Abbildungen der Seite
[blocks in formation]

me with oppro-

brious gestures, i. 681
Hereby as it may happen, i. 302
Hermits-beadsmen, iii. 10
Hest-command, i. 9, 26. 35

Hey non nonny-old ballad burden, iii. 166

Hide fox and all after-the game of hide
and seek, iii. 159

High-men-false dice, i. 1or
Hight-called, named, i. 297
High-tides-high-days, i. 759
Hild-held. iii. 705
Hilding-degenerate, ii. 123


[blocks in formation]

His-used for the impersonal its, i. 570,

46, 667, iii. 516, 549, 660

Hit it, can you-a song or dance, i. 315
Ho-stop! ii. 184


Ho! ho! ho!-a fiendish or supernatural
laugh, i. 381

Hoar to make white with leprosy, iii. 87
Hobby-horse-a by-word for an abandoned
woman, i. 309, 682

Hob nob-hit or miss, i. 658

Holla!-a term of the manège, i. 481
Honesty-chastity, liberality, i. 457, 597,
694, ill. 71. 140

Hood-in falconry, to cover the hawk's
eyes with a hood, ii. 219

Hope--to expect, ii. 679. iii. 485
Horologe-a clock, ii. 688

Hot-house-a house of ill fame, i. 156
Housewife-a hussy or harlot, iii. 534
However anyway, i. 49

Hox-to hough, to hamstring, i. 682
Hugger-mugger-secretly, by stealth, iii.


Hull-to toss to and fro like a ship, ii 755.
Humorous - perverse, capricious, i. 461
Humorous-man-the actor, who personated
fantastic characters, iii. 132

Humour of forty fancies, iii. 537
Hundred merry Tales, i. 251

Hunt counter-to track the scent back-
ward, ii. 128, iii. 164

Hurly-burly-uproar, tumult, iii. 1
Hurtling-justling, i. 497
Husbandry-thrift, iii. 13
Hyen a Hyæna, i. 493

Hysterica passio-the disease called the
mother, ii. 764

I-the old form of ay, i. 50, iii. 765
I cannot tell, ii. 130

Ides-the Roman name for particular days,
iii. 418

Idle-crazy, wild, mad-brained, i. 590, 601,
iii. 84. 143,

Idle-infertile, ii. 673

Idle bed-bed of idleness, iii. 430
I' fecks-in faith, i. 679
Ignomy-ignominy, ii. 118

'Ild you-yield you, reward you, i. 485,
504, iii. 163

Ill-badly, iii. 683

Ill-erected-erected for evil, ii. 47
Ill-inhabited-ill-lodged, i. 484

Ill-sorted-ill-accompanied, ii. 144
Imbared-to lay bare, ii. 190
Immanity cruelty, ferocity, ii. 297
Imp-son, ii. 222

Imp-to amend a hawk's wing, ii. 20
Impair-unsuitable, unbecoming, iii. 240
Impartial-neutral, i. 195

Impeachment-hindrance, ii. 217
Imperial-imperious, iii. 176

Imperseverant-imperceptive, iii. 304

Impleached-interwoven, intertwined, iii.


Importance-significance, i. 733

Important-importunate, i. 234, 250, fox,
673, 746, ii. 790

Impose-bidding, requirement, i. 83

Impossible-incredible, i. 251, 580


Impress-a device, a motto, ii. 29
Imputation-reputation, iii. 203
In blood-with the blood up, i. 316
In by the week-a saying, 1. 331
In deed-in fact, in form, iii. 122
In few-in short, in brief, i. 6, 521, ii. 125
In print-precisely, to the letter, i. 59
Incapable-insusceptible, unintelligent, ii.


Incarnadine-encrimson, iii. 16
Inch-island, iii. 3

Inclip-to embrace, iii. 499
Incony-delicate, fine, pretty, i. 311
Increase-produce, iii. 749
Indent-contract, ii. 68

Indifferent-impartial, passable, moderate,
i. 543, ii. 26, 553. iii. 131
Indirectly-wrongfully, i. 747
Induction-beginning, entrance, ii. 88
Indurance-confinement, ii 584
Informal-deranged, i. 196
Ingaged-disengaged, i. 619

Ingenier, or Ingener-an ingenious person,
an artist, ii. 680

Ingeniously-ingenuously, iii. 70
Inhabitable-not habitable. ii. 2

Inherit-to obtain possession, to possess,
78, ii. 2

Inhibit-to prohibit, i. 568

Iniquity-a Morality character, i. 158
Inkhorn-a bookman, a pedant. ii. 276
Inkle-a kind of tape, i. 715. iii. 643
Inland-opposed to upland, urbanely-bred,

i. 474

Inn-mansion, abode, ii. 48

Innocent-a natural, a fool, i. 609
Innocent-foolish. i. 287.

Inquisitive-inquisitor, i. 206
Inset-to set, ii. 127

Instance-object, purpose, i. 603

Instance-indication, proof, ùi. 711
Intend-pretend, i. 545, ii. 490,


iii. 70,

Intenible-incapable of holding, i. 575
Intention-intensity, i. 679

Intergatories-interrogatories, i. 452, 609
Intrinse-intricate, ii. 760
Intrinsicate-intricate, iii. 545
Invention-imagination, i. 165

Inwardness confidence, intimacy, i. 277
In years in wrinkles, i. 340
Irremovable-irremovably, ii. 721
It-its, i. 749

I wis-certainly, truly, 421

JACK-A-LENT-a puppet to be thrown at in
Lent, i. 119

Jack guardant-Jack in office, iii 404
Jack, or Mistress, in bowling, iii. 276
Jack shall have Jill-a proverbial saying,

i. 381

Jacks-keys of virginals, iii. 758

Jacks and gills-drinking vessels, i. 542

Jar, or tick, of clocks or watches, i. 677,
ii. 57

Jauncing-hard riding, ii. 58
Jay-a prostitute, iii. 294
Jealous-suspicious, ii 656

Jephthah and his daughter, a popular
ballad, iii 134

Jerk-a twitch, a sudden movement, i. 318
Jesses-short thongs attached to the foot of
a hawk, ii. 700

Jest to take part in a mask or revel,
ii. 9

Jet-to strut, i. 645, iii. 610
Jew, incony, i. 311

Jig, an extempore performance of the
clown after a play, iii. 135

John-a-dreams-a sleepy, muddle-headed
fellow, iii. 137

Joint-ring-a divided ring used as a love-
token, i. 723

Joint-stool, a-an old proverbial saying, i.


Judas and his red beard, i. 486
Jump-to agree. i. 420

Justice. a Morality character, i. 158
Justicer-a justice, ii. 779, 787, iii. 330
Jutty-to project, to jut out, ii. 207

KAM, clean-rigmarole, iii. 378
Keel-to cool or skim, i. 350
Keep to guard, i. 690, iii. 760

Keep to live or reside, i. 431, iii. 434, 668
Keep the weather-keep the windward,
hold the supremacy, iii. 251
Kendal-green, ii. 83

Ketch-ox or cow fat, ii. 83
Key-cold-cold as iron, ii. 448
Kibes-chilblains, i. 100

Kickie-wickie-term of endearment for a
wife or mistress, i. 588

Kind-nature, natural, iii. 560, 705, 709
Kindle-to instigate, i. 456
Kindless-unnatural, iii. 137

Kindly pertinently, appositely, appropri-
ately, i. 509, ii. 277, 620

Kindly-according to nature, ii. 756, iii.
425, 428

King's-evil-the scrofula, ii. 40

Knap-to break or crack, i. 422
Knave-a servitor, ii. 664

Knot-grass-a plant supposed to possess
the property of stunting animal growth,
i. 378

Knots-garden figures, i. 298, ii. 39

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Lenten-meagre, iii. 132

L'envoy-a postscript or epilogue in old
writings. i. 310.

Let-to forbear, iii. 680

Let-stop, bar, hindrance, i. 71, 677, iii.
118, 686

Let the world slide-a proverbial saying, i.

Letter-syllable, iii. 314

Level-range in gunnery, i. 693, 700, iii.

Lewd-wicked, base, malicious, i. 287, ii.
3, iii. 455

Libbard-leopard, i. 342

Liberal-licentious, i 274, 411, ii. 682
Lick his fingers-an old saw, ii. 646
Lie-to reside, i. 296
Liefest-dearest, ii. 339

Lieger-a resident ambassador, i. 170
Lieu-guerdon, i. 5

Lift-lifted, ii. 251
Lifter-a thief, iii. 192

Lightly-commonly, usually, ii. 478

Likes-pleases, i. 81

Liking-condition of body, i. 105, ii. 97

Limbeck-an alembic, a vessel used in

distilling, iii. 12

Limbo-a prison, ii, 592

Limbs of Limehouse-the long-shore

rabble. ii. 592

Lime-bird-lime, i. 39.

Limited-appointed, iii. 17

Line-to strengthen, ii. 78, 131

Line-lineage, ii. 203

Linstock-a match used by gunners, ii.

[blocks in formation]

Low-men-false dice, i. 101

Lower messes-inferior persons, i. 681
Lozel-a worthless fellow, i. 696
Luce-a pike, i. 94

Lunes-lunacy, mad freaks, i. 130, 692,
iii. 213

Lurch-to gain an easy victory, at cards,
iii. 363

Lush-succulent, i. 15
Lustick-lusty, i. 583

Luxury-concupiscence, i. 202
Lym-a bloodhound, ii. 779

MACULATE stained, spotted, i. 301
Made up-finished, accomplished, iii. 97
Magot-pies-magpies, iii. 29
Mahu-a fiend, iii. 777, 785
Mailed up-wrapped up, ii. 334
Main-main land, ii. 770

Main of light-flood of light, iii. 737
Make a mate, iii. 723

Make a leg-to make obeisance, iii. 64
Make all split-a nautical expression, i.

Make a shaft or a bolt-here goes, hit or
miss, i. 124

Make, Make the door-to do, to bar the
door, i. 217, 454, 493, iii. 11
Makeless-mateless, iii. 722

Malkin a homely wench, iii. 359
Mall, Mistress, her picture, i. 623, 630
Mallecho-malefaction, iii. 145
Malt-worms-drunkards, ii. 74. 147
Mammering-hesitating, ii. 696
Mammet a puppet, a doll, ii. 642
Mammock-to rend, to tear, iii. 345

Manage to govern, i. 741, ii. 37.

Mandragora-a powerful opiate, ii. 702, iii.

Mandrake-fabulously endowed with life,

[blocks in formation]

Marchpane-a confection, ii. 609

Marian, Maid-Robin Hood's mistress, ii.

Marigold-the sunflower, i. 713

Match, to set a-to plan a robbery, ii. 64
Mate-to confound, to bewilder, to destroy
i. 219, ii. 341

Material-full of matter, i. 485

Maugre-in spite of, notwithstanding, i.
651, ii. 806, iii. 582

Maund-a basket. iii. 769

Meacock-a chicken-hearted fellow,

Mealed-mingled, i. 183

Mean-a term in music, i. 53

Measure-a dance, i. 250

Medecine-a physician, iii. 45

i. 532

Meeds-deserts, merits, ii. 392, 430, iii. 58,


Meiny-retinue, ii. 764

Mell-to mix, to meddle, i. 610
Memory-memorial, i. 466, iii. 392

Mends in his own hands-must make the

best of it, iii. 189

Mephostophilus-a cant word for a gaunt
faced fellow, i. 96

Mercatante-a merchant, i 547
Mere-quite, i. 597

Mere-sole, absolute, certain, ii. 571, 685
Mered-entire, sole. iii. 575

Merely entirely, absolu.ely, i. 250, 434,
606, iii 419

Merit-guerdon, reward, ii. 10
Mermaid-a siren, iii. 663

Merry Greek-a wag, or humourist, iii.


Metaphysical-supernatural, i. 8

Mete-yard-a measuring yard, i. 551
Methoughts-methought, i. 680
Mewed-a term of falconry, ii. 637
Micher-a vagabond, ii. 86
Miching-skulking, iii. 145
Milch-moist, iii. 136
Mill-sixpences, i. 97

Mince to walk affectedly, to affect coyness,
i. 139. i. 793

Mineral-a metallic vein in a mine, iii. 153
Minikin-a darling, ii. 779
Mirable-admirable, iii. 241
Miscreate-spurious, i 188
Miser-miserable caitiff, ii. 302
Misprised-mistaken, i. 373

Misprising-undervaluing, despising, i. 262,


Misprison-mistake, misunderstanding, i.
276, 373. ii. 66
Miss-amiss, iii. 654

Miss-to dispense with, i. ro
Missives-messengers, iii. 8
Mistaken-misapprehended, ii. 531
Mistful-ready to weep, ii. 234
Mobled-muffled, iii. 135.
Mock-to scoff, to gibe, ii. 598
Model-a mould, ii. 32

Modern-ordinary, common, i. 767, ii. 633,
ill. 41, 542

Modo-a fiend, iii. 777, 785
Mo-to make mouths, i. 22

Moiety a portion, also the half, ii. 90, iii.

Moist star-the moon, iii. 107

Mold-warp-the mole, ii gr
Mome-a blockhead, a dolt, i. 216
Moment-import, ii. 140

Monstrous unnatural, ominously pro-
phetic, iii. 426

Montanto a term of fence, i. 242
Moon-calf-a false concepti ›n, 1. 24
Moonish-variable, inconstant, i. 484
Moralize to interpret, iii. 682

More-greater, further, i. 770, ii. 199, iii.

More and less-great and small, ii. 107,
126, iii. 749

More sacks to the mill-a game, i. 321
Mortal-deadly, iii. 656

Mort o' the deer-a strain on the horn, i.

Mortified-ascetic, iii. 44

[blocks in formation]

Mouse-hunt-an animal of the weasel tribe,
ii. 649

Mousing-gorging, devouring, i. 753.
Mowes-mouths, ludicrous antics, i. 34,
111. 133

Much-an expression of contempt, i. 494,
ii. 143. iii. 61

Mule, Bajazet's, i. 603.
Muleters-muleteers, iii. 510
Mum-budget-a password, i. 144.
Murdering-piece-a piece of artillery with
several barrels, ii. 164

Musit, or Muset-a gap in a hedge, iii. 667
Muss-a scramble, iii. 516

My cake is dough-a proverbial saying, i.

My heart is full of woe-a tune, ii. 651

NAPKINS handkerchiefs, iii. 449
Naught a while, be-a mischief on you! i.


Naughty-wicked, base, i. 431, ii. 781
Nay-ward-a, i 139, 641

Near be, ne'er the near-a proverbial
phrase, i. 251

Neat slave-a base cow-herd, ii. 760
Neeld-needle, iii. 643

Neglection-neglect, ii. 291, iii. 198
Neif-fist, i. 382, ii 144

Nether-stocks-short stockings, ii. 81, 763
Next way-the nearest way. i. 572, 706, 11.

Nice-trivial, effeminate, dainty, i. 407, ii.

Nicely-scrupulously, iii. 631

Nicholas' clerks, St.-cut-purses, ii. 73
Nick-to mark like a fool, i. 235

Nick, out of all, beyond all reckoning, i. 81
Nicked emasculated, iii. 516

Night-rule-a night revel, i. 372
Nill-will not, iii. 624

Noddy-a game at cards, also, a noodle, a
simpleton, i. 50

Noise-a band of musicians, ii. 141
Nonce-for the occasion, ii. 265

None had an archaic expression, i. 777
Nook-shotten-spawned in a corner, ii. 213
No point-non point, i. 307, 335
Nott-pated-round-headed, ii. 80
Novum-a game played with dice, i. 342
Nurture-breeding, i. 474

Nut-hook-a beadle or catchpoll, i. 97, ii.


O-orb, circlet or round, iii. 540
Oaths taken on the sword, iii. 122
Ob-bolum, a halfpenny, ii. 88
Obidicut-a fiend, iii 785
Obsequious-funereal, ii. 403, 448

Obsequious-obedient, submissive, ii. 664
Observation-rites or observances, i. 384
Observed-respectfully treated, ii. 167

Obstacle corruption of obstinate, il. 303
Occupation-handicraft, ii. 423
Oddly-unequally, iii. 203
Odds-quarrel, ii. 689

Od's pittikins-God me pity, iii. 312
Eiliads-ogles, i. 101, ii. 790

O'erparted-not equal to a part or charac-
ter, i. 343

208, i.i. 138

over-reached, over-took, i.

O'erstrawed-o'erstrewed, iii. 677

[blocks in formation]

On-pronounced own, i. 56

Once-for the nonce, sometimes, i. 125,
217, 246, iii. 539
Oneyers-owners, ii. 74

Oosel-cock-the blackbird, i. 370
Opinion, reputation, ii. 116
Opposite-adversary, i. 652, ii. 156

Or e'er-before, sooner than, i. 3, 41, 779
Or, ore-gold. iii. 158, 681
Orbs-field fairy rings, i. 359

Order, to take-to adapt measures,
iii. 445

Orgulous-proud, haughty, iii. 187
Orient-pellucid, lustrous, ii 482
Orthography-orthographer, i. 256
Orts-scraps, iii. 92, 453


Ospray-a large hawk, the sea eagle, iii.


Ostent-appearance, parade, i. 412
Otherwhere other place, i. 209
Ounce the lynx, i. 365

[ocr errors]

Ouphes-elves, goblins, i. 134, 141
Out-past, i. 4.

Out of all cess-out of all measure, ii. 72
Out of all nick-beyond all reckoning, i. 81
Out of thy star, iii. 129

Overflown-flooded, drowned, i. 382

Overlook, Overlooked to overbear. to
overcome, to bewitch, i. 142, 424, 788
Overscutched, ii. 156

Oversee to execute, or superintend the
execution of a will. iii. 704
Overwrested-overwound, iii. 199
Owches-bosses of gold set in diamonds,

[blocks in formation]

Partisana weapon half-pike and half
halberd, iii. 498

Partlet, Dame-a name for the hen, i. 695,
ii. 98

Pash-head, or brow, i. 679

Pass, passed, passing-to surpass belief or
expression, í. 99, 131, 716, ii. 434
Passage-passengers, ii. 625
Passionate perturbed, agitated, i. 756
Passioning-displaying emotion, i. 87, iii.


Pass not-regard not, ii. 359

Pass on, pass upon-to sentence, i. 155, il.

Pa sy-measure's pavin-a dance, i. 670
Pastry-the room where paste was made, ii.

Patch-fool or jester, i. 29, 216, 386, 414,
iii. 45

Patchery-roguery, villany, iii. 212
Patience perforce, an adage, ii. 611
Patient-to make patient, iii. 550
Patine-the cover of the chalice anciently
used to hold particles of the host; a
plate, a round, bright object, i. 447
Pauca, pauca verba, paucus, pallabris-few
words, i. 96. 319. 508, ii. 197

Paul's walk, ii. 128

Pavin-a dance, i. 670

Pay-to beat, to punish, i. 136, iii. 310,


Peak-to mope, to pule, iii. 137

Peat-a pet, i. 516

Pedant a schoolmaster, i. 534, 536, 547
Pedascule-a pedant, i. 535
Peeled-shaven, ii. 258

Peevish-childish, simple, headstrong, ii.
303. 689, iii. 464

Peise-to weigh down, i. 424. ii 517
Peised-balanced, weighted, i. 757
Pelleted-formed into pellets, or little balls,
iii. 519, 768

Pelting-paltry, despicable, i. 163, 360, ii.

Penitent-doing penance, i. 207
Pensioners-a band of gentlemen in imme-
diate attendance on the sovereign, 1. 110,

[blocks in formation]

Pheeze-to tickle, i. 508, iii. 215.
Philip a name for the sparrow, i. 745
Phill-horse-the shaft-horse, i. 410
Phisnomy-physiognomy, i. 613
Physical-medicinal, iii. 434
Pick-to pitch, ii. 592

Picked-scrupulously nice, i. 327, iii. 174

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