Abbildungen der Seite

Ruin, architects of, 82.
not comprehend, 272.
save city from, 103.

Ruined, England never, 76.
Rule, discretion a golden, 82.
divide to, 335.

not made to, 462.

a practical, 411.

Rulers, people form, 79.
Rules, gold, 520.

Runs away, man that, 183.
Russian, scratch a, 60.
Rusticity, find fault with, 91.

St. Denis, carry his like, 180.
St. Paul's, stroke dome of, 500.
Sacrifice, nothing fruitful but, 319.
the last, 353.

Saddle, Germany in the, 58.
Safe, Old England is, 556.
up, see me, 398.

Sailor, no man a, 293.
Salvation, may win, 266.
Samaritan, to do the, 501.
Same, human nature the, 132.
Sand, need no, 317.

Sandwiches, because of, 567.
Sanitas sanitatum, 44.
Sans culottes, silence, 378.
Satisfied, not to be, 252.
Sauce, hunger best, 507.
Save themselves, nations, 174.
Sayings, Lamb's, 325.

Scabbards, languages are, 253.
Scaffold, death on, 59.

from scaffold to, 439.
go smiling to, 175.
I go to, 188.

kings led to, 388.
sending me to, 176.

Scarecrow, Capet for a, 495.
Scene, see another, 571.
Sceptre, have no, 550.
Scholar, first Greek, 271.

School, prizes in, 542.

Schoolboy, an inspired, 46.

Schoolmaster, the Prussian, 395.
Science, a little, 6.

politics a, 494.

Scotchman, much made of, 294.
starving a, 25.
Scotland, desert in, 294.

meat and drink in, 294.
Scoundrel, refuge of a, 557.
Sculls, not with same, 289.
Se non è vero, 207.
Seals, throw up the, 448.
Seashore, boy on, 423.

Seaside, fish rare at, 569.

Season, word in, 453.

Seats, hard to find, 312.

Second, Spinola the, 271.

Second-hands, clocks with, 488.

Secret, woman with a, 104.

Sects, sixty different, 545.

Secure, past is, 562.

Sedan, Man of, 418.

See, all we, 189.

him, glad to, 483.
me here, not, 181.
neither eyes to, 112.
not to, 506.

Seeks, superior man, 160.
Self, sentiment of, 418.

Self-control, Wellington's, 566.
Self-love, necessity of, 451.
Self-possessed, power to, 474.
Self-respect, the truest, 49.
Self-tormentor, a, 88.

Senator, looked a, 454.

Sensations, consciousness of. 188.
Sense, English have more, 381.
few words, much, 302.
when cannot talk, 170.
wit the finest, 452.

Senses, when in their, 441.
Separation, consent to, 248.

Sepulchre, throne glorious, 200.
Serpent, venomous, 119.

Servant, wit a good, 520.

Served, country be, 61.

Service, owe the same, 367.

the first, 218.

Set, Voltaire about to, 233.
Sex, genius has no, 406.
Sexes, are three, 501.
Shade, fight in the, 330.
Shadow, afraid of, 477.

measure your, 30.
pursuing a, 78.

Shadows we are, what, 78.
Shakespeare, Corneille and, 297.
can't read, 248.

Shame, crime makes, 161.
Sharp set, very, 324.
Shears, marriage like, 504.
Sheep, not look at, 206.

Romans like, 105.
worn by a, 182.
Shelter, chosen his, 360.
Shilling, lost last, 219.
Shine, sun shall, 22.
Shines, when sun, 63.
Ship, burn the, 374.

don't give up, 326.
Ship-money, Hampden and, 80.
Ships, how many, 18.
Shirt, of their last, 119.

Shirts, buy dirty, 171.

Shopkeepers, nation of, 406.

Shorter, a head, 397.

Short-sighted, best to be, 499.

Shot, willing to be, 472.

Shoulders, brought on, 143.
fit my, 397.

head on, 453.

if poets had no, 544.
Shuttlecocks, game at, 513.
Sicker, Turks are, 426.
Side, assist our, 16.

rather by my, 238.
sword at my, 279.

Side, time on our, 250.

Siege, govern by state of, 108.

Sight, a fine, 61.
Sign, a bad, 368.

Signal, cannot see the, 420.
Signature-machine, a, 244.
Signet, am the, 399.
Silence, flashes of, 364.
reward of, 28.

Silent, when critics are, 549.
Silk, may take the, 171.
Silver, bridge of, 13.
Simple, the honestly, 434.
Simplicity, power of, 573.
sacred, 284.
Sinecure, joy of his, 464.
Sins, expiation of, 349.
multitude of, 205.

Sit down, I must, 128.
Six, drive coach and, 429.
Skin, nothing of bear but, 313.
think through his, 530.
my tyrant's, 413.
where lion's, 362.

Skip, man must, 466.
Slain, my son is, 229.
Slave, government half, 333.
Slavery is, where, 334.

nature against, 329.
Washington on, 560.
Slaves, good kings are, 330.
Sleep, death eternal, 217.
I could, 356.


I must, 88.

two or three hours', 409.
tyrants never, 550.

Sleepers, great eaters and, 95.
Sleeps, where wit, 213.
Slept, Danton has, 462.
Slop-pail, is the, 389.
Slow, Catholics too, 211.
Slowness, boast of, 575.
Small-pox, like the, 98.

tiger with, 390.
Smells not, gold, 537.
Smite her, bear or, 198.
Smoke, gold into, 197.

learned to, 36.
Snare, mockery and, 184.
Snow, pumpkin in, 329.

Snowballs, Sevigné like, 488.
Snuff, cities like, 451.

you abuse, 156.
Snuffers, get pair of, 549.
So, would have it, 93.
Sober, supposing you go, 216.

Society, excellent member of, 551.
mudsills of, 489.

Socinian, accuse of being, 505.
Socrates, cup of, 462.

Solace, Christianity a, 411.

Soldier, France a, 125.

man not a, 409.

man would be a, 304.
worse man better, 409.
Soldiers, you go to fight, 540.
Solid, is nothing, 470.
Solidity, called your, 349.
Solitude, haughtiness and, 448.

Solitude, inspired in, 320.
nothing without, 320.
Solon, there go, 73.

Something, painting intermediate, 155.
will do, 211.

Son, call me, 235.
my dead, 230.
no rascal's, 199.
not eldest, 445.
rejoice in my, 559.
such father and, 447.
wood to burn, 439.
Song, a careless, 556.
valet sings no, 164.
Sophocles, Euripides and, 510.
if I am, 509.

Sorrow, brow never gave, 435.
send away in, 366.

Soul, dominion of, 411.
has a Sunday, 268.
have mercy on, 572.
repose of, 233.

tragedy warms, 412.
would sell his, 522.
Souls, corporations no, 154.
Soup, Caspian Sea of, 564.
Source, not flow to, 432.
Southey, Porson on, 452.
Sous, Alexanders at five, 550.
Sovereign, rock of, 414.
Sow, got the right, 274.
Spade, call spade a, 437.
Spain, châteaux in, 542.

Spanish in, 458.

Spaniards, assassins because, 194.
Sparing, nature is, 318.

Sparta, walls of, 4.

Spartacus, Washington slaying, 283.

Speak, bow but do not, 552.

he would, 151.

let them, 380.

Speaks, he never, 57.

man who never, 528.
of another, no man, 306.
Spears, on points of, 4.
Spectre, this living, 495.
Speech, a bad, 219.

made a better, 220.
same with your, 278.
speak a king's, 220.
Speed, his with, 400.
Spell, not by a, 515.

Spelling, three mistakes in, 368.
Spent, no money better, 296.
Spirit, gifted with, 562.
Spiritual court, put into, 292.
Spits, nothing turns on, 202.
Spoil all, boy will, 337.

Spoils, to victors belong, 288.
Spoken, truth not to be, 213.
Sponge, Sunday a, 50.
Spoons, count our, 296.
Spot, country is, 386.

out, damned, 501.

Sprinkling, a handsome, 248.
Spouter, an itinerant, 44.
Spy, duty of, 412.

St. Peter's, to judge, 440.
Stage, horses off the, 72.

wine off the, 290.
Stagger, humanity may, 444.
Stairs, kicked up, 113.

low life above, 483.

Stalk, to the naked, 295.

Stamp Act, republication of, 249.
soldiers of old, 565.

Stand, here I, 359.

where to, 21.

Standing, emperor

die, 355.

king should die, 355.

Star, await my, 124.

this hairy, 538.

Starlings, war upon, 437.
Starvation, love and, 328.
Starve, don't let Nelly, 116.
State affairs, engage in, 506.
Austria not a, 261.
a well-governed, 254.
enemies of the, 459.
first servant of, 235.
free church in free, 108.
I am the, 338.

present not happy, 481.
sinews of, 145.
the ideal, 307.
treasures of the, 330.
Statesman, almost a, 382.
no more a, 40.

truth from, 440.

Station, retire to private, 316.
Stations, those who fill, 366.
Statuary, value of, 303.
Statue, offer me a, 5.
Pompey's, 146.

set up the, 538.
that my, 5.

where is Cato's, 104.
Statues, preferred the, 510.
Steeple, fitter for, 171.

man fell from, 232.

Steer clear of alliances, 561.
Step, only first, 180.
Stew, let Paris, 59.

Stick there, it shall, 200.
Stock, a barren, 197.
Stocking, mud in silk, 523.
Stomach, on whose, 501.

Stone, laid first, 315.

Stones, sermons in, 51.

words cheaper than, 207.

Stools, sit on two, 148.

[blocks in formation]

Study, patience fruit of, 480.
Stuff, was ever such, 248.

write such, 306.
Stupid, would be, 322.
Style, a writer's, 75.

improve your, 368.
Subject, majesty not a, 54.
with a bad, 147.
Subjective, sinking into, 138.
Subjects, king made for, 77.
live on my, 352.
reform my, 436.
sense of my, 246.
so much for, 352.

Sub-lieutenant, appearance of, 412.

honor to be, 405

Submit, he must, 244.
Subordination, benefit of, 298.
friend to, 298.

Substantive, adjective enemy of, 550.
Succeed, copies never, 282.
he will, 389.

Succeeded him, I, 288.

I have, 162.

Successor, never kill your, 484.
Suffer, do not, 214.

Suffering, tired of, 375.

Suflicient, when firmness, 415.
Suicide, temptation to, 433.
Suit, humanity won, 323.
Suits, all new, 491.
Sulking, Russia not, 261.
Sully, minister like, 279.
Sum, a pretty, 206.
Sun, leave setting, 531.
soul like, 257.

worship rising, 531.

Sunday best, democracy in, 57.
Suns, heaven bear two, 9.
Sunshine, out of my, 8.
Superannuation, history of, 43.
Superior, have a, 114.
law no, 507.

Superiority, an evident, 218.
Superiors, no, 187.

Sure, calling and election, 78.
Surrenders, marshal never, 423.

Taylor never, 180.

Survive, if I, 94.

Sweden, fitter for queen of, 140.

Sweet, danger is, 157.

Swim, know how to, 512.

[blocks in formation]

Tacitus, woman speaks, 218.
Tail, cut off his, 243.
Tailor, dissatisfied with, 436.
Take down, more to, 448.

me, afraid he'll, 158.
them, come and, 330.
Talent, have some, 50.
Talents, career open to, 414.
Tales, never tell, 301.

Talk, neither walk nor, 464.

no small, 566.

Tall, must be too, 197.
Tamerlane, route of, 407.
Tardiness, do not mean, 303.
Tarpeian Rock, Capitol to, 90.
Taste, Eldon on, 293.

symptoms of, 201.
Taxation, impatience of, 101.
Taxes, death and, 227.
Tea-cup, Euphrates into, 365.
Tea-kettle, a boiling, 500.
Tea-pot, tempest in, 332.
Tear, dries soon, 148.

Tears, between sighs and, 26.
the last, 12.

thought of my, 159.
unmoved by, 414.
Tedious, you were, 78.
Teens, majority in its, 43.

Teeth, wear out our, 477.
who has, 343.

Telegraph, lies like, 59.

Temple Bar, heads upon, 273.
Temple of Fame, an itch in, 289.
Temples, consecrated, 208.
Ten, nine and one are, 216.

Ten thousand, man who spends, 306.
Tents, cities not taken in, 266.

Terence, am not, 232.

Terrible, let us be, 174.

Terrier party, the, 71.

Territory, liberator of, 528.
Terror, deliver from, 271.
Testimonials, Disraeli on, 45.
Teutonic order, hog to, 192.
Texts, fools make, 240.

worse for, 470.
Thankful, rest and be, 472.
Theism, last word of, 273.
Themistocles, you are not, 523.
Theologian, wise man and, 205.
Thermometers, friends are, 63.
Thief, partaker bad as, 135.

the impenitent, 40.
Thing, art a jealous, 385.
equity a roguish, 479.
hunger a terrible, 23.
say uncivil, 306.
some bad, 441.

sovereign begins every, 316.
the important, 253.
the last, 432.
youth a fine, 570.

Things, are three, 503.

could see, 287.

discreet in all, 566.
fear two, 359.

Things, flowers sweetest, 49.
in useless, 19.

masters of, 479.
moderation in all, 151.
saw curious, 164.
spoils two good, 325.

war demands three, 145.
Think, every man must, 480.
I do not, 460.
right to, 302.

Third Estate, what is, 109.
is a, 275.

Thirst, Hunger wed, 430.
Thirteenth, it is the, 522.
Thorns, life sown with, 552.
Thought, idolatry in, 481.
insurrection of, 441.
learning without, 159.
sober, second, 15.
style dress of, 75.

to dissimulate, 516.
Thoughts, mistakes his, 155.
no depraved, 159.
second, 15.

speech to conceal, 516.
Three-decker, that, 432.
Three, did against, 497.
I have, 151.
Throat, hast me by, 437.
valet to cut, 550.
Throne and king, 410.
power behind, 127.
is but one, 528.

Thrones, topple down, 441.
Thunder, steal my, 185.

Thunderbolt, revolution like, 473.
Tickle him yourself, 318.

Tiger, half monkey, half, 497.

more cruel than, 159.
Tigers, wonder are not, 343.
Tight, why shoes are, 206.
Time, Bayard of our, 39.
enough, will be, 421.
hour of lost, 252.
never had, 424.

sands of, 407.

scythe of, 412.

things last our, 449.
want of, 288.

Time-pieces, Charles V. and, 118.
Times, begun several, 39.
Timid, am somewhat, 284.
Tiresome, no one is, 107.
Tithes, modus in, 84.
Title, a barren, 84.

that bewildering, 40.
Titles, orders and, 60.
Toad, habitation for, 310.
To-day, never do, 87.
Toga, arms yield to, 142.
Tolerable, life quite, 331.
Tolerated, error may be, 287.
To-morrow, put off till, 130.
wrestles with, 382.

Tongue, fear Pulteney's, 558.
held his, 487.

sufficient, one, 386.

Top, froth on, 545.

Tortures, accept nameless, 409.
Tory, Conservative a, 239.
Touchstone, tried with, 138.
Touchwood, like, 269.
Toujours perdrix, 280.
Toute femme varie, 224.
Trade, harassed every, 47.
not spoil the, 315.

royalist by, 314.

Trades, God knows, 360.

Tragedies, imperial and domestic, 310.

Tragedy, abuse a, 297.

while awaiting the, 552.

Traitor, am no, 456.

call man, 209.

Trajan, mind of, 11.

Transubstantiation, Selden on, 480.

Trappings, off with, 404.
Travelling, Johnson on, 305.
use of, 311.

Travels, go again to, 115.
Treason, I love, 25.

is neither, 539.

not committed, 398.
in state of, 523.

Treasure, time only, 252.
Treasury, Nestor of, 446.
Tree, he is a, 36.

Swift and the, 515.

Tremble, others will, 162.
Trembles, Felix, 126.

Tribute, admiration forced, 428.

Tried me, have not, 215.
Trifle, the smallest, 396.
Trifles, genealogies no, 132.

men led by, 414.
Trip-hammer, a, 99.

Triumph, if Napoleon, 511.

leave in, 89.

Troops, die in midst of, 418.
Troubled, men not, 481.
Troublesome, great men, 258.
Trousers, steam-engine in, 564.
True, would be the, 472.
Trumps, if dirt were, 324.
Trunks, staid to pack, 98.
Truth, every man seeks, 132.
from error to, 284.
greater the, 371.
Greeks told, 219.
man that seeks, 234.
noble to publish, 309.
sacrifice life to, 469.
skin of, 49.
speak the, 574.
that is, 480.

way to find, 480.

Truths, error precedes, 433.
handful of, 213.
there are, 213.

Try me, 326.

sir, I'll, 326.

Tuileries, slept in, 415.
Tune, out of, 368.

played the same, 529.

Turbulence, quiescence of, 268.

Turf, blue ribbon of, 41.
Turk, the unspeakable, 100.
Turns, take three, 343.
Twenty, handsome at, 360.
rake at, 451.

Twice, God will think, 325.
Two, between the, 492.

we were, 82.

Tyrannized over, have been, 277.
Tyranny, bad laws a, 83.

clemency and, 473.

Tyrant, a wicked, 204.
if Louis a, 408.
Tyrants, argument of, 446.
resistance to, 288.

Ugh, a great, 405.
Ugliness, power of, 390.
Ugly, know that he is, 139.
your father was, 519.
Ugolino, in tower of, 511.
Umbrella, an old, 530.
Unanimous, if, 171.

Unawares, entertaining angels, 465.
Unclubable man, a very, 299.

Uncovered, one man, 114.

Understand, will never, 254.

Under-cats, one has, 423.

Understanding, heart governs, 132.
little expense of, 431.

no command over, 502.

Understood the other, neither, 551.
Undertaker's, suit at, 483.
Uneasy, fools never, 255.

you are, 92.

Uneasiness, fruitful of, 233.
Unexpected, always the, 429.
Unfurnished, add, 492.
Unfrock you, will, 197.
Ungrateful, men not so, 302.
Unhappy, when I was, 23.
Union, liberty and, 562.

our Federal, 285.

repeal the, 98.

Unmarried, like thee better, 196.
Unmuzzled, am come, 250.
Unpunished, fault go, 459.
Un-whig him, will, 220.

Unreasonable, is nothing, 530.
Uppermost, believe in, 50.
Upstart know, let the, 197.
Use, see for, 67.

Useless, all laws, 182.
Utensil, an unnecessary, 189.

Væ victis, 70.

Valet, ask my, 163.

hero to his, 163.

Valhalla, build a, 273.

Valor, modesty equal to, 559.
true, 20.

Value, present no, 382.
Vane, from Sir Harry, 168.
Vanish, world did not, 319.
Vanishing, respect is, 470.
Vanquished thee, have, 317.
Varies, every woman, 224.

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