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Der Vater, the father, is in the genitive singular, Vaters, in all cases in the plural, Våter, except in the dative plural, Vätern.

Das Kind, the child, is in the genitive singular, Kindes, in the dative, inde, and in all cases in the plural, Kinder, except in the dative plural, Rindern.

Die Mutter, the mother, does not change in the singular; in the plural it is Mütter, and in the dative plural, Müttern. All Nouns, without exception, have in the dative plural an n. All Nouns and all words taken substantively are written with a capital letter.

Der Vater, des Vaters, dem Vater, den Vater. Die Mutter, der Mutter, der Mutter, die Mutter. Das Kind, des Kindes, dem Kinde, das Kind. Die Väter, der Väter, den Vätern, die Väter. Die Mütter, der Mütter, den Müttern, die Mütter. Die Kinder, der Kinder, den Kindern, die Kinder. Ein Vater, eines Vaters, einem Vater, einen Vater. Eine Mutter, einer Mutter, einer Mutter, eine Mutter. Ein Kind, eines Kindes, einem Kinde, ein Kind.


The father, of the father, to the father, the father, acc. The mother, of the mother, to the mother, the mother, acc. The child, of the child, to the child, the child, acc. The

fathers, of the fathers, to the fathers, the fathers, acc. The mothers, of the mothers, to the mothers, the mothers, acc. The children, of the children, to the children, the children, acc. A father, of a father, to a father, a father, acc. A mother, of a mother, to a mother, a mother, acc. A child, of a child, to a child, a child.

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These are declined like ein, eine, ein, and in the plural like the plural die.

Dieser Vater, dieses Vaters, diesem Vater, diesen Vater. Diese Mutter, dieser Mutter, dieser Mutter, diese Mutter. Dieses Kind, dieses Kindes, diesem Kinde, dieses Kind. Diese Väter, diese Mätter, diese Kinder. Jener Vater, jene Mutter, jenes Kind. Jedes Vaters, jeder Mutter, jedes Kindes. Welchem Vater, welcher Mutter, welchem Kinde. Unserm Vater, unserer Mutter, unserm Kinde, unsern Kindern. Euer Vater, euere Mutter, euer Kind. Solche Väter, solche Mütter, solche Kinder. Mein Vater, meines Vaters, meinem Vater, meinen Vater. Meine Mutter, meiner Mntter, meiner Mutter, meine Mutter. Mein Kind, meines Kindes, meinem Kinde, mein Kind. Meine Väter, meine Mütter, meine Kinder. Keines Vaters. Seiner Mutter. Deines Kindes. Deinem Kinde. Meine Mütter. Seinen Vater. Deinen Müttern. Keinen Kindern.


This father, of this father, to this father, this father, acc. This mother, of this mother, to this mother, this mother, acc.

This child, of this child, to this child, this child, acc. These children. These fathers. These mothers. That father, of every father, to which father. Our fathers. Every mother, of our mother, to your mother, such mother, acc. Such child, of that child, to which child, our child. My children. Thy children, to thy children. No children. Of his mother. To his father, my father, acc. To no mother. To his child. Of his mother. Of my father, my father. Of his child. His mother, acc.


Adjectives preceded by the definite article have in the— Nominative and Accusative singular an e (except the Accusative Masculine has an n), the Genitive and Dative have an n, and in the plural, all cases have an n.

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Adjectives preceded by the indefinite article have in the

Nominative masculine an r, and in the Accusative an n; in the Nominative and Accusative feminine an e, and in the Nominative and Accusative neuter an 8. The Genitive and Dative, masculine, feminine and neuter, have an n.

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gut, good; flein, little, small; groß, great, tall; arm, poor; reich, rich; jung, young; alt, old; krank, ill, sick; gesund, healthy; stark, strong; schwach, weak.

Der gute Vater, des guten Vaters, dem guten Vater, den guten Vater. Die gute Mutter, der guten Mutter, der guten Mutter, die gute Mutter. Das gute Kind, des guten Kindes, dem guten Kinde,

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das gute Kind. Die kleinen Väter, der kleinen Väter, den kleinen Vätern, die kleinen Väter. Ein großer Vater, eines großen Vaters, einem großen Vater, einen großen Vater. Eine arme Mutter, einer armen Mutter, einer armen Mutter, eine arme Mutter. Ein reiches Kind, eines reichen Kindes, einem reichen Kinde, ein reiches Kind. Die jungen Kinder; der kranken Väter; den gesunden Müttern; die starken Kinder; ein schwacher Vater.


The weak child, of the weak child, to the weak child, the weak child, acc. The strong father, of the strong father, to the strong father, the strong father, acc. The healthy mother, of the healthy mother, to the healthy mother, the healthy mother, acc. The sick children, of the sick children, to the sick children, the sick children. An old father, of an old father, to an old father, an old father, acc. A young mother, of a young mother, to a young mother, a young mother, acc. A rich child, of a rich child, to a rich child, a rich child, acc. The poor father; of the tall mothers; to the little children; the good fathers, acc.


Whenever the adjective is not preceded by an article, pronoun or numeral, it takes the termination of the definite article.

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schlecht, bad; böse, wicked; artig, well-behaved; unartig, naughty; faul, idle; fleißig, diligent; glücklich, happy; unglücklich, unhappy; treu, faithful; traurig, sad; höflich, polite; unhöflich, unpolite; schön, beautiful; häßlich, ugly.

Glücklicher Vater, glückliches Vaters, glücklichem Vater, glücklichen Vater. Unglückliche Mutter, unglücklicher Mutter, unglücklicher Mutter, unglückliche Mutter. Schönes Kind, schönes Kindes, schönem Kinde, schönes Kind. Häßliche Väter, traurige Mütter, treue Kinder. Fleißiger Mütter, unartiger Kinder, böser Väter. Artigen Kindern, schlechten Vätern, höflichen Müttern, unhöflichem Vater, glücklichem Kinde, fauler Mutter.


Idle mother, of idle mother, to idle mother, idle mother, acc. Happy father, of happy father, to happy father, happy father, acc. Polite child, of polite child, to polite child, polite child. Unpolite children, sad mothers, faithful fathers. Of unhappy fathers, of happy mothers, of diligent children. To idle fathers, to naughty children, to wicked mothers. Bad fathers, ugly mothers, well-behaved children, acc.


are not declined when they come after substantives.


ist, is; sind, are.

Der Vater ist groß. Die Mutter ist gut. Das Kind ist klein. Das junge Kind. Der kranke Vater. Die gesunde Mutter. Diese Väter sind schwach. Diese Mütter sind krank. Sind unsere Kinder gesund? Unser Vater ist glücklich. Ist unsere Mutter glücklich? Meine Kinder sind faul. Seine faulen Kinder. Ein solcher Vater ist höflich. Eine solche Mutter ist häßlich. Ist seine Mutter traurig? Deine Kinder sind fleißig. Welche Mutter ist krank?


Our mother is happy. My child is ill. His father is tall. Such unhappy child. A sad mother. My children are polite. Your mothers are ill. Is your child naughty? Is your mother sad? A bad father. Is your child young? Such a father is happy. An idle child. Is your father strong? Which child is diligent? Which fathers are wicked? Our mothers are ill..



Des Vaters. Der Mutter. Des Kindes. Jenem Vater. Diese Mutter. Welchem Kinde? Unsere Väter. Meiner Mutter. Seinen Vätern. Welches Kind? Keinem Kinde. Solcher Mütter. Deinen Kindern. Welcher Mutter? Jedem Vater. Keines Kindes. Welche Kinder? Dem guten Kinde. Der gute Vater. Des kleinen Vaters. Den armen Müttern. Des kranken Kindes. Einem starken Vater. Solcher gesun

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