Ste. Mum then, and no more [To Caliban] pro Cal. I fay, by forcery he got this ifle ; From me got it. If thy greatnefs will Ste. That's most certain. -) [ceed, Cal. Thou shalt be lord of it, and Pll ferve thee. Ste. How now fhall this be compast? canst thou bring me to the party? Cal. Yea, yea, my lord, I'll yield him thee asleep, Where thou may'st knock a nail into his head. Ari. Thou lieft, thou canst not. Cal. What a py'd ninny's this! (1) thou fcurvy patch! I do befeech thy greatnefs give him blows, ; And take his bottle from him when that's gone, Ste. Trinculo, run into no further danger: interrupt the monster one word further, and, by this hand, I'll turn my mercy out of doors, and make a ftock-fifh of thee. Trin. Why, what did I? I did nothing; I'll go further off. As Ste. Didft thou not fay, he ly'd ? Ari. Thou lieft. Ste. Do I fo? take you that. [Beats bim. you like this, give me the lie another time. Trin. I did not give thee the lie; out o'your wits, and hearing too? A pox of your bottle! this can fack and drinking do. A murrain on your monfter, and the devil take your fingers! (1) What a py'd ninny's this!] This line fhould certainly be given to Stephano. Pied ninny alludes to the striped coat worn by fools, of which Caliban could have no knowledge. Trinculo had before been reprimanded and threatened by Stephano for giving Caliban the lie, he is now fuppofed to repeat his offence. Upon which Stephano cries out, What a pied ninny's this ?-thou fcurvy patch! Caliban now feeing his master in the mood that he wished, infligates him to vengeance. I do befeech thy greatness give him blows. Cal. Cal. Ha, ha, ha. Ste. Now, forward with your tale; pr'ythee ftand further off. Cal. Beat him enough; after a little time I'll beat him too. Ste. Stand further. Come, proceed. Cal. Why, as I told thee, 'tis a custom with him Batter his skull, or paunch him with a stake, One fpirit to command. They all do hate him, He has brave utenfils, (for fo he calls them) The beauty of his daughter; he himself Cal's her a non-pareil: I ne'er faw woman, But only Sycorax my dam, and fhe : But the as far furpaffes Sycorax, As greatest does the least. Ste. Is it fo brave a Lafs? Cal. Ay, lord; the will become thy bed, I warrant, And bring thee forth brave brood. Ste. Monster, I will kill this man: his daughter and I will be King and Queen, fave our Graces and Trinculo and thyfelf fhall be Vice Roys. Doft thou like the plot, Trinculo? Trin. Excellent. : Ste. Give me thy hand; I am forry, I beat thee: but, while thou liv'ft, keep a good tongue in thy head. Cal. Within this half hour will he be asleep; Wilt thou destroy him then? Ste. Ay, on my honour. Ari. This will I tell my mafter. Cal. Thou mak'ft me merry; I am full of pleasure ; Ste. Let us be jocund. Will you troul the catch, Ste. At thy requeft, monster, I will do reafon, any reafon come on, Trinculo, let us fing. [Sings. Flout 'em, and fkout 'em; and fkout 'em, and flout 'em; thought is free. Cal. That's not the tune. [Ariel plays the Tune on a Tabor and Pipe. Ste. What is this fame? Trin. This is the tune of our catch, plaid by the picture of no-body. Ste. If thou be'ft a man, fhew thyself in the likeness; if thou be'st a devil, take't as thou lift. Trin. O, forgive me my fins! Ste. He that dies, pays all debts: I defie thee. Mercy upon us! Cal. Art thou afraid? Ste. No, monfter, not I. Cal. Be not afraid; the ifle is full of noises, Sounds, and sweet airs, that give delight, and hurt not, Sometimes a thousand twanging instruments Will hum about mine ears, and fometimes voices; That, if I then had wak'd after long fleep, Will make me sleep again; and then in dreaming, The clouds, methought, would open, and fhew riches Ready to drop upon me; then when I wak'd, I cry'd to dream again. Ste. This will prove a brave kingdom to me, where I fhall have my mufick for nothing. Cal. When Profpero is destroy'd. Ste. That fhall be by and by: I remember the story. Trin. The found is going away; let's follow it, and after do our work. Ste. Lead, monster; we'll follow. I wou'd I could fee this taborer. He lays it on. Trin. Wilt come? I'll follow Stephano. [Exeunt. SCENE SCENE III. Changes to another part of the Island. Enter Alonfo, Sebaftian, Anthonio, Gonzalo, Adrian, Francifco, &c. Gon. Y'R lakin, I can go no further, Sir, BMy old bonecake, here's a maze trod, indeed, : Through forth-rights and meanders! by your patience, I needs must rest me. Alon. Old lord, I cannot blame thee, Do not for one repulfe, forego the purpose Seb. The next advantage Will we take throughly. Ant. Let it be to night; For, now they are opprefs'd with travel, they Seb. I fay, to night: no more. Solemn and ftrange mufick; and Profpero on the top, invifible. Enter feveral frange fhapes, bringing in a banquet; they dance about it with gentle actions of falutation; and, inviting the King, &c. to eat, they depart. Alon. What harmony is this? my good friends, hark! [these? Alon. Give us kind keepers, heaven! what were Seb. Seb. A living drollery. Now I will believe, That there are unicorns; that, in Arabia There is one tree, the phoenix' throne; one phoenix At this hour reigning there. Ant. I'll believe both : And what does elfe want credit, come to me, And I'll be fworn 'tis true. Travellers ne'er did lie, Though fools at home condemn 'em. Gon. If in Naples I fhould report this now, would they believe me? (For, certes, these are people of the Inland) Many; nay, almost any. Pro. Honeft lord, Thou haft faid well; for fome of you there prefent Alon. I cannot too much mufe, Such fhapes, fuch gefture, and fuch found, expreffing (Although they want the ufe of tougue) a kind Of excellent dumb difcourfe. Pro. Praife, in departing. Fran. They vanish'd ftrangely. Seb. No matter, fince They've left their viands behind; for we have ftomachs. Will't please you taste of what is here? Alon. Not I. [boys, Gon. Faith, Sir, you need not fear. When we were Who would believe, that there were mountaineers Dew-lapt like bulls, whofe throats had hanging at 'em Wallets of flesh, or that there were fuch men, Whose heads flood in their breasts? which now we find, Each putter out on five for one will bring us (2) Good warrant of. (2) This paffage alluding to a forgotten custom is very obfcure the putter out must be a traveller, elfe how could he give this account? the five for one is money to be received by him at his return. Mr. Theobald has, well illuftrated this paffage by a quotation from Johnson. Alon |