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To form into a steep slope; to cut away so as to present a nearly precipitous face.

Escarpment. -A precipitous hill-side, or wall of rock.

Ethereal (the word ether, besides having two distinct scientific meanings, is applied loosely to the upper and lighter air).—(1) Pertaining to the upper air-to the regions beyond the atmosphere; celestial; heavenly.

(2) Consisting of, or resembling ether; hence, very light or airy. Eulogy (Greek word, from two words meaning well and speaking).—A speaking well of a person; praise bestowed upon a person in a more or less formal manner, as in a speech or despatch.

Excommunication.-The act of expelling or cutting off from the communion of a church, and depriving of all spiritual rights, privileges, etc. Executive. That part of a government which executes or carries into effect the laws of the country, decrees of the legislature, etc. Exhalation (from Latin ex, out of, and halare, to breathe).-(1) The act or process of exhaling or sending forth steam or vapour.

(2) That which is exhaled; steam; vapour; effluvium. Exorbitant (from ex, out of, and orbita, track, orbit).-A going out of the usual orbit or course of things, or beyond the usual limit; deviation from rule or custom; extravagance. Thus we speak of exorbitance of charges or demands, exorbitant appetites, passions, taxes, etc. Expatiate (from Latin ex, out of, and spatiari, to walk about). To move at large, especially in writing or conversation; to enlarge (on a given subject); to talk or write at great length. Expiatory (from Latin ex, out of, from, and piare, to purify with sacred rites). --Able to make expiation, i.e. atonement or satisfaction for sin. Exposition (from Latin ex, and ponere, to place, set).-The act of setting forth or explaining the meaning of an author, law, etc; explanation; interpretation.

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Extant (from Latin ex, and stare, to stand). Standing forth; continuing to exist; still in being; not destroyed.

Extemporaneous (from Latin ex, and tempus, temporis, time; the phrase ex tempore, ordinarily spelt as one

word, is in common use in our language in the sense of on the spur of the moment, without preparation, offhand).-Proceeding from the impulse of the moment; performed or uttered on the spur of the moment; composed without previous study; unpremeditated.

Extemporize (from Latin ex, and tempus). To do on the spur of the moment; to do in an off-hand and unpremeditated manner. Exterminate (Latin exterminare, from ex and terminus, a boundary).—To drive beyond the boundaries. Exuberance (Latin exuberare, from ex and uber, fruitful). Superfluous abundance; luxuriance; overgrowth.

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FACTOR.-One who transacts business for another; an agent. In Scotland the word is generally applied to the steward or bailiff of an estate.

Fanatical (Latin fanaticus, divinely inspired, from fanum, a temple).Holding opinions, especially about religious matters, with an excess of fervour.

Fanaticism. -Excessive enthusiasm, especially about religious matters. Fantastic.-(1) Existing only in fancy; not real.

(2) Indulging one's fancy; fanciful; whimsical.

(3) Of so strange a nature and appearance that it might be supposed to exist only in fancy; irregular ; wild; capricious.

Fantastically.-In a fantastic manner (see Fantastic (3)); irregularly; whimsically; capriciously. Fascine (Mil.) (from Latin fascis, a bundle).-A bundle of rods bound at both ends and at intermediate points, used for various military purposes, such as filling ditches, making parapets, etc. Fatalism. The doctrine that all things happen by irresistible and inevitable necessity; belief in the omnipotence of Fate, i.e. of a supreme controlling power which may or may not be the expression of God's will, but which in either case is supposed to direct the actions and order the lives of men, using their powers and energies as the instruments of its will. Fell.-Fierce; savage; cruel; malig


Fetichism (from a Portuguese word

meaning magic).-A degraded form of religion prevalent in Western Africa. Its system seems to be as follows. Evil spirits are believed in and worshipped to the extent of being feared. The fetich - some material thing to which a magical power happens to be ascribed-is supposed to counteract their baneful influence. Thus in the first instance it is a charm rather than an idol; and if it does not answer the expectations of its votary, it is liable to be beaten, or thrown away, or even destroyed. Practically, however, it comes to be worshipped itself. Something akin to Fetichism is to be met with in many Christian countries. Evil influences are believed in, and are supposed to be counteracted by charms, and these are sometimes treated with a degree of superstitious reverence which is not far removed from actual idolatry. Feud (or Fee).-A right to lands, etc., held on the terms of performing certain conditions, such as rendering military service to the nominal proprietor.

Feudal.-Pertaining to feuds or fees; pertaining to military tenure. Fey.-Fated; doomed; doomed to die. The word is used in this sense by Burns, Scott, and other Scotch writers. It is sometimes used, as on p. 254, in the sense of possessed,


Flaccid (from Latin flaccus, flabby).Yielding to pressure; soft and weak; lax; flabby.

Foible (from old French foible, feeble, weak). A slight fault or weakness; weak point; failing; frailty. Forestall. -(1) To take beforehand; anticipate.

(2) To take possession beforehand; preoccupy (especially to the detriment of some other person or thing); to exclude or prevent by occupying beforehand, or by taking measures in advance.

Forfeiture.-See explanatory note (2) to p. 268.

Fret (from an old Saxon word signifying ornament).-To decorate with raised work (as in fretted vault'). Frieze (Architecture). The middle part of the entablature (a superstructure which lies horizontally upon the columns in classic architecture). The part immediately above the column is called the architrave, and

the upper projected mouldings are known as the cornice. Between these cornices is the frieze, which is sometimes enriched with sculpture. Fulminate (from Latin fulmen, thunderbolt). -- (1) To thunder; explode with a loud report.

(2) To issue or proclaim (decrees, censures, etc.) in an authoritative and violent manner; to thunder forth (threats, sentences, etc).

GABION (Mil.).-A hollow cylinder of wicker work, resembling a bottomless basket, which is filled with earth, and serves to shelter men from an enemy's fire. Galleon.-A large ship with three or four decks, built up at stem and stern like a castle; formerly used by the Spaniards for purposes of war and also of commerce. Galliard.-The name of a lively dance. Genii (plural of Genie or Jinnie, an Arabic word). - The Genii of the East were imaginary beings supposed to have been created of fire, and to be capable of assuming any form or of becoming invisible at pleasure.

Genius. -An imaginary being supposed by the ancients to preside over a man's destiny in life; a tutelary or guardian deity; a supernatural being; a spirit.

Gentian.--A tribe of flowering plants, many of which are essentially mountain flowers, some being even found on the verge of eternal snow. or two of the Alpine gentians bear flowers of a most brilliant and beautiful blue.


Germinate (Latin germinare, from germen, bud, germ).-To sprout; to bud; to shoot.

Glacier (French).- Glaciers are broad rivers of ice, occupying the upper portions of deep valleys, in the heart of high mountains (such as those of Switzerland). In Arctic regions the glaciers come down to the level of the sea.

Glacis (Mil.).-A mass of earth having a gentle slope to the exterior ground, which serves as a parapet or rampart to the covered way (a road of communication all round a fort, outside the ditch).

Gneiss. A kind of rock which resembles granite, the difference being that the materials (which are the same in both stones) are arranged in

gneiss in layers, and in granite in an apparently confused mass. Grenade (Mil.).-A hollow ball of iron filled with powder, which is fired by means of a fuse. It is thrown among enemies when fired, and bursts into many fragments.

HAVIOUR.-Behaviour (obsolete). Henchman (from haunchman, literally one who goes behind another).—An attendant or follower.


- Pertaining to hier

archy; priestly. Hierarchy (from two Greek words meaning sacred and rule). Authority in sacred things.


(2) The body of persons to whom is committed authority in sacred things.

(3) A form of government in which the power belongs either wholly or in large part to the priesthood. Hieroglyphic (adj.). Emblematic; expressing a meaning by pictures, figures, or other symbols. Hieroglyphics (Greek, literally sacred engraving). A species of writing first practised by the ancient

Egyptian priests, in which representations of visible objects took the place of words.

Homicide (from Latin homo, man, and cædere, to kill).-A manslayer, one who kills another or others. Homily (from a Greek word meaning communion, intercourse, converse). Serious discourse; sermon. Homogeneous (from two Greek words meaning same and kind). -Of the same kind or nature. A homogeneous body is one which is of the same kind or nature throughout, so that any one part serves as a sample of the whole. Houri (Arabic). The houris of Mohammedanism are beautiful women or nymphs who are supposed to inhabit Paradise, and whose charms are the reward of the faithful after death.

Housing. -A saddle-cloth; horsecloth.

Howitzer (Mil.).—A short light cannon which throws large projectiles with a comparatively small charge of powder. Huckster.-To retail small articles; make petty bargains.

ICONOCLAST (from Greek icon, an image, and clastes, a breaker). — A

breaker of images; an enemy of idolatry.

Idiom (from a Greek word meaning one's own, and so private, personal, peculiar).-A phrase or mode of expression peculiar to a particular person or people. Immaculate (Latin in, not, and macula, spot, stain).-Without spot or stain; absolutely pure and unexceptionable.

Immemorial. - Beyond the reach of memory; going back to times of which there is neither record nor tradition.

Impassive.-Insensible to pain; not susceptible of emotion. Impatiency. - Same as impatience (obsolete). Implacable (from Latin in, not, and placare, to quiet, pacify).- Not to be appeased; constant in enmity; unrelenting.

Improvisation (from Latin in, not, and provisus, foreseen, provided).-(1) The art of improvising, or making poetry, etc., on the spur of the moment.

(2) The thing improvised; unpremeditated effusions. Impugn (from Latin in, against, and pugnare, to fight).-To resist, oppose, attack. Incontinent.-Not continent; not able to restrain one's passions; indulging one's desires without restraint. Incontinently.-Unrestrainedly. Incorporeal (Latin, from in, not, and corporealis, bodily, from corpus, a body). Not corporeal; not having a material body.

Incumbrance (Legal).-A charge upon a property.

Incurious (from Latin in, not, and cura, care).-Wanting in curiosity; without care for or interest in; careless.

Indisposition. —(1) A slight disorder or ailment.

(2) Disinclination; unwillingness. Inebriation (from Latin ebrius, intoxicated). Drunkenness ; intoxication; the state of having one's head turned by violent excitement, whether caused by drink or (as on p. 180) by sudden prosperity. Ingeminate (Latin ingeminare, from geminus, double). To double; repeat (obsolete). Ingenuity.-Used by old writers (as by Clarendon on p. 173) for ingenuousness, i.e. frankness, openness of


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(see Subordinate). Interdicted (from Latin inter, between, and dicere, to say).-Forbidden; and so (as on p. 56) stopped, cut short. Interlocution (from Latin



between, and loqui, locutus, speak). Dialogue; conference; interchange of speech. Interspace.-An intervening space; a space between other things. Intuitive.-Perceived immediately, at a glance. Having the power of seeing things at a glance, e.g. of discerning truth without the aid of any reasoning process. To see or know intuitively means to see or know at a glance, i.e. without the aid of practice, or instruction, or reflection.

Invective (from Latin invehere, to carry against, and SO attack, inveigh).-The utterances or writings of one who inveighs against another; severe censure; violent abuse. Invoice. - A detailed statement in writing of goods shipped or otherwise sent to a tradesman, factor, or other customer, with the prices and charges annexed.

Iridescent (from Latin iris, rainbow).Coloured like the rainbow. Irradiate (from Latin in, into, and radiare, to shine, radiate, from radius, a ray of light). To cast a bright light upon; enlighten; illuminate.

Itinerary (from Latin iter, itineris, a journey).-A register of places and distances intended to serve as a guide to travellers.

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building or a garden) so full of winding paths that it is almost impossible to find one's way out of it without a guide. The word is used metaphorically on p. 145.

Lacquey (or Lackey) (verb).—To attend as a lackey or footman; to wait upon.

Leaguer. (1) The camp of a beleaguering or besieging army.

(2) A beleaguering or siege (as on p. 175).

Legend.-(1) Something to be read; especially

(2) A chronicle of the lives of the saints, read in religious houses.

(3) Any story, telling of wonderful or improbable events, handed down from an early date.

Legion.-A division of the ancient Roman army, consisting of about 5000 men.

Lenity (from Latin lenis, soft, mild).—Mildness of temper; gentleness; tenderness.

Lens.-A piece of glass or other transparent substance, so shaped as to change the direction of rays of light, and thus magnify objects or other wise modify vision.

Lethargy (from a Greek word meaning forgetfulness). Unnatural drowsiness or stupor, either of mind or body.

Lichens.-An order of plants which have neither stem nor leaves. They are found in all parts of the earth, in the coldest regions as well as in the hottest, and grow on earth, on stones, rocks, and the bark of trees. The grey, brown, and yellow stains which are so common on old walls are produced by minute lichens. Litigious (Latin litigare, from lis, litis, a dispute, lawsuit).-Fond of litigation, i.e. of bringing cases into the law courts; ready to go to law on the slightest provocation. Logic.-The science which determines and systematizes the laws by which reasoning processes ought as far as possible to be conducted. Logical.-(1) Pertaining to logic.

(2) Complying with the rules of logic. Logos. - A Greek word meaning (1) Word; (2) Thought. Longitudinal (Latin longitudo, length, from longus, long).-Extending in length; running lengthwise. Loose. See explanatory note (2) to p. 268. 2 A

Lucent (from Latin lucere, to shine).— | Bright; shining.

Lucidity (Latin, lucidus, bright, shining, from lux, lucis, light).-Brightness; clearness. On p. 210 (lucidity of the pleader') the word means clearness in expressing oneself, arranging one's arguments, etc.

MAGNIFICO (Italian).—A grandee or nobleman.

Maraud (from French maraud, a rogue, vagabond). -To wander or make excursions in quest of plunder. Maudlin (contracted form of the word Magdalen; the Magdalen is always represented by painters with eyes swollen and wet with weeping).(1) Having one's face swollen and eyes watery with sottishness; foolish with drink; fuddled.

(2) Weak and silly (as if half drunk); feebly or sickly sentimental. Mausoleum (from Mausolus, king of Caria, to whom his wife erected a magnificent monument). A magnificent tomb, or sepulchral monu


Meander (Greek name of river in Asia
Minor, noted for its windings).—
To wind about.
Medieval (from Lat. medium, middle,
and ævum, age).-Belonging to the
Middle Ages.


Memorandum (Latin, from memorare, to bring to remembrance). record of something to be remembered (literal meaning of word); a note to help the memory. A memorandum book is a book in which memoranda are entered.

Mercenary (from Latin merces, wages). -One who works for pay; a hireling, especially a soldier hired into foreign service.

Mercurial (Latin, mercurialis).—Having the qualities which were supposed to belong to Mercury, the messenger of the gods; active; sprightly; full of fire and energy.

Meteor (from a Greek word meaning high in air).-(1) Any phenomenon in the atmosphere.

(2) In particular, any transient fiery body, such as a fire-balloon or shooting star. (The general sense of the word is preserved in the word meteorology.) On p. 12 the word is used as an adjective, and means fiery. Meteorology.. The science which treats of the atmosphere and its phenomena.

Mica.—A mineral, generally more or less transparent, which is capable of being divided into elastic plates of extreme thinness.

Micaceous.-Pertaining to or containing mica; splitting into thin plates like mica. Mineralogist.-One who studies the properties of minerals. Miniature (noun).—(1) A painting in colours (from Latin miniare, from minium, vermilion); especially

(2) A painting or other representation on a reduced scale; hence Miniature (adj.).-On a small scale; much reduced from reality. Miserere.-Second_ person singular imperative of the Latin verb misereri, to pity.

Mitigate (from Latin mitis, mild).— To make mild; to soften; to diminish the severity of; to moderate. Mitre. - An ornament worn on the head by bishops and archbishops. Modicum (Latin, from modicus, moderate). A small quantity. Moiety (from French moitié, half).— Half; by Shakespeare it is sometimes used, as with us, simply to denote a portion.

Monotheism (from Greek monos, alone, only, and theos, God).-The doctrine that there is but one God; the worship of one God.

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Morion.-A kind of open helmet without a visor. Mortgage (Legal). To convey property to another as security for a debt, on the understanding that the creditor shall not enter into possession of it if the debt is duly discharged. Mortification (from Latin mors, death, and facere, to make; as a medical term, mortification means the death of some part of the body while the rest continues to live). The act of mortifying, i.e. of bringing under the passions and appetites by penances, fastings, Scourgings, and other severities inflicted on the body. Mosaic.-Pertaining to the Muses, or goddesses of the fine arts, and so graceful, elegant. Mosaic-work is composed of little pieces of marble, glass, etc., of various colours, arrayed in ornamental patterns, and fixed together by a ground of


Mosque. - A Mohammedan place of worship. Multifarious (Latin, from multus, many).-Manifold and various.

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