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The Syrian Christians then conducted me to their ancient Church. I afterwards sat down on an eminence above the town, to contemplate this interesting spectacle; a Jewish Synagogue, and a Christian Church, standing over against each other; exhibiting, as it were, during many revolving ages, the Law and the GOSPEL to the view of the heathen people.

"Angamalee is one of the most remote of the Syrian towns in this direction, and is situated on a high land. This was once the residence of the Syrian Bishop. The inhabitants told me, that when Tippoo Sultan invaded Travancore, a detachment of his Cavalry pene trated to Angamalee, where they expected to find great wealth, from its ancient fame. Being Mahomedans, they expressed their abhorrence of the Christian religion, by destroying one of the lesser Churches, and stabling their horses in the great Church. In this place I have found a good many valuable manuscripts. I had been led to suppose, from the statement of the Portuguese historians, that possibly all the Syriac MSS. of the Bible had been burned by the Romish Church at the Synod of Diamper in 1599. But this was not the case. The Inquisitors condemned many books to the flames; but they saved the Bible; being content to order that the Syriac Scriptures should be amended agreeably to the Vulgate of Rome. But many Bibles and other volumes were not produced at all. In the Acts of the Council of Nice it is recorded, that Johannes Bishop of India signed his name at that Council in A. D. 325. The Syriac version of the Scriptures was brought to India according to the popular belief, before the year 325. Some of their present copies are certainly of ancient date. Though written on a strong thick paper, like that of some MSS. in the British Museum, commonly called Eastern paper, the ink has, in several places, eat through the material in the exact form of the letter. In other copies, where the ink had less of a corroding quality, it has fallen off, and left a dark vestige of the letter, faint indeed, but not, in general, illegible. There is a volume, which was deposited in one of the remote Churches, near the mountains, which merits a particular description. It contains the Old and

New Testaments, engrossed on strong vellum, in large folio, having three columns in a page; and is written with beautiful accuracy. The character is Estrangelo Syriac; and the words of every book are numbered. But the volume has suffered injury from time or neglect. In certain places the ink has been totally obliterated from the page, and left the parchment in its state of natural whiteness: but the letters can, in general, be distinctly traced from the impress of the pen, or from the partial corrosion of the ink. I scarcely expected that the Syrian Church would have parted with this manuscript. But the Bishop was pleased to present it to me, saying, 'It will be safer in your hands than in our own;' alluding to the revolutions in Hindostan. 'And yet,' said he, 'we have kept it, as some think, for near a thousand years.' 'I wish,' said I, 'that England may be able to keep it a thousand years.' In looking

over it, I find the very first proposed emendation of the Hebrew Text by Dr. Kennicott (Gen. iv, 8,) in this manuscript; and, no doubt, it is the right reading. The disputed passage in 1 John v, 7, is not to be found in it; nor is this verse to be found in any copy of the Syriac Scriptures which I have yet seen. But notwithstanding this omission, and notwithstanding the great display of learning in maintaining a contrary opinion, I believe the passage to be genuine. The view of these copies of the Scriptures, and of the Churches which contain them, still continues to excite a pleasing astonishment in my mind: and I sometimes question myself, whether I am indeed in India, in the midst of the Hindoos, and not far from the equinoctial line. How wonderful it is, that, during the dark ages of Europe, whilst ignorance and superstition, in a manner, denied the Scriptures to the rest of the world, the Bible should have found an asylum in the mountains of Malay-ala; where it was freely read by upwards of an hundred Churches!

"But there are other ancient documents in Malabar, not less interesting than the Syrian Manuscripts. The old Portuguese historians relate, that soon after the arrival of their countrymen in India, about 300 years ago, the Syrian Bishop of Angamalee (the place where

I now am) deposited in the Fort of Cochin, for safe custody, certain tablets of brass, on which were engraved rights of nobility, and other privileges granted by a Prince of a former age; and that while these Tablets were under the charge of the Portuguese, they had been unaccountably lost, and were never after heard of. Adrian Moens, a Governor of Cochin in 1770, who published some account of the Jews of Malabar, informs us that he used every means in his power, for many years, to obtain a sight of the famed Christian Plates; and was at length satisfied that they were irrecoverably lost, or rather, he adds, that they never existed. The Learned in general, and the Antiquarian in particular, will be glad to hear that these ancient Tablets have been recovered within this last month by the exertions of Lieutenant Colonel Macauley, the British Resident in Travancore, and are now officially deposited with that Officer.

"The Christian Tablets are six in number. They are composed of a mixed metal. The engraving on the largest plate is thirteen inches long, by about four broad. They are closely written, four of them on both sides of the plate, making in all eleven pages. On the plate reputed to be the oldest, there is writing perspicuously engraved in nail-headed or triangular headed letters, resembling the Persepolitan or Babylonish. On the same plate there is writing in another character, which is supposed to have no affinity with any existing character in Hindostan. The grant on this plate appears to be witnessed by four Jews of rank, whose names are distinctly engraved in an old Hebrew character, resembling the alphabet called the Palmyrene: and to each name is prefixed the title of "Magen" or Chief, as the Jews translated it. It may be doubted, whether there exist in the world many documents of so great length, which are of equal antiquity, and in such faultless preservation, as the Christian Tablets of Malabar. The Jews of Cochin indeed contest the palm of antiquity: for they also produce two Tablets, containing privileges granted at a remote period; of which they presented to me a Hebrew translation. As no person can be found in this country who is able to

translate the Christian Tablets, I have directed an engraver at Cochin to execute a copper-plate fac simile of the whole, for the purpose of transmitting copies to the learned Societies in Asia and Europe. The Christian and Jewish plates together make fourteen pages. A copy was sent in the first instance to the Pundits of the Shanscrit College at Trichiur, by direction of the Rajah of Cochin; but they could not read the character.* From this place I proceed to Cande-nad, to visit the Bishop once more before I return to Bengal."


AFTER the Author left Travancore, the Bishop prosecuted the translation of the Scriptures into the Malabar Language without intermission, until he had completed the New Testament. The year following, the Author visited Travancore a second time, and carried the Manuscript to Bombay to be printed! an excellent fount of Malabar types having been recently cast at that place. Learned natives went from Travancore to superintend the press; and it is probable that it is now nearly finished, as a copy of the Gospels of St. Matthew and St. Mark, beautifully printed, was received in England some time ago. This version of the Scriptures will be prosecuted until the whole Bible is completed, and copies circulated throughout the Christian regions of Malabar.


It has been further in contemplation to print an edition of the Syriac Scriptures, if the public should

*Most of the Manuscripts which I collected among the Syrian Christians, I have presented to the University of Cambridge; and they are now deposited in the Public Library of that University, together with the copper-plate fac similes of the Christian and Jewish Tablets.

countenance the design. This gift, it may be presumed, the English nation will be pleased to present to the Syrian Christians. We are already debtors to that ancient people. They have preserved the manuscripts of the Holy Scriptures incorrupt, during a long series of ages, and have now committed them ́into our own hands. By their long and energetic defence of pure doctrine against anti-christian error, they are entitled to the gratitude and thanks of the rest of the Christian world. Further, they have preserved to this day the language in which our blessed Lord preached to men the glad tidings of Salvation. Their Scriptures, their doctrine, their language, in short their very existence, all add something to the evidence of the truth of Christianity.

The motives then for printing an edition of the Syriac Bible are these:

1. To do honor to the language which was spoken by our blessed Savior when upon earth.

2. To do honor to that ancient Church, which has preserved his language and his doctrine.

3. As the means of perpetuating the true Faith in the same Church for ages to come.

4. As the means of preserving the pronunciation, and of cultivating the knowledge of the Syriac Lan guage in the East; and

5. As the means of reviving the knowledge of the Syriac Language in our own nation.

On the Author's return to England, he could not find one copy of the Syriac Bible in a separate volume for sale in the kingdom. He wished to send a copy to the Syrian Bishop, as an earnest of more, when an edition should be printed.

The Syriac Bible is wanted not only by the Churches of the Syrian Christians, but by the still

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