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appearances of novelty were entirely ed in the play-bills of the day, which lost. Had the managers opened the announced the opening of the theatre house at the old prices, it would have at the new prices. But the public been crowded every night with mul- was by no means to be so deluded.— titudes, gratified with the very pleas- Their resistance was stronger than ing sight afforded to them: and after before, and the voice of the actors a time, after they had had full oppor- was completely drowned in their tunity of examining and judging of clamours. the expence, the managers might have The theatre now presented a new intimated the intention of raising the appearance.-On the stage, actors to price next year; and their plan would whom no one attended; and before then probably have met with no op- the stage, an audience turning its position. At any rate, they would back upon those actors, and indulging have received the profits of numerous in every species of tumult. If the full houses; and the beauty of the raising of the prices produced clabuilding would have raised a con- mour without end, the mode attemptsiderable fund to pay for its erec- ed to quell it increased it beyond measure. A number of Jews and boxers was sent into the pit to support the new prices, and the Bow-street runners were on the alert to seize the advocates for the old prices. The neasure was ill judged; for a few nights the Jews seemed to triumph; but the exasperated public, both within and without doors, put an end to this atrocious insult on the nation. At last affairs came into a regular plan. Scarcely any persons went to the former part of the play, but those who had orders or tickets of free admission; but at half-price the house was completely filled, and from that moment nothing on the stage was to be heard, and the sounds of the orchestra were drowned in the overpowering efforts of the human voice.

When the audience, after paying the increased prices, had begun to vent its spleen on the imposition, another circumstance was laid hold of, which added, and with just cause, to the popular resentment. A tier of boxes was appropriated to the use of private persons: and thus an odious distinction was introduced into the house. The impropriety of these boxes it is not necessary to dwell pon: but they gave occasion to allusions of a very indecent nature, and it was hinted that they had conveniences which ought not in an English theatre to be suspected. We disapprove of these boxes, even when there is not the slightest ground for these insinuations; much more should we abominate them if they have any tendency to afford privacy where nothing ought to be permitted unworthy of the public eye. At any rate, after the remarks that have been made upthem, a lady must have more courage than modesty to be seen in them, unless she is surrounded with a number of her sex to keep her in coun

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The managers, however, persisted, and these nightly tumults became regular, producing, on the one hand, a very degrading situation to the unfortunate actors, and, on the other, exposing a number of individuals to confinement in prison. Nothing could be so painful to the feeling mind as to see the performers go through their parts of the play just as if no audience The campaign opened under these was before them, and thus accustominauspicious circumstances to the ing themselves to look no longer for managers, who were by no means any reward in public applause for ready to acquiesce in the first symp- their labours. What can these poor toms of popular resentment. After men hereafter think of public approvery considerable riots, the house was shut up, in order that its affairs might be laid before a committee: and this committee, after a short interval, delivered their report, from which the managers thought themselves justified in their measures, and expected public acquiescence. This report was print- profession; UNIVERSAL MAG. VOL. XII. 2 T

bation or disapprobation! If they could stand the brunt of such a mortifying scene, if they could go through their parts merely as a task which they were hired to perform, they must lose all sense of that dignity which we would wish to he preserved in every

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But the feelings of the actors are letter were clearly settled. It was trifling compared with what was ex- evident that Mr. Canning had inperienced by the public, on the in- trigued against Lord Castlereagh, and dignities offered to various persons played a part not unknown in some for the expression or supposed ex- foreign courts, but totally contrary to pression of their sentiments in the the old principles of English honour. theatre. Scarcely a night passed, but In short, we cannot but say, that, at some were seized, and carried to Bow- present, Mr. Canning does assuredly street, where the police magistrates appear to have acted, as we say in were sitting to receive informations; plain English, like a paltry fellow: and many were committed to prison, and, unless he vindicates himself) who, from the hour of the night, and clearly, he is unworthy any longer to the distance of their friends, were un- be admitted into gentlemen's com-se able to procure the exorbitant bail pany. This vindication we may ex- DO demanded of them. Notorious as was pect at the meeting of parliament, the tumult excited by the Jews and when all that led to the impudent and r boxers on the part of the managers, atrocious insult offered by these two it does not appear that one was ever ministers of his majesty's councils seized and carried to Bow-street; their king and country, will underge though the runners of that place could public investigation. hurry to prison a poor girl for springing a child's rattle, and follow to a distant coffee-house a man, who, instead of creating a tumult in the house, really afforded a respite from the noise by the oration which he delivered.This did not however avail him before the Bow-street magistrates, whose conduct upon this and other occasions of the like kind, we sincerely hope and trust will become a matter of serious discussion in parliament. The nature of the bail required, and of the magistrates interference in so partial a manner, are questions of great importance. If, upon these tumults, they had called upon the Lord Chamberlain to put a stop to the performance of plays till order could be restored, every one must have applauded their conduct: but they seem to have forgotten that there may be as much riot in favouring as in the censure of the managers.

It was expected, that the king would himself, at the first meeting of the privy council, have struck out of the list these two members, and thus af forded a striking example that such disgraceful conduct could not s unnoticed. But no such event took place, though, it is said, that the king expressed in very strong terms his disapprobation of the men who could give such occasion, in these difficult times, of triumph to the enemy.Whilst Bonaparte's officers were at their posts, assiduous in promoting his measures, these two men were in the field, not warring against enemies, but firing against each other: they were proclaiming to the world how il they must have filled, for some time previously, their respective depart ments. But both have ceased to be ministers of the crown; and the for mation of a new ministry has heen another object of great curiosity, as well as of public embarrassment.

The two duellists occupied a great share of the public attention, as their The Duke of Portland's illness com contemptible conduct affected either pelled him to resign. The two duellists themselves or the public. A vulgar resigned on account of the insult they proverb tells us, that there is honour had offered their king and country, among thieves: and on this ground by the bad example they had set to the question was, whether Mr. Can- his subjects, and the proof that they ning could in any way be vindicated. could not both sit in the same coup-Lord Castlereagh's letter to him, cils. The whole management of pub charging him with duplicity, was given lic affairs rested then with the two to the public soon after the duel was lawyers, Mr. Perceval and Lord Elfought; but it was a long time before don, the one a second-rate in the any thing came out on the part of Mr. common law, the other well versed in Canning to rebut the charge. At last the subtleties of the Chancery bar a statement appeared, by which the The first thing done was to send let main points in Lord Castlereagh's ters by express to Lord Grenville, in

Cornwall, and to Lord Grey, in North- there should be neither dinner nor umberland, requesting them to assist illumination; but that the Lord Mayor in the new ministry, which the resig- and court should go in procession to nations had made necessary. Lord St. Paul's, and the city bestow a thouGrenville came up to town; but Lord sand pounds for charitable purposes. Grey coutented himself with return- In consequence of this determination, ring back a very spirited and proper there were various wardmotes and reply, that he would not condescend meetings of parishes, in which illuto act in concert with men whose mea- minations were discountenanced, and sures were in his opinion fraught with charity encouraged; and the same mischief to the kingdom. Lord Gren- fashion ran through the country. But, ville came up to town, but had no other as the day drew near, individuals were intercourse with ministers than by let- put to no small inconvenience: they ter: for, finding that he was not to had paid the charitable subscriptions have access to the king, but that all required in lieu of illumination, but was to be managed between him and they were not without dread that the two lawyers, he declined any far- lights would be required in their ther discussion, and left them to windows, and the resolutions put it manage the business by themselves. out of their power to make the preDisconcerted in this attempt to vious preparations. ekstrengthen themselves from the quar- At last, the frames placed upon the ter of opposition, the ministers sought bank, the mansion-house, the Indiafor assistance in every hole and cor- house, and other public offices, proved ner. At last Mr. Perceval became the intention of public offices to illuFirst Lord of the Treasury and Chan. minate on this occasion; and here cellor of the Exchequer, Lord Eldon and there an emblem was to be seen and Lord Hawkesbury and Lord Chat- in preparation in private houses.ham retained their places, and the The day itself was ushered in by the vacant departments were filled up as ringing of bells; the middle of the well as the urgency of the case per- day was occupied in looking at the mitted. If such a ministry stands, preparations for the evening, or in weakened as it is by the secession of viewing the grand procession of the its two ablest members, Canning and Lord Mayor to St. Paul's, or the three Castlereagh, pressed by the inquiries regiments of guards drawn up in St. into the business of Talavera and James's Park, who fired three vollies Walcheren, and threatened by the upon the occasion, which were folDew vigour of Bonaparte, we must lowed by three old English buzzas. lament the decline of all the maxims which tend to make a nation great; and still more lament, that there is such a dearth of talent and of spirit in the country. We see now the ef fects of Mr. Pitt's administration.We are come to the legacy that he has bequeathed his country.-Instead of cultivating talent, he brought forward those meagre abilities, which could only serve as a foil to his superior talents.

Thus was the jubilee of this reign brought in, a reign whose complicated events will form a striking period in future history. The city of London, we observed in our last, had a meeting to consider in what manner the event was to be celebrated, and the question was to be referred to a committee. The report renewed the discussion, and the meeting was tumultuous. At last it was agreed, that

Regiments of volunteers were out, and there was sufficient bustle and employment. At night, the streets were crowded to see the illuminations, in which the city far surpassed the west end of the town; and shewed what might have been done if no check had intervened to stop the effusions of loyalty which such a day could not fail of producing. In point of taste, little new was shewn, except in the houses of Messrs. Blades and

Co. on Ludgate-hill, and Hancock and Co. Cockspur-street. These houses pointed out what elegant dispositions may be made of glass, which, on a future illumination, will we doubt not decorate many private houses.Though the streets were crowded, no injury was done to the many houses that were not illuminated. The Lord Mayor gave a dinner at the mansionhouse; but the ministers of state went

to an anomalous dinner made by subscription, at three guineas a head, of several persons engaged in trade in the city. The king proclaimed a pardon on this day to all deserters from army and navy; and this is the first only of the good acts which will immortalise the year.

On the battle of Talavera the French papers give the British troops due encomiums on their bravery: but their censures on the general are evidently written by men well versed in military affairs. They accuse, and apparently with great reason, our commander of the want of all the qualities which constitute a great general. He is, in their eyes, a mere dasher; fit only to head a body of disciplined Europeans against Mahrattamen or Las cars, but totally unqualified to cope with those who have been brought up in the school of Bonaparte. They laugh at his complaints of want of provision for so small an army, when the

France, it is said, anticipated our illuminations. Previous reports had reached the country of a peace being made between France and Austria; and as such an event was naturally to be expected, the farther rumour that illuminations in France had been seen, and reports of cannon heard at Dover, established the opinion. But nothing decisive has at this time of writing whole country of Portugal was open appeared, though probably the treaty will soon arrive in England. Conjectures state very harsh terms to Austria; and some assert, that, instead of a peace, it is only to be a truce for twenty years, during which time cach party is to retain what it has got. This would sever from Austria the best part of its territories; and, in fact, whether peace or truce be the result of the late negociations, the power of Austria is for ever broken, and it is reduced to the rank of a secondary kingdom.

The French papers amuse themselves and their readers with their accounts of the expedition to Walcheren, and the battle of Talavera, and the subsequent flight of the new-made Jord from the latter place. On the former subject, they lay the blame rather on the planners of the expedition than on those appointed to execute it: but it is to be observed, that Bonaparte has instituted a military inquiry into the conduct of the commander of Flushing. However flattering the French accounts may be to Lord Chatham, we cannot say that any thing has reached us from our own army that agrees with these commendations. The French make a great parade of the preparations they had made to receive us: our accounts state only most unaccountable delay on the part of the assailants, at the time when the utmost vigour was wanting. It is sufficient to observe, that had one of Bonaparte's generals acted in the same manner, long before this time there would have been an inquiry into his conduct.

to his rear, with the ocean at his com mand; and biscuit might have been brought from the ships in three days to him. Whilst the English were in such distress, plenty reigned in the French army, simply because they are as attentive to the care of their soldiers before and after, as they are eage train them for the day of battle.

They despise our general also fot his total want of foresight and infor mation. Who, say they, would think of advancing into a country, without informing himself with what troops he might expect to cope? Who would not have made previous inquiries of the enemy likely to fall on his rear, as well as those he was to meet in his front? They prove him to be totally unacquainted with the nature of the warfare, and to have fallen into dis grace from his own ignorance, incapacity, and temerity. But melan. choly as it is to read those triumphs of the enemy over us, it is some subject of consolation, that the sick and wounded, left at their mercy, have been treated with the utmost kindness and humanity: so that they, who remained on the field of battle, have, in the end, been better off than those who fled with Lord Wellington from Talavera.

Of Spain we know little more than that Lord Talavera still hovers on the confines of Portugal: that frequent contests take place between the French and Spaniards, but the whole is confined to the petite guerre; that the main armies of France have not yet entered the south of Spain, which still is subject to the Junta at Seville.

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But, alas of this Junta at Seville we can augur little good. At this time it is said that it is to be superseded; and its powers are to be vested in a regent, the Prince Archbishop of Toledo. From him we cannot form great expectations; and, in fact, the whole of their plans shew the want of a decisive and commanding mind to direct the energies of the country with success. A perfect contrast is seen at Madrid. There the sovereign is in full action, making laws that are beneficial to the country, suppressing convents, and restraining the power of the priests. Religious toleration is proclaimed in its fullest extent; and the censorate of books, which formerly belonged to the inquisition, is abolished. This effect of the French arms we may observe every where. At Vienna they had a number of trifling laws on the subject of books; and the works of the best authors of this country were prohibited. The whole is now changed, and the only restraint is on political writings, as far as they relate to the present state of the country, in which the conqueror maintains his rights, and will not suffer his title to be invaded.

The war between Sweden and Russia is certainly at an end, and the articles of peace have been published. The former now rues the day that gave her up to the chivalrous king, to that king, whose follies found so many advocates in this country, who achieved not a single action worthy of a soldier or a sovereign, and whose conduct lost to Sweden its best territories.Finland is now the property of Russia, and the territory of Sweden is confined within the limits formed by the western side of the Gulph of Bothnia, the Baltic, the eastern borders of Norway, and the frozen regions of the north. Of the deposed king we know nothing. A liberal allowance is made to him: and the present king is endeavouring to repair the mischief committed by his predecessor.

mind may be elevated above its present sphere. What part Russia took in the peace with Austria is not known. Peace without doubt is established also between these powers; and the war, which has been carried on with languor against Turkey, will be more brisk, and the tottering throne of the Ottoman will be again shaken to its centre.

Our ambassador is landed in America, and been received with due honours by the sovereign, but with some not very civil speeches from the publick. A negotiation is begun which may be of long duration. An awkward circumstance has, however, arisen. Part of a boat's crew of one of our ships deserted, and a demand was made by our consul to the magistrates, that they might be seized and delivered up to the ship. The sailors were, in consequence, seized, and the consul was called upon to shew his claim. The case was argued by counsel on both sides; and the result was, that the magistrates, having no fault to find with the men, and no breach of the peace being alledged against them, did not feel themselves anthorized to hold them in custody. They were of course liberated, and carried away in triumph by the people. This is a difficulty which must frequently occur, unless altered by positive law: and a question arises, whether, if an American leaves his vessel in the Thames and loiters about Wapping, the master of the vessel can call upon a justice of the peace to issue a writ for him, and send him afterwards in custody of the constable aboard his ship? Here the master might complain of a breach of contract: but if, in the case of the British seamen, there was no contract, they were pressed men, that plea is lost; and the Americans must be satisfied, that it is the law of our country to interfere with ships' crews before they make any change in their own laws.

In the south of America a doubtful Russia speaks vauntiugly of its new government exists. Buenos Ayres Conquests and the glory of its arms. knows scarcely whom to obey, and it Finland is indeed a valuable acquisi- is said to have asserted its indepention, and its natives may meliorate the dence. To this probably it will soon slaves who are sent to govern them. be brought, and no one can be sorry The Russian soldier will here learn for it: and if the Peruvians follow the new principles, both in religion and same example, it will be better for the politics; and, by degrees, his brutish world. Of the Brazilians we cannot

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