Abbildungen der Seite

Abstracts, 157.
Adjectives, 8, 259.
cardinal, 39.

demonstrative, 40.
descriptive, 39.

distributive, 40.

indefinite, 40.

interrogative, 40.

limiting, 39.

multiplicative, 39.

numeral, 39.

ordinal, 39.

possessive, 40.
pronominal, 39.
Adverbs, 9, 100 ff.

classes of, 100 ff.
formation of, 101.

Advertisements, 208.
Æsop, 221 f.

Allegory, 335.

Allen, James Lane, 256, 261, 310.
Alphabet, xi.

Analysis of sentences, 122, 133.
Anapest, 348.

And which, 139.

Anecdotes, 165, 222, 235.
Antecedent, 34, 37 f.
Apostrophe, 188, 335.
Apposition, 30.
Arabian Nights, 224.
Argument, 287 ff.

and exposition, 287.
debate, 303.

deductive reasoning, 298.
evidence in, 294.

first steps in, 288.

inductive reasoning, 297.


narration and description in, 288.

number of reasons in, 294.

[blocks in formation]

plan in, 294.

objective, 24, 27.

possessive, 24, 28.


Clauses, 3, 127.

kinds of, 128 ff.
Clearness, 151.
Cognate object, the, 48.

causes for lack of, 322.
in general, 314 ff.
in the paragraph, 313.
in the sentence, 322.
means of securing, 313.
Colloquialisms, 137.
Colon, the, 183 ff.

Comma, the, 177 ff.

Comparison, 14, 41, 102, 113.
Composition, oral, 143.

written, 210.

Concession (how expressed), 69.

Conditions, 68.

Conjugation, 14.

of irregular verb, 59 ff.

of regular verb, 58 ff.

Conjunctions, 10, 110, 236, 314, 325.

classes of, 110 f.
Consonants, the, xi.
Contractions, 149.
Conversation, 144 f.
about books, 337.
Copulatives, 47, 57.

Could, 88.

Dactyl, 348.

Darwin, 298.

Dash, the, 186 ff.
Debate, 303.

Declension, 13, 19 f., 25.
Deductive reasoning, 298.
De Maupassant, 232.
Description, 239 ff.

character in, 258.

comparison and contrast in, 255.

expression in, 262.
impression in, 259.

observation in, 241.

of persons, 256.

oral, 166.
order of, 242.

pictures and, 240,

point of interest in, 260.
point of view in, 245.
purpose of, 239.
time in, 253.

Diacritical marks, xiv, 150.
Diagram, 122, 345.

Dickens, 224, 228, 240, 261, 308.
Dictionary, use of, xvi, 150, 152, 278,


Different from, 107, 140.
Digraph, xv.

Dimeter, 347.

Diphthong, xv.

Discourse, forms of, 216.

Discovery of the Hudson, the, 237.

Don't, 149.

Double relative, 35.

Emphasis, in sentences, 323.

Enunciation, 149.

Exclamation point, 185.

Exhortations, 67.

Expletive, 34.

Exposition, 270 ff.

and description, 271.
and narration, 272.
arrangement in, 273.

by added details and repetition,

by comparison and contrast, 281.
by defining, 280.
by examples, 280.
outline in, 274 f.
purpose of, 270.

selection of material in, 273.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 244.

Hexameter, 348.

Memory work, 162.

Metaphor, 333.

Holmes, O. W., Chambered Nauti- Meter, 347.

lus, 163.

Hyphen, 189.

Iambus, 348.

Idioms, 137.

In and into, 107.

Metonomy, 335.

Midsummer Night's Dream, 160, 337.

Mode, 15, 57 ff.

imperative, 62.

indicative, 57 ff.

subjunctive, 63.

Indirect discourse, 90 f., 130, 146, 230. Monometer, 347.

[blocks in formation]

Must, 87.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

coherence in, and means of secur- Purpose (how expressed), 69.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
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