Abbildungen der Seite
[blocks in formation]

ape, in the corner of his jaw, &c.—Like an, vii. 389: see note 107,


apoplex, apoplexy, iv. 382.

appaid, satisfied, contented, ix. 299.


apparent, heir-apparent, next claimant: he's apparent to my heart, iii. 412; as apparent to the crown, v. 256.

apparent, plain, evident: apparent foul-play, iv. 65; apparent prodigies, vii. 132.

apparition of an armed Head rises-An, vii. 262; An apparition of a bloody Child rises, vii. 263; An apparition of a Child crowned, with a tree in his hand, rises, ibid. : "The armed head represents symbolically Macbeth's head cut off and brought to Malcolm by Macduff. The bloody child is Macduff untimely ripped from his mother's womb. The child with a crown on his head, and a bough in his hand, is the royal Malcolm, who ordered his soldiers to hew them down [each] a bough and bear it before them to Dunsinane" (UPTON,-whose explanation is at least very ingenious): I may add here a remark of the truly learned Lobeck; "Mortuorum capita fatidica jam multo ante Bafometum et illud galeatum phantasma, quod in fabula Shakspeariana introducitur, memorat Phlegon, Mirab. iii. 50, &c." Aglaophamus, p. 236 (note).

appeach, to impeach, to accuse, to inform against, iv. 181 (twice); appeach'd, iii. 218.

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appeal the duke, iv. 101; appeal each other of high treason, iv. 102; appeals me, iv. 110: Appeal, v.a. This word appears to have been formerly used with much latitude; and sometimes in such a way that it is not easy to find out what those who used it precisely meant by it. But according to its most ancient signification, it implies a reference by name to a charge or accusation, and an offer, or challenge, to support such charge by the ordeal of single combat. And something of this, its primary sense, may still be descried in all its various applications. Thus, an appeal from one person to another, to judge and decide; or from an inferior to a superior court, is to transfer the challenge from such as are deemed incompetent to accept it, to those who may be competent: and, as 'a summons to answer a charge,' it is nearly equivalent to an actual challenge. 'And likewise there were many Southland men that appelled others in Barrace to fight before the King to the dead, for certain crimes of lese majesty.' Pitscottie, p. 234. Here the word clearly means challenge; as in the preceding page the laird of Drumlanerick and the laird of Barrice are said to have provoked (which also means challenge[d]) others in Barrace to fight to death, ..... but being appealed (challenged) by the Lord

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Clifford, an Englishman, to fight with him in singular combat.'
Hist. of Scotland, f. 365.

'hast thou sounded him,

If he appeal (charge or accuse, and challenge) the duke on ancient


'Against the Duke of Hereford that appeals me.'

Richard II. i. 1.

Id. i. 3."

Boucher's Glossary of Arch. and Prov. Words. appellant, challenger, iv. 102, 110, 111; v. 142 (twice); appellants, iv. 167. See appeal, &c.

apperil, peril, vii. 17.

apple-John, a sort of apple, called in French deux-années or deuxans, because it will keep two years, and considered to be in perfection when shrivelled and withered, iv. 262, 336; apple-Johns, iv. 336 (twice). (“Apple-John, John-Apple. We retain the name, but whether we mean the same variety of fruit which was so called in Shakespeare's time, it is not possible to ascertain. Probably we do not. In 2d pt. Hen. IV. Prince Hal certainly meant a large round apple, apt to shrivel and wither by long keeping, like his fat companion. This is not particularly characteristic of our Johnapple." Forby's Vocab. of East Anglia.)

apply, to apply oneself to, or, rather (see notes in the Var. Shak.), to ply: Virtue, and that part of philosophy Will I apply, iii. 111. appointed, accoutred, equipped: To have you royally appointed, iii. 482; You may be armed and appointed well, vi. 332; like knights appointed, ix. 175; With well-appointed powers, iv. 312; What wellappointed leader, iv. 363; The well-appointed king, iv. 448; the Dauphin, well-appointed, v. 68; very well appointed, v. 249. appointment, accoutrement, equipment: your best appointment make with speed, i. 502; in appointment fresh and fair, vi. 91; a pirate of very warlike appointment, vii. 403; Men of great quality by their appointment, ix. 130; these hands Void of appointment, ix. 155; Our fair appointments, iv. 155. apprehension, faculty for sarcastic sayings, sarcasm: how long have you professed apprehension? ii. 119; To scourge you for this apprehension, v. 38.

apprehensive, possessed of the power of apprehension or intelli

gence: whose apprehensive senses, iii. 209; makes it apprehensive, quick, forgetive, iv. 377; men are flesh and blood, and apprehensive, vii. 150. approbation, proof: naught for approbation But only seeing, iii. 429; drop their blood in approbation, iv. 418; on the approbation of what I have spoke, viii. 399.

approbation, probation, novitiate: receive (enter on) her approbation, i. 468.




approof, approbation: Either of condemnation or approof, i. 499.
approof, proof: in approof lives not his epitaph As in your royal
speech ("The truth of his epitaph is in no way so fully proved as
by your royal speech," MASON,-where others understand proof as
equivalent to "approbation"), iii. 209; of very valiant approof, iii.
243; as my furthest band Shall pass on thy approof ("As I will
venture the greatest pledge of security on the trial of thy con-
duct," JOHNSON; "such as I will pledge my utmost bond that
thou wilt prove," Nares's Gloss, in "Band "), viii. 305.

approve, to prove: On whose eyes I might approve This flower's
force, ii. 281; to approve Henry of Hereford... disloyal, iv. 113;
approve me, lord, iv. 268; To approve my youth further, iv. 318;
sword upon thee shall approve, vi. 295; does approve, By his
lov'd mansionry, that, &c., vii. 220; Thou dost approve thyself the very
same, viii. 477 ; 'tis the curse in love, and still approv❜d (experienced),
i. 351; of approved valour, ii. 95; an approvèd wanton, ii. 122;
approved in the height a villain, ii. 131; approv'd in practice culp-
able, v. 162; Approvèd warriors, vi. 346; approv'd good masters,
viii. 144; approv'd (“convicted by proof of having been engaged,"
JOHNSON) in this offence, viii. 174; I have well approv'd (experi-
enced) it, viii. 177; which well approves You're great in fortune,
iii. 264; Approves her fit for none but for a king, v. 99; which
approves him an intelligent party, viii. 73.

approve, to ratify, to confirm: approve it with a text, ii. 379; ť
approve the fair conceit The king hath of you ("to strengthen, by
my commendation, the [good] opinion which the king has formed
[of you]," JOHNSON), v. 508; Your favour is well approved by your
tongue, vi. 224; He may approve ("make good the testimony of,"
MALONE) our eyes, vii. 300; approve the common saw ("exemplify
the common proverb," JOHNSON), viii. 47; he approves the common
liar (fame), viii. 255.

approve, to recommend to approbation: if you did, it would not much approve me ("if you knew I was not ignorant, your esteent [judgment, CALDECOTT] would not much advance my reputation," JOHNSON), vii. 428.

approvers-To their, "To those who try them" (WARBURTON), viii. 425.

apricock, an apricot (the tree), ix. 144; apricocks (the fruit), ii. 290; iv. 161.

aqua vitæ, a term for ardent spirits in general, i. 397; ii. 41;. iii. 352, 489; vi. 435, 463.

Aquilon, the North-wind, vi. 91.

Arabian bird, the phoenix, viii, 305, 405..

araise, to raise up, iii, 224.





arch, a chief: My worthy arch and patron, viii. 39.

Arden-The forest of, iii. 8, 23, 31: "Ardenne is a forest of considerable extent in French Flanders, lying near the Meuse, and between Charlemont and Rocroy. It is mentioned by Spenser in his Colin Clout's come home again, 1595. . . . But our author was furnished with the scene of his play by Lodge's novel" (MALONE): see iii. 3.

argal, a vulgar corruption of the Latin word ergo, vii. 411 (twice), 412. argentine, silver-hued, "of the silver moon" (STEEVENS), ix. 99. Argier, the old name for Algiers, i. 208 (twice). (It was not obsolete even in the time of Dryden: “you privateer of love, you Argier's man." Limberham, act iii. sc. 1.)

argo, a vulgar corruption of the Latin word ergo, v. 184.

argosy, a ship of great bulk and burden, fit either for merchandise or war (probably so named from the Argo), ii. 347, 376; iii. 141 (twice); v. 269; argosies, ii. 337, 421; iii. 141.

argument, conversation, discourse: For shape, for bearing, argument, and valour, ii. 108.

argument, subject, matter: thou wilt prove a notable argument ("subject for satire," JOHNSON), ii. 79; You would not make me such an argument ("subject of light merriment," JOHNSON), ii. 298; an absent argument Of my revenge, iii. 43; th' argument of Time, iii. 455; argument (subject of conversation) for a week, iv. 227; the argument shall be thy running away, iv. 239; And sheath'd their swords for lack of argument, iv. 450; the argument of hearts (“of what men's hearts are composed," MALONE), vii. 36; an argument of laughter, vii. 45; the argument of the play, vii. 366; Have you heard the argument? vii. 369; the argument of your praise, viii. 13. Ariachne, vi. III: see note 154, vi. III.

arm, to take in one's arms: come, arm him, viii. 478; Arm your prize, ix. 212 (where Mason explains arm "take by the arm”).

arm-gaunt, viii. 271: see note 36, viii. 271.

aroint thee, witch! vii. 208; aroint thee, witch, aroint thee! viii. 70: That Aroint thee is equivalent to "Away!" "Begone!" seems to be agreed, though its etymology is quite uncertain: "Rynt ye; By your leave, stand handsomely. As, Rynt you, Witch, quoth Besse Locket to her mother. Proverb, Cheshire." Ray's North Country Words, p. 52, ed. 1768: "The word [aroint] is still in common use in Cheshire; and what is remarkable is, that, according to Ray, it is still coupled with a witch, as 'rynt you, witch, quoth Besse Locket to her mother,' which is given as a Cheshire proverb; but which, as the term sounded in my ears when I once heard it pronounced, I should not have hesitated to spell aroint.


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I have also seen it spelled, and by a Cheshire man of good information, runt: nor is it at all unlikely that it is the same exclamation which in Lancashire is pronounced and spelled areawt, as equivalent to get out or away with thee. But it is most common in the middle parts of Cheshire; and there used, chiefly by milkmaids when milking. When a cow happens to stand improperly, in a dirty place, or with one of her sides so near a wall, a fence, a tree, or another cow, that the milker cannot readily come at the udder, or to her neck, to tie her up in her boose, or stall,—in such cases, the milkmaid, whilst she pushes the animal to a more convenient place, seldom fails to exclaim, Aroint thee, lovey (or bonny), aroint thee:' using a coarser and harsher epithet, should the cow not move at the first bidding." Boucher's Glossary of Arch. and Prov. Words: "A lady well acquainted with the dialect of Cheshire informed me that it [Aroint] is still in use there. For example, if the cow presses too close to the maid who is milking her, she will give the animal a push, saying at the same time "Roint thee!' by which she means 'stand off.' To this the cow is so well used, that even the word is often sufficient." Nares's Gloss. : 66 Rynt thee is an expression used by milkmaids to a cow when she has been milked, to bid her get out of the way. Ash calls it local." Wilbraham's Attempt at a Gloss. of some Words used in Cheshire: In Hearne's Ectypa Varia, &c., 1737, is a print representing the Saviour harrowing hell, in which Satan is blowing a horn, with the words "Out, out, arongt" over his head, perhaps to express the sounds of the horn. (Hunter, in his New Illustr. of Shakespeare, vol. ii. p. 166, has cited an example of "araunte thee” from a passage of a book about Perkin Warbeck, with which he became acquainted through the medium of The Monthly Mirror: but undoubtedly no such book exists; the title and passage of it given in The M. M. are forgeries, and I should have said very clumsy ones, had they not deceived so experienced an antiquary as my old friend Joseph Hunter.)

a-row, successively, one after another, ii. 60.

arras-counterpoints, counterpanes of arras, of tapestry, iii. 140: see note 81, iii. 140.

arrose, to water, to sprinkle (Fr. arroser), ix. 217.

art as you—I have as much of this in, vii. 179: "In art Malone interprets to mean 'in theory.' It rather signifies by acquired knowledge, or learning, as distinguished from natural disposition" (CRAIK).

Arthur's show: see Dagonet, &c.

article-A soul of great, vii. 427: Here Johnson would understand of great article to mean "of large comprehension, of many contents;" while Caldecott explains it "of great account or value."

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