1875. "NOW FOR 1876." The New-York World. 1875. For the first time in its history, The World can congratulate the Democrats of the UNITED STATES upon a solid victory won. During the last twelve years its annual message to readers and friends throughout the country has appealed to the indomitable faith and hope which have survived every disaster, to the courage which has renewed upon the morrow of every defeat an unflinching fight for the principles dear to every Democratic heart, and necessary to the peace and prosperity of the Republic. At last a great victory has been won; not in a single State only, but in a majority of States, the greatest and the least, North, South, East, and West. For under the guidance of a wise statesmanship and with increasing unanimity, the new Democracy is rising to meet the great exigencies in which are formed great parties. Learning of the old Democracy the secret of its strength and its protracted sway, the new Democracy is making sound economic issues against the much more monstrous evils of our time. These evils are three, the fountains of all the rest. 1. The Currency, a public debt made legal tender for private debts, failed paper of increasing amount and fluctuating value, not convertible with coin, displacing the currency of the world's commerce, cheating buyer or seller in every act of exchange, defrauding our Farmers and Planters of the due reward of their toil. 2. The Tariff, contrived by protected monopolists to increase the prices and force the sale of their own commodities, instead of raising the largest revenue for the Treasury with the least burden to the people. 3. The Centralizing and usurping by the Federal Administration of powers distributed by the Constitution to the States or reserved by the people. Assaulting the Republican citadel, at one or another of these, its weakest points, the onset of the Democracy has been irresistible. And where the Flag of HARD MONEY, FREE TRADE, AND HOME RULE has been lifted highest it has been carried farthest, as in the State of NEW-YORK, where GRANT's majority of 50,000 in 1872 has been submerged under a Democratic majority of 50,000 in 1874. But the Waterloo of Imperialism is still to be fought aud won. The Democratic House of Representatives of the 44th Congress will be crippled by the veto of a Republican Senate and a Republican President. The Chief Magistracy, both Houses of the 45th Congress, and the power to restore prosperity to forty-four millions of freemen are the prizes of the elections of 1876. Shall the revolution go on? The great exigency calls for a great party. To discern a people's deepest interests and needs, and to meet them with the resources of a competent and high statesmanship, is the surest way to obtain and the only way to keep the trust of a people's power. A career as long and illustrious as that in which the party led by Jefferson upheld the liberties of citizens and the Union of States with equal hands, awaits the rejuvenated Democracy if now, as then, rising to the height of their great opportunity, they shall assure to the nation its deliverance from these fiscal barbarisms and these imperial politics. To this hope and triumph, The World dedicates its utmost energy and all its powers. To the Democrats of the UNITED STATES we appeal for the means of success. We ask no profit. We only ask a larger field of usefulness. Will not 80,000 volunteer Democrats outdo the 80,000 Federal office-holders, by multiplying the readers, and thus enlarging the influence of the Democratic Press? THE WORLD ALMANAC FOR The Year 1875. 1875. THE year 1875 is the latter part of the 5635th and the beginning of the 5636th since the creation of the world, according to the Jews. It answers to the 6588th of the Julian Period, the 2628th from the foundation of Rome, the 2651st year of the Olympiads, and the year 7383-84 of the Byzantine era. The rooth year of American Independence begins July 4. 1875, September 23, 6 7 89 18 1 Winter 66 1875, December 22, o mo, Trop. year, 365 5 54 Conjunction of Planets, and other Phenomena. 93 14 28 66 NOTE. In the table above, it is to be understood that the word "near" and the character ¿ (conjunction) are synonymous, and mean that the two bodies are nearest each other at the time expressed, and that they are then on a line running from the North Pole through both bodies, and have the same right ascension. GR. BLON. means greatest elongation, or greatest apparent angular distance from the SUN. The character a indicates that the planet is opposite the Sun, or 180 degs., or half a circle east of it, and rises when the Sun sets, and sets when he rises. When a planet is a quarter of a circle, or 90 degs. from the Sun, east or west, it is known by o. These are the signs of the planets: the Sun: the Moon; Mercury; Venus; the Earth; Mars; 2 Jupiter; Saturn; HI Uranus; Neptune. |