Adr. Tunis was never grac'd before with fuch a paragon to their Queen. Gon. Not fince widow Dido's time. Ant. Widow, a pox o'that: how came that widow in? widow Dido! (9) Seb. What if he had faid, widower Æneas too? Good lord, how you take it! Adr. Widow Dido, faid you? you make me ftudy of that she was of Carthage, not of Tunis. Gon. This Tunis, Sir, was Carthage. Adr. Carthage? Gon. I affure you, Carthage. Ant. His word is more than the miraculous harp.. Seb. He hath rais'd the wall, and houses too. Ant. What impoffible matter will he make eafy next? Seb. I think, he will carry this Ifland home in his pocket, and give it his fon for an apple. Ant. And fowing the kernels of it in the fea, bring forth more islands. Gon. I Ant. Why, in good time. Gon. Sir, we mere talking, that our garments feem now as fresh, as when we were at Tunis at the marriage of your daughter, who is now Queen. Ant. And the rareft that e'er came there. Seb. Bate, I beseech you, widow Dido. Ant. O, widow Dido! ay, widow Dido! Gon. Is not my doublet, Sir, as fresh as the first day I wore it? I mean, in a fort. Ant. That fort was well fish'd for. Gon. When I wore it at your daughter's marriage. Alon. You cram these words into mine ears agai ut The stomach of my fenfe. Would I had never Married my daughter there! For, coming thence, My fon is loft; and, in my rate, the too; Who is fo far from Italy remov'd, I ne'er again fhall fee her: O thou mine heir (9) The name of a widow brings to their minds their own hipwreck, which they confider as having made many widows in Naples. Of Naples and of Milan, what ftrange fish Fran. Sir, he may live. I faw him beat the furges under him, And ride upon their backs; he trod the water, The furge moft fwoln that met him his bold head Alon. No, no, he's gone. Seb. Sir, you may thank yourself for this great lofs, That would not blefs our Europe with your daughter, But rather lofe her to an African; Where the, at least, is banish'd from your eye, Alon. Prythee, peace. Seb. You were kneel'd to, and importuned otherwise By all of us; and the fair foul herself Weigh'd between lothness and obedience, at Which end the beam fhould bow. We've loft your fon, I fear, for ever: Milan and Naples have More widows in them of this business' making, Than we bring men to comfort them : (1) The fault's your own.. Alon. So is the dearest o' th' lofs. Gon. My lord Sebaftian, The truth, you fpeak, doth lack fome gentleness, Seb. Very well. Ant. And moft chirurgeonly. (1) It does not clearly appear whether the King and these lords thought the fhip loft. This paffage feems to imply that they were themselves confident of returning, but imagined part of the fleet destroyed. Why, indeed, fhould Sebaftian plot against his brother in the following Scene, unless he knew how to find the kingdom which he was to inherit ? Gon. Gon. It is foul weather in us all, good Sir, When you are cloudy. Seb. Foul weather? Ant. Very foul. Gon. Had I the plantation of this ifle, my lordAnt. He'd fow't with nettle-feed. Seb. Or docks, or mallows. 4 Gon. And were the King on't, what would I do? And women too; but innocent and pure: Seb. And yet he would be King on't. Ant. The latter end of his commonwealth forgets the beginning. (2) Gon. All things in common nature should produce, Without fweat or endeavour. Treafon, felony, Sword, pike, knife, gun, or need of any engine, Seb. No marrying 'mong his fubjects? Ant. None, man; all idle; whores and knaves. T'excel the golden age. Seb. Save his Majefty! Ant. Long live Gonzalo ! Gon. And do you mark me, Sir? Alon. Pr'ythee no more; thou doft talk nothing to [me. (2) The latter end of his commonwealth forgets the beginning.] All this Dialogue is a fine Satire on the Utopian Treatifes of Government, and the impracticable inconfiftent Schemes therein recommended. WARBURTON. Gon. Gon. I do well believe your Highness; and did it to minifter occafion to these gentlemen, who are of fuch fenfible and nimble lungs, that they always use to laugh at nothing. Ant. 'Twas you we laugh'd at. Gon. Who, in this kind of merry fooling, am nothing to you: fo you may continue, and laugh at nothing ftill. Ant. What a blow was there given ? Seb. An it had not fallen flat-long. Gon. You are gentlemen of brave metal; you would lift the moon out of her fphere; if the would continue in it five weeks without changing. Enter Ariel, playing folemn Mufick. Seb. We would fo, and then go a bat-fowling. Gon. No, I warrant you, I will not adventure my difcretion fo weakly; will you laugh me afleep, for I am very heavy. Ant. Go, fleep, and hear us. Alon. What, all fo foon afleep; I with mine eyes Would with themselves fhut up my thoughts: Ifind, They are inclin'd to do fo. Seb. Pleafe you, Sir, Do not omit the heavy offer of it: It feldom vifits forrow; when it doth, It is a comforter. Ant. We two, my lord, Will guard your perfon, while And watch your safety. [All fleep but Seb. and Ant. Alon. Thank you: wond'rous heavy Seb. What a ftrange drowfinefs poffeffes them? Ant. It is the quality o' th' climate. Seb. Why Doth it not then our eye-lids fink? I find not Myfelf difpos'd to fleep. Ant. Nor I, my fpirits are nimble : They fell together all as by confent, They They dropt as by a thunder-ftroke. What might, And yet, methinks, I fee it in thy face, no more. What thou fhould'ft be: the occafion fpeaks thee, and Dropping upon thy head. Seb. What art thou waking? It is a fleepy language; and thou fpeak'st With eyes wide open: ftanding, fpeaking, moving; Ant. Noble Sebaftian, Thou let'ft thy fortune fleep; die rather: wink'ft, Seb. Thou doft fnore diftinctly; There's meaning in thy fnores. Ant. I am more ferious than my cuftom. You Must be so too, if heed me; which to do, Trembles thee o'er. Seb. Well I am ftanding water. Ant. I'll teach you Seb. Do fo: to ebb how to flow. Hereditary sloth instructs me. Ant. O! If you but knew, how you the purpose cherish, By their own fear ΟΙ floth. Seb. Pr'ythee, fay on; The fetting of thine eye and cheek proclaim Ant. Thus, Sir: Although this lord (3) of weak remembrance, this, (3) This lord who being now in his dotage, has outlived his faculty of remembring, and who once laid in the Ground, fhall be as little remembred himself, as he can now remember other things. |