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laws, famous for their skill in archery, who figure in the spirited and picturesque ballad entitled Adam Bel, Clym of the Cloughe, and Wyllyam of Cloudesle: see it in Ritson's one-volume collection, Anc. Pop. Poetry, and in Percy's Rel. of A. E. Poetry, vol. i. p. 154, ed. 1794.

Adam Cupid, vi. 400: see note 39, vi. 400.

Adam was a gardener,,v. 187: An allusion most probably to the old rhyme, "When Adam delv'd, and Eve span," &c.

adamant, the magnet, the loadstone: hard-hearted adamant, ii. 277; As iron to adamant, vi. 63.

addiction, inclination: to what sport and revels his addiction leads him, viii. 167.

addiction, the being addicted or given to : Since his addiction was to courses vain, iv. 416.

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addition, title, mark of distinction: Bull-bearing Milo his addition yield, vi. 52; his addition shall be humble, vi. 60; ▲ great addition earned in thy death, vi. 97; Bear Th' addition nobly ever, vi. 163; In which addition, hail, vii. 213; whereby he does receive Particular addition, vii. 243; with swinish phrase Soil our addition (“disparage us by using, as characteristic of us, terms that imply or impute swinish properties, that fix a swinish addition or title to our names (CALDECOTT), vii. 320; the least syllable of thy addition, viii. 42 ; no addition, nor my wish, viii. 206; the addition Whose want even kills me, viii. 211; they are devils' additions, i. 396; Where great additions swell's, iii. 236; hath robbed many beasts of their particular additions (“their peculiar and characteristic qualities or denominations,” MALONE), vi. 12; all th' additions to a king, viii. 10.

addition, exaggeration: Truly to speak, sir, and with no addition, vii. 393.

address, to prepare, to make ready: address me to my appointment,

i. 422; he does address himself unto, iii. 262; address yourself to entertain them, iii. 463; address thee instantly, v. 215; Let us address to tend on Hector's heels, vi. 90; address Itself to motion, vii. 312; Were all address'd to meet you, ii. 177; the Prologue is address'd, ii. 319; have I address'd me, ii. 371; Address'd a mighty power, iii. 92; Our navy is address'd, iv. 378; for the march are we addrest, iv. 458; He is address'd, vii. 146; address'd them Again to sleep, vii. 230; Even in your armours, as you are address'd, ix. 38; address'd to answer his desire, ix. 319.

admiral, the chief ship of a fleet (if not that which carried the admiral): thou art our admiral, iv. 262; Th' Antoniad, the Egyptian admiral, viii. 320.



admittance, fashion of great admittance (admitted into the best company,—of high fashion), i. 395; of Venetian admittance, i. 409. Adonis' gardens, That one day bloom'd, and fruitful were the next, v. 27: "The proverb alluded to seems always to have been used in a bad sense, for things which make a fair show for a few days, and then wither away but the [unknown] author of this play, desirous of making a show of his learning, without considering its propriety, has made the Dauphin apply it as an encomium. There is a very good account of it in Erasmus's Adagia" (BLAKEWAY). advance this jewel, "prefer it, raise it to honour by wearing it" (JOHNSON), vii. 23.

advancement-His own disorders Deserv'd much less, viii. 55: "Certainly means, that Kent's disorders had entitled him even to a post of less honour than the stocks" (STEEVENS).

adversaries do in law-As, iii. 127: Here by adversaries we are to understand the counsel of adversaries.

adversity! Well said, vi. 102: see note 147,

vi. 102.

advertise-To one that can my part in him, "To one who is himself already sufficiently conversant with the nature and duties of my office" (MALONE), i. 460.

advertisement, admonition, moral instruction: my griefs cry louder than advertisement, ii. 135.

advertising and holy to your business, “attentive and faithful to,” &c. (JOHNSON), i. 551.

advice, consideration with more advice,... without advice, i. 310;

after more advice, i. 554; upon more advice, ii. 410; upon advice, iii. 114; vi. 289; lack advice, iii. 255; upon good advice, iv. 117; on our more advice, iv. 436 (see note 40, iv. 436); with advice and silent secrecy, v. 140; Out of your best advice, viii. 392.

advise, equivalent to persuade: Signior Leonato, let the friar advise you, ii. 129.

advise, followed by you, thee, &c., to consider: Advise you what you

say, iii. 382; bid thy master well advise himself, iv. 467; Advise thee, Aaron, what is to be done, vi. 336; Advise yourself, viii. 38. advised, deliberate: advised watch, ii. 341; advis'd respect, iv. 69; advisèd purpose, iv. 115.

advised, aware, cautious, circumspect, considerate: mad or welladvis'd (in possession of reflection and reason), ii. 26; I am advised what I say (" I am not going to speak precipitately or rashly, but on reflection and consideration," STEEVENS), ii. 61; And were you well advis'd (“acting with sufficient deliberation," STEEVENS)? ii. 238; therefore be advis'd, ii. 353; Be well advis'd, iv. 35; You



were advis'd his flesh was capable, &c., iv. 312; Th' advisèd head, iv. 423; Are ye advis'd? v. 132; bid me be advised how I tread, v. 145; livery of advisèd age, v. 216; being well advis'd, v. 359; bade me be advis'd, v. 373; any well-advisèd friend, v. 439; general, be advis'd, viii. 140; O, be advis'd, ix. 243.

advisedly, deliberately, ii. 420; iv. 285; ix. 317, 326.

aery, the nest, also the young brood in the nest, of an eagle, hawk, or other bird of prey, iv. 85; v. 357.

aery of children, little eyases, that cry out on the top of question—An, vii. 346: "Shakespeare here alludes to the encouragement at that time given to some 'eyry' or nest of children, or 'eyases' (young hawks) [see eyases], who spoke in a high tone of voice. There were several companies of young performers about this date engaged in acting, but chiefly the Children of Paul's and the Children of the Revels, who, it seems, were highly applauded, to the injury of the companies of adult performers. From an early date the choir-boys of St. Paul's, Westminster, Windsor, and the Chapel Royal, had been occasionally so employed, and performed at Court" (COLLIER).

Esop fable, &c.-Let, v. 321: "The Prince calls Richard, for his crookedness, Æsop," &c. (JOHNSON).


affect, to love ("To affect (love), Diligo." Coles's Lat. & Engl. Dict.) : a lady. whom I affect, i. 318; Dost thou affect her? ii. 80; I do affect the very ground, ii. 173; If you affect him, iii. 128; she did affect me, iii. 347; Sir John affects thy wife, i. 383; since he affects her most, v. 99; And may, for aught thou know'st, affected be, vi. 295. affect the letter, affect, practise alliteration, ii. 199.

affection, imagination, or "the disposition of the mind when strongly affected or possessed by a particular idea" (MALONE): Affection ! thy intention stabs the centre, iii. 410.

affection, sympathy: affection, Master of passion, ii. 397.

affection, affectation: witty without affection, ii. 218; indict (convict) the author of affection, vii. 350.

affectioned, affected, iii. 341.

affects, affections: shifts to strange affects, i. 500; every man with his affects is born, ii. 164; to banish their affects with him, iv. 120; the young affects In me defunct, viii. 151 (see note 24, viii. 151).

affeer'd, (a law-term) confirmed, established, vii. 271.

affin'd, joined by affinity, vi. 21; Whether I in any just term am affin'd To love the Moor ("Do I stand within any such terms of propinquity or relation to the Moor, as that it is my duty to love him?" JOHNSON), viii. 133; If partially affin'd, or leagu'd in office



(Here affin'd" means 'related by nearness of office,'" STEEVENS), viii. 175.

affront, a meeting face to face, a hostile encounter: That gave th' affront with them, viii. 488.

affront, to meet, to encounter: Affront his eye, iii. 493; Affront Ophelia, vii. 356; Your preparation can affront no less Than what you hear of ("Your forces are able to face such an army as we hear the enemy will bring against us," JOHNSON), viii. 479; That my integrity and truth to you Might be affronted with the match and weight of such a winnow'd purity in love ("I wish my integrity might be met and matched with such equality and force of pure unmingled love," JOHNSON), vi. 62.

affy, to betroth, v. 180; For daring to affy a mighty lord, v. 180; We be affied, iii. 174.

affy, to trust, to confide: so I do affy In thy uprightness, vi. 276.

afore me, equivalent to God afore me, ix. 29.

agate very vilely cut—If low, an, ii. 106; I was never manned with an agate (“had an agate for my man," JOHNSON; was waited on by an agate) till now, iv. 314: Allusions to the small figures cut in agate for rings, for ornaments to be worn in the hat, &c. agaz'd, struck with amazement, aghast, v. 9.

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age with this indignity—Nor wrong mine, vi. 275: Here age means my seniority in point of age. Tamora, in a subsequent passage [p. 287], speaks of him as a very young man" (Boswell).

Agenor-The daughter of, iii. 116: "Europa, for whose sake Jupiter transformed himself into a bull" (STEEVENS): and see note 31, iii. 116.

aggravate his style, add to his titles, i. 396.

aglet-baby-An, iii. 121 : “A small image or head cut on the tag

of a point or lace. That such figures were sometimes appended to them, Dr. Warburton has proved by a passage in Mezeray, the French historian :-'portant meme sur les aiguillettes [points] des petites tetes de mort'" (MALONE). See the next article.

aglets, ix. 162: "Were worn," says Sir F. Madden, "by both sexes; by the men chiefly as tags to their laces or points (aiguillettes), which were made either square or pointed, plain or in the form of acorns, or with small heads cut at the end, or topped with a diamond or ruby. . . . They were worn also by ladies, as pendants or ornaments in their head-dress. Junius is therefore evidently mistaken in explaining aglet by spangle, into which error Archdeacon Nares has also partly fallen." Note on Privy Purse Expenses of the Princess Mary, p. 205: but Coles gives both "An

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Aglet (tag of a point), Eramentum ligula," and "An Aglet (a little plate of metal), Bractea, Bracteola." (Spenser, describing Belphoebe, tells us that she

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was yclad, for heat of scorching aire,
All in a silken camus lilly whight,

Purfled upon with many a folded plight,
Which all above besprinckled was throughout
With golden aygulets, that glistred bright,

Like twinckling starres." Faerie Queene, B. ii. C. iii. st. 26.) agnize, to acknowledge, to avow, viii. 150.

a-good, in good earnest, heartily, i. 344.

a-hold, a-hold—Lay her, i. 197: To lay a ship a-hold is explained, to bring her to lie as near the wind as possible,-to make her hold to the wind, and keep clear of land. (While this sheet was passing through the press, I received a note from Mr. Bolton Corney in which he says that in the present passage a-hold ought to be “ahull," and quotes from Smith's Sea-Grammar, 1627, p. 40, “If the storm grow so great that she [the ship] cannot bear it, then hull; which is to bear no sail :" but qy.?)

aim, guess, conjecture: my jealous aim, i. 316; What you would work me to, I have some aim, vii. 114; where the aim reports, viii. 142.

aim, to guess, to conjecture: they aim at it, vii. 395; my discovery be not aimèd at, i. 317; I aim'd so near, vi. 381.

aim, to aim at: I aim thee, ii. 34 (so Milton, "missing what I aim'd," Paradise Regained, B. iv. 208).

aim-Cry, an expression borrowed from archery: All my neighbours

shall cry aim, i. 405; to cry aim To these ill-tunèd repetitions, iv. 21; Cried I aim? i. 400: 66 To cry aim! . . . was to encourage, to give aim was to direct; and in these distinct and appropriate senses the words perpetually occur. There was no such officer as aim-cryer

the business of encouragement being abandoned to such of the spectators as chose to interfere; to that of direction, indeed, there was a special person appointed. Those who cried aim! stood by the archers; he who gave it, was stationed near the butts, and pointed out, after every discharge, how wide, or how short, the arrow fell of the mark." Gifford's note on Massinger's Works, vol. ii. p. 28, ed. 1813.

aim-Give, an expression borrowed from archery; see the preceding article: gentle people, give me aim awhile, vi. 365 (see note 169, vi. 365); Behold her that gave aim to all thy paths, i. 353.

airy devil hovers in the sky-Some, iv. 47: Here, in defence of the epithet airy, the commentators cite from Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy, "Aerial spirits or devils are such as keep quarter most

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