you sent for, ii. 46; his fair angels, iv. 34 ; Imprison'd angels, iv. 48: and see stamp about their necks, &c.


angels' faces-Ye've, v. 522: An allusion to the saying attributed to St. Augustine, “Non Angli, sed Angeli.”

angle, a corner: In an odd angle of the isle, i. 207.

a-night, in the night, by night, iii. 32.

anon, anon, equivalent to the modern "coming," iv. 221, 232, 345, &c. answer in the effect of your reputation, "answer in a manner suitable to your character" (JOHNSON), iv. 327.

answer must be made-My, "I shall be called to account, and must answer as for seditious words" (JOHNSON), vii. 123.

answer, retaliation: whose answer would be death, viii. 480; great the answer be Britons must take, viii. 488.

Antenor, vi. 17, 57, 65, &c.: "Very few particulars respecting this Trojan are preserved by Homer. But, as Professor Heyne, in his Seventh Excursus to the First Eneid, observes; 'Fuit Antenor inter eos, in quorum rebus ornandis ii maxime scriptores laborarunt, qui narrationes Homericas novis commentis de suo onerarunt; non aliter ac si delectatio a mere fabulosis et temere effusis figmentis proficisceretur'" (STEEVENS).

anthropophaginian, a cannibal, i. 436.

Antoniad-The, the name of Cleopatra's ship, viii. 320.

antres, caves, caverns, viii. 147.

ape-The famous. See unpeg the basket, &c.

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