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bolds, emboldens, viii. 108.


Bolingbroke about his marriage-The prevention of poor, iv. 126: "When the Duke of Hereford, after his banishment, went into France, he was honourably entertained at that court, and would have obtained in marriage the only daughter of the Duke of Berry, uncle to the French king, had not Richard prevented the match" (STEEVENS).

bolins, ix. 51: "Bowlines are ropes by which the sails of a ship are governed when the wind is unfavourable. They are slackened when it is high. This term occurs again in The Two Noble Kinsmen, 'the wind is fair:

Top the bowling.'

They who wish for more particular information concerning bolings, may find it in Smith's Sea Grammar, 4to, 1627, p. 23" (STEEVENS). bollen, swollen, ii. 397 (see note 69, ii. 397); ix. 314.

bolt, is described by R. Holme as being properly "an arrow with a round or half-round bobb at the end of it, with a sharp-pointed arrow-head proceeding therefrom" (Nares's Gloss.,-where see more concerning it); but it is used to signify an arrow in general: where the bolt of Cupid fell, ii. 276; fool's bolt, iii. 89; iv. 470; a bolt of nothing, viii. 474

bolt is soon shot-A fool's: see fool's bolt is soon shot—A.

bolt on't—Make a shaft or a: see make a shaft, &c.

bolted, sifted, iii. 474; iv. 439; vi. 204.

bolters, sieves, iv. 263.

bolting-hutch, "the wooden receptacle into which the meal is bolted" (STEEVENS), iv. 243.

bombard, a large leathern vessel for distributing liquor, i. 231; iv. 243; baiting of bombards ("tippling," JOHNSON), v. 572.

bombast, material for stuffing out dresses (originally cotton): As bombast, and as lining to the time, ï. 250; my sweet creature of bombast, iv. 240.

bona-roba, a courtesan ("Buonarobba, as we say good stuffe, that is, a good wholesome plum-cheeked [plump-cheeked] wench." Florio's Ital. and Engl. Dict.), iv. 358; bona-robas, iv. 353.

bond-I know it for my, I know it "to be my bounden duty” (MASON), viii. 269.

bonneted, vi. 175: see note 82, vi. 175: This is generally explained

"took off their bonnets" (and Cotgrave has “Bonneter. To put of his cap vnto." Fr. and Engl. Dict.); but the passage is very awkward and obscure.

book, one's studies, learning: The tenour of my book, ii. 127; my book

[blocks in formation]

preferr'd me to the king, v. 196; A beggar's book, v. 473 (Compare unbookish).

book, a writing, a paper: By that time will our book (articles, paper of conditions), I think, be drawn, iv. 254; By this, our book's drawn, iv. 256; A book? O rare one! viii. 493.


book,-We quarrel in print, by the, iii. 90: "The particular book here alluded to is a very ridiculous treatise of one Vincentio Saviolo, entitled Of Honor and Honorable Quarrels, in quarto, printed by Wolf, 1594, forming the Second Book of Vincentio Saviolo his Practise. This Second Book he describes as 'A Discourse most necessarie for all Gentlemen that haue in regarde their honors, touching the giuing and receiuing of the Lie, wherevpon the Duello and the Combats in diuers sortes doth insue, and many other inconueniences for lack only of the true knowledge of honor, and the contrarie, and the right vnderstanding of wordes, which heere is plainly set downe.' The contents of the several chapters are as follow. I. 'A Rvle and Order concerning the Challenger and Defender.' 2. 'What the reason is, that the partie vnto whom the Lie is giuen ought to become Challenger, and of the nature of Lies.' 3. 'Of the manner and diuersitie of Lies.' 4. 'Of Lies certaine.' 5. 'Of conditionall Lyes.' 6. 'Of the Lye in generall.' 7. 'Of the Lye in particular.' 8. 'Of foolish Lyes.' 9. 'A conclusion touching the Challenger and the Defender, and of the wresting and returning back of the Lye or Dementie.' In the chapter' Of Conditional Lies,' speaking of the particle if, he says, 'Conditionall Lyes be such as are giuen conditionally; as if a man should saie or write these woordes,—If thou hast saide that I haue offered my Lord abuse, thou lyest; or if thou saiest so heerafter, thou shalt lye; and as often as thou hast or shalt so say, so oft do I and will I say that thou doest lye. Of these kinde of Lyes giuen in this manner often arise much contention in words, and diuers intricate worthy battailes, multiplying wordes vpon wordes, whereof no sure conclusion can arise.' By which he means, they cannot proceed to cut one another's throats while there is an if between. Which is the reason of Shakespeare making the Clown say, 'I knew when seven justices,' &c. Caranza was another of these authentic authors upon the Duello. Fletcher, in his last act of Love's Pilgrimage, ridicules him with much humour" (WARBURTON,-whose note I have greatly altered and corrected by means of the old ed. of the transl. of Saviolo's work).

Book of Riddles—The, i. 366: Was, in all probability, what is called in the edition of 1629, The Booke of Meery Riddles, &c., a copy of which is preserved at Bridgewater House. No earlier edition is known; but earlier editions must have once existed, as the work is mentioned by Laneham in his Letter from Kenilworth, 1575.

Book of Songs and Sonnets, i. 366: Most probably the Songes and Son



nettes by Lord Surrey, Sir Thomas Wyatt, and others, printed in 1557, and very popular during the time of Queen Elizabeth.

books for good manners, iii. 90: There were several books of this kind, the earliest of which was probably The boke named and intytled Good Maners, printed by De Worde in 1507.

boot, profit, gain, something added: with boot, i. 492; viii. 122; it is no boot (it is of no avail), iii. 191; v. 75; Grace to boot (over and above, in addition), iii. 407; there's some boot ("something over and above," JOHNSON), iii. 484; without boot! what a boot is here, &c., iii. 485; there is no boot ("no advantage, no use, in delay or refusal," JOHNSON), iv. 106; make boot of this, v. 178; Young York he is but boot ("that which is thrown in," JOHNSON, a make-weight), v. 424; Saint George to boot (over and above, in addition), v. 456; Make boot of his distraction, viii. 335. (In the passages, Grace to boot and Saint George to boot, Malone explains to boot by "to help.") boot, booty: Make boot upon the summer's velvet buds; Which pillage, &c., iv. 423; boot and glory too, ix. 123.

boot, to benefit, to enrich: I will boot thee with what gift beside Thy modesty can beg, viii. 290.

boot, to put on boots: Boot, boot, Master Shallow, iv. 402.

boots-Give me not the, i. 282: "A proverbial expression, though. now disused, signifying, don't make a laughing-stock of me; don't play upon me. The French have a phrase, Bailler foin en corne; which Cotgrave thus interprets, To give one the boots; to sell him a bargain" (THEOBALD,-whose explanation of the text I believe to be right): "An allusion, as it is supposed, to the diabolical torture of the boot. Not a great while before this play was written it had been inflicted in the presence of King James on one Dr. Fian, a supposed wizard, who was charged with raising the storms that the king encountered in his return from Denmark. . . . The unfortunate man was afterwards burned" (DoUCE): This torture consisted in the leg and knee of the criminal being enclosed within a tight iron boot or case, wedges of iron being then driven in with a mallet between the knee and the iron boot: but probably most readers will recollect the description of Macbriar undergoing this punishment in Scott's Old Mortality.

bore in hand: see bear in hand.

bore of the matter—Much too light for the, vii. 404 : "The bore is the caliber of a gun, or the capacity of the barrel. The matter (says Hamlet) would carry heavier words "" (JOHNSON).

bores me with some trick-He, "He stabs or wounds me by some artifice or fiction" (JOHNSON), "He undermines me with some device" (STAUNTON), V. 474.

borne in hand: see bear in hand.



borrows money in God's name, ii. 143: "i.e. is a common beggar. This alludes to the 17th verse of the 19th chapter of Proverbs; 'He that giveth to the poor lendeth unto the Lord"" (STEEVENS). bosky, woody, i. 254 (where, according to Steevens, bosky acres are fields divided from each other by hedge-rows"); iv. 281. bosom, wish, desire: And you shall have your bosom on this wretch, i. 534.

bosom of thy love-Even in the milk-white, i. 323; "In her excellent

white bosom, these," vii. 339: "Women anciently had a pocket in the fore part of their stays, in which they not only carried loveletters and love-tokens, but even their money and materials for needle-work" (STEEVENS).

boss'd, embossed, studied, iii. 140.

botcher, a mender of old clothes, iii. 280, 324; vi. 168.

bottle of hay-A, a bunch, a bundle, a truss of hay, ii. 307.

bottled spider, "a large, bloated, glossy spider, supposed to contain venom proportionate to its size" (RITSON), v. 357, 425.

"This explanation [Ritson's] misses the peculiar force of the epithet bottled, which is exactly equivalent to bunch-backed, and like it emphasizes Richard's deformity. "That bottled spider,' therefore, literally means that humped or hunched venomous creature. The term bottled is still provincially applied to the big, largebodied, round-backed spider, that in the summer and autumn spreads its web across open spaces in the hedges, 'obvious to vagrant flies.' What, also, has escaped the commentators, the word bottle was used with this precise signification for a hunch or hump in Shakspeare's own day. In a popular work published a few years before he came to London, and with which he was familiar, we find 'bottles of flesh' given as a synonym for great wens in the throat the Italian word gozzuti being glossed in the margin as follows: 'men in the mountaynes with great bottels of flesh under their chin through the drinking of snow water.' We still retain this meaning of the word in a number of phrases and epithets, such as bottlenose, a big or bunchy nose; bottlehead, provincial for great, thick, or blockhead; and, not to multiply examples, in the bluebottle fly, which is literally the bunchy or unwieldy blue fly." The Edinburgh Review, July 1868, p. 66.

bottles, bottles of hay: Some two hundred bottles, ix. 205.

bottom, a low ground, a valley: the neighbour bottom, iii. 76; so rich a bottom, iv. 250.

bottom, a ball of thread: a bottom of brown thread, iii. 171.

bottom it on me, wind it on me, make me the bottom or centre on which it is wound, i. 329.

[blocks in formation]

bots, worms that breed in the entrails of horses, iii. 148; iv. 221; bots on't (a comic execration), ix. 30.

bought and sold: see buy and sell.

bourn, a limit, a boundary: Bourn, bound of land, i. 222; No bourn 'twixt his and mine, iii. 410; a bourn, a pale, a shore, vi. 52; from whose bourn No traveller returns, vii. 358; this chalky bourn (“this chalky boundary of England, towards France," STEEVENS), viii. 95 ; I'll set a bourn, viii. 254; From bourn to bourn, ix. 76.

bourn, a brook, a rivulet: Come o'er the bourn, Bessy, to me, viii. 74. bow, a yoke: As the ox hath his bow, iii. 58.

bow, &c.—If I, v. 73: see note 119, v. 73. bowling-Top the, ix. 186: see bolins.

boy my greatness-Some squeaking Cleopatra, viii. 374: An allusion to female characters being acted by boys in Shakespeare's time (at least on the English stage).

boy-queller, boy-killer, vi. 121.

brabble, a squabble, a quarrel, iii. 386; vi. 296.

brabbler, a clamorous quarrelsome person, a wrangler, iv. 85.

Brabbler, the name of a hound, vi. 106.

brace, "armour for the arm" (STEEVENS): and pointed to this brace,

ix. 30.

brace, state of defence: it stands not in such warlike brace, viii. 142. brach-The deep-mouth'd, iii. 101; Lady, my brach, iv. 255; Achilles'

brach, vi. 37 (on which expression see note 46, vi. 37); the lady brach, viii. 27; spaniel, brach, or lym, viii. 76: "Brach. From the French brac or braque, or the German bract, a scenting dog: a lurcher, or beagle; or any fine-nosed hound. Spelman's Glossary. Used also, by corruption, for a bitch, probably from similarity of sound; and because, on certain occasions, it was convenient to have a term less coarse in common estimation than the plain one. See Du Cange in Bracco. The following account shows the lastmentioned corruption: There are in England and Scotland two kinds of hunting-dogs, and no where else in the world: the first kind is called ane rache (Scotch), and this is a foot-scenting creature, both of wild beasts, birds, and fishes also, which lie hid among the rocks the female thereof in England is called a brache. A brach is a mannerly name for all hound-bitches.' Gentleman's Recreation, p. 27, 8vo." Nares's Gloss.: "Brach. The kennel term for a bitch-hound." Gifford's note on Ford's Works, vol. i, p. 22. braid-Since Frenchmen are so, iii. 274: Here Steevens understands braid to mean "crafty or deceitful;" while Richardson (in his Dict.) would refer it to "the suddenness and violence" of Bertram's VOL X.


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