Abbildungen der Seite
[blocks in formation]

Nom. die Frauen,

Gen. der Frauen,

Dat. den Frauen,
Acc. die Frauen.

To this belong the Substantives which are Feminine, except Mutter and Tochter, the Plural of which is Mütter and Töchter. They are indeclinable in the Singular, and add n in the Plural when the Noun terminates in e, el, er. Ex. Blume, pl. Blumen; Gabel, pl. Gabeln; Feder, pl. Federn. When they do not endine, el, er they take en. Ex. Frau, pl. Frauen. Those ending ine have en in the Genitive and Dative cases Sing., when they


used with a preposition. which governs the Genitive or Dative, and without an article or pronoun, vor Freuden, Ehren Halber.

The vowels a, o, u in all monosyllables change in the Plural into ä, ö, ü.

See Exceptions, which take in the Plural an e, on page 30.



In all cases an n, except the Nominative


Singular. The boy; der Knabe, des Knaben, dem Knaben, den Knaben. Plural.

die Knaben, der Knaben, den Knaben, die Knaben.

To this belong the Substantives which are Masculine ending in e. The following words have in the Genitive an additional §.

Der Wille, the will;

der Buchstabe, letter of the al-

der Friede, the peace ;
der Funke, the spark;
der Gedanke, the thought;
der Glaube, the faith;
der Haufe, the crowd;
der Name, the name;
der Saame, the seed;
der Karpfe, the carp;
der Schade, the damage;
das Herz, the heart.

The Accusative of Herz is like the Nominative.

See those which drop their final e on page 32.

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To this belong the Substantives which are Masculine and Neuter, ending in el, er, en, chen, lein, and the compounds ending in sein das Dasein, existence. Diminutives are used to express the idea of littleness, fondness, ridicule and contempt. The syllable chen is preferred when the substantive ends with a liquid I, m, n, r; and lein, when it terminates with a mute consonant or a vowel. Words ending in dh or g take also the syllable den, but el is inserted for the sake of euphony.

See Exceptions on page 33.

das Pferd. Plural.

die Pferde, der Pferde, den Pferden, die Pferde.

To this belong the Substan. tives of Masculine and Neuter genders which are not included in the IInd and IIIrd declension, which do not end in e, el, er, en, chen, lein.

The e in the Genitive Singular is frequently omitted before 8, when the utterance does not cause an unpleasant sound :-des Königs; the e of the Dative Sing. is often dropped:- dem König, and is never used when a substantive is preceded by a preposition without a pronoun or adjective-mit Sturm, by storm-except if preceded by zu: zu Hause sein, to be at home.

See Exceptions on page 35.


Feminine Substantives ending in e, el, or er, take n in the plural. Those not ending in e, el, er, take en, except the following which take e in the plural and change the vowel a, o, u, into ä, ö, ü.

die Angst, the anguish ; die Ausflucht, the flying-out (excursion); die Art, the axe; *die Bank, the bench; die Braut, the bride; die Brust, the breast; die Faust, the fist; die Frucht, the fruit; die Gans, the goose; die Geschwulst, the swelling; die Gruft, the grave, tomb; die Hand, the hand; die Haut, the skin;

die Kluft, the cleft, abyss;
die Kraft, the strength;
die Rub, the cow;
die Kunst, the art;

[blocks in formation]

die Laus, the louse; die Luft, the air; die Lust, the pleasure; die Macht, the might; die Magd, the servant ; die Maus, the mouse; die Nacht, the night; die Naht, the seam; die Nuß, the nut ; *Die Sau, the sow; die Schnur, the string; die Stadt, the town;

die Wand, the wall (of a room); die Wulst, the swelling; die Wurst, the sausage; die Zunft, the guild;

die Zusammenkunft, the meeting.

tapezirt, papered; nüglich, useful; rein, clean;

neu, new; falt, cold;

nun, now;

wie viele, how many;

nicht, not;

sehr, very;

aber, but;

nein, no.

Die Bank, the bank (office), plur. Banken. Die Sau, the female of the wild boar, plur. Sauen.

Interrogative sentences begin with the auxiliary verb or copula.

Der Bruder der Mutter ist krank. Die Mütter meiner Nichten sind abgereift. Meine Basen sind angekommen. Unsere Früchte sind gut. Ihre Hände sind nicht rein. Diese Städte sind groß und schön. Haben Sie die Bräute gesehen? Die Mägde dieser Familie sind faul. Sind die Nüsse jener Frau gut? Die Würste unseres Mezgers sind schlecht. Alle unsere Bänke sind neu. Sind die Banken alle geschlossen? Die Kazen unserer Basen haben keine Mäuse gefangen. Wie viele Gänse haben Sie? Diese Schnüre sind nicht lang. Ihre Nähte sind schlecht.


How many nuts have you eaten? The guilds of the town are assembled. The nights are now very cold. These seams are bad. He had lost all his strength, pl. The skins of animals are useful. We have caught many mice. The study of arts is pleasant. All our walls are papered. Have you sold your cats? I have seen his geese, but not his cows. The servants of these women are idle. The streets and lanes of these towns are beautiful. All the banks of the town are closed. Have you seen the daughters of this woman? No, but I have seen the mothers of those brides.


Masculine Substantives ending in e have in all cases singular and plural, an n. The following have in the Genitive an addi

tional 8.

Der Wille, the will;

der Friede, the peace;
der Funke, the spark;
der Gedanke, the thought;

der Buchstabe, the letter (of
the alphabet);

der Glaube, the faith;

der Haufe, the crowd;

der Name, the name;

der Saame, the seed;
der Karpfe, the carp;
der Schade, the damage;
das Herz (neuter), the heart.

The Accusative of Herz is like the Nominative.

The following Masculine Substantives have dropped their final e, and take in all cases en.

[blocks in formation]

Romet, comet;

Mensch, human being, man;
Methodist, Methodist;

Monarch, monarch;
Moor, Moor;

Narr, fool;
Nerv, nerve;
Ochs, ox;

Paragraph, paragraph;
Patient, patient;
Patriarch, patriarch;
Pfaff, parson;

Philosoph, philosopher;

Planet, planet;

Prälat, prelate;

Poet, poet;

Prinz, prince;

Protestant, protestant;

Quatrat, Quadrant;

Soldat, soldier;

Student, student;

Thor, fool;

Tartar, Tartar;

Theolog, theologian;

Tyrann, tyrant;

Ungar, Hungarian ;

Jesuit, Jesuit;

Katholik, Roman Catholic;

Klient, client;

erfüllt, fulfilled; gefangen, caught;

tapfer, brave, bravely; gefochten, fought; beschlossen, concluded; geblieben, remained;

nannte, named, told; vertrieben, driven away;

entdeckt, discovered;

Vorfahr, ancestor.


eingeäschert, laid in ashes;

gedruckt, printed;

belohnt, rewarded:

erlitten, suffered;

beschließen, to conclude; das Gold, gold; zu Hause, at home; einige, some.

• Herr takes n in the singular and en in the plural.

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