Abbildungen der Seite

various provinces restored to his Majesty the Emperor of Austria shall be evacuated. The said convention shall be adjusted on the basis, that Moravia shall be evacuated in fourteen days; that part of Gallicia which remains in possession of Austria, the city and district of Vienna, in one month; Lower Austria in two months; and the remaining districts and territories not ceded by this treaty shall be evacuated by the French troops, and those of their allies, in two months and a half, or earlier if possible, from the exchange of the ratifications.-This convention shall regulate all that relates to the evacuations of the hospitals and magazines of the French army, and the entrance of the Austrian troops into the territories evacuated by the French or their allies; and also the evacuation of that part of Croatia ceded by the present treaty to his Majesty the Emperor of the French.

XIII. The prisoners of war taken by France and her allies from Austria, and by Austria from France and her allies, that have not yet been released, shall be given up within fourteen days after the exchange of the ratifications of the present treaty.

XIV. His Majesty the Emperor of the French, King of Italy, Protector of the League of the Rhine, guarantees the inviolability of the possessions of his Majesty the Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary and Bohemia, in the state in which they shall be, in consequence of the present treaty.

XV. His Majesty the Emperor of Austria, recognizes all the alterations which have taken place, or may subsequently take place in Spain, Portugal, and Italy.

XVI. Ilis Majesty the Emperor of Austria, desirous to co-operate in the restoration of a maritime peace, accedes to the prohibitory system with respect to England, adopted by France and Russia, during the present maritime war. His Imperial Majesty shall break off all intercourse with Great Britain, and with respect to the English Government, place himself in the situation he stood in previous to the present war.

XVII. His Majesty the Emperor of the French, King of Italy, and his Majesty the Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary and Bohemia, shall

observe, with respect to each other, the same ceremonial in regard to rank and other points of etiquette, as before the present war.

XVIII. The ratifications of the present treaty shall be exchanged within six days, or sooner, if possible.

Done and signed at Vienna, Oct. 14, 1809.


J. B. NOMPERE DE CHAMPAGNY. JOHN Prince of LICHTENSTEIN. We have ratified, and hereby ratify the above treaty, in all and every of the articles therein contained; declare the same to be adopted, confirmed, and established; and engage that the same shall be maintained inviolable.

In confirmation whereof we have hereto affixed our signature, with our own hand, being countersigned and sealed with our Imperial seal.

Given at our Imperial camp at Schoenbrunn, October 15, 1809.

(Signed) NAPOLEON.

By the Emperor,

CHAMPAGNY, Minister for
Foreign Affairs.

H. B. MARET, Minister Secre-
tary of State.

Certified by us, the Arch-Chancellor of State, EUGENE NAPOLEON.


In the name of the Holy and undivided Trinity,

His Majesty the King of Sweden, and his Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias, equally animated by the desire of causing the advantages of Peace to succeed to the calamities of War, and of re-establishing harmony and good understanding between their States, have, to this effect, appointed their Plenipotentiaries; namely, his Majesty the King of Sweden, Baron Count Louis Bogislas; Christopher de Stedinck, one of the Nobles of the Kingdom of Sweden, General of Infantry of the Swedish armies, Knight and Commander of the Swedish Orders, Grand Cross of the Order of the Sword, Knight of the Order of St. Andrew, of St. Alexander Newsky,

and of St. Anne of the first class; Russias, promises to adhere to the and M. Andrew Frederick Skjolde- continental system, with such modirand, Colonel and Commander of the fications as shall be more particularly Order of the Sword; and his Majesty stipulated in the negociation which is the Emperor of all the Russias, Count about to be opened between Sweden, Nicholas Romanzoff, actual Privy France, and Denmark. Meanwhile, Counsellor, Member of the Counsel his Swedish Majesty engages, from of State, Minister for Foreign Affairs, the exchange of the ratifications of the Minister of Commerce, Senator, ac- present treaty, to order that the ports tual Chamberlain, Knight of the Or- of the kingdom of Sweden shall be der of St. Andrew, St. Alexander closed, both to the ships of war and Newsky, Grand Cross of the Order of merchantmen of Great Britain, with St. Wladimir, and of St. Anne of the the exception of the importation of First Classes, Grand Eagle of the Le- salt and colonial productions, which gion of Honour of France, Knight of habit has rendered necessary to the the Royal Prussian Orders of the people of Sweden.-His Majesty the Black Eagle and Red Eagle, and of Emperor of the Russias promises be the Royal Dutch Order of the Union, fore hand, to consent to every mod and M. David Alopeus, actual Cham- fication which his allies may cons berlain, Knight of the Grand Cross just and fit to be admitted in favott of the Order of St. Wladimir of the of Sweden with respect to commerc Second Class, and of St. Anne of the and mercantile navigation. First; who, after the exchange of their respective full powers, found to be good, and in due form, have agreed upon the following Articles.—

Art. I. There shall henceforth be peace, friendship, and good understanding between his Majesty the King of Sweden, and his Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias. The high contracting parties will make it their chief study to maintain a perfect harmony between themselves, their States and Subjects, and will carefully avoid whatever may hereafter disturb the union so happily re-established.

II. His Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias, having manifested the invariable resolution not to separate his interests from those of his allies, and his Swedish Majesty wishing to give, in favour of his subjects, all the extent possible to the advantages of the Peace, promises and engages, in the most solemn and binding manner, to neglect nothing which, on his part, may tend to the prompt conclusion of Peace between him and his Majesty, the Emperor of the French, King of Italy, and his Majesty the King of Denmark and Norway, by the means of the direct negociations already com menced with these Powers.

III. His Majesty the King of Sweden, in order to give an evident proof of his desire to renew the most intimate relations with the august allies of his Majesty the Emperor of all the

IV. His Majesty the King of Sweden, as well for himself as for his successors to the throne and kingdom of Sweden, renounces irrevocably and in perpetuity in favour of his Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias, and his successors to the throne and em

pire of Russia, all his right and titles to the government hereafter specified, which have been conquered from the Crown of Sweden by the arms of his Imperial Majesty in the present wat, namely, The Government of Kyme nagard, Nyland, and Tavastehus, Al and Bjorneborg, with the isles Al Savolax and Corelia, Wasa, U borg, and part of West Bothnia ex tending to the river of Tornea, as sha be fixed in the subsequent article in the demarkation of the frontiersThese governments, with all the inhabitants, towns, ports, fortresses, villages, and islands, as well as all the dependencies, prerogatives, rights, and emoluments, shall henceforth belong in full property and sovereignty to the Empire of Russia, and shall remain incorporated with it. To this effect his Majesty the King of Sweden promises, in the most solemn and ob ligatory manner, as well for him-elf as for his successors, and all the kingdom of Sweden, never to make any claim, direct or indirect on the said Governments, Provinces, Islands, and Territories, all the inhabitants of which shall, in virtue of this renunci ation, be relieved from the hopage

and oath of fidelity by which they were bound to the Crown of Sweden. V. The sea of Aland, (Alands Haf) the Gulph of Bothnia, and the rivers of Tornea and Muonio, shall hereafter form the frontier between Russia and the kingdom of Sweden. The nearest islands at an equal distance from the main land of Aland and Finland shall belong to Russia, and those which are nearest to the Swedish coast, shall belong to Sweden. The most advanced points of the Russian territory at the mouth of the river of Tornea, shall be the isle of Bjorken, the port of Rentehamn, and the peninsula on which the town of Tornea stands. The frontier shall then be extended along the river Tornea to the confluence of the two branches of that river near Kengis. It shall then follow the course of the river Muonio, passing in the front of Muonioniska, Muonio Ofreby, Palajoens, Rultane, Enontekis, Kellottijorfoi, Palsiko, Nuimaka, Raunulla, and Kilpisjaure, to Norway. In the course of the rivers Tornea and Muonio, such as it has been described, the islands situated to the East of the Thalwag, shall belong to Russia, and those to the west of the Thalwag to Sweden. Immediately after the exchange of the ratifications, engineers shall be appointed on each side, who shall proceed to the before mentioned places, to fix the limits along the rivers Tornea and Muonio, according to the above described line.

VI. His Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias, having already given the most manifest proofs of the clemency and justice with which he has resolved to govern the inhabitants of the countries which he has acquired, by generously, and of his own spontaneous act, assuring to them the free exercise of their religion, rights, property, and privileges, his Swedish Majesty considers himself thereby dispensed from performing the otherwise sacred duty of making reservations in the above respects in favour of his former subjects.

VII. On the signature of the present Treaty, information thereof shall be transmitted immediately, and with the greatest celerity, to the Generals of the respective armies, and hostilities shall entirely cease on both sides, both by sea and land. Those acts of

hostility which may in the mean time be committed, shall be regarded as null, and shall not infringe this Trea ty. Whatever may be, during the intervening period, taken or conquered on the one side or the other, shall be faithfully restored.

VIII. Within four weeks after the exchange of the Ratification of the present Treaty, the troops of his Majesty the Emperor of Russia shall evacuate West Bothnia, and repass the river Tornea. During the said four weeks there shall be made no requisition of any kind whatever on the inhabitants; and the Russian army shall draw its supplies and subsistence from its own magazines, established in the towns of West Bothnia. If, during the negociations, the Imperial troops have penetrated in any other direction into the kingdom of Sweden, they shall evacuate the countries they have occupied, in virtue of the before stipulated conditions.

IX. All the prisoners of war made on either side by sea or land, and all the hostages delivered during the war, shall be restored in mass, and without ransom, as speedily as possible; but at the latest within three months, reckoning from the exchange of the ratifications; but if any prisoners may be prevented by sickness, or other cause, from returning into their country within the period specified, they shall not thereby be considered as having forfeited the right stipulated above. They shall be obliged to discharge, or to give security for the debts they may have contracted during their captivity with the inhabitants of the country, in which they may have been detained. The expences which may have been incurred, by the high contracting parties for all subsistence and maintenance of the prisoners, shall be reciprocally renounced, and provision shall respectively be made for their subsistence, and the expence of their journey to the frontiers of both places, where Commissioners for their Sovereigns shall be directed to receive them. The Finland soldiers and seamen are, on the part of his Majesty the Emperor of Russia, excepted from this restitution, with reference to the capitulations which have taken place, if they grant them a different right.

The military and other officers na- mediately removed, and the property tives of Finland, who may wish to shall be reserved to the owners; it remain shall enjoy that privilege, and being well understood that such as the full exercise of all their rights over their property, debts and effects which they now have or may hereafter have in the kingdom of Sweden, on the footing of the 10th article of the present Treaty.

become subjects of either of the two Powers, in virtue of the preceding article, shall have no right to claim from the Sovereign of whom they have ceased to be a subject the an nuities or pensions which may have been obtained in virtue of acts of grace, concessions, or appointments for preceding services.

XII. The titles, domains, archives, and other documents, public and private, the plans and charts of fortresses, towns, and territories, devolved by the present treaty to his Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias, including the charts and papers which maybe deposited in the Surveyor's Ofte shall be faithfully delivered up within the space of six months: or if that period should be found too short, at the latest within one year.

X. The Fins now in Sweden, as well as the Swedes now in Finland, shall be at full liberty to return into their respective countries, and to dispose of their property, moveable and immoveable, without paying any duty of removal, or any other impost due on the like occasions. The subjects of the two high Powers established in either country, Sweden or Finland, shall have full liberty to establish themselves in the other during the space of three years, from the date of the exchange of the ratification of the present treaty; but shall be held to sell or alienate, during the said period, to any subject of the Power whose dominions they desire to quit. The property of those who, at the expiration of the above term, have not complied with this regulation, shall be sold at a public sale by authority of the Magistrate, and the produce thereof delivered to the owners. XIV. The debts, both public and During the three years above fixed, it shall be allowable to all to make such use as they may please of their property, the peaceable enjoyment of which is formally secured and guaranteed to them. They may, themselves or their agents, pass freely from one state to the other in order to manage their affairs, without experiencing any obstacle whatever in consequence of their quality of subjects of the other Power.

XIII. Immediately after the exchange of the ratifications, the high contracting Parties shall remove all sequestrations which may have been placed on the property or revenues of the respective inhabitants of the two countries and the public establish ments therein situated.

private, contracted by the Fins in Sweden, and, vice versa, by the Swedes in Finland, shall be discharg ed on the terms and conditions stip lated.

XV. The subjects of either of the high contracting Parties, to whom inheritances may fall in the states of one or the other, may, without obsta cle, take possession of the same, and enjoy it under the protection of the laws. The exercise of this right, how. ever, in Finland, is subject to the stipulations of article X. in virtue of which the proprietor shall either fix his residence in the country, or sell the inheritance within three years.

XI. There shall henceforth be a perpetual oblivion of the past, and a general amnesty for the respective subjects, whose opinions, in favour of one or the other of the high contracting Parties during the present war, XVI. The duration of the Treaty may have rendered them suspected of Commerce between the high conor liable to punishment. No trial shall hereafter be instituted against them on such grounds. If any process have been commenced, it shall be annulled and superseded, and no new proceeding shall be commenced. All sequestrations of property or revenues shall in consequence be im

tracting Parties being limited to the 17th (29th) October, 1811, his Majesty the Emperor of Russia consents not to reckon its interruption during the war; and that the said Treaty shall continue in force until the 1st (18th) of Feb. 1815, with respect to every thing not contrary to

the depositions of the Commercial shall be prohibited, are excepted, but Manifesto used at St. Petersburgh, the quantity in arrear, in consequence January 1, 1809.

of such order, may be made up when the prohibition shall be removed.

who holds the superior rank shall receive the first salute, which shall be returned gun for gun. If the commanders are of equal ark no salute shall take place on either side: before castles, fortresses, and at the entrance of ports, the party arriving shall salute first, and the salute shall be returned gun for qua.

XVII. The territories incorporated with the Russian Empire in virtue of XIX. With respect to salutes at sea, this Treaty, being attached to Swe- the two high contracting parties agree den by commercial relations, which to regulate them on the footing of the long intercourse, neighbourhood, and most perfect equality between the reciprocal wants have rendered al- two Crowns. When their vessels of most indispensible; the high con- war meet at sea, the salutes shall take tracting Parties, desirous of preserv- 'place in conformity to the rank of the ing to their subjects these means of commanders, in such manner that he mutual advantage, agree to make such arrangements as may be necessary for consolidating them. In the mean time, until they come to an understanding on this subject, the Fins shall have the power of importing from Sweden, ore, smelted iron, lime, stones for building smelting furnaces, and in general all the other productions of the soil of Sweden. XX. Difficulties which may arise In return the Swedes may export on points not determined by this from Finland, cattle, fish, corn, Treaty, shall be discussed and settled cloth, pitch, planks, wooden uten- by Ambassadors, or Ministers Pienisils of all kinds, wood for building, potentiary respectivel appointed, and, in general, all the other produc- who shall be guided by the spirit of tions of the soil of the Grand Duchy. conciliation which has dictated the This traffic shall be re-established and maintained to the 1st (13th) of XXI. This Treaty shall be ratified October, 1811, precisely on the same by the two Contracting Powers; and footing as it was before the war, and the ratifications exchanged in poper shall be liable to no intercuption or and due form within four weeks, or burthen, with the reservation of such sooner, if possible, reckoning from the restrictions as the political relations day of the signature of the present of the two states may render neces- Treaty. In faith of which we, the undersigned, in virtue of our full powers, XVIII. The annual exportation of have signed the present Treaty of 50,000 tschetwerts of corn purchased Peace, and have thereto affixed our in the ports of the Gulph of Finland, or of the Baltic, belonging to Russia, is granted to his Majesty the King of Sweden, free of the export duty, on proof being shewn that the purchase bas been made on his account, or in Virtue of his authority. Years of Scarcity, in which the exportation




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Done at Friedricksham this 5-17th
of sept. in the year of Grace,




barges of 99 tons burthen will be able


A NEW aqueduct, composed of to pass it. cast iron, supported by three pillars of freestone, is to be erected A more extraordinary feat in ringnear Stoney Stratford. The middle ing than was achieved at Sobam, in pillar to be 34 feet in height, standing this county, on Monday the 20th of upon a base 26 feet long by 8 feet Noven ber, has perhaps never been wide. The aqueduct will be 100 feet recorded in the annals of that art. A long, and 8 feet in width, so that complete peal of 5230 changes of UNIVERSAL MAG, VOL. XII.

3 I

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